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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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muhammad morandi, professor at the university of tehran. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. the first and most important thing is the revolution that took place in iran. the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control. americans always. are trying
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to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same goes for iran. i believe that the iranians have adapted. they increasingly do business and trade with countries in the global south. hoping confident that in the future, the difficulties with which today the confrontation between the iranian people and the good people of russia will lead to relief. well, the fact that zelensky is a liar is obvious, but the fact that he is also a boor was already known to everyone, but for the chinese, i think this is a revelation, in principle, what zelensky said about whether he planned or not planned meeting with... the chinese prime minister
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actually closes the question of the relationship between ukraine and china, i think so, at least, well, for the next few years, listen for yourself. why don't you date the chinese? because the leader of china is not here, not here, he is not there, but the prime minister is here.
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and i lead, in any case, if you compare the levels of who makes decisions in countries, i don’t need any dialogues, i need important decisions from leaders who have the right and make decisions, yeah, that is, when he already met with the retired there as a british columnist with a bad hairstyle on his head. and in general, with any creature, a couple who has nothing to do, well, in general, what he says is, well done, fool, just well done, while he continues to intimidate westerners sponsors of the war with russia, and at the same time new crowds of ukrainian refugees, in this case ukraine will not be provided with everything necessary to continue hostilities. this time , the ukrainian delegation in davos also demonstrated thieves’ habits; now they unanimously demand not only weapons, but frozen russian assets. behind
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the endless verbiage of representatives of the kiev regime, the west diligently does not notice terrorist attacks on russian territory, moreover, some western leaders are specifically pushing the whole sergei lavrov said this today at a large press conference on the results of the activities of the russian ministry of defense over the past year. the west is doing its best to escalate the ukrainian, ukrainian crisis. this now creates additional strategic risks, you see how the former commanders of the us armed forces in europe, both hodges and breedlove, recently gave public advice to the kiev regime that they need to bomb crimea to a state where it will be impossible to live there, but these are retirees, and as for the current ones.
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any countries in which the usa is its satellite arranged adventures, just run through , so to speak, mentally, where things have become better, where the very democracy for which this was all started was established, and ukraine, unfortunately,
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faces the same fate, because relying on the owner, not realizing that the owner thinks only of himself.
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today we recalled how in april 20022 the west forbade ukraine from signing agreements, just as the west is not interested in any negotiations starting now. we don’t need negotiations then, well, it turned out with zelensky, that in general the world does not produce enough 155 shells to be enough for ukraine, well, okay, here we are producing a lot of things, so sergei kozhigetovich today checked the fulfillment of the state defense order at the pc enterprise in the moscow region, what
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a range is 250 km. this is what i want to tell you about, 250 km, we generally need today at a distance of 300, for this the first apim is 300 km, beyond 300, 310 km, because what we see today is what we see today , we have, but the range works here, which means there’s a cruise missile inside. about 800 kg, which increased , that is, it was 450, became 800, as now we have a sufficient quantity, but we have it every day
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, every day there is consumption, every day it goes, it means defeat, if they hit, who hit, it should be exactly the same here. that is, in principle, in the first half of the year, we will fulfill the production tasks for the wings in this workshop, and then we will immediately move on to the twenty- fifth year.
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in the most powerful economy in the world , by and large, well, zelensky apparently
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thinks so, and he doesn’t even understand that with his rudeness, he really cuts off the path for further cooperation, because it would seem that he has already been burned, remember, last year he was rude to luli dasilov in the same way, yes, when at the last moment he changed his mind about meeting him, then again i called him out publicly, saying that he would regret not meeting me, yes, and then for a long time i tried to meet him somewhere... at various summits, visit them in brazil, when he was flying to argentina, and so on, and lula i said everything, no more needed, well, that’s about the same it will probably happen now with china, and we know, and many western publications wrote that it was zelensky who asked for a meeting with the prime minister of china, yes, okay, you don’t want to look like something bad, well, laugh it off there, that means, remain silent, or say that it did not work out for technical reasons. well, well, no, we have to be rude, otherwise we don’t know how, you know , about the same,
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by the way, there was a very interesting formulation, why suddenly the minister of defense of ukraine umera did not go to france at the last moment, for security reasons, well, at least in the french press was told this, that is, i think, that is, that in paris it is more dangerous for him than in ukraine or so, so that suddenly at the last moment he said: “no, it’s scary there, but meeting with these prime ministers.”
