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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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china on the uzbek site, the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old ties are being remembered, but we have centuries-old ties. uzbekistan produces 350,000 cars at breakneck speed and changes the economy. now let's talk about sports ilya, the all-russian spartakiad will be held in five regions from february 9 to 18, tell us how the preparations are going? tanya, good morning, everything is going according to plan, and one of the most titled snowboarders has become the ambassador of the main competition of the russian winter season. in history this is
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two-time olympic champion vic wild. andrey rublev reached the third round of the australian open. the russian in the match against the american christopher jubengs did not lose a single game on his serve, making one break in each game. as a result, a victory in three sets. rublev’s opponent in the third round will be another us representative, sebastian korda. karen khachanova , last year's semi-finalist of the tournament, made an unsuccessful start to the match against the american alexander kavacevich.
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representative of the top ten in the wta rankings. this is the first victory in her career over the russian woman’s opponent in the third round of the competition will be ukrainian marta kostyuk. avangard beat cska on home ice in a regular season match of the continental hockey league, and this was the army team’s third defeat in a row. the meeting ended with a score of 4:1. the most productive period of the match was the first period, and the goals were scored. excel three times. in the second period, the army team , through the efforts of sergei plotnikov, reduced the gap in the score, but they could achieve more failed. a second before the end of the meeting , the host slovak legionnaire tomas jurcu hit the empty goal to set the final score 4:1. avangard extends its winning streak in the khl to six matches. the kontinental hockey league deducted four points from siberia for violating the limit on foreign players. the novosibirsk team entered four players in four matches this season. previously, russian clubs could
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enter up to five foreign players per match, but a new limit was introduced this season. in the 23-24 season, a team's application for a game may be maximum three legionnaires. after additional verification, it was determined that the defender of siberia, fedor gordeev, who has two passports, is not eligible to play for the national team. defender danil krugovoy, who plays for the st. petersburg football club zenit, signed a contract with csk moscow. agreement. counted until the end of the twenty- seventh-twenty-eighth season will begin on june 4 of this year, the contract includes an option to extend for one season. the zenit press service immediately reported that the defender was transferred to the second team, for which will perform until the end of this season. krugovoy, 25 years old, moved to zenit in 2019, but spent the 1919-20 season on loan to vuf, for whom he had previously played. as part of zineta, the round-robin became the champion of russia three times and won the country's super cup four times. three-time
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champions league winner, christian sant women's handball club is experiencing funding problems. in this regard, olympic champion anna vyakhereva is forced to call potential sponsors of the club with requests for allocation of funds. vyakhereva, who in international sports is called the handball messi, during calls to potential sponsors, is forced to talk about the difficult financial situation in which the club finds itself and expresses the hope that these difficulties can be overcome together. formerly christian sant. 20 norwegian krone is 170 rubles. it was sports news, see you after 7 am. muhammad morandi, professor at the university of tehran. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. the first and most important thing is the revolution that... took place
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in iran. the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control. the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it. blizzards and freezing rains. how many hours does the metropolis have before the blizzard begins and when it ends, vadim zavodchenko knows about this. the storm conveyor belt in action covered the east of the russian plain with snow for three days, and today the west
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of the region will come under attack when the edge of the snowstorm reaches moscow. at what hours can snowfall turn into freezing rain and for how long? the long-suffering volga region has to... prepare for a new round of bad weather. current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. i'm vadim zavodchenkov, leading antrofobass specialist. hello, powerful snowstorms will cover moscow in the coming hours. the weather conditions on the russian plain in the last three days were, to put it mildly, very difficult, but the east, the volga region, the volgovyad region and the southern urals suffered most. everyone. good, snowy morning, yesterday i drove 10 meters to the house, now i’ll get the tooth out, i’ll calmly clean the road so that other cars, but that was not the case, this video, for example, from kazan, here only in the past
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24 hours 20% of the monthly rainfall fell, in other regions of tatarstan since monday the amount has already exceeded... the entire january norm, and the situation in the eastern regions of european russia, from vyatka to the orenburg region, strong winds aggravated the situation. the result of the violence of the elements were blocked roads, including the federal m-12, restrictions on m-5 and m-7, and a huge number of motorists stuck on the roads who did not heed the requests of the police and the ministry of emergency situations to postpone long-distance trips. travel to...
