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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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built to connect russian regions with friendly china, and what modern technologies are used in such projects, answers to all these questions were voiced today at a working meeting of vladimir putin with the head of the bam-tonel-stroymost company ruslan baysarov, he summed up the work done over the past year and talked about plans for the future. details in the material by anastasia efimova. the first cross-border bridges between russia and china, the blagoveshchensk heikh highway. and
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railway nizhne-leninskoye tunzyan, two out of a total of 3,000 unique infrastructure facilities built over half a century of history, bam the tunnel is under construction. as the head of the company’s group, ruslan baysarov, reported to the president, together with a number of departments, they have already begun designing another railway crossing between our country and the prc. according to plans, the total cargo flow without impact on the eastern site will be up to 20 million tons. will come from yakutia and the amur region, whose residents were given a special , long-awaited and much needed gift last year. at 13 months of the contract period, we completed the construction of a bridge across the yakuzee in the amur region, with a total length of 10 km, 2 km of which is the bridge part. thanks to the decisions you made, we began to meet deadlines, that is, you remember.
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command to move funding to the left, we immediately purchased inert materials, metal structures and began to build, that is , the price of balakita did not affect us in any way, we managed to enter the construction site, how many 2,000 people worked for you, yes absolutely true, but the governor of the amur region was very active in his work and conducted videoconferencing every two weeks for 3 years. with us, it’s true, trutnik petrovich came there once every 3 months, so we went through difficult periods, in the twenty-first year, there was an emergency situation, you remember, the whole country could see a rise in water up to 8 m, we overcame these difficulties without casualties successfully completed the object. two projects were completed on the m12 highway, in the vladimir region. cable-stayed bridge, on which builders used a sliding bridge for the first time in history. disgraced. during the construction of pylons, and another one,
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to quote the president, beautiful and powerful across the sura river, connecting the nizhny novgorod region and chuvashia. we have started construction of the metro in the krasnoyarsk territory, at the peak of construction 9,000 specialists will be involved, mostly all siberians, some of them even our employees who built our tunnels, this will of course bring great development, investment, jobs, taxes - in the regions. the name is valentina, yes, yes, we are tunneling abacus, that’s how it is, men call women’s names, so we named the second ekaterina, because she comes from there, a concrete worker, a hero of co-construction and valentina, yeah, after the completion of the second baikal tunnel, our specialists under the leadership of russian railways moved to the city of chikdomyn, this is... 940 km
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from khabarovsk for the construction of the second pre-uselensky tunnel, explosive method, the mountain method in the conditions of the eternal world. vladimirovich, you took part in the breakdown of the second baikal tunnel, we will have the breakdown of the second dusialinsky tunnel, please take part, thank you. duseolinsky the tunnel is 2 km in permafrost, where not a single mining shield can pass.
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yes, of course, we continue the construction of two road and railway bridges in kaliningrad, yeah, yeah, yeah, you remember them, then yes, there’s some ground there and some of it, infrastructure? we have a social program, this is at the request of the governor of kamchatka, we have begun construction of a public center in konchatki, you know the place too, and the company has also begun construction of the largest art museum in the far east, 17 thousand works of art collected since 1902, a unique collection that will take its place in a new building on the khabarovsk embankment in 2000. ukrainian border guards reported the detention of a new batch of draft dodgers who were trying to get to hungary on a rubber boat. moreover, for the failed river crossing, the men managed to pay the guides from 5 to 9.00
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dollars each, and they were ready not only to give the money, but deliberately took a serious risk, using a not the most reliable vessel to escape to the eu. but fall into the clutches ukrainian military commissars are not important to the male population, apparently. men don’t even leave the house once again, they know that bounty hunters are waiting at the entrance , of course no one opens the door for them, but if food runs out, resourceful friends come to the rescue, a friend won’t leave you in trouble, won’t ask too much, that’s what that means a true true friend, the streets
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of kiev were empty, the military commissars scared everyone away, this driver even had to cancel his plans and turn around, because on the way he saw the tck checkpoint.
