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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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episodes of our author's program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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hello! i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. one hand fights, the other sells, a loud scandal in orenburg. there, the deputy head of the drug control department of the local intermunicipal department of the ministry of internal affairs was arrested. specifically for drug trafficking.
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this was reported on the website of the regional department of the investigative committee. according to investigators, the policeman twice sold a large quantity of illegal substances to his friend. and then he planned to confiscate everything again when the potion reached the drug dens. this is how profitable control over turnover is. it’s time to answer for actions in belgorod, one after another they began to arrest my mother’s daredevils who put together a gang attacked random passers-by at night. they attacked in a crowd from behind and beat them to a pulp. and all for the sake of popularity, which must be said. we didn’t get it, but obviously not what we wanted. from belgorod sultan zeganov. one of the members of a street gang, which kept the townspeople in terror for several days in a row, is brought into the hall of the sverdlovsk district court of belgorod. she attacked passers-by for no particular reason, and even filmed what was happening on her mobile phone. now there was no trace left of the insolence. nineteen-year-old denis gubin is rather terrified, realizing that he is about to risk going to the isolation ward. denis, you can just say it. talking
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, it’s forbidden, why is it forbidden to attack people, six young people, most of them are minors, but half have already been convicted, they also posted videos on the internet of how they beat innocent people with their hands and feet, that’s all, good, good, good, where the parents of the young sadists were looking is a separate question; now, for example, gubin’s mother is trying to persuade him in court to let his son go to home arrest, they say, what did he do... and what did your son do? the most active in the street gang was supposedly seventeen-year-old amil gafarov, now he is involved in a criminal case of inciting hatred on ethnic grounds and attempted murder for the same reasons. as soon as the handcuffs snapped on his wrists, gafarov began to publicly apologize. i made a big mistake, forgive me, please, this will not happen again. the rest of the alleged street gang members followed through the investigator's office. were in a hurry to testify
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repent, in the belgorod region, investigators of the russian claim have opened a criminal case in connection with information posted in the media about the commission of illegal actions against residents of the region. denis gubin was sent to a pre-trial detention center for 2 months, but his term of imprisonment risks extending greatly. following gubin , the issue of the arrest of amil gafarov was decided in the serdlovsky district court of belgorod, but given the fact that he was a minor, the hearing was held behind closed doors. other participants inadequate company in the case of attempted murder and incitement of hatred take place in the status of witnesses. but how many of them will be charged? hooliganism will be decided by investigators from the ministry of internal affairs. sultan zeganov, sergei soldatov, artyom ryzhikov. news: the duty unit is from the belgogorod region. he escaped imprisonment; major general dmitry byalyatsky was found guilty of taking a bribe, but got off with a fine. now he owes the state 2.5 million rubles.
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kommersant reports this. according to the authors of the material, the court made a lenient decision, since byalyatsky cooperated with the investigation, admitted guilt and testified against his accomplices. moreover, byalyatsky retained the title of the award, so even legal... has a chance to return to the armed forces. former prosecutor of the novosibirsk region vladimir falileev made the last word in the leninsky district court of barnaul. first of all, falileev asked the judge to look into the case and make a fair decision. let me remind you that falleeva is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. allegedly, in exchange for patronage businessman yarovoy transferred money to falileev, and also paid him for various services. in general, the amount is over 10 million rubles. charges are required for the ex. the prosecutor sentenced him to 9 years and 10 months in prison; the defense, in turn, insists on his full acquittal. documents not required by prescription, a large-scale police raid on illegal culinary migrants ended in the detention of the latter. foreign experts decided to deviate from the list of ingredients for
