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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. when you have it in your sights. roto ukrainak in okupa in ssu. they are snipers and drone operators. what are their commanders counting on and how did our soldiers declassify these oksanas? a fighter who was not afraid of ukrainian drones. he shot to kill and confused the enemy in order to save the commander and comrades in arms. who is this hero and why does he not consider his actions a feat? a lecture about money and the human brain, but what is it really about? what did asya want to convey and to whom?
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kazantsev on vozdvizhenka why russian social activists have already written to the fsb. instead of an evacuation team, a mobile robotic platform. perhaps this is how wounded soldiers will soon be pulled out from the front line. what else can the caterpillar brother do? he waited almost 30 years to start living. from zanzibar, why did you even end up there when you came home? quickly takes a few steps, then crouches and takes aim, video from the publication of the foreign agent deutsche welly, whose journalists were allowed into the training ground where ukrainian women undergo combat training, judging by personnel, are trained according to a standard program of tactics, reconnaissance and, of course, forgiveness of weapons. as stated, the longer the conflict drags on, the greater the number of ukraine.
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decide to enroll in such a training camp, well, among the main motives is the total shortage of personnel in the independent armed forces. why the ukrainian men suddenly ended, german propagandists, of course, do not specify, but they describe the combat training of women as colorfully as possible, they say, this is almost art therapy to overcome fears, while, according to the participants in the filming, not all of them are going to the front right now, but they just decided to practice. just in case, however , there is no doubt that sooner or later the turn will come to the total mobilization of ukrainian women, especially since russian fighters have already noticed on one of the front sections an entire unit of the armed forces of ukraine, entirely consisting of women, what is known about them - evgenia found out petrukhina. a female company appeared at the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. ukraine's military uniform was noticed on the kremensk sector of the front. this is what ours are about military personnel told real news.
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special forces soldier akhmat, call sign hades, says that his unit heard women's voices. at first they thought that these were acoustic traps, and then radio interceptions, yes, in the trench opposite there was a female company. a women's company entered the swamp , consisting exclusively of women, and , as far as i know, they do not have the mobilization of women, which means these are women volunteers, we have not encountered anything like this yet, of course, they are armored personnel carriers, they are snipers and... there are a sufficient number there, completely women's company, women's company on the line of combat contact , what happens, the tzkashniks cannot drag enough men into the trenches, or is this a calculation of the ukrainian commanders, they say , a compassionate russian soldier will not shoot at a woman, so here is your answer from the front line: we are not fighting against children, the elderly and women, we are not fighting against the ukrainian people, but if a person took up arms, then this is already an enemy for us.
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the enemy has no gender, the enemy will be destroyed by combat contacts, there are no such sentimentalities, there is an enemy, his they destroy, i emphasize , regardless of what gender he is, here are the stories about the agent deutscheveli, a training ground where future dry-landers are trained, this is a special course for women, for example, anna, she is 26 years old, she is a sales manager, now, apparently, a former manager, anna is going to join the third assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. women at the training ground are training, there she is with her hair down, well, of course, there are greenhouse conditions, they live indoors, just imagine, she shoots from a machine gun, the breeze blew, these long her hair fluttered and got caught in the bolt, half of this shock of her hair would simply be torn out with meat, and this is anastasia, a film producer from kiev, she is taught to hold a rifle, the instructor practices sweeping with her. grenades, but somehow the film producer
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can’t do it, we lower the rifle, take the grenade, hold it, pull it out, throw it, so what should i say, tell me, is this a grenade? after all, there is the reality of war, it’s damp, cold, it would be nice to ask that women’s company on the kremensk sector of the front, how they weren’t spared there, the snipers, well, imagine, a heavy rifle on the shoulder, but you still need cartridges for it, sometimes it’s large-caliber, a woman can’t carry away an ammunition supply of 100 such cartridges, so who or what
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is pushing ukraine’s kvakop, remember the ukrainian propaganda video where a woman with a rifle on her head finishes off a wounded russian soldier with a sickle , so much hatred. here is your answer : welcome to hell, of course, such women’s battalions first of all come under psychological pressure, they are told that their worst enemy is against them, but i want to note and warn these women not to succumb to the provocation of your leaders, as soon as you smell something hot, they will jump on their planes and leave ukraine, just like that. ukrainian porn actress yulia senyuk, aka josephine jackson, will jump on planes. senyuk recently gave terrorists from the azov battalion a car and was photographed with their symbols. and why is it interesting that the ukrainian porn actress did not go to the women’s battalion, right there, on the kremen sector of the front. this is
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not her profile, that’s where the fun begins. for now we are with them we correspond with sniper shots using uavs and artillery. well. when we go on the assault, we’ll see how they behave, because they themselves may well end up in the crosshairs of our sniper, those for whom defense minister umerov ordered sets of women’s military uniforms, those for whom body armor with curves was made so that they would go to the front instead of a lad, only instead of a lad you will have to not only fight, but also die. the russian ministry of defense today announced the liberation of the village of vesyo by fighters from the southern group of troops. v dpr, in addition, in the same donetsk direction, over 260 militants of the ukrainian armed forces, a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, and several guns, including the m-37 and paladin made in the usa, were destroyed within 24 hours. and in the areas of kleshcheevka and andreevka, aviation, artillery,
