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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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about the main events up to this minute in our news release. the ministry of defense reported that fighters from the southern group liberated the village of vesyole in the dpr. the army repelled 10 attacks in the ssu; zelensky’s formation lost another 860 soldiers and mercenary officers. seven tanks and 11 other armored vehicles, as well as 22 self-propelled guns and galbits, mostly of american polish origin, were destroyed. rocket troops and artillery, as well as drones, hit two points.
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new russian missiles will become twice as powerful, their flight range will increase by a hundred kilometers. advanced weapons developments were presented to defense minister sergei shaig at the raduga enterprise, where state defense orders are carried out. we reduced the price of the rocket by half the power. it also now produces a warhead of about 800 kg, which has been increased, that is, it was 450, now it is 800. the head of the russian military department got acquainted with the new air-to- surface cruise missiles. tests are already being carried out, but
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the minister insists that special attention should be paid to the missiles’ flight range, range 250 km, this is what i want to tell you about, 250 km, we generally need an impact rate of 300 today, the management of the enterprise assures us, the goal is for 2023. experts are confident that the development of such powerful and long-range weapons speaks of a big leap not only in this industry, it is likely that the technologies of russian intelligence officers have been improved, because in order... to strike
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enemy positions that are located 300 km away, they must first be detected, if there is such an installation, does this mean that we have the ability to quickly reconnaissance targets to such a depth to ensure their defeat , that’s a plus, of course, also plays a role and the problem is related to the fact that we need to hit targets covered by air defense systems, in the future covered also by fighter aircraft, accordingly it is necessary... to hit greater range without being hit by a retaliatory strike. today, intelligence primarily rests on the shoulders of russian aces. military pilots patrol the sky around the clock in the special operation zone and, of course, are ready to open fire on enemy aircraft at any moment. goals. as a result of this strike, in the matchmaker-flint direction, the crew of the russian alligator destroyed the enemy’s armored vehicles and manpower. often, pilots transmit enemy coordinates to artillerymen. the hail shells are in the way. the destructive 152-caliber msta and
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gvozdka pinpoint disables artillery and mortar batteries and destroys strongholds and enemy armored vehicles. over the past 24 hours, there has been heavy artillery and aviation fire in the kupinsky, krasnolimansky, donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk, zaporozhye and kherson directions about 900 ukrainian militants, 17 artillery pieces and two tanks were destroyed. as the official representative of the ministry, maria zakharova, said, and this is connected with the events in kharkov, where, as a result of a russian strike, the temporary deployment point for foreign fighters in the ssu was destroyed. mostly there were french mercenaries there. more than sixty extremists died, and over twenty more were in the hospital. french copper said they knew nothing about this. however, most french people react to this news. reacted nervously, fearing that
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kiev will try to drag europe into the war amid falling support for the zelensky regime. the mayor of kiev called the shortage of ammunition in the ukrainian armed forces insane. i. ekaterina radaeva, more details. the death of dozens of french mercenaries in ukraine makes paris an accomplice in the conflict, said former french military intelligence captain pierre plasse. this is being done without the consent of the people, when the french are being dragged into a conflict in which we absolutely do not want to take part. of course, this worries us, these are people trained in war who are capable disrupt order, upon their return they could wreak havoc in france. but it looks like those in power mean well. billions of euros are expected to be earned in ukraine, which will be spent on military orders. the french minister of defense admitted that the fifth republic only intends to increase the production of equipment and ammunition. the war economy is an opportunity not only for our armies, but also for our industrialists.