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a trouble-free stay in moscow. some didn’t even find passports, let alone medical books. about their health, so now the chefs are preparing for the trip home. word to alexander polivko. a food court in a shopping center in the capital, the work of the cooks is in full swing, there is no end to visitors, but for some the working day is over before it even begins , the police burst out at the catering point and not at all at lunch, as if without a passport, there is no home nearby, the cook has forgotten her passport along with her home and documents confirming her employment, in the end she nervously called the employer to send at least a photo, now, now i’ll show you, the saleswoman was lucky, the director was on time sent pictures, what can you say about these cooks of the libyan cafe. the natives of libya found themselves without documents at all, let alone a patent to work in our country; together with these chefs, their colleagues were checked. illegal chefs were taken to technical rooms so as not to interfere with the work of other
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cafes, the police went around several more restaurants, and so they found seven illegal chefs, none of them, of course, have mandatory medical records, the employers of such foreign specialists are thinking about how ... more than 900 persons were detained, evaded travel outside the territory of the russian federation. after the general gathering , the outlaw cooks, under the supervision of police , wandered to the bus. illegal workers were taken here to the local police station; after their identity is established, they will most likely be deported and returning back to russia will be a problem. near the department, one of the illegal cooks himself wanted to justify himself, he assures that he left the documents at home. why don’t you carry something with you? what? well, documents? well, i don't have a bag. the police will sort it out why didn't the cook take the documents with him? he promised that he would not make such mistakes again, because it is much easier to draw up all the necessary certificates and contracts than to have
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problems with the law. alexander polivko, dmitry kanovalov and ivan melnichuk. news, duty department. by plane, train, ship and everything is safe. modern technologies allow investigators not only... to quickly detain suspects, but also to fully solve cases that have dragged on for decades. one of these terrible stories is a series of fatal poisonings of passengers, trains in zero. the head of the western interregional transport investigation department, the investigative committee of russia, pavel vamenets, told us in a long interview about how detectives bring a complex investigation to verdicts. interviewed by maxim shevchenko. the beginning of the twenty -fourth year is a good reason to take stock of the previous year. is it possible to talk about any specific numbers now? our investigative department worked with positive dynamics in all main areas of our investigative work. our investigators were processing about 2.0 criminal cases, of which we completed about 1.0 criminal cases
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. we were able to send more cases to court in 10% of criminal cases. one of the most popular topics, probably related to the systematics of investigations, is working with crimes of past years, are there any new, perhaps, technologies and methods of work, where lies the difference that allows now... just to break it down, accordingly , blood into four groups, now we have created
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a good genomic database , which has been formed, has been forming for about more than 15 years, and as for vygovsky, the crimes that he committed can probably be called quite atypical for the investigative committee on transport, we conducted an audit of criminal cases that are in in our archive, in order to identify signs of serial crimes, similarities in method, place, time, we identified a number of criminal cases, these are about crimes that were committed in 2006 and 2007, these crimes were committed by poisoning citizens with antipsychotics, which were mixed into alcoholic drinks, as a result of which they lost consciousness, and in the majority. cases , unfortunately, their death occurred, and after that, when the citizens could not offer
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any resistance, the criminal accordingly stole the valuables they had on them, so accordingly we identified 22 such episodes, which we laid out on the map, it was established that that citizen vygovsky, who was previously convicted of several such crimes, committed a crime at the same time, in the same places with the use of similar antipsychotic drugs, accordingly, we resumed the cases, combined them into one proceeding, as a result of competently conducted investigative actions, joint investigative and operational activities, we once again reviewed the material evidence that was seized in cases where he had a notebook there, in which he, let’s say, even schematically wrote down where and what. from whom he kidnapped, in principle it all coincided with our unsolved crimes. here is one of the most resonant
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stories of the end of twenty-two, this is probably a fire in a flower warehouse in the center of moscow, where there were many victims, and i would like to know about some new details of the investigation, how it is progressing and whether it is now possible to talk about what - any new details? as a result of these actions of our accused, seven people died and ... damage amounting to more than 90 million rubles was caused. during the investigation, it was established that the tenant of this premises, in flagrant violation of fire safety rules, made such a transition between two buildings, which were also built without the consent of any regulatory authorities, this passage was built from flammable materials, the case was sent to court under the article.
