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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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which are completely built on individual egoism, where a person cannot relate himself to his neighbors in the staircase, let alone with a nation, people, europe, in general, there a person thinks in categories, what exactly this weekend can i buy for myself at a sale, when there will be a black friday there , it is very difficult to build a new model for managing this society, when people have individual egoism and atomization in their heads, i think that very soon this year we will begin to see how those...
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hope that russia will lose, because that this is the only case, how can they remain in their power, positions, preserve their way of life, property , etc., i want to disappoint them, this is impossible, russia physiologically cannot lose, we will definitely win, and our president will win, our supreme commander in chief , our guys will return from there, i am sure that the country will change a lot after this, the 35 years that have just passed or are passing will still be given...
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when they started the war in libya, when it is not clear what they were doing in afghanistan, and they themselves already forget many things, they call the ukrainian conflict, some of them are now the first on european territory, and where was yugoslavia in africa, or what? many will give their assessment of these years, but china has already given an assessment; in february of last year, a large document was published by the chinese ministry of foreign affairs.
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called the negative aspects of american hegemony, they did not find any order there, they did not see anything good, they did not see anything positive there, and what we now see in the region of the near middle east is more time proves that order is collapsing, the americans continue to act without a clear strategy, i’m not talking about the strategy of those who profit from this, i’m talking about the state strategy, about the goals that are articulated, proclaimed, there will be prosperity in iraq, there will be prosperity in afghanistan prosperity, in libya, in syria there will be prosperity, well, where is this prosperity , the fact that they themselves are already confused, yes, this can be seen from the decisions that they are now making, but in fairness to the radio, i must say that the european union is still in 2017 announced hamas is a terrorist group, but now it’s absolutely true that they are taking targeted sanctions against individual... leaders of this
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group, for example, against yaha sinwar, who sits in the gaza strip, well, is he afraid that some of his accounts will be frozen, a european, man , who does not have such accounts.
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saudi arabia, the emirates and many others believe that without an inter-yemen truce there will be no stability in this region, and this is a very important region. the usites control the red sea coast, this is 10% of international trade in general and 30% of trade with the use of cargo containers , the americans were less affected by this , by the way, they suffered the least from the increase in prices for freight and cargo transportation; the ones who suffer the most are asians and europeans, this is again about certain personal interests.
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the un security council, interpreted them in their own way, carried out strikes, having previously disarmed muammar gaddafi, well, now they are striking at yemen, at syria, the israelis are also striking at syria, and
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in december they carried out a strike, as a result of which iranian general mousavi died, and 4 years ago the americans killed qasim soleimani with the help of a drone and that’s all. they thought it was on iraqi territory at baghdad international airport, and the iranian delegation was then met by iraqi officials, who also died. the americans kept thinking that this supposed order would last forever, but no, and even america’s closest allies have long called it disorder. saudi arabia objected to the us war in iraq in 2003, saying it would be a complete disorder and chaos. turned out to be right, because they live in this region, but now a retaliatory strike is coming, the iranians looked at this, looked, and now struck three states at once, and in one case this was agreed with the
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syrian government and the strikes were carried out on the northern the syrian province of idlip, which the assad government does not control and does not control why? because the americans established their zones of influence there, actually divided this country, i’m not talking about turkey, which controls northern syria, because it all started precisely because of america’s policy, they were trying to overthrow bashar-assad, they were betting on someone, on radicals, on islamists in syria, just a few days ago, the israelis launched another blow on syria, which... surprised me , because this time the attack was not on pro-iranian groups, one of the members of the leadership of the syrian liberation army was killed, this is an opposition group that was nurtured by the americans, i looked at why
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the israelis suddenly hit one of the representatives, but because the israelis discovered that this group and some of its militants maintained ties with... hamas in palestine, so why did you rely on islamic radicals in washington? who negotiated with the taliban in afghanistan? is considered by the un definition, according to our terrorist lists, it is still considered a terrorist organization, now it is in power, because there is no alternative, there is no alternative after the americans sat there for several decades and did what they did, here is the answer, iran, therefore, attacked syria, in pakistan, on the targets of a radical group, the justice army in iraqi kyrdistan, where they hit targets, well
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, it is believed that they hit those who collaborate with the israeli secret service massad. and the iraqis can't say anything. the iraqi government really can’t say anything, because iran says: what are the israeli intelligence services doing in the north of your country, because you do not have official relations with israel. there is no well-thought-out strategy, there is, well, a strategy of controlled chaos, the so-called, and as
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for here are a few words literally about sanctions and hamas , and indeed a terrorist organization, well, i still wouldn’t say so optimistically that it won’t affect them in any way, as we know, immediately after the start of the war around israel, some cryptocurrency wallets that belonged to hamas later became aware that they were actively playing in the market, betting against the shekel exchange rate on its fall. and the fall in israeli stock indices , almost a billion dollars were earned there, it all ran away, of course, but nevertheless, some financial transactions, i think they will try to twist them, especially in the european union, where , as we know, the sanctions regime has not particularly worked against hamas recently, even many countries recognized them as legitimate, this very government in the gas sector, by the way speaking, even in america , in fact, this very council on american-islamic relations, yes cairo is called, well, this is literally the money of the muslim brothers associated with hamas , including now.