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and heavy flamethrower systems worked on the accumulation of enemy manpower and equipment. from an editorial report by grigory vdovin. in the outskirts of gorlovka, in the thickets, the barrel of a gvozdika self-propelled artillery gun is barely legible. we do not specifically show how the car gets here and how it then leaves the position. now everything is already ready to fire, we are waiting for the command, here in the gorlovka direction, our artillery continues to suppress the enemy’s firing points, who are constantly trying to shell the city. this is the crew of the 132nd brigade of the first donetsk army corps, they have been together for a long time, no further explanation is needed. the cellars are specially prepared for separate storage of the striker case. if the enemy. well, yes, yes, there will be counter-attack fighting, shelling, in order to increase the survivability of the crew, as well as the survivability of the gun itself, that is, we don’t keep everything in one place, we don’t we’re holding it, we’re talking to the gunner in the car itself, we notice a sticker on his helmet, an orthodox cross, to protect both the crew and
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the owner of the helmet from the misfortunes of misfortunes, i ’ve been finishing them off for the second year now, everything is fine, we’re working as a family, yes the second arrives at the target, the final touches on aiming taking into account the weather and the command sounds, fire, shoot! we ran towards the enemy and fired several shells at once. strikes are also carried out on enemy communications in order to complicate the delivery of supplies. you can already feel the mood on the other side of the line front, far from victorious. it is felt that they are morally depressed, they are experiencing a hunger for shells, due to the supply of foreign weapons and ammunition. decreased much, that is, there was much less shelling from their side. the enemy strikes gorlovka daily and indiscriminately, shelling the long-suffering city with everything he has at hand. the front line here has not yet undergone significant changes, but everyone is naturally waiting for them,
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and gorlovka, like donetsk, has been obviously they deserve it. and as if this were a harbinger of this, you can now find pheasants on the streets, just like in a zoo, because hunting here... he defends his homeland, is absolutely confident in our victory and is glad that he was able to prove by personal example that there are no insurmountable difficulties, this is the revelation of a russian serviceman who demonstrated miracles of dexterity and ingenuity in a confrontation with the kamika drone of the ukrainian armed forces. let me remind you that the enemy operator baplaa wanted to hit the fighter with a targeted blow, but instead of looking for cover, a soldier with nerves of iron, literally at the last moment dodged the fpv copter with a spectacular maneuver with... accordingly , he exploded at idle. the video, of course, instantly became a hit, and now additional
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details about the hero’s personality have finally emerged. the call sign "babay ", as it turned out, arrived in the northern military district zone from the chelyabinsk region, it must be said without exaggeration, he evaluates the epic feat very modestly, they say he did nothing special, although in fact he managed even more than what was captured in the frame, boris ivanin will confirm. the fearless hero turned out to be a fighter with the call sign "babay". this is the case when a woman can really scare even the enemy. but he himself was not afraid of the enemy, he showed courage in battle, as is usually written in the honorary documents, only boitot with a drone, and not even with the one that was caught on video, with three, the rest simply remained behind the scenes, but also of this episode it’s quite enough to say: babai accomplished a feat. he risked himself to save the lives of his commander and junior colleague. ronn arrived and i started. shooting at the drone was standing behind me, it turns out my junior was there
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, the commander was standing behind us, i didn’t fall so that the commander wouldn’t knock me out, i started buying it, it was my manners that were necessary, i dropped three pieces, they wanted to kill me, but how did i manage to dodge , well, because experience, this is called the experience of commanders, which... they taught me how to shoot, the big man destroyed not just a quadcopter, these are fpv drones, that is, first personal view, first-person view, such drones are usually equipped with video cameras, and this creates the feeling that the operator is not on the ground, but in the air inside the drone itself, so it is much easier to control it even at high speed, but the bogeyman managed to outwit the enemy, he walked away from the drone correctly, he understood, that is, he already understood when the drone was flying towards him along... an overhead trajectory, when the drone was already picked up a high enough speed, he simply
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changed the trajectory, went towards the drone, and the drone had to, in order to hit the woman , either go lower, which the operator could no longer do, or do some kind of maneuver, this particular maneuver saved babai, usually such devices are used for video shooting, but converting such, for example, an fpv drone into a combat drone is quite easy. killers are equipped with special suspensions for ammunition, and they are controlled via secure communication channels that are resistant to the influence of enemy weapons for the sake of electronic warfare. this episode, it is generally very characteristic of how war is evolving, here are the pividrones for today for the armed forces of ukraine, especially in conditions when other types of weapons are not available to them due to the lack of their own production and a sharp decline western supplies, for them fp
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behaved very professionally and i think that, in principle, this is what a lot of fighters should probably do, this video with the woman is what it should be.
