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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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in the west there is a competition to come up with new formulations to justify their own aggression. do they compete? well, really, now, when we look, what we are faced with is that we naively believed that the west perceives us as...
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well, it’s like a bunch of pedorasts discussing how strong family foundations should be, or what kind of morality, morality is based, like, on the idea of ​​what is good and what is bad, on the concept of sin, this is a category, excuse me, of course, a religious one, a society that has refused in principle, from religious dogmas, he cannot talk about morality, macron, who talks about morality, well then disperse his government.
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no, well, can someone talk about morality? they condemn aggression, they say who? people who , at the same time as they wring their hands and worry about the fate of ukraine, are destroying the muslim world, simply destroying that this is normal, who don’t even understand when they are told: well, wait, look, israel, with your weapons they didn't have enough. behind for several months he destroyed so many civilians that even if you compare it with all the declared losses of civilians as a result of the war that has been going on since the fourteenth year, since the fourteenth year, it still cannot be compared. let me remind you that in 8 years , 15,000 people died, that’s right, at the initial stage of the conflict, now what various international...
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i give, that is, in general there is no talk of any military goals, according to takmak, that’s wherever it reaches , they hit there, in ukraine, as a rule, if civilians they are dying, anticipate the claims of the air defense itself, who once again took it and missed and fucked, but these screams, this wringing of hands, examination, a family died in odessa, children were torn to pieces in belgorod, in belgorod on new year’s day, the west says, no, well, this... “we believe that this is the absolutely
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moral right of ukraine, are you idiots? and after that , how do you want us in russia to treat you? they generally understand that for us all this bastard, well completely lost all right to talk about russia, with russia, but they are lucky that our president is a very polite person, and when they call him, he picks up the phone, but i think that macron might one day hear one on the phone, politely. that he will never call again, that in general , what to talk about now with macron, what to talk about with this nonentity, with this bastard, london, well, in general, for him it’s a struggle of generations , london, a struggle of generations, who are you fighting with, london , the thief sits on the thief, the thief is driven by the scoundrels, who after a few years say, yes, by the way, here is iraq. was like that, we
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they collected everything, they say, they say, the british, the british prime minister say: well, yes, we deceived the whole world then, so where is the responsibility, where were the frozen british assets transferred? threatens the security of the entire free world , by what, simply by what, what did russia do, what threatened the security and free world, by the fact that it did not die, by the very fact of its entire existence, by the fact that, unlike china, which they do not understand,
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russia offers and represents an alternative european path, yes, an alternative civilizational path, china for them, it’s like it’s from a completely different planet, another universe. as you read, by and large they repeat the same thing all the time , it’s funny to even talk about it, at today’s final press conference in the russian media , sergei lavrov drew attention to the fact that we are already talking about nuclear provocations, are they provocateurs or do they think that our knees are weak,
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so no one pulls them up, no one pulls them up, everyone just says that putin is threatening nuclear... they know this, we need to read churchel more often, he has an aphorism about the russian bear and how to they have to make do. one of churchley's aphorisms is that it was the russian bear that gutted nazi germany. well, there
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were several expressions about the russian bear. by the way, i would like to remind all idiots of this phrase, although i don’t consider churchel even close to a character who needs it.