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since they said this phrase, well, what are we together with ukraine, that it has depreciated, it has already been eroded in general, and so on, they listened, clapped, this whole brigade, i listened to their speech today, sitting under this, well, abrocadabra, these scribbles , repeated this phrase, that is, duda sits and says: we and ukraine, without even suspecting that there is this above it, like it’s written, yes, duda, this is after what poland did with ukrainian goods. after his own party strictly blocked ukrainian agricultural products
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in europe, but we with ukraine, bronderovka, chrystia freeland, cameron sat in a row and sat and said that we are together with ukraine, again, without even thinking about how it looks against the background well, that’s how it was at one time, everyone says that we are together, but no one says in what, well, yes, there, apparently, in the same one because of which umerov did not want to go to france, yes, saving, saving. it’s very rare now that articles and reports from the ukrainian front appear, as it used to be, yes, today, suddenly , there’s a whole spread, a big report from one of the french main newspapers, lafigaro , right from the front lines, how do they write that way, well, photographs are attached from part-time job, they describe in detail how they got there, how they got out,
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they write a lot of things, a lot of crap, but at the same time you know about the level of losses, firstly, there says that his... the unit of that person, the officer with whom he communicated, at the beginning numbered, last year at the beginning of the year, 120 people, now 50 people, you can imagine the level of losses, but this is despite the fact that probably there were some replenishments, additions, that ’s the most important thing they pay attention to, they are all those ukrainian warriors with whom the french journalist spoke, this is that if a year ago, there at the beginning of last year until april, volunteers some contributions were coming, some help was coming, we felt that ukraine was together, and then cut everything off, and because even the ukrainians themselves are not interested in communicating with losers, because the loss of faith in paremoga, which all sorts of propagandists of the ukrainians had been convincing for so long, led to the fact that now they are really sitting on starvation rations, in fact, the report is called so
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that ukrainian wayaks feel abandoned there on the front line, but with... the most interesting moment, i noticed, there this wayak speaks, talks, and quotes his idol, stepan bandera, like this v in brackets, it means that the french newspaper writes , yes, this is the most controversial ukrainian nationalist who collaborated with the nazis, the brackets are closed, they move on, as if reporting, and i think so, well, if you were a normal correspondent, if you were a normal newspaper, you would i still asked myself after this question, but if their idols are... the nazis, then maybe russia is still telling you the truth about what it is fighting against in ukraine, maybe it’s your shit when they say that there is a struggle for democracy and some european values, and not for nazism, which all these banderaites preach, well, nazism and fascism are european, so it turns out that the latter, i once again congratulate everyone on
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the anniversary, the anniversary of the pereoslavl rada, in this regard, today i reminded everyone that that... around the white house and i was thinking about how to climb into this window in order to get through to trump somewhere, well, well, this is the history of modern ukraine, yes, well, draw conclusions from this, why are you interfering and so to speak , you create problems for yourself, no, you have to to be naughty, he actually, well, told trump , think first, and then speak, well, like, well , trump is stupid, probably, well, he apparently
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quoted his father, and his father, yes, that’s what i say, my father taught me that way, at first thinks, well, apparently, yes, apparently. no, apparently he didn’t teach him, but he definitely didn’t teach him politeness and diplomacy, so i think all of this will also have corresponding consequences, in relation to the chinese, you know, it’s absolutely obvious to me why the chinese didn’t take part, they’re not going to take part in questionable extras, because many countries, under pressure from the americans, took part in this dubious extras, but in fact it was impossible to solve anything there, because nothing new was brought, in fact there was nothing to discuss.
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now there is a question of the rearmament of europe , who most of all, in general, picks up the idea that zelensky is selling, and the fear that russia will attack europe, these are the countries of eastern europe, the baltic states, there are poles, whoever was most rude to russia is the most responsible for this the poorest countries that would like to in the future to receive the largest funding, because they, because they are adjacent there, relatively speaking, with russia and so on. that is, closer to and they want, well, in short, whoever screams the loudest should get the most money, now they are all screaming, russia will attack not today, tomorrow, please give us money. zelensky. worries about everyone, he accuses the west of saying that you must understand that you are funding not only ukraine, you are actually fighting not only for ukraine, you are fighting for europe, and in general
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you are fighting for the whole world, because the conflict in ukraine, the lack of a corridor for exporting products there, everything else, this affects the interests of many countries, in general, he, he is very concerned, of course, about the fate of the starving children of africa, the only thing he is not concerned about , this is the fate of the ukrainians to whom it is open. shows that you cannot simply breathe in this country, you must either fight in this country, or work, pay taxes, whether you will be in war or not, it all depends on the situation, although in fact it does not depend on situation, it depends on your pedigree, it depends on the thickness of your wallet, it depends on the military commissar, who can simply catch you on the street and send you to war, but zelensky does not notice any of this. he continues to say that in ukraine there is democracy, in ukraine there is freedom, but in russia there is none, russia, it turns out, is driving its soldiers into this war and treats russian
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soldiers as meat, but with zelensky everything is very democratic, procedures are followed, you know, here you come right now, good evening, are you not we would like to pass, but in reality we understand that this is all not true, everything is built on lies, everything is built on...
