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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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the terrible siege of the city on the neva continued for 872 days. how did leningraders survive and how do they remember this day today in the northern capital? traffic on highways in pomolzhye has been restored, but new snowstorms are expected in a number of regions. where should we expect the elements to strike and what will the weather be like for baptism? iran. a video allegedly showing the consequences of the explosions appeared on social networks. according to the agency, pakistani planes entered the airspace of a neighboring country during the bombing. iran reports seven civilian deaths. pakistan's mid in turn, states that the targets of precision strikes were terrorist hideouts. the pakistani foreign ministry claims that it has repeatedly transmitted information to the iranian country. terrorist activities in
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the border areas, but did not receive a proper response from tehran. pakistan fully respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the islamic republic of iran. the only purpose of today's actions is to ensure its own security, the national interests of pakistan, which are of paramount importance and not may be compromised. the iranian foreign ministry explained this in exactly the same words earlier this week. your blows. on january 16 , tehran attacked the positions of a terrorist group in the neighboring country. the iranian foreign ministry today summoned the charge d'affaires of pakistan; the prime minister of pakistan left the world economic forum in davos ahead of schedule and returns to his homeland. beijing offered its mediation to the countries. the chinese foreign ministry stated that they are ready to play a constructive role in resolving the situation. about a series of conflicts near the middle mary will tell the east. birthplace. these images
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of the pakistani border country are broadcast by local tv channels. alarming news arrives every hour. the iranian army in the southeast of the country has been put on alert. local bloggers report: pakistani f-16s are flying around the iranian border. at the same time, the iranian news agency reports drone missile attacks on the headquarters of militants of the terrorist group jaysh al-adl in the vicinity of the pakistani city of panjur. according to media reports, there was a powerful explosion in the city of dashtiari, while official. tehran, they have not yet commented on such news. islamabad has closed all border points with iran. additional units of the pakistani army are sent to the iranian border, the media write. local journalists say a retaliatory strike by the pakistani armed forces against iran is inevitable. diplomatic efforts have failed to reduce tensions between pakistan and iran. pakistan's military response against iran is now inevitable. due to rising tensions, authorities asked civilians to stay away from the border area with iran, they write on social networks. pakistani authorities
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iran is accused of violating airspace, resulting in the deaths of people, including children. our response to iran will be swift. we send this message to the iranian authorities. we inform you that pakistan is recalling its ambassador from iran. in addition, islamabad is canceling all high-level visits that were previously scheduled between our countries. the attack on pakistan is an illegal and unacceptable act. mutual strikes between pakistan and iran are hotly debated.
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miles southeast of yemen aden. a fire broke out on board, the us confirmed. commenting on the situation in the region, the white house habitually stated that everything the united states does in the world is to protect national interests. but if other countries do the same without the permission of the united states, this is a total evil that needs to be fought. you said that the united states will defend its interests wherever they are. iran uses the same argument when it attacks terrorist groups in iraq, syria and pakistan. iran, it violated the sovereignty of other countries. observing the situation in the middle east, washington is persistently trying to assure the world that us intervention in the internal affairs of certain states is a voluntary desire of many countries. that's what i hear in regions like the middle east, where there is such a deep crisis right now. and in many ways the urgent
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task, i hear from almost every country, they want the us, they want us to be present. the houthis are more adept at finding weaknesses. powerful powers, writes the washington post. they control a bottleneck, a tight strait in the red sea, and this undermines the global supply chain, which will hit especially hard, primarily on the united states, but washington has not yet realized this, the publication notes. that night, the us military carried out another series of strikes on ussite-controlled yemen after they continued to attack commercial shipping. this was reported by cbs news, citing a state representative. maria skrodilka, news! formula adada of takayama engine oil instantly adapts to any engine operating modes and activates in real time those additives that are needed
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to protect him right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank.