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maybe they think that they will waver with us, i think that the calculation is, among other things , this, yes, to impose an endless land war on foreign territory, where it can, in principle, be used and maybe partially nato armed forces, in this case, and under the conditions that russia either has nothing or will not be able to respond, so to speak, in general, in any case, it will not use nuclear weapons in any cases, they, it seems to me, are precisely they are trying to push through this concept and the situation in ukraine convinces them of something, if we talk about the possibility of using nuclear ... weapons, well, it is clear that it is better for experts to talk about this, but i will not speak from a military point of view, from such , you know, civilizational, i personally think that it’s real the third world war with the use of nuclear weapons will lead to the death of civilization from the north, white civilization will disappear from the face of the earth, and the beneficiaries will be china, india and
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what is called the global south, because of course it is possible to compare the current situation with the second world war and the first, but any parallels are lame, in the first and second world war, in fact... it was about a battle between the masters of this world, but there were no competitors around, no one in case of defeat, so to speak, for example, those or others, could not raise this power. world or these riches that would have been lost by their owners. the same thing happened in the second war. the american role in the first and second world wars was determined by their physical inaccessibility to defeat, so to speak, by the enemy. now the situation has changed. firstly, the usa is reachable, you can reach them, yes, and these means exist, and even if several blocks reach america, this could become a disaster for it. but a huge number of potential competitors, huge. the number of countries that will immediately seize this power, and there will be nothing left of the conventionally white civilization at all
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, because a really big war in the northern hemisphere with the use of nuclear weapons will lead to consequences that will throw us all back, i don’t know, a decade ago, including america, only the situation will no longer be the same as in the middle of the 20th - beginning of the 20th century, but around , so to speak, an underdeveloped colony and people who, so to speak, can’t do anything or don’t want to, and so on and so forth there are people around fine. armed with a huge population, our own fairly strong economy, many of them are huge, so to speak, masses of charismatic people, there will be nothing left of us at all, i don’t know if they understand this there in america, so to speak, there or in europe, it’s difficult to say, i think that firstly, they are bluffing, and secondly, we, of course , have slightly weakened them with these thirty years of trying to build trusting relationships, but if we talk seriously about the third world war, my personal opinion is that this will be the collapse of the entire civilization of the northern hemisphere yes... and this will be a moment of ascension, and such, so to speak, incredible ascent there of just such countries, which seem
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to be, so to speak, perceived by western civilization today as competitors, another story will begin, another story will begin, yes history so to speak, the attitude of china, india, the muslim world, although it is not consolidated, so to speak , and there are no figures comparable to india and china, but nevertheless another story will begin, it will be, it will be, so to speak, a very big so
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to speak, red weapons from these countries, that’s how we would buy them now, to be honest, we ourselves couldn’t
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handle it, what about what could have been much worse, in fact we were talking about complete surrender about disarmament and the inability to carry out even police operations, own territory.
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in principle, of course, the complete decomposition of such , so to speak, well, let’s say, traditional religiosity in the west, it undoubtedly deprives one of his mind, you know, whoever god leaves behind, he loses his mind, but nevertheless, nevertheless, regarding, regarding davos , here after all, this story, when the head of the world health organization announced a new, so to speak, pandemic of the x virus, there the khia virus, immediately showed the owner of astrazeneca next to him, said that, in principle, everything is fine, yes. the simplest business scheme, of course, just completely for fools, how would you die, so, but - not all, as it were, only those who do not turn to our good, good friend, yes, now they have moved back a little, they said, well, we exaggerated a little, in fact, virus x, we basically call any incomprehensible a disease, but there is no disease yet, but 19 scientists in the uk are already working on developing a serum, this is a question about science, by
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the way, yes, that is, there is no disease, but a vaccine is already being made for it, yes, that is, what lies ahead? what i mean is that, in fact, the methods of governing this world can be different, war seems to be one of the most extreme, yes, but i think that many other different models for reformatting this situation are being worked on, and one of which is an attempt to control, manipulate the whole world through, well, falsification , or maybe the launch of the next pandemic , after all, about the past covid pandemic, but it’s good that it worked, it worked great, i think that the experiment was a success for people, and well, 90 percent. yes, it was the virus, it’s true, but firstly , we never found out where it came from, it seems to me that we are a little bit protective of our chinese, so to speak, friends, but without understanding where this covid virus came from, the chinese blame the americans , chinese americans, but i am absolutely sure that this could not have happened without scientists, of course, this could not have happened without scientists, it happened by chance, and that’s another question, by the way, also to the question of
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what it means to have such a pseudo-religious faith of non-believers. science, science is something that will definitely lead us to prosperity, just in case, look, covid has claimed the lives of tens of millions of people, all over the world, simply because some scientists worked one way or another on these situations , but nevertheless, whether it is so or not, when we discussed it then, so say, including in your studio, i talked about simple things, firstly, this situation is clearly inflated and exaggerated, firstly, secondly, the mechanisms for managing huge masses of people, and in a variety of countries, even with different political systems, have clearly been worked out. .. contradictions between each other, they were forced to follow the same protocol, they saw how it would be , they measured the reaction, at the same time, to this end , they promoted certain changes in the economy, i mean remote methods, so to speak, digitalization, as it were, many, many, many other things, plus we made huge money, as it were, on vaccines , which these several giants of big pharma distributed throughout the world,
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by the way, we were never allowed to bring our vaccine to the world market, we we tried to do this, thought that we would make money, in principle, well, we...