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register with social institutions, nor even more so to receive some form of education, treatment, including the speech that it would be impossible to even place children in
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a kindergarten or school. such a disdainful and humiliating attitude towards the population of one’s own country confirms once again that in ukraine not only does a person have no rights, but the person himself does not have them. main, but far from the only one, because the ministers asked about relations with the united states about
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the word bottom, but at the same time, american diplomats are constantly trying to raise the issue of limiting strategic arms, they this topic was raised solely in order to resume inspections and visit our nuclear facilities, while supplying the ukrainians with weapons, with the help of which , for example, the base of our strategic bombers was subjected to shelling, well, people who...
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may have participated in a general photo shoot carried out by the organizers, generously, generously, here is the answer to your question about how we assess the prospects for negotiations, it’s impossible to take a photo together. another example of double standards is the west's attitude towards israel's operation in the gas sector. to for example, germany in the un international court decided to support tel aviv in a lawsuit accusing the israeli army of genocide. the explanation is valid. strange, we ourselves were the organizers of genocide, so we
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will defend those accused of genocide. israelis should not even be given the impression that because they suffered in world war ii, they can do anything today. yes, there was a holocaust, it was a terrible crime. but also, there was also genocide of all peoples. soviet union, they suffered no less, according to this logic, then we too should now have everything everything is possible, everything is permitted, in principle, this is probably systemically unsuitable if we want to preserve international law. in germany , in general , something strange is happening with historical memory. in dresesden , a memorial plaque commemorating the destructive raids of american aircraft was dismantled. berlins horst museum, dedicated to the surrender of nazi germany.
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tortured, it turns out that in this situation with such a distortion of history, russian diplomacy will continue to struggle. alexey golovko, nikita korneev, viktor kazakov, andrey baraukhin and denis kuznetsov. news. on almost 39 billion rubles were allocated for the compulsory health insurance program in new russian regions.
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mikhail mishustin announced this today at a government meeting. as the prime minister noted, the procedure for financing the medical sector in the donbass republics, as well. in the kherson zaporizhzhya region has been approved and despite the fact that the compulsory medical insurance system there is still just being rolled out in full, residents will have access to free medicine. i want to say a few words about the decision taken to organize medical care for our citizens in new regions. on their territory , preparations are still ongoing for the full launch of the all-russian compulsory health insurance system; it is very important that they be carried out during the transition period. social obligations to people, they would have the opportunity to go to clinics, hospitals, but of course, receive free medical services, treatment, including high-tech services, and for this, the government approved the rules for financial support for the provision of medical care this year to residents of donetsk , lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions,
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almost 39 billion rubles are respectively allocated for such purposes. this image appears , from which it follows that the page is either blocked along with all the content published there, or completely deleted, that is, over one and a half million subscribers will no longer be able to watch new episodes of the program there or review old ones; the video hosting has not yet reported the reasons for the decision. at the economic forum in davos
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, a shamanic ritual was performed, or in this way they tried to find solutions to complex issues international agenda, or even completely expelled evil spirits from the meeting room, but however, no matter what the goal of the instant effect , neither the ukrainian delegation nor the problems that it brought with it to the event in switzerland went anywhere, with details elizaveta khramtsova. the fact that the global world, to which western capitalists are so accustomed, is becoming a thing of the past, seems to have been understood even in davos; having failed to find rational ways to maintain the status quo, the participants of the world economic forum in switzerland addressed to other forces. the one who definitely strayed not far from speritic rituals was the ukrainian delegation; on thursday morning, at the expense of the oligarch penchuk, a circle of not so many friends of kiev, but haters of moscow, gathered in the dovos. at the ukrainian breakfast event, the president of poland, the head of great britain, the president of latvia and other figures led by
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cnn star fareed zachary discussed how they could still steal the assets of the central bank. we are all actively investing in the green transition, and it makes a lot of sense, including political, to tell his own people, the aggressor will pay for the destruction in ukraine. in switzerland, the ukrainians strongly expected to meet with the chinese delegation, the head of the bank office yarmaak did not even hesitate to announce these negotiations, but beijing rejected kiev’s request, and, as the publication learned , this was a deliberate decision, and not
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a problem with the schedule of the prime minister of the state council of the people’s republic of china, licen. zelensky, as usual, tried to laugh it off, supposedly this was his level. meeting with the leader, that is, sizenping, but also not on the eve of a conversation with the american secretary of state and national security advisor, in which the ukrainians played the role of subordinates. the american delegation in davos tried in every possible way to portray that it has the magical ability to remain a hegemon in a radically changing world. secretary of state blinken, from all the abundance of rituals that exist on this earth, chose a mantra: self-hypnosis. that's what i hear, i practically hear. who continue to support ukraine are waiting for clear signals from america if the flow of money from the us will run dry, kiev will be left completely without help.
