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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31 , 2024. snowstorms hit russia again, how they cope with problems on the roads and where it is now most difficult due to bad weather. solemn services throughout the country, as our soldiers greeted the baptism of the lord on the front line in the zone of a special military operation. paris is trying to hush up the scandal with the french mercenaries who were destroyed by our military in kharkov. how do they explain what happened and who was appointed guilty? after iran and iran exchanged blows
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pakistan, the middle east is turning into a powder keg. who, according to political scientists, is behind the incitement of conflicts in the region. bad weather is attacking the regions of central russia, and traffic on sections of the m7 highway is limited. volga in the nizhny novgorod region. trucks are currently prohibited from traveling in three. areas, trucks are sent to roadside rest areas. restrictions on the m5 ural highway in the kirov region, a ban on the passage of more cargo, began at 6:00 am. in the kursk and kaluga regions on the line today there will be no school buses. according to forecasts, it will snow here all day, with some rain. the direction is the course. restrictions are still in effect on the m-12 highway in tatarstan and chuvash; avtodora called for postponing long-distance trips at least until sunday. in kazan, where. they managed to clear
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the streets, today they promise record precipitation, in one day, according to meteorologists, a month's worth of precipitation may fall, residents are urged to stay at home or switch from personal transport to public transport. ours joins the broadcast from the capital of tatarstan correspondent, elmira ismogilova. elmira, i greet you, tell me what the weather is like at these moments. good morning, tatyana. kazan today is preparing to meet a new snow apocalypse in the city 100%. in the form of snow, the epiphany frosts did not bring us a significant disadvantage, but they did bring heavy snowfall and a blizzard. i must say that this weather happened just recently, only on wednesday, and today the weather is testing our strength again. according to weather forecasters, today, as of today, the monthly norm of precipitation will fall, in tatarstan again a storm warning has been announced, and a strong snowstorm with reduced visibility is also expected. according to weather forecasters,
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heavy snow and blizzard conditions are expected in the coming hours, with visibility deteriorating to 500 m. there are drifts on the roads. the state traffic inspectorate calls on all road users to be extremely attentive and careful and not to travel outside populated areas unless absolutely necessary. today, from 5 am until 12 noon, a temporary traffic restriction has been introduced. intercity buses, minibuses and freight vehicles on in some sections of federal highways, we noticed that traffic on the m-12 and m-7 highways in kazan was again limited, due to the strong snowstorm , the buran plan continues to operate, more than 800 units of special equipment were involved in clearing the roads from snow, in just one day from the city over 12 tons of snow are removed, snow accumulations attract all available special equipment from all employees.
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city ​​services. due to unfavorable weather conditions, heavy rainfall and strong winds, the buran plan was introduced today from 12:00 p.m., road services transferred to an enhanced operating mode, additional equipment was involved, a total of 600 units will be involved, more than 500 people will be involved in road workers, road services. put in an intensive mode of operation, it also became known that traffic is limited in chuvash, morel, ulyanovsk region, the situation on the roads is very difficult, traffic is limited in the nizhny novgorod region and mordovia, we continue to monitor the situation, colleagues, emira, thank you, in direct communication from kazan, where today they promise record snowfall, was my colleague elmira from magilova. residents of the northern capital are being warned about bad weather today, they promise. and in
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moscow, the snowdrifts that had passed in the evening and night grew by another 8 cm, the capital’s streets were literally covered with snow, due to poor visibility, traffic jams of nine points formed on the roads, the snowfall had already stopped. during the day they promise warming to 0°, but in the evening it will get colder again to -12. in altai, rockfall cut off two regions from the capital of the republic; regional authorities said there were 3,000 residents in the settlements. food fuel and medicine. there are no casualties. from the collapse temporarily traffic along the chuysky highway has been stopped. one lane is destroyed. special equipment has already been sent to the site. and to other topics, orthodox christians celebrate one of the main christian holidays - the baptism of the lord.