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the latter are fully interested in this, since the ability to quickly produce equipment will become one of the criteria for export success. us secretary of state antony blinken does not want to acknowledge the reality in ukraine, he points out. the states' big problem is the complete columbia university jeffrey sachs. the absence of responsible and honest people in the white house, the professor laments . that’s why everything is falling apart before our eyes. the state elite has stopped caring about the interests of the americans, former adviser to the head of the pentagon, douglas mcgregor, agrees. they are not used to putting the interests of their own country above all else, so is it any wonder that they don’t? however, so. called allies are only expendable for washington , but zelensky does not even understand this, noted larry johnson, who previously worked as a cia analyst. ukraine is a sinking ship that is so damaged that it can no longer be repaired, partly it is still above the water,
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someone is even trying to keep it afloat, pump out the water there, start the pumps and prevent it from sinking, but not for long. what will happen to zelensky? the united states doesn’t care about zelensky, and he will soon understand it, he will be thrown out like a used napkin or toilet paper, he has served his purpose, it’s time throw it aside and wash it off, that’s what will happen to it. ukrainian refugees have already experienced that attitudes towards them have changed dramatically. in ireland, in the city of roscrea, local residents picket the hotel with ukrainians around the clock, trying not to let them out onto the street, they claim after the appearance of the kiev ones in the city. ekaterina rydaeva, news. the leaders of all factions of the state duma have prepared a bill to toughen punishment for the dissemination
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of fakes about the russian armed forces, as well as for calls for crimes against the state if they are committed from selfish motives. this is necessary to stop activities aimed at undermining the foundations. national system, the country's defense capability and state security, the explanatory note says. how is the construction of the metro in krasnoyarsk progressing, what bridges have been built to connect russian regions with friendly china, and what modern technologies are used. these issues were discussed by vladimir putin and the head of the bam company. build a bridge. in addition, ruslan baysarov summed up the work over the past year and told about the plans. we have completed the construction of the first two cross-border bridges between russia and china, this is the blagoveshchensky haykh, the road and
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railway mizhenskaya tunzyan, together with the ministry of transport, the minavostok development, with the leadership of the amur region and russian railways, we have begun design and construction. new railway bridge between russia and china, zhalin yes. for 13 months of the contract period, we completed the construction of a bridge across the yakuzeya in the vamur region, with a total length of 10 km, 2 km from which makes up the bridge part. on the m12 highway, we completed the construction of the only bridge on site, here our specialists and bridge builders were used for the first time in history.
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protection of your foreign real estate, including those from the times of the soviet union and the russian empire. the order was signed by vladimir
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putin and published on the official legal information portal. in addition, the president approved a number of instructions following the conference on artificial intelligence. vladimir putin ordered the government to ensure the development large generative artificial intelligence models for their implementation in key sectors of the economy. well, the ministry of defense of science and the ministry of digital development must ensure the training of world specialists. in the field of artificial intelligence. the european council summit, at which the issue of allocating financial support to ukraine in the amount of 50 billion euros will be decided, will be held on february 1. brussels hopes to persuade hungary and slovakia to give permission. zelensky wanted to get money in davos, but nothing worked out. alexander khristenko will tell you who he ended up being offended by. even your own ukrainian house. guests from kiev opened it not with their own money, but with someone else's money; among the main sponsors of the establishment operating during
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the forum are canadian and american foundations. zelensky no longer demands, he asks more and more, they note a change in tone on the sidelines, but by the final press conference, he still could not resist insulting trump in absentia. trump said: “i can stop the war, i will sit down with putin and zelensky at the negotiating table.” then the question is, what will trump do if, after ukraine , russia goes to a nato country? and then i'll say: just as my father always told me, first think, then speak, but the matter was not limited to rude lectures, the american cnbc separately showed a fragment of how zelensky switched to swearing, perhaps not fully realizing that on a respectable forum he was speaking in the language of a second-rate hollywood action movie, this is a dog, in some places it was difficult to hear, but the word was beeped there, precisely because... he said: a dog, when i first asked him about trump, zelensky said that he does not interfere, that he is ready
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to work with any president, but honestly speaking, i think he felt a little cornered. zelensky, as it turns out, was also rude to europeans in davos; channel france 24 asked for an explanation from his assistant. we heard the speech of vladimir zelensky, he did not mince words about the europeans, he reminded the audience that...
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the supplies they have in abundance will last for the next 2-3 months, but there are others that will not last them for that long , a lot depends on what russia does and what they have to defend against. for now this the burden is being placed on europe. french defense minister licanu worries that after the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive, the conflict is frozen. the senate is alarmed. france may be on a war footing, but russia still has more of them. national and european production is extremely weak, the created economy does not live up to ukrainian
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expectations. russia produces from 10 to 15 thousand shells per day. are you really crazy, do you really believe that with the help of german miracle weapons you can turn the tide? a futile war against the nuclear power of russia, what do you think, mr. moers, how will you be received in russia, after 27 million victims
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at the hands of nazi germany, if germany now supplies. weapons that can be used to shell moscow. we don't need taurus for ukraine, we need diplomats to stop this war. as a result, the resolution on supplies was overwhelmingly rejected, 485 deputies were against it, and only 178 were in favor, an unpleasant surprise for zelensky. however, the chancellor's office scholz, after his conversation with biden, almost doubled the amount of german support for ukraine to 7 billion euros, they will buy weapons, only different ones. alexander khristenko, timofey mukhin, lead. the un secretary general called on islamabad and tehran to show restraint in order to avoid further aggravation. nine people were killed as a result of pakistani strikes on iranian territory. about the reasons for the attack, anton dadykin. pakistan bombed
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iran's border area. according to the agency, for this purpose the planes entered the airspace of a neighboring country. the day before he explained the reason for his own strikes on pakistan. islamabad's first response was to recall the ambassador from tehran. today , pakistan's armed forces are on extremely high alert, says reuters. the prime minister of the country's interim government urgently returns home from the economic forum in davos. as for iran, it sent an official note of protest to pakistan. at the same time,
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according to local media, air traffic between the countries continues, as well as the transit of cars and cargo across the common border. china is ready to act as a mediator in the settlement. we sincerely hope that iran and pakistan will show calm and restraint and avoid escalation. if both sides need it, we are ready to play a constructive role in mitigating the situation. the stated targets of iranian strikes on pakistan were also separatists. iran and border. in essence, this is what happened now that they were right, in general they provoked a dispute between two countries, why i do not rule out that they are trying to prove with arms in their hands that behind all the actions of these separatists
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are western intelligence services, in the territory there are still... guardians of prosperity, they hit the houthi positions. the us army announced the defeat of 14 missile launchers. they posed a threat to the commercial vessels of american warships, participants in that very operation. according to our assessment, we hit our intended goals and achieved them. good effect. our task is to weaken the houthis, reduce their ability to attack. and we believe that overall, given the scale and duration of our strikes, we weakened the houthis. of course, there are some possibilities.
