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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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now footage from the kremlin. ruslanevich, your company is known, how you assess the situation, how the work is going. vladimir vladimirovich, thank you very much for your time. allow me to report on the activities of the bamten stroy group of companies. let me briefly recall the history of the company. in 1975, by order of the ministry of transport construction, bam was formed for... the construction of all tunnels
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on the baikal-amur mainline, including severomolsky, the most complex tunnel in the world, the longest in russia, 15 km, yes 15 km 300 m, this is the most difficult tunnel in the world to dig, it is a very heavy object. over its half-century history, our company has built over 3,000 unique infrastructure facilities throughout the country, including 200 km of tunnels, 45 km of which are severoisky. 15 km, and the adits and vertical adits are only 45 km in total, imagine, yeah, this is the most difficult, i repeat, and this is the geography of our facilities, these are our veterans who installed all the tunnels on the bama, they continue to work for us today, they pass on their experience new to the generation of tunnel builders, uh-huh, wach, please.
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linger on page sixteen, we have completed the construction of the first two cross-border bridges between russia and china, these are the blagoveshchensk haich road and the bezel tunzyan railway; after the completion of the facility, the total investment in new production in the jewish autonomous region reaches 730 billion rubles. that is, we have completed the bridge. and investors went, this is jewish, together with the ministry of transport, it is the east of development, with the leadership of the omor region and russian railways, we began the design and construction of a new railway bridge between russia and china, and zhalin yes. upon completion, we are planning a promising export cargo flow of up to 20 million tons from sakha yakutia, the amur region for...
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material, metal structures and began to build, that is, prices for balakita did not affect us in any way, we managed to start construction, how much is it 9,000 people worked for you, yes, absolutely true, and the governor of the amur region was very active in the work once every two weeks for 3 years, he held a vacancy with by us, it’s true, trutnik petrovich came there once every 3 months, so we passed. a difficult
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period, in the twenty-first year there was an emergency situation, you remember, the whole country could see the rise of water up to 8 m, we overcame these difficulties without casualties and successfully completed the project. on the m12 highway we completed the construction of the only cable-stayed bridge at the site, here our specialists, bridge workers , for the first time in history, used sliding opalization when constructing pylons in the region, and absolutely right, it... they just opened this bridge 8 months earlier contract period, not far from there, we completed construction 8 months, also earlier than the contract period, the bridge over the sorou is a beautiful, beautiful bridge, and it was completed very beautifully. the nizhny novgorod region and the anchuvash republic connect four lanes there, yes , absolutely right, and we have started construction of the metro in the krasnoyarsk territory at the peak of construction there will be for... general
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taxes in the regions, the name valentina, yes, yes, we, tunnel boring brushes, that’s how it is, uh, men call women’s names, so, we named the second catherine, because she bitonschitsa is from there, the hero of the collaboration and valentina, yeah, after completing the construction of the second baikal tunnel, our specialists under the leadership of... russian railways moved to the city of chikdamyn, this is 940 km from khabarovsk for the construction of the second to uselensky tunnel, using the blast method, the mountain method, in conditions of the eternal world, you took part in the breakdown of the second
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baikal tunnel, we will have the breakdown of the second dusialinsky tunnel, please take part, this is a big event for the tunnel representative, you know. under the leadership of russian railways, we are implementing the first stage of the novorossiysk transport hub; upon completion of construction, the volume of carrying capacity will reach 8 million tons; together with gazprombank we came up with a proposal to implement the second stage
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through private investment with an increase in carrying capacity to 43 million tons. on your instructions, we have begun the construction of protective structures in the omur region.
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the governor gave us the best possible land right on the embankment, next to the temple, in a very beautiful place, with a view, these pictures will be exhibited there, the project is very beautiful, in conclusion i want to tell you briefly about the eight key objects that we completed construction simultaneously in 6 years, they are all familiar to you, and six of them were the most difficult period, when there was a difficult situation in the country, in in the world, this is when there is a coronavirus, a corona pandemic.
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it is also in operation for now, and will soon be modernized. svetlana dyuzhova has details. take the old or new bridge to blagoveshchensk in the opposite direction. such a nice choice. the amurskys have had it for a month now motorists and guests of the region. the builders put new weaduk, across the zeya river, into operation ahead of schedule by a whole year, thereby unloading the only crossing that had become significantly tired in 40 years. road bridge. built back in 1981, alarming signals began to appear more and more often, dangerous cracks began to form to eliminate which the crossing often had to be blocked; in may 2020, russian president vladimir putin instructed the government to allocate federal funds ahead of schedule for the construction of a new bridge.