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in all temples the ceremony of the great illumination of water is performed. many believers plunge into the font. this tradition symbolizes cleansing from sins. the holiday was celebrated in the zone. direction of the front, you know, for us russians, for christians, no one has canceled the great holidays, from time immemorial russians have believed and believe in god, with this faith we we are winning great victories, it
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inspires us, inspires us, and we know that it is our strength that helps us, for epiphany bathing the soldiers made a font, the water temperature is -6°, the believer... where do they take a dip, now in zaporozhye the weather is changeable, strong wind snow with rain, so after swimming in cold water, be sure to have hot tea and sandwiches, christ, god and enlighten the world, glory to you, the military say, you can’t live without faith at the front, it helps to cope with difficulties, that’s why baptismal services are held in many units , they are conducted by front-line priests, despite the fact that this is a front-line zone, the event is taking place, compliance... with all safety measures, military doctors work here, as well as rescuers. in the zone of a special military operation, the baptism ceremony has been held for the second year, front-line priests conduct services not only for the military, but also for local residents, about this pyotr gritsenko has been on the front line for 9 years, helping soldiers at the front since the beginning of
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the armed conflict in donbass. i would like for us, priests, to increase our faith at the front, even more so. not just faith, faith in our victory, faith - in our good, good and bright future, which must await our future, that is, our children, our wives, mothers, here today they are giving away the most precious thing they have - this is life , our soldiers, they need spiritual support , these orthodox holidays bring joy to them, the russian military helps restore orthodox churches, front-line priests conduct services, with the help of parishioners, volunteers are engaged. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, vesti zaporozhskaya region. the houthis hit an american merchant ship near the port of mukalla in the gulf of adana. and this is the second us ship attacked by the movement in the last 24 hours. earlier, huset
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was fired upon by a us army warship in the red sea. mareyskadelka will talk about the situation in the region. they shoot, capture, respond harshly. the houthis announced a strike against the american. but than the ranger in the gulf of adam, as the media found out, the oil tanker was going from saudi arabia to kuwait. the day before, the movement launched ballistic missiles towards the red sea. later the british military reported two attacks off the coast of yemen on a us cargo and military ship, during which, according to the houthis, military equipment was captured, including weapons and ammunition of the us military. we fight in the name of allah, and he does not like aggressors and fights on our side. we attacked american ships.
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these two missiles are much more expensive than the houthis, american channels state, and it seems that even biden has signed off on the uselessness of us missile attacks. do airstrikes work in yemen? oh no. they will continue the work. official yemen is trying to explain everything. a few weeks ago, the americans offered us, through the aman mediator , to recognize our government as the sole legal representative of yemen if we stop the attack in the red sea. but we rejected this proposal because the americans' decision does not interest us. today they classify us as a terrorist group, and this classification was adopted for biden's election purposes. and yemen's position changed the balance of world powers, because america. depends from its domination over the world not by its military power. meanwhile,
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an american drone was shot down in the skies over iraq, journalists report, and us special forces have been sent to the crash site. the alarm has been activated on the territory of the american consulate in erbil, and drones have been intercepted. ksir publishes these shots. iranian intelligence is constantly monitoring terrorist cells in the province of biluujistan, the military states. islamodi confirmed that the country conducted a series of precise and fully coordinated military operations against shelters. in iranian provinces. pakistan advises air carriers not to use iranian airspace for security reasons. mutual missile attacks by iran, the united states, israel and pakistan have led to the opening of the proxy front throughout the region, experts say. the outbreak of war may break out in other countries, which, with the light hand of the us and british intelligence services, may lose their statehood. the west can manipulate the kurds, houthis and other movements to put pressure on iran to try blow it up from the inside, the media write. journalists and political scientists are alarming.
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stories with french mercenaries whom our military destroyed in kharkov. in its statement, the ministry of the fifth republic called everything a clumsy manipulation of russia and assured that the country allegedly does not have mercenaries in any state. apparently, they forgot about the existence of their private military companies, which are actively working in the middle east, including ukraine. let me remind you that our military destroyed the temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces. as it turned out, there were foreign mercenaries there, mostly french. more than sixty militants were killed. over twenty more are in the hospital. initially, in paris they generally stated that they knew nothing. ekaterina radaeva will tell you all the details.