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with the advent of 2024, which we all want to make better in every sense, and our president spoke about this in detail, our plans for areas of internal development are very clearly outlined, the government is working actively, just the other day several meetings took place with the president, a member of the government on a variety of . direction of ensuring the sustainable movement of our economy in the conditions that today arose due to the aggressive, illegal policies of the united states and its satellites. the tasks are clear: to get rid of any
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need to depend on those production , household, financial, banking, and logistics chains that are in one way or another controlled or located. the policy of the russian federation in its new edition, significantly, i would say, even radically revised, based on the realities of the modern world, when the west has proven its complete inability to negotiate, unreliability as partners in any endeavors, when
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the world majority does not want to put up with such a selfish approach, and wants to develop in full accordance with its national interests, with national interests. what values ​​they profess, what religions they profess and, in general, what traditions they have, therefore, on the foreign policy front we have very clearly defined guidelines for the development
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of relations with those who are ready to do this on an equal, mutually beneficial, mutually respectful basis, through frank. dialogue, negotiations aimed at searching a balance of interests, and not some decisions that will solely meet someone’s one-sided selfish interests. rely on their own selfish interests and do not take into account the interests of everyone else
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, and rule the whole world for 500 years, not have any serious competitors for almost this entire period, with the possible exception of the soviet period, but this is probably , contributes to getting used to the role of the hegemon, but life still moves on. new centers of economic growth, financial power, political influence, centers that are significantly ahead in their development, the same united states and other western countries. i'm sure you know about our assessments of the development of relations.
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political ministries, and if
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we are talking about our close circle, then of course, these are the countries of the middle east, iran, turkey, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, qatar, of course, we are interested in developing relations not only through bilateral channels, but with regional structures that were created by many...
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was the russia-latin america interparliamentary conference, which took place last fall, and africa and latin america, these, just like the asian countries i listed, are many emerging independent centers. polar world, we worked actively at the un, a group of friends in defense of the charter of the united nations was created there and has been successfully functioning for a couple of years now, within its framework joint statements are adopted on fundamental issues of world development, and this group actively stimulates the work and the general assembly as a whole, promoting.
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the west was adopted by an overwhelming majority of votes, but i would like to note the fact that for the second time in a row germany voted against this document. italy and japan , that is, the asian countries, which at one time, after the defeats in the second world war, publicly repented for the crimes committed during the years of this war, generally assured everyone
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that this would not happen again.
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organization will have many interested participants, i mentioned the shanghai cooperation organization as such an umbrella project in within the framework of which, along with the eurasian economic union and in the context of interaction with esian with other subregional structures, we contribute
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to the objective, natural formation of a large eurasian partnership, about which the president...
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of the continent without attempts outside the regional states to introduce themselves into these processes, so to speak, with their own , with its own charter. we are convinced that the countries of eurasia are quite capable of coping with all this on their own. well, of course, i listed various regional structures, but there are supra-regional structure, global structure, it's called briggs. brix symbolizes the wealth of the multipolar world, a particularly significant step to strengthen the position.
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journalists feel in countries with, so to speak, established democracies, excuse the expression, but in addition to, in addition to the everyday problems that our citizens face in the usa, in europe, in other countries, of course, emergency situations like natural ones do not disappear anywhere , and... created by man, that’s the last thing, recently we’ve been actively promoting the evacuation of russians, and citizens of cis
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countries, and some other states from the gas sector, and a few months before that from sudaan, where an internal conflict also broke out, in terms of public diplomacy , i will highlight such a milestone in its development as the creation in march last year.
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resources of others and live at the expense of other countries, and the upcoming forum, i draw your attention,
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the upcoming forum promises to be very, very interesting and important events, a number of major international events are being prepared from the cultural agenda in russia, in their including the world youth festival. as you know, there is very little time left before the start, the games of the future, a combination of physical sports and e-sports, the brix games, both games will take place in kazan, the games of the future are in february, and brix in the summer, an international intervision song competition is being prepared, interest in which many countries of the world majority have expressed interest in participating, but... of course, we will do everything possible to ensure that all our guests who come to the mentioned and numerous other events experience the full russian
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cordially. but other members of the ministry's leadership , heads of departments, our employees, especially when they go on delegations to international events, always do not try, but are simply obliged to talk about our work and make sure that our activities are understandable, open, what exactly is the purpose we are trying. thank you, i'm ready.
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a step for european security, well, this is how - such, you know, a semi-finished product, the conclusion of bilateral agreements with individual western countries was invented, i heard about what is contained in the document that was agreed between zelensky and sunak.


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