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if we talk about crimes in those cases when the investigative committee on transport has to intervene, this is how much the situation in the twenty-third year in aviation differs from what it was in the twenty- first and twenty-second. aircraft accident statistics, compared to last year it remained at approximately the same level, if we talk about criminal cases, where situations reached the point of our investigative department initiating criminal cases, then... there were 13, all other aircraft accidents that occur with air transport are subject to
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careful analysis in our investigative department, in principle, last year there were no serious air accidents that would have resulted in human casualties, that is, everything is quite normal, january is a very good time to outline a plan for the year that has already begun, do you have a vision of how the work will progress further? we have a good, competent, experienced team, investigators who know how to work, know how to work, and the fact is that from year to year the main indicators. the work of our department is growing, this indicates that we are developing dynamically, we know what needs to be done, and i am confident that next year the results of our work will only be better. pavel sergeevich, thank you for the interview. criminal hemp farming on an industrial scale, two resourceful agronomists from the moscow region turned an ordinary hangar into a large drug plantation and harvested crops all year round. the secret winter garden
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was located in a village called black mud. the cheerful farmers who organized it were handed over to the police by neighbors, and during a search, the police discovered more than 20 kg of already dried drugs. a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in article 228 note-1 of the criminal code of the russian federation. the defendant was taken preventive measures in the form of detention. the preliminary investigation is ongoing. in the hangar they found stickers with barcodes that were attached to the goods. it turned out that the shipment was drugs. the criminals sold them via the internet. a schrödinger alcoholic, a pensioner in bashkiria has been listed as an avid drinker for 20 years and is on a special register. however, the man himself found out about this only by chance, when he lost his driver’s license. pavel prolomov wondered whether it would be possible to restore his good name. the car
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of sixty-six-year-old pensioner anyl galimkhanov starts without any problems, which called half a turn. the rest of the car is the same. everything is in order, nevertheless , he is forced to stand like a dead weight in the parking lot, all because its owners deprived him of his rights, and he was the last to know about it, it began with the fact that in april 2023 the local doctor told the man that he had already had several dozen i’ve been registered in narcology for years, i went to the hospital there to find out , and asked how i’m registered, you say, i’ve been registered for a long time, about 20 years ago, that’s how i’m registered there. in the count and i don't know you didn’t go, like this, like this, i didn’t know that i was there, questions immediately arise as to how the pensioner successfully passed the medical examination twice and received a license, then for 3 whole years he calmly drove on the roads without any comments from traffic police inspectors during the inspection documents, everything changed in june of this year,
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then for the first time he heard from the police officers that the driver’s license must be handed over, the car must be parked, and the driver must be fined... 5,000 rubles. and withdrawal of rights. the court decision was made back in may 2023 after a lawsuit prosecutor's office of the chekmagushevsky district. the basis for going to court was the results of the prosecutor's inspection, including a medical certificate stating that the man was registered with a doctor and had contraindications to managing a source of increased danger. the ministry of health, in turn , has already given a response to the man, in which it is reported that pensioners were notified of the need to visit a drug treatment clinic at their place of residence, and the department also informed about a meeting ... of a medical commission, which revealed violations in the conduct of medical examination in 2019, an unnamed nurse was even fined for this, but neither fanyl himself nor his younger brother marad galimkhanov know who we are talking about, and both claim that the fate of the driver’s license was decided without the knowledge of the driver. a trial took place, he did not know about it, because he did not receive any notifications,
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not at the address where he lived before, and not at his registration, naturally, he did not ... could not appeal this decision when the brothers wrote an application to the ministry of health , generally asked for something else: we ask you to carry out an examination of how we would like to have a final examination and make a decision to deregister me, and ask for the results of the examination to be provided in writing, but we only received a written response, and the examination was never carried out, says marat galimkhanov, in order to achieve justice and get their driver’s license back, the family turned to with the help of a lawyer, i have already prepared documents for the district court. pavel prolomov, azamat akhmadishin and alexander sobolev, lead the duty department. horns and hooves with magical properties, woody parts of wild animals, a hot commodity among foreign healers and charlatans. the demand for them is very high, and therefore smugglers continue to mercilessly exterminate endangered species of tigers and bears. how the black market of far eastern woodworkings works in primorye, who helps criminals transport exotic goods, and
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how customs officers and border guards resist illegal business. watch this weekend. tv channel rossiya24 investigation of eduard petrov, poacher in tiger skin. the king of animals and the owner of the taiga, the amur tiger and the brown bear are in danger. from healing potions are made from ground tiger bones and bear lava. if you spray kira on powders, on stands, you can of course make money. and from the red book root - medicinal elixirs. several million rubles. the hunt for bears and tigers continues, their skins are a currency commodity. russia, we have come to visit you. i didn't give permission, but i'm not asking for your permission either. the total cost of this contraband is more than 20 million rubles. how the security forces were able to defeat the international criminal community operating in primorye. we took it upon ourselves
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for this matter and conducted their own investigation. two suspects in the murder of prosecutor cesar suarrez have been detained in ecuador. this was announced by the head of the national police of the republic. suarez was shot in the north of the city of guayaquil. they shot at the car.
