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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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events up to this minute in our news release. the ministry of defense reported that fighters from the southern group liberated the village of vesyoloye in the dpr. the army repelled 10 attacks in the ssu; zelensky’s formation lost another 860 soldiers and mercenary officers. seven tanks, 11 other armored vehicles, as well as 22 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly of american polish origin, were destroyed. missile forces and artillery, as well as drones, hit two deployment points of foreign mercenaries and four. missile and ammunition depots, air defense forces
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they shot down 91 combat drones, two dot missiles, an american guided bomb, and another 18 american high-mars and czech vampire shells. about the situation on the front line, grigory vdovin. in the outskirts of gorlovka, in the thickets , the barrel of a gvozdika self-propelled artillery gun is barely legible. we do not specifically show how the car gets here and how it then leaves the position. now everything is ready for shooting. we are waiting for the team here in the gorlovka direction. our artillery continues to suppress enemy firing points, who are constantly trying shell the city. this is the crew of the 132nd brigade of the first donetsk army corps, they have been together for a long time, no further explanation is needed. the cellars are specially prepared for separate storage of the firing pin in case of enemy counter-attack, shelling, in order to increase the survivability of the crew. also
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the gun itself, that is, we don’t keep everything in one place , we don’t keep everything, we talk with the gunner in the car itself, we notice a sticker on his helmet, an orthodox cross, to protect both the crew and the owner of the helmet from troubles and misfortunes. i've been with them for the second year almost soon i’m finishing, it’s normal, everything is coordinated, we’re working, family, yes, the second one, the target arrives, the final touches on aiming taking into account the weather and the command fire, shot! we ran towards the enemy and fired several shells at once. strikes are also carried out on enemy communications in order to complicate the delivery of supplies. one can already feel the mood on the other side of the front line, far from victorious. it is felt that they are morally depressed, they are experiencing a hunger for shells, since the supply of foreign weapons and ammunition has decreased significantly, that is, there was much less shelling from their side. the opponent strikes the throat.
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daily and indiscriminately, shelling the long-suffering city with everything he has at hand, the front line here has not yet undergone significant changes, but everyone is naturally waiting for them, and gorlovka, like donetsk, has obviously earned them for a long time. and as if this were a harbinger of this , you can now find pheasants on the streets, just like in a zoo, because hunting has not been carried out in these parts for a long time, these beautiful the birds remain rather indifferent. grigoriev.
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at the raduga enterprise, where the state defense order is being carried out, they reduced the price of the missile , doubled the power of this, it also now produces a warhead of about 800 kg, which was increased, that is, it was 450, now 800. the head of the russian military department got acquainted with the new air-to- ground cruise missiles , anti-radar and anti-ship missiles, as well as promising models of guided missiles. tests are already being carried out, but the minister still insists on special attention. that's what i'm talking about i want to tell you, 250 km, we generally need 300 km today, for this the management of the enterprise assures that the tasks for 2023 have been fully completed, in addition, since the beginning of the special operation, the volume of production of high-precision weapons has increased multiple times, according to some indicators, eight times, we basically covered. in the first half of the year
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, we will complete production tasks in this workshop and immediately move on to the twenty-fifth year. experts are confident that the development of such powerful and long-range weapons indicates a big leap not only in this industry, but also it is likely that the technologies of russian reconnaissance officers have been improved, because in order to strike at enemy positions that are located 300 km away, they must first be detected. if there is such an installation, does this mean that we have the ability to quickly reconnaissance targets to such a depth to ensure their defeat , this plus, of course, also plays a role , and the problem is related to the fact that we need to hit targets, covered systems... accordingly, it is necessary to hit at a greater range without falling under a retaliatory strike. today, intelligence primarily rests on the shoulders of russian aces. military pilots patrol the sky around the clock in