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bloomberg also writes that the united states could show more persistence in the ukrainian issue. the agency's columnist hints that the states are to blame for kiev's troubles. the united states , together with its allies, should have quickly supplied ukraine with more tanks, missiles, longer ranges, modern aircraft, as well as engineering equipment. by doing this earlier and not delaying, purposefully build up. in addition, kiev’s economic problems are growing like a snowball, the british independent emphasizes that in order to cope with the budget deficit, ukraine needs to receive billions of dollars from the united states and europe by the beginning of march, and there is still no confidence in such support. ukraine spends all the money it receives from taxes on war, which has to be waged with what remains of previous supplies. the united states no longer supplies 155-mm shells, germany and other
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countries still supply something, but those large-scale ukrainian attacks that we saw in the summer during the counter-offensive are no longer there. they used to be able to make shots with at intervals of several seconds, but now, as we see, they are forced to immediately leave their positions after the shot so as not to come under russian return fire. and the partners no longer have optimistic forecasts for kiev. in an interview with develt, british historian neil ferguson recalled the russians' ability to rally forces in the second half of the conflict. and, based on the current state of affairs, the expert did not rule out that russia will be able to make a breakthrough that will lead to the end of the conflict. ilzayta khramtsov, news. after joining nato, the authorities finland is following the path of the baltic countries, which are pursuing a policy of total de-russification. a comment. russian foreign ministry regarding the closure of russian-language schools in finnish border cities, prestigious educational institutions should be liquidated starting next year, how local residents feel about this and how the finnish authorities
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justify their decision in a special report in a report by special correspondent denis davidov. there used to be russian and finnish flags on the school windows, against the matryoshka doll, which is not so annoying, the city authorities have nothing, but they plan to get rid of the russian language. where the director can be found on the second floor and there is a door there , national costumes greet you from the threshold; meeting with the director is not easy; country antila has no time for interviews, is busy defending the school, here is her short comment: i have to fight in order for the school to continue i just don’t have time to work, i just don’t have even a minute, i’m constantly doing this now to prove to politicians that our school is needed. and what kind of response are you getting to it? they hear you or not? i'm exhausted, i can't hear them, they don't even want to talk to me. the school administration learned that they were going to close
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from the newspapers, officially due to savings in the city budget, this is a shock for graduate students, of whom there are more than one thousand over a quarter of a century of work. those finns who studied there, they had a wonderful russian language, they went to russia, to st. petersburg and moscow twice a year, met. the cry of the soul from former students, the finnish government from them is a petition in the spirit of the times, that is, not a word about the russian soul, basically about ukrainian refugees who do not
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communicate in a language, someone should translate for them; advocates also consider it important to preserve teaching in russian so that the new generation in nato better understands the enemy. 203 km to st. petersburg, but you can’t pass, you can’t drive, the border is locked on the finnish side. closed all eight border crossings, unilaterally cutting off land ties with russia, thousands of family ties were also severed, from the finnish lapinrat to the russian vyborg is less than 50 km, your husband is finnish, and your husband is finnish, and that turns out to be 100 parents, who are sitting there and can even come for a visit, because the border is closed, and in finland the russian-speaking population is the largest group that speaks a foreign... language, officially there are about 1000 of them, which is quite a lot for a country of five million. a fragment of a report that was filmed in the same area 6 years
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ago. at that time, not only russians sent their children to russian schools, but also finns. interest only grew over time. this year , more finnish-speaking students entered grade 0 than last year. the school is not known only locals, because of her , families from latvia and lithuania moved to finland so that they could teach their children in their native language. education in russian is so in demand here that this school has two more branches in other cities in the east of the country. in total, 700 people study there. and perhaps to...
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