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to tighten things up, here are a few words about yemen, for some of them, i think that the situation in the red sea may be a problem, well, indeed, of course, this is a serious blow for world trade, and the cost. increased by at least 40%, insurance by about 70%, well, we are already seeing the first economic consequences of all this, just today statistics for the united kingdom arrived, the increase in inflation in december was unexpected, well, it grew quite a serious 4%, that is already again inflation in the west went up, the same in the european union about 3.5% and the same in in the united states, a couple of days ago the statistics also came in at 3.5% instead of 3% in november, that is, the american economy is... still not immune, and the whole world, well, is still quite globalized, so an increase
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in inflation in one place will lead to to the fact that inflation will grow elsewhere, including in the united states, it seems that 0.5%, 1%, 1.2 points there is not so much, so, but this actually breaks the current economic strategy of many western leaders who believed that we defeated inflation, in 2022 we raised rates, but the economy is bad, consumers... bad, the mortgage market is bad, banks are bad, but now we seem to have defeated it, inflation is settling down and can be lowered the stakes are precisely in order to support our shaky positions in the upcoming elections, which will be held in a large number of countries in 2024, in the united states, in britain, including in the european union, but i admit that this is not it will happen, so what? at a minimum, if they do lower key rates in the next month, this could again lead to an increase in inflation and also to negative consequences, so of course the consequences here will be very negative for all these guys. a few words about the pre-doctoral forum, well, kamala haris really didn’t go, i think the last time she
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was at the pre-doctoral forum was in 2022, but she sent her husband, and there are funny topics that he will discuss - anti-semitism and islamophobia, that is why i think that joe biden might tell us a lot of interesting things, if i’m not mistaken, he never went for delivery when he was president, but as for camela, harris, yes, i think she went last year at the munich security conference and she had the same mistake there as blinkin has now, that is , the plane, the plane of the vice president, also broke down, she was sent to america on some military plane, and as for the speech of salevan and blinkin at the final forum, honestly speaking, there is... blinken and loy tostin, the minister of defense, who seems to have now been discharged from the hospital, although no one has seen him yet, and there is another one there who is more, well, not exactly balanced, but smart, probably, yes , a slightly more intellectually developed position , which is sometimes broadcast by salevan, sometimes
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broadcast by bill burns, the director of the cia, but in this case, yes, if we are talking about blinken’s speech that... supposedly we have already defeated russia, this is of course history to the domestic consumer, yes, that is explain to the american voter that in fact we did not lose in this ukrainian counter-offensive, we did not allow the russians to take kiev in 3 days, as the russians supposedly wanted, so this is like a victory for us, as for sulivan, he is of course already in greater trying to explain to the europeans themselves that let’s build a new world order, now our system is gradually becoming a thing of the past, we no longer de facto guarantee you the security that was before, if between the lines... read salevon’s statement, this is what we’re talking about speech then yes, let's rearm , increase your military spending, we just mentioned today that the europeans seem to be ready to increase military spending, in words , yes, yes, but in my opinion the latest statistics for the twenty-third year, there are eight or nine countries, maybe already 10 nato countries, have raised their military spending to this figure of 2%, that is
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, still less than half, but of course they will try to force the europeans to spend more on weapons, to spend more in that including for the ukrainian project. as for all these statements that russia will attack the baltic states in 2-3-4 years, here i think that, of course , the timing is very important, yes, because always, when they talk about such a radical scenario, approximately they are looking somewhere in the direction of something like this in 1927, and not only is this connected with russia, but they are also talking about the same thing in relation to china, that china will definitely attack taiwan, so we have estimates that will be somewhere in twenty-seven, that is, well, of course, the task is to force...