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the special operation zone and, of course, are ready to open fire on an enemy target at any moment. as a result of this strike in the matchmaker-flint direction, the crew of the russian alligator destroyed the armor. enemy equipment and manpower. often, pilots transmit enemy coordinates to artillerymen. hail shells interfere with the ground , enemy fortifications erase enemy positions into dust. destructive 152 caliber msta and carnation pinpoints disable artillery and mortar batteries and destroy strongholds of enemy armored vehicles. over the past 24 hours, there has been heavy artillery and aviation fire on kupinsky, krasnolimansky, donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk, zaporozhye and kherson. directions , about 900 ukrainian militants, 17 artillery pieces and two tanks were destroyed. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. the french ambassador was summoned to mead. as official representative of the ministry maria zakharova said, this is due to the events in kharkov, where
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as a result of the russian strike, a temporary deployment point for foreign fighters in the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. mostly there were french mercenaries there. more than 60 extremists died and
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... send mercenaries so that the front does not collapse under the onslaught of the russian army, a significant part of the ukrainian population does not want to fight against russia, but someone needs to fight and fight well, foreign mercenaries are used for this, the french are still there less than the british, poles or citizens of canada, where there is a large western ukrainian diaspora. for the temporary deployment point, nato mercenaries chose the building of an abandoned clinic, although the ukrainian guards immediately after their arrival... our missiles at the target tried to put pressure on pity, saying that the russians were hitting social facilities, but the footage speaks for itself: inside the interior looks more like something built on quickly to the barracks, outside there is no evacuation, panic, crowds of people, only rescuers extinguish the fire. the strike was
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targeted, on a specific wing of the building, it can be seen. the result of another well-coordinated work of the russian reconnaissance and missile forces, about a hundred people were lost among the personnel of foreign mercenaries. on the evening of january 16 of this year , the armed forces of the russian federation carried out a high-precision strike on the temporary deployment point of foreign fighters in the city of kharkov, the core of which were french mercenaries. as a result of the strike, the building in which the mercenaries were stationed was completely destroyed, more than sixty militants were killed, over twenty were taken to medical institutions. acting in nato's interests, french president macron but openly announces the delivery of another forty long-range missiles scalp to... moscow knows more about the activities of mercenaries on the territory of ukraine than the west would like, and
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therefore regular attacks on their bases, the investigative committee of russia constantly replenishes the evidence base with new materials about their crimes. as part of a criminal case about mercenarism, the investigation. additional materials were received, on the basis of which another 68 foreigners from seven countries were charged in absentia, in total, currently criminal cases are being investigated against... 591 foreign citizens from 46 countries, most of them are representatives of the usa, canada, georgia, israel, great britain, germany, lithuania and latvia. for all mercenaries who make money in ukraine, their fate is predetermined. a retired american lieutenant colonel spoke about this in an interview with our colleagues from sputnik. i think this is in line with what russia has been saying all along. they used to say that if there were mercenaries or foreign fighters there, and not treated as them as combatants, but meanwhile, the minister of defense of ukraine umerov canceled his visit to
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france for security reasons, allegedly. with his french colleague, umerov was supposed to participate in a conference on the launch of an artillery coalition. kiev intends to purchase french caesar self-propelled guns and is also asking to increase the production of ammunition. but with the latter everything is extremely difficult. the french senate calculated that the fifth republic produces 20,000 per year. country and state security, the explanatory note says. how is it going
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construction of the metro in krasnoyarsk, what bridges were built to connect russian regions with friendly china and what modern technologies are used. these issues were discussed by vladimir putin and the head of the bam-tonel stroy most company. in addition, ruslan baysarov summed up the results of the work over the past year and spoke about plans. we have completed the construction of the first two cross-border bridges between russia and china, these are the blagoveshchensk haikh road and the tongzian railway, together with the ministry of transport, the ministry of eastern development, with the leadership of the amur region and russian railways, we began the design and construction of a new railway bridge.
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months ahead of the contract period next to it and they were just opening this bridge at 8 , not far from there, we completed construction 8 months also ahead of the contract period, the bridge across sorova is beautiful, so it will help, we have started construction of the metro in the krasnoyarsk territory, at the peak of construction , 9.00 specialists will be involved, basically everyone sibirikinovich, did you take part in the failure of the second one?