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or will stop altogether, alas, not for long, because after this whirlwind a new one is already breaking through into our country, during the day its cloud fields will cover the western and northwestern regions of the country. i note that in some places the precipitation may turn into the phase of freezing rain, because well-warmed atlantic air spreads in the front part of the cyclone. in the bryansk, kursk, belgorod regions, as well as in the south, it will even reach. thaws, there is no point in rejoicing at the rise in temperature, a collision of cold and abnormal heat will lead to a sharp increase in the wind throughout the european part of russia. today the storm zone is localized in the western part of the region, it will blow from the baltic to the spurs of the caucasus,
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but at night the storm will spread to the central regions, the middle and lower volga, and tomorrow it will hit the long-suffering east of russia with renewed force. in moscow, the first half of the day will still be cold and calm, but at about 3 o’clock the wind will increase to 15-20 m/s and a snowstorm will rise, warming and the storm will peak at night on friday morning, it will be about zero, during this period freezing rains cannot be ruled out in places in the megalopolis. as a result of the snow storm, the snowdrifts in moscow will grow by 10-15 cm. and then the turn will come to the volga region. today in kazan, precipitation is unlikely, and frosts will sharply increase to -15-20, but local utility workers will have very little time to clear the sidewalks. on friday, the influence of the cyclone will begin to affect itself and a snowstorm will rise again with wind gusts of up to
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18-23 m/s. that's all for me, goodbye.
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it's -5 at the zoo, mom will say it's five action oralsept for pain and inflammation in the throat, five actions of oralsept for pain in the throat orals. dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't
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stay late now, there are many vacancies on avito , work, you will find not just a job, but your place. it tastes better on fire, burger king. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of its causes. vika sherstenika, it doesn’t matter to whom you transfer or pay, it is important that there are no commissions or
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restrictions. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel commissions for all payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. won't you get drunk again? dropvolimi, motherwort, hawthorn and mint. volimedin drop. calm, just calm. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it, join us megamarket. megamarket - just grow with us. large, tender, mushroom bikchickenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles. maria loves
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the sun very much, but life is spent among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, of the pluses there is miramestin, it is logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia. now alexander's economic news, housing commissioning in russia shows records in the individual construction segment over the past year , almost 60 million square meters, tell us what about apartment buildings? tatiana, more than 50 million square m2, so far other topics. russia will not pay a contribution to the un economic commission for europe for 2023. prime minister mikhail mishustin signed a corresponding order. let me remind you that since 2008, we have annually replenished
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the commission’s budget by $1,200 thousand, but last year we refused to pay for 2022. the decision is related to the destructive policies of the united states and the european union, the foreign ministry explained. housing construction in russia is breaking records, as deputy prime minister marat khusnulin said; last year individual developers introduced about 59 million km. growth of the russian economy, presidential aide maxim oreshkin said in an interview with komsomolskaya pravda radio; he called the oil sector not the most promising, but noted that the corresponding goods will be an important part of the world market for at least another 10-15 years. what you definitely shouldn’t expect is that there will be any rapid growth in either the consumption of these goods or their prices. most likely, this
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scenario is the least likely only if some geopolitical events are not very good. but what is this market will remain an important segment of the global economy for at least 10-15 years, that’s absolutely certain. in austria, sanctions against russia were called the cause of inflation in the republic. the level of price growth at the end of last year reached almost 8%. the reason for this is the government’s erroneous policy, the leader of the austrian freedom party is sure. the roots of this extremely high inflation lie in the coronavirus enforcement regime. in which our economy was strangled by arbitrary blockades and the closure of factories under the sanctions regime imposed by the eu, which led to an explosive rising energy prices. instead of real help, there is only charity for their own population, while the authorities spend billions of taxpayers’ money on the needs of the eu, the zelensky regime and illegal immigrants. shipping disruptions