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associated with israel, and now also with the united states, great britain and a dozen western countries participating in the so -called coalition. the ansar allah movement says attacks on these targets will stop only after the jewish state.
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the cost of transporting a standard container from china to western europe has nearly quadrupled since the first houthi attack in mid-october, the dutch business association estimates. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead the way! the estonian authorities refused to extend the temporary residence permit of the head of the estonian orthodox church. church of the moscow patriarchate, metropolitan evgeniy. the residence permit expires on february 6. after this, in violation of all european union norms, the metropolitan is deported to russia. they considered that the presence of a priest in estonia threatened national security. in the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow, patriarch kirill held an all-night vigil on the eve of the feast of baptism.
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great, god, what a blessing, thank you, excellent, in moscow thousands of people took part in epiphany bathing, more than 50 sites were equipped in the capital, one of them in izmailovo on the territory of the vernissage. according to tradition, on epiphany holidays , volunteers from the all-russian student rescue corps take up duty and help ensure the safety of believers. who decided to take part in swimming, today is the feast of epiphany, the entire russian student corps of rescuers helps special services ensure
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the safety of believers, we hold events in in 67 regions of the country, more than 900 volunteers participate; if necessary, we help to enter and exit the swimming pool, provide first aid, are ready to work in any weather and always do this. in russia , interest in purchasing real estate on the primary market has sharply increased, although the conditions for housing lending have changed. about forecasts for this year vera moroz. despite the increase in the key rate, the change in the terms of housing loans for clients in real estate agencies does not decrease. interest in purchasing housing on the primary market in the first place january numbers increased by almost 60%. according to analysts , people most often want to buy an apartment in a new building. in megacities, so demand in moscow increased by 77%, in st. petersburg by 54, however, not all potential buyers reach real deals,
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the number of those who... the down payment for loans for new buildings increased to 30%, and the maximum amount became the same for all regions, up to 6 million rubles. from july 1 of this year, preferential mortgages in the form in which they exist now should end, from public only family-owned ones will remain on the market. developers are preparing for a market decline, but there is no talk of slowing down the pace of construction yet, such significant changes in conditions, of course, they must lead to
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a decline, one way or another we... we are predicting a 20 percent decline in the market for this year, many developers last year they may have made some adjustments to the projects, they reduced the average area of ​​the lot somewhere so that the purchase budget was more affordable, and of course they are developing their own programs there, trades for installments of all possible, say so, support tools, but no one refuses to reduce volumes. 2023 turned out to be a record year for the volume of mortgages issued, totaling about 7,800. rub. vtb calculated. the secondary market also picked up. for example, in moscow there are 175,000 transactions, the press service of the capital’s rosreestr department reported. and this is the maximum for all the years of statistics. but in 2024, the issuance of housing loans will decrease by at least a third , analysts predict. there is a dependence, including psychological dependence, on preferential programs and any cancellation
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is perceived as psychologically painful.
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the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start counting from february 24 , 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-assed. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine. that is, we create the impression that... to wage war to the bitter end, this is my group , we are called temporary musicians, beautiful picture, and most importantly - karaki, you can just sing the whole film, our happiness is to live.
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it seems to me that this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, an apple, temporary musicians. the samarkan registan is an architectural masterpiece from former times, the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right side is reflected in the left, although there are 90 steps and 200 years between them.


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