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russia allocates funds for search, registration and legal protection of their foreign real estate, including those from the times of the soviet union and the russian empire. the order was signed by vladimir putin and published on the official legal information portal. in addition, the president approved a number of instructions following the conference on artificial intelligence. vladimir putin instructed the government to ensure. development of large generative artificial intelligence models for their implementation in key
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sectors of the economy. well, and also the ministry of education and science of the names of the figures should provide training world-class specialists in the field of artificial intelligence. the european council summit, which will decide on the allocation of financial support to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros, will be held on february 1. brussels hopes to persuade hungary and slovakia to give. permission, but zelensky wanted to get money in davos, but nothing came of it, who in the end was offended by, alexander khristianko will tell, even his ukrainian house in dovos. trump said: i can stop the war, i will sit down with putin and zelensky at the negotiating table,
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then the question is, what will trump do if after ukraine, russia will go to a nato country, then i will say this like...
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ukraine will not become the next afghanistan, and many americans are really clutching their heads, asking questions about why this is still going on, and there are no answers, but before that , how to at least start discussing ukraine, i tell the president, border, border, border again, we must solve our own problems before we do anything else. so the flow of weapons to ukraine
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is curtailed. their supplies are running low, no doubt they have some ammunition.
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in karelia, vladimir putin's proxies received an election commission center certificate. at the meeting of the regional election headquarters , they also discussed how the collection of signatures in support of the nomination of the current president
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and the further plan for the election campaign in the region are going. our main job is working with people, meeting, collecting feedback from their problems, tasks that we must solve after everything happens... the most important thing is that we must go together and improve the lives of our citizens. at the expert institute social research discussed trends, brands and prospects for municipal policies. recently, it has been changing thanks to the presidential development strategy. residents of small towns are more actively involved in governance, and the role of municipal authorities in the implementation of national projects has increased, including on the safety of roads, housing and the urban environment. these issues were previously discussed on the forum. small homeland power of russia, which took place in moscow. the president met with representatives of municipal authorities from all over the country, the development program includes several important
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points, and they concern not only cities. an equally important area is the state program for the integrated development of rural areas. it was approved in 1919, and what is important, it was also extended at the initiative of the president for this year, it is aimed at the territories. development of rural areas directly, the zemsky doctor program, it has been in effect since 2012, its essence is that one-time payments are provided to doctors, felchers, midwives, nurses if they go to work in small settlements points with a population of up to 50 thousand people. at the end of the past year, when the results were summed up, the president took the initiative to increase allowances under this program, both for doctors and paramedics. well, up to 2 million to a million, respectively - those who chose to work in new regions in the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow, patriarch kirill held an all-night
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vigil on the eve of the feast of the baptism of strong water , glorify the lord.
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jordan equipped several on lake baikal, well, in irkutsk itself they made an ice hole near the alexander church. they help ensure the safety of believers who decide to take part in bathing. today is the feast of the epiphany
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of the all-russian corps. representation in new regions, so kiev was offended, the decision can be changed at the general assembly of the federation, but for now russian athletes will be able to participate in international competitions only in a neutral status. in japan, writer riya kudan, winner of the prestigious akuta gawa prize, admitted that part of the novel takiya tower of compassion was written using a neural network. artificial
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the intellect now thinks for many, why. readers, special thanks to artificial intelligence, winner of one of the most prestigious in addition to gratitude to loved ones to the publishing house and japanese literary awards , the akutagawa prize, writer riya kudan admitted during a press conference that her novel “the takiya tower of sympathy” was created using the popular chatbot chat gpt .
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i’m dissatisfied that people have stopped thinking, having given up such tolerance to society, and almost everything is at the mercy of artificial intelligence, which is assigned to it in the work a special role, the idea, by the way, is not new. olga uskova, more than six months ago, published a novel called. also about the future , like the japanese one, that’s where the declared co-author is artificial intelligence, just not the gpt chat, our russian one, his name is ipolit, that is , for example, i don’t see anything wrong with artificial intelligence participating in the creation of a work , especially in both cases and our russian in japanese we are talking about science fiction, with the help of artificial intelligence gpt chat, about a year ago a student rggu wrote his thesis, neural network.
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korea, maybe someone else who can afford it, will compete to see who has smarter artificial intelligence. the creation of literary works by artificial intelligence is an inevitable phenomenon, experts say. such novels may well appeal to inexperienced readers, but alas, there is no depth in them. when the blog was written by 12 and said: today i am a genius, he himself did not expect that he would write this.


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