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instead of 48 standard months, the bridge was built in 36 months, despite the difficult conditions in which the contractor had to work. let me remind you that we had a very serious flood here in 2022. we were able to start construction so quickly because specialists, machinery, and equipment were on the amur bridge, the blagoveshchenskaihe bridge was just finishing work, so they were able to quickly get to the construction site of the zaevsky bridge. already in october 2023, the object was put into operation for traffic, the bridge is slightly similar to the vladivostok gold one, it was opened in
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mid-december; in the very first days, thousands of motorists drove through it. i drive across the bridge every day, there in the morning to the city , back in the evening, i work on business trips, i drive employees, it’s become very good to drive, even, smooth asphalt, everyone is happy , everyone likes it, it saves time, about half an hour than in the old days. bridge, it’s generally convenient for us now, we’re from vladimirovka right in the center, very convenient, very convenient, yes, it takes us 15 minutes to get there, thank you all, huge, vladimir vladimirovich, construction cost more than 24 billion rubles. the main part of them from the federal budget are 26 supports, a cable -stayed road interchange system, including a two-level one at the junction of the access road to blagoveshchensk, the total length of the path laid by the builders is more than 10 km, almost two of which are the bridge itself across the river. after a month of operation of the bridge, experts began to calculate
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how much the new crossing relieved the old one, so far it is obvious that it was no less than half. until recently, according to experts, the load on the previous crossing exceeded the norm by 3-4 times. now at vdnkh, where the exhibition of russia is taking place, today is the day of the federal territory. my colleague anastasia panko is working at the exhibition, we’ll find out the details from her, she got in direct contact with the studio. anastasia, greetings, tell us what interesting things will visitors see today? hello, yuri, sirius celebrates his day in the format of an alumni meeting. today, students of the educational center, teachers, mentors, partners of sirius who have been working since its creation. this format of the event will generally take place in sirius. for the first time, by the way, in december the federal territory turned 3 years old, although the educational center itself has been operating for
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eight years, sirius is an educational center that has no analogue in our country, its goal is the development and further professional support of gifted children, those who have certain successes in various areas, these are sports, art, science, sirius works all year round for the guys from 10 to 17 years. from all regions of our country, during its entire existence , almost 70,000 schoolchildren have been there, children learn from the best teachers, experts, meet with actors, leaders of russian companies, they talk about their creative path, how they began their path of success, listen they support the guys and help them believe in themselves. at the official opening ceremony of sirius day, they talked about comprehensive programs for schoolchildren. about achievements and, of course, about plans for the future, for example, one of the key projects will be
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the construction and development of the scientific and technological campus and sirius university, this is a comprehensive scientific and educational center with a comfortable urban environment for living, studying and development in a huge number of areas. this entire project to create a campus is aimed at getting even more of the country’s talented youth involved. into the field of research and development, were involved in discussions, professional discussions of strategic issues in the scientific field, we we take a very serious approach to the creation of public spaces and public parks, as well as new laboratory educational production spaces, which are already actively developing and will be created, starting from 24, throughout.
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and master classes, and in just an hour in this hall you will be able to listen to talented young musicians, participants in the laureates of the all-russian constellation competition, one of the main creative... yes, anastasia, thank you, i’ll remind you that my colleague was in direct contact anastasia ponko.
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afalase. afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy a smart sber tv for only 11,990 rubles. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable, receive a superkick every month. it's -5 at the zoo, mom will say it's five. the effect of orals on pain and inflammation in the throat. five actions of oralsepto for a sore throat. oralceto. today in russia they remember one of the greatest stories of exploits. exactly 81 years ago , soviet troops broke the siege of leningrad. the terrible siege of the city on the neva lasted 872 days. the residents of the city went through real hell, but were able to withstand all the horrors of those days and did not
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surrender to the enemy. about the courage of the perseverance of the leningraders and their liberators dmitry akimov. st. petersburg today recalls one of the most terrible and heroic pages in the history of the city; it was today, 81 years ago, that hope returned to the homes, and most importantly, to the hearts of the residents of the besieged city. january 12 forty-third operation iskra began, the ground forces of the leningrad and volkhov fronts, with the support of the baltic fleet aviation, decisively attacked the german army. on the shleselburg-sinyavinsky ledge. on january 18 , 1943, as a result of the offensive of soviet troops, the city of shliselburg was liberated from the blockade ring. was torn apart until the nazis were completely destroyed, there was still a year left on this section of the front, but it was on january 18 that people realized that the worst was
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over. the siege of the northern capital continued from september 8, 1941 and lasted 872 days. we are working on victory square; this monument is probably known to all city guests who arrive in st. petersburg by plane. today, 18. speaking here, according to tradition , they lay flowers at the monument to the defenders of the city, among the participants are social activists, politicians, representatives of law enforcement agencies, schoolchildren and, of course, defenders of the city, residents of besieged leningrad. it is worth saying that this is only the first solemn event in a series of memorable events. this year the city widely celebrates the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad. costs to say that this is only the first ceremonial. an event in a series of memorable events, this year leningrad widely celebrates the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of the city.