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for some reason, under the classrooms and assembly hall there was a school for private security guards, where a huge arsenal was kept. read more about lina skachkova. terrible images of the evacuation, children in panic fleeing the fire, running, coughing, through the acrid fog of the fire into the street, any second could cost their lives. fire in novosibirsk gymnasium number 10 has begun. early in the morning classes were still going on, but they learned, or rather smelled, that right under the students’ feet in the basement a fire was already raging
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with might and main, it was only by the smell that the alarm siren did not go off, and no one suspected that there was literally a weapons depot on fire , and guess what, the signal didn’t even happen, the signal, guess what, the first grades, they don’t sense it, everything went into the class, the teaching staff were the first to rush into the burning school, at that moment they were passing by, the evacuation began, the police were checking the premises. to identify closed ones where there could be people who did not know about what had happened, a fire brigade arrived in a matter of minutes, rescuers together with teachers took the children out into the street, someone got out of the smoke themselves, i just sat with my friends in the dining room, like three minutes before there was a call, here we have a girl walking by alone, and she looks, sees smoke , tells us, well, we ran, in short, casualties among the students were miraculously avoided, among the 500 evacuated students, as well as 30 school staff were injured. they are not here, emergency situations ministry investigators will determine the cause of this fire. a man died, sixty-five-year-old sergei bolodkin , a gymnasium, he had nothing to do with it, he worked as a director in the basement, somehow
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another very strange educational institution was located there, a private school for security and investigation, it worked in almost complete secrecy, what’s under your feet even the teachers didn’t know the combat shooting range, the warehouse was full of guns, a whole bucket was being taken out of the fireplace a step away from the children, the cause of the fire was a stray spark, that same bolotkin started welding underground and didn’t took care of safety, here is the same charred welding machine that killed a man and almost burned down a school, the investigator opened a criminal case, violation of safety rules, carrying out construction or other work, causing the death of a person due to negligence. at the scene of the incident , the body of a man who carried out the work was found, whose death was presumably caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. now we will have to find out on what grounds the city hall even rented out the school basement to a third-party organization. weapons license and a fire extinguisher with which accidental death would certainly have been avoided? the fire was extinguished in less than an hour, all the children were placed in
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a nearby theater, they will study remotely for several days while the emergency is at the scene, experts are investigating, in addition, interrogations await the responsible persons, the management of the mayor's office, the gymnasium and the school security itself. alina skachkova, duty officer. an overly modest treasure lover was caught at the airport. in domodedovo, a tourist from baku tried to smuggle exclusive jewelry worth 10 million rubles through the green corridor. and apparently so i was embarrassed by this luxury that i did not fill out the declaration: watches, rings and earrings studded with diamonds, black ceramics with gold, a blue sapphire ring, explain the royal cargo, for which, by law, you have to pay a large duty, and in this case being greedy is more expensive for yourself. now the smuggler faces up to 7 years in prison and a fine of up to a million rubles. maintain the entire operational legal news feed in telegram channels. russia24
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my mother was 10 years old at the time, they told her about a petrified girl in a house on chkalovskaya street, we studied the medical archive, specifically in 1956, they said that a girl in our yard was dumbfounded, he danced, yes, such a miracle happened, a shameful phenomenon for us communists, they began to ask her, how did you stand for so many days, she says , the fire surrounded me, she passed and she said one word: katy, kayt, kayt!
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mohamed marandi. professor at the university of tehran. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. the first and most important thing is the revolution that took place in iran. the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control control. the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same goes for iran. i believe that the iranians
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have adapted, they are doing business more and more often.
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bad weather is attacking the regions of central russia; due to the snow, traffic on sections of the m7-volga highway is limited. nizhny novgorod region. trucks are currently prohibited from traveling in three areas. trucks are sent to roadside rest areas. restriction on the m5 ural highway in the kirov region, a ban on the production of heavy trucks went into effect in 6 morning. in the kursk and kaluga regions , school buses will not operate the line today. and according to forecasts, it will snow here all day with some rain. restrictions are still in effect on the highway.


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