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trump won as expected, got his 51%, well, what was basically expected was shown by all the polls, in a few days on january 23 there will be a primary in new hampshire, there there is already some competition, and nicky haley, another candidate in the republican primaries, trump’s competitor, is still trying to impose some competition on him, but i think that trump will also win quite easily in newhamshire, maybe he’ll just get a slightly lower result than his was in iowa then 2 weeks later nevada, well, trump has everything there in general. wonderful, and in 2 weeks it’s south carolina, then at the beginning of march super tuesday, that’s when i think trump quite easily wins in all 15 states that will vote and becomes de facto, and the person who won these very rights is removed before, yes, here of course the question already arises, yes, what will happen with the court, with all the judicial battles, as we know, the debate in
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the supreme court on the removal of trump from the primary starts around february 5, so i think that by... they will try to figure it out there in two or three weeks, by the end of february there will be some result of imprisonment, well, perhaps, well, in this case, not to imprison, but simply to remove, remove from the primary, that’s why that trump allegedly participated in this very rebellion or organized this very rebellion, well, to be honest, again, i know american lawyers there, everyone expects a decision of either 6 on 3 or 7 on 2 in favor of trump, that’s because there really is republican majority on the supreme court, and judges whom trump himself appointed, well, it’s really not... it ’s a lost cause, because well, you can treat the storming of the capitol on january 6 any way you want, that is, it’s like a purely procedural way to remove trump from the election for something for which he was not charged , that is, he had to be first recognized by the court as a rebel, then removed for this, well, it’s obvious that this is such a politicization of justice, but nevertheless, there may be surprises, so i’m not ready to judge that 100%,
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the supreme court will definitely stand on his side, but the likelihood of this is quite high, if this does not happen, if trump is acquitted. the court will not put spiders in his wheels, then on march 5 he will win at price, everything will be great for him, but we will follow this story with you, well, the second story is, of course, everything that concerns the approval of the budget in congress for ukraine , there are literally 2 days left before the deadline for the first shutdown, they will definitely adopt some kind of budget, most likely it will be a short-term budget until mid-march, so during this time they will try to agree on something regarding ukraine, well, to be honest, i am not changing my forecast, i think that there is up to 20 billion dollars there. it can be passed through congress quite calmly, but now the republicans have a new interesting idea: to allocate money to ukraine literally on a monthly basis, that is , send an auditor every month to see how they were there.
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connected with the successful actions of ukrainian troops in the kharkov and kherson regions with the supply of the latest western weapons systems to ukraine, so to speak, hopes are dying the latter, that’s why then, so to speak , both salevan and blinken said that ukraine had already won, that a little more, so to speak, and crimea would be ours...
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and the dominant foreign policy ideology in the united states, which has been dominant for the past century, this very american triumphalism, which has already
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been talked about many times, in the conditions of this triumphalism more than one generation of american diplomats, politicians, representatives of the media, members of the public, and so on, have been brought up etc. people are absolutely sure that america is a city on a hill, that it should teach how to live. the rest of humanity, that if someone, some political figure somewhere in the world does not agree with this american leadership, this means that he is a dictator, this means that he is an authoritarian, heads an authoritarian regime, that he is, so to speak , , the enemy of his own people, so you need to turn over his head to his own people, so to speak, organize another regime change there and bring some misha to power saakashvili, so to speak, or... there is mr. yushchenko or someone else like that, these are the people who will unconditionally carry out, so to speak, the fateful decisions of the washington regional party committee...
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and that is, he has now humiliated biden , he ’s with alvan, with blinkin, there he runs to meet with any rag from america, and just about, that is, he’s an amazing person, just amazing, well, in general, we don’t feel sorry for him, well, yes, right here again , returning to the question of american diplomacy, so to speak, arises?
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it’s clear that these countries are far from the most developed and advanced in the world, so to speak, such incidents happen, the only superpower in the world that teaches all people how to live, you know, this country cannot control its southern border, only texas, driving out federal border guards, said that further along the border he was forced to send his national guard to the border zone, because there was no other way to stop this flow. yes, well, just a small piece for now, we’ll see, so to speak, what will happen next, well, the road to thousands begins with the first, yes , so, i think it would, perhaps, not be so stupid, so to speak, to make a statement, to appoint a word that we fully support, so to speak, the right of the people of texas to defend their independence, something like that, and appeal, a great idea,
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now advertising, after which we will continue with a new composition. my mother was 10 years old at the time, they told her about a petrified girl in a house on chkalovskaya street, we studied the medical archive, specifically in 1956, they said that in our courtyard... the girl was dumbfounded, she was dancing there with the icon, but such a miracle happened, a shameful phenomenon for us communists, i began to ask how you stood for so many days, she said, the fire surrounded me, she walked by and said one word, repent, repent , repent.


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