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medicine and food about food in the same davos, what were they talking about? terrible, disgusting, filthy farmers, as if yes, they emit so much carbon dioxide, kill so many people that in general it is necessary get rid of it, we need to get rid of it, we can no longer eat normal food, let ’s print it on printers, he nitanias has already tried, so to speak, a printed steak on a printer, here the chain closes, who is now engaged in these developments, so to speak, of skillful food and its ? manufacturing, the same americans, they are engaged, here are two, so to speak, simplest points: we feed you with what we will then treat you for, we will treat you with what we feed you, what will happen there, how. .. there will be this is another question, and the main thing, the main thing, is who will manage it, who will manage it? yes, you can say, oh, you know such conspiracy theories, so to speak, things like that, you know, we live in an era when talking with a grin
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about conspiracy theories is no longer inappropriate, no longer inappropriate, because such a huge amount of that it is possible that there could be any schemes in these heads, well, looking at the realities, i think that any conspiracy theorist nervously smokes, of course, there could be any schemes, they will stop at nothing, including there may be tens of millions of people there before death, if this happens... it must be done, i think that in davos there was another, so to speak, test ball in this sense, in this sense it was launched, so the forms of governance of the world may be different , i think that collectively, for the collective west, war is, well, one of the possibilities, and only if they are confident in their success, here are other things they, i’m sure, will at least try, in this situation in i'm ending this situation, let's do it anyway so to be honest, i think that it would be nice, at least behind closed doors , to figure out what role, so to speak, gentlemen scientists...
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well, what they show us is how the current american elite and even the leadership of the united states thinks politically, how part of what sergei sanovich called white civilization, but even as part of christian, even as part of judeo-christian. they don’t think about this, the point is not even that these shamans, although this is also a very interesting story,
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is a rollback of religious thinking, not even two, not two, three steps back, so this legalization, well, it’s already so archaic, i just don’t want to show it, we have a video there with a prayer to satan, i just don’t want to show it on television at all, but these are recorded facts.
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so they steal even, as they say , more openly than they stole from us in the nineties, so they steal from us the way they steal now in europe, in america, and in the western
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world in general. back in the 2000s, it was not customary for us to do this, here is a guy who stole like that, and then for a while, i’m sorry, he sewed mittens, well, later, however, now he is a major human rights activist and sponsor of the opposition, yes, but in general, in fact, it was no longer accepted, but this is some kind of finalopfeos, but this shows, first of all, the level of degradation, now after all i’ll say a few words about the shaman , you’re talking about a man who went down in world history by being clever... to call oil a well fluid, a well fluid, but it’s brilliant, because you have to pay for oil , but you don’t need to call it a well fluid, he came up with this they said it wasn't exactly him who came up with it, but political, it was this that brought him into the political arena , i remember, the americans were sure that he and his structure were complete thieves, but when it was necessary to deal with political affairs, such people are always normal, of course, this is...
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the man who knitted mittens is a moral authority for us, well, there for the natives , yes, but they accept it at least as a moral auto, by the way, it says that what’s wrong with morality, that they have already gone beyond the boundaries of normal human morality, but i ’ll tell you this, what about the principle not a sample morality along with bill clinton and all the other pedophiles, now everyone will tell you, this is different, moreover, i’ll tell you this,
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last time aistein hanged himself unknown. to master the state budget allowances for their pcbs, excuse the rude russian word, phd is their pcb yes, they get a farm day, i listened to how a person receives pcbs and what do you think they
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of course , the strategic deadlock of the west itself will not lead to defeat; moreover, when they have nothing to say, this does not mean that they they don’t do anything, look at europe, look at teaching in europe, 90,000 is not that much, but in general. won’t let me gather, this is a combined arms army, this is a combined arms army exercise in europe, i’m not sure that they will gather such a mass there, probably not even one, well, this is called an operational exercise, an operational exercise, but nevertheless , by the standards of the great patriotic war , especially its beginning, this is a combined arms army, this is a very large formation, look at what is being done from a technical point of view provision.


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