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well, well, what was the case at least once that we were not deceived? well at least one? well, at least there was one case when the ukrainian authorities would not have tried to deceive us since the ninety-first year, if for, if for the first deceptions they had been punished, then maybe there wouldn’t have been a second one, an excellent explanation, this is the explanation why ukraine always cheating because she didn't get hit in the head? well cool, that is , this is such good logic, like yes we will robbed, but what do you have, and why do you let everything be robbed? in general, there is such a practice in the world, you own what you can keep, well, well, in general there is such a practice in the world that the russians slowly charge, and then everyone says that
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you didn’t say right away, so yes, that’s why this is all there they spit, spit, once there, and then an aspen stake, no, you’re just following the nuances like a roller, so you’re used to it. this is my group , we are called temporary musicians. and most importantly karaki. sang songs that i love i liked it as a child. i liked the songs, i liked the artists. a funny musical family film, i’ve already conquered this city , i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, the whole movie... it’s skin-tight, your
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song can change the world for the better, at the same time it’s funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dance with princess, it seems to me that this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, an apple, temporary musicians, the samarkan registan, an architectural masterpiece from former times, the square seems to be divided an invisible mirror in half, and its right side is reflected in the left, although between them... 90 steps and 200 years. soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton, synonyms. apart from him, nothing grew here, now everything is different. hassle is still the engine of the economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan. leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old connections are being remembered. but
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we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan issues 350,000 cars are changing the economy at breakneck speed. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's see. let's see. in the application or on the website. please, colleagues, there was a rather amazed reaction from social network users from
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the outside. china after this statement by zelensky, when chinese political scientists simply begin to discuss in complete bewilderment, here is our head of the new state council of china, a new politician, very powerful, the second most influential person in the middle kingdom, here is a lame duck whose powers are running out, and which from may, if i’m not mistaken, according to the constitution of ukraine, will be completely obliged to simply lose all levers of power, and this person will not only put himself on an equal footing with the head of the state council of china, he says who this is, in fact, and where is who my prime minister , i’ve already had them here for 8 years in ukraine, a lot of them have changed, they were all mostly crooks, but as if i also have my own crook, i can counter it, and i also remember the formula for peace that sinzimpin offered just a few months ago to ukraine, in which he it was quite normal, as a human being, to suggest that ukraine, firstly, listen to russia regarding its control of the territory and not get involved in
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it. sphere, secondly, to come to an agreement with china on how to come to peace, how to put pressure even somewhere on moscow, because it was possible to use such a powerful person in the global space, in the end they were so dismissive of this formula that it seems to me that chinese, well, after this document, what to talk to you about, it reminds me when in november of the twenty-first year russia put on the table of the collective west, clearly spelling out everything, all the measures and actions that the west had to carry out... so that there would be no war, everything, when the west just waved it off like that, threw these pieces of paper in our faces, but figuratively speaking, even read , they didn’t, they didn’t let me think about the theses, but i had to use military-technical measures to achieve the goal of a special military operation, so the minister of defense visited the tactical missile weapons corporation’s enterprise against the backdrop of simply hysteria, which began again in the segment of western networks after press conference press conference
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zelensky. in the complete absence of weapons, and then zelensky began to sign for the whole world that it turns out that there are not enough weapons in the world, and the entire collective west does not have ammunition, and not just me, they say, the head of the raduga icb immediately appears and says: and we we have increased high-precision weapons eight times, the hero of russia, boris obnosov, appears, and we have increased the production of such missiles, such, such, and such, many times over, and we are increasing the range of destruction, all thanks to chips from microwaves and washing machines. yes picked out, picked out by holes, but i would just like to draw attention to how the voices around this whole information forum have decomposed, primarily from the western media, because russia was in second place, the rating is american, that is, it is conducted by an american rather well-known military portal, and every year, at their request , experts participate there; there are more than 100 experts from dozens of countries around the world.


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