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dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg. the investigative committee of russia has charged in absentia almost 70 more citizens of seven countries who are fighting on the side of kiev. in total, cases against 600 mercenaries are being investigated. and the day before, the russian military defense reported a strike with a rolling weapon at the place of temporary deployment.
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who had french mercenaries. in as a result of the strike, the building in which the mercenaries were stationed was completely destroyed, more than sixty militants were killed, over twenty were taken to medical institutions. regarding the death of its citizens, official paris is silent, because in the fifth republic mercenary activity is prohibited by law, but the soldiers of fortune prefer not to miss the opportunity to make money on the reluctance of the ukrainian population to fight against russia and go to the front line. for decent money. political scientist xavier maro said in an interview with artie: paris is closing for these are the eyes, because this is in the interests of nato. nato
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is forced to send mercenaries so that the front does not collapse under the onslaught of the russian army. a significant part of the ukrainian population does not want to fight against russia, but someone needs to fight and fight well, for this purpose foreign mercenaries are used. there are still fewer french people there than english, poles or canadian citizens. macron said this at a press conference on january 16, a few hours before the arrival at the mercenary base in kharkov. moscow knows more about the activities of mercenaries on the territory of ukraine, what the west would like is regular targeted strikes. places where they are based, the investigative committee of russia constantly replenishes the evidence base with new materials about their crimes. as part of the criminal case on mercenarism, the investigation
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obtained additional materials, on the basis of which another 68 foreigners from seven countries were charged in absentia. in total, criminal cases are currently being investigated against 591 foreign citizens from 46 countries. most of them are representatives of the usa, canada. georgia, israel, great britain, germany, lithuania and latvia. meanwhile, ukrainian defense minister umerov canceled his visit to france, allegedly for security reasons. with a french colleague, umerov was supposed to participate in a conference to launch an artillery coalition. kiev intends to purchase french caesar self-propelled guns, and is also asking to increase the production of ammunition, but with the latter everything is extremely difficult. in the french senate, the fifth republic produced 20 per year
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. our boy experienced anger because of social injustice, i wanted to fight this, yes, then let's give him a medal, a film about family, about love, and of course, branded humor at the highest level, let's go, paris, let's eat an oyster and i really liked napoleon, napoleon, bonoparte welcomes you, carriages, unexciting, it was unpredictable, where, let's say, how where, in an attack, just a large-scale one, he did it, especially all these battles - this is right for you, very good directing, design, costume, what a bad thing, the score was great, white dance , let's invite gentlemen, pasha, don't you want to, don’t dance, which means don’t dance, got up and went, the film is positive, kind, morose. did you see,
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did you see? it seems to me that i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, holob 2, samarkan registan, an architectural masterpiece from former times, the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right side is reflected in the left, although there are 90 steps and 200 between them years, soviet times, uzbekistan and flop, synonyms, nothing grew here except it, now everything is different, trouble is still a locomotive. economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan. leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old connections are being remembered, and we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan is producing 350 thousand cars at breakneck speed, changing the economy.
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russia will persistently and consistently achieve the goals of the special operation, said sergei lavrov, head of russian foreign affairs. political department gathered journalists for a press conference on the results of 2023. from mida is joined on the air by my colleague natalya solovyova. we know the details from her. natalya, greetings, tell us what topics were in the spotlight, what main statements were made? yes, yuri, hello, this is a press conference summing up the year of events in the international arena in the past 2023, there were many questions, of course, journalists also had a lot. today in the hall there were representatives of 35
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states, almost 400 people, half.
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even such an experienced diplomat as sergei lavrov cannot predict the west, according to him words now go beyond even the resumption of dialogue with the united states on strategic stability. in the context of the hybrid war against russia led by washington, we do not see any grounds not only for additional joint measures in the field of arms control to reduce strategic risks, but in general for any conversation with the united states about strategic stability, we strictly stipulate such the possibility of a preliminary, full-fledged refusal of the west from the malicious course towards comprehensive undermining russia's security. the middle east, another important topic,
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has the foreign secretary flying to new york soon. to participate in a meeting of the un security council there will talk about the situation.


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