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somehow the idea’s homeland? yes, of course, maybe it will be behind us, of course, the russian troops also have drone detectors to detect enemy vehicles and destroy them on approach, but the main strength of our country is in fighters like babai, truly fearless. the west allows the zelensky regime literally anything, including naked crimes, reprisals against undesirables, as long as he continues to oppose russia. sergei lavrov expressed great confidence in this today. conference, where he summed up mead's work in the twenty-third year. the ukrainian topic, of course, became one of the main ones, but far from the only one, because the minister was asked about relations with the united states, the middle east conflict, and much more. alexey will continue. the big press conference of sergei lavrov is the most important event in the work of the ministry of foreign affairs. the country's chief diplomat can be asked any question, and the reporter
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willingly takes advantage of this opportunity. this year , more than 300 journalists were accredited at the event, half of them representing.
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torture to death, everyone took water into their mouths, when their citizens are arrested, how they fuss , there’s not a word here at all, they didn’t lift their little fingers, with such support for the ukrainian president, he’s given carte blanche for any speeches, to speak about, for example, a forum in prevos anything is possible, the main thing is to continue blaming russia, for example, for violating the minsk agreements, the minsk agreement, as you know,
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the answer to your question about how we assess the prospects for negotiations, it is impossible to take a photo together, another example of double standards in the west’s attitude towards israel’s operation in the sector. for example, germany at the international court of justice decided to support tel aviv in a lawsuit accusing the israeli army of genocide. the explanation is really strange, we ourselves
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were the organizers of the genocide, so we will defend those accused of genocide. the israelis must not even give the impression that because they suffered during world war ii, they can do anything today.
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operator number... in terms of coverage speed . compares russia to a pig that eats its children, systematically discredits the armed forces and openly calls for funding the kiev regime. all these are excerpts from an appeal to the investigative committee and the fsb, the public organization call of the people, which ask to carefully check the activities of anastasia, or asya kazantseva, the same one who is known in certain circles as a so-called popularizer of science and the author of relevant books, well, it seems that she was going to hold some kind of lecture right in the center of moscow, on vozdvizhenka street, and the event, of course, not free, potential listeners are charged several hundred rubles, in turn, public activists just want to understand what the money will ultimately be used for, and in general they are wondering whether it is appropriate to provide the kazantsevs with a platform for any public appearances taking into account her
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position, which, as she claims... is russophobic from start to finish , anton potkovenko looked into how fair such a characterization is, about money, yes, the popularizer of science, as she calls herself, asya kazantseva, was preparing another a lecture in the very center of moscow on vozdvizhenka, about money and about the human brain, but will the speech take place, after such traces on social networks, after such unequivocal interviews that social activists from the people’s republic are simply not you...
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on her own behalf, but broadcasts, this is a technique discovered that she completed courses in the uk on opposition activities, after which she supported all the protests that took place in russia, supported lgbt organizations, feminist organizations, everything, everything, everything that undermines, so to speak, internal stability on the territory of the russian federation. and here is such a character, he gives lectures in russia, here is the moscow poster: the kazantsevs provided the platform without any problems.
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we recruited the organizers of this, so to speak, events, we are doing a popular science event on a topic stated by the lecturer, at the events that we do, sasiy did, no political topics were ever raised, only the topic stated in the description in the title of the lecture, in sasiy’s case it is for society in its own way, this is, well, biology , psychology, neurobiology, brain, under the guise of educational activities, she conducts destructive propaganda,


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