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in the red sea from houthi attacks have hit the global oil market in much the same way as the pandemic. austrian about this. the head of the omf, alfred stern, told the media. an important logistics route is no longer 100% operational. it takes two weeks longer to go around with good hope. similar we had problems with logistics during the pandemic, which increased inflation in europe, this time oil prices rose due to the conflict in the red sea. since november, the houthis have attacked dozens of ships in the red sea, followed by american strikes on yemenua. the situation has only gotten worse; insurers are already refusing to work with companies that are associated with israel, the usa and the uk. there are half as many carriers in this water area as there were in december. that 's all for now, more news in the next hour. russia, traditional, modern,
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technological, original, open, great. like this. different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, exactly 81 years ago, soviet troops broke the blockade of leningrad, the terrible siege of the city of naniva lasted 872 days, despite hunger, death, constant bombing, to the enemy. life. the ballet school continued to work and cultural activities in leningrad did not stop , even accepting new students. the artists gave performances and raised morale about the present courage, report by ekaterina fisenko. graceful turn of the neck, fragile but stately figure. tatyana aleksandrovna udalenkova has been in ballet
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for more than 80 years. these walls protected, saved, raised the threshold of leningrad. for 2 years the city had already been under siege, we just had to go to the zoo, we had already opened the door, suddenly, like on the radio, some important message, german troops attacked our country, attacked our borders, no zoo, of course there was none, my father rushed to the store and bought cereal, no one knew. but they they saved a family during the terrible days of the siege, people were dying around them, but the city lived its own life, yellowed pages, unwritten memories of the director of the kirov theater evgeniy radin, there was opera, ballet in leningrad, and after the performance the audience went to the factories, and the ballerinas to the scenery workshop. in the deft hands of ballerinas galina sergeevna ulanova and elena mikhailovna lyukom, a network is woven
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thread by thread, the network is decorated with mocha bushes. waiting for girls and boys, and seven-year-old tanya had a dream, and although she didn’t fit in age, she didn’t achieve enough, but just i wanted to dance, i wanted to dance. i spent a month, september, at school , didn’t do anything, didn’t write, didn’t say anything, i won’t study here,
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“goose, child of the siege, skinny, third hall from the bottom, that’s what the children called the only open hall, they studied there, they study and today , hands, girls, elbows down and a little closer , a huge building, dark corridors, all doors are closed, terrible cold and thin girls and boys in white light tunics, endlessly repeating the commands of teachers, stood here.
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the best heating capabilities explain it the choice of this particular room, but there was a huge window, a mirror, and with the growing roar of aerial bombs, eight-year-old girls immediately ran out into the corridor and hid behind these thick walls. children were transported to hospitals in open trucks, the wounded loved it very much when little ballerinas performed, their ebullient children's energy did not allow them to be afraid,
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the groups, the military were able to pray in front of the icon, in addition, the priest confessed and gave communion to everyone. at the end, he wished the defenders of the homeland good luck, health and to return home with victory. we brought the holy image saved the one-time creature, we take him to positions, our soldiers, today we soldiers had the opportunity to pray before this, to partake of the holy mysteries of christ, therefore. of course, it gives consolation, spiritual strength, and gives the warrior faith that the lord will always help him, save him and protect him in
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difficult times. this image was conveyed by the supreme commander-in-chief of russia, our president vladimirovich putin, and all the military personnel of the armed forces; the spiritual component has great significance, great significant weight for the personnel. so thanks to the veterans organizations, higher command, the supreme commander-in-chief for such a wonderful opportunity to touch the shrine of our russian orthodox church.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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wars end, for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly, to win for it, there is such a job: to be defender, when you become a professional, it becomes your life’s work, a military matter, serve according to your heart, join your own. if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations, clear conditions and an impressive effect from victory. the winning finalists will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted for
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platform idea. roscongress. rf/brand, the russian military killed almost fifty troops in one day. field artillery of the ukrainian armed forces in the krasnolimansky direction of a special military operation. in addition, a unit of the center group of troops destroyed a tank, a drone, several armored vehicles and pickup trucks of the enemy. in the kupinsky direction, fighters of the west group of troops fired from the city at fortified positions and enemy infantry. all designated targets were hit. and the crew of the msta self-propelled gun knocked out another british armored personnel carrier in this area production.


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