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the death of dozens of french mercenaries in ukraine makes paris an accomplice in the conflict , said former french military intelligence captain pierre plasse. this is being done without the consent of the people, when the french are being dragged into a conflict in which we absolutely do not want to take part. of course, this worries us, these are people trained in war, who capable of disrupting order upon return. they can wreak havoc in france, but it seems that influential people intend to make good money in ukraine, waiting for billions of euros, which will be allocated to military orders. the french minister of defense admitted that the fifth republic only intends to increase the production of equipment and ammunition. the war economy is an opportunity not only for our armies, but also for our industrialists. the latter is fully interested in this, since the ability to quickly produce equipment will become one of the criteria for export success. us secretary of state antony blinken does not want to acknowledge the reality in ukraine, the american conservative points out. calls him
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a gray official, incapable of diplomacy. the big problem for the states is the complete absence of responsible and honest people in the white house, laments columbia university professor jeffrey sachs. that's why everything falls apart before our eyes. the state elite has stopped caring about the interests of the americans, former adviser to the head of the pentagon, douglas mcgregor, agrees. put forward the interests of your own country. it will sink, but it won't be long. the united states doesn’t care about zelensky, and he will soon
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understand this, he will be thrown away like a used napkin or toilet paper, he has served his purpose, it’s time to throw it aside and wash it off, that’s what will happen to him. ukrainian refugees are already faced with the fact that attitudes towards them have changed dramatically. in ireland, in the city of roscrea, local residents picket a hotel with ukrainians around the clock. do not let them out into the streets, they say, after the arrival of kiev guests in the city, crime increased several times, local authorities do nothing, and the enraged irish intend to carry it out. protest march. ekaterina rydaeva, news. now economic news: maria russia is following the path of developing artificial intelligence. tell us what tasks vladimir putin has set for the cabinet of ministers in this area. tatyana, in particular, to work out options for using new technologies in the economy. i will continue the topic right now. vladimir putin gave the government a number of instructions on the development
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of artificial intelligence; it is necessary to ensure the development and application of generative models in the economy. there was also the task was set to increase the computing power of supercomputers, organize training of specialists and consider cooperation with friendly countries. expanding the borders of the arctic zone of the khanta-mansi autonomous okrug will attract 3.5 billion rubles of private investment, as well as create additional jobs. this was stated by deputy prime minister yuri trutnev. the expansion will affect two districts - beloyarsky and berezovsky. inclusion in the arctic zone will allow, through tools to support entrepreneurial activities and additional social programs provided for by the russian state program for the socio-economic development of the arctic zone of the russian federation, to create favorable conditions for their development. the us treasury has allowed us citizens to pay taxes in russia until
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april 17. thus, washington makes an exception from sanctions against the russian central bank, the national fund. welfare and the ministry of finance. essentially, this is an extension of a permit that came out in the fall and was supposed to expire at the end of this year. month. the document applies to both individuals and organizations controlled by us citizens. they can pay taxes, fees, import duties, and also purchase licenses and certificates. the us congress has approved legislation to fund various departments of the federal government until early march. now president joe biden must sign the document, and do it. it is necessary quickly, because the previous law on the allocation of funds expires today. if you do not meet the deadlines, you will have to suspend funding for many departments, including in the areas agriculture, energy, transport and housing. let me remind you that in the document from november last year there was not a single line about monetary assistance to israel and ukraine. this approach has been retained in the new version. the bundestag has adopted
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germany's budget for this year. the document provides for almost 500 euros of expenses and about 40 billion new loans. approval was not easy; for several weeks they could not agree on the final amounts. let me remind you that the main problem is the lack of money for already agreed upon projects. at first they were going to be financed from funds for the fight against consequences of the pandemic, but the federal constitutional court prohibited this. now we have to look for new sources and save. including canceling benefits for farmers. the main financial document must be finalized at the beginning. february. china became the world's largest exporter of automobiles for the first time. in the twenty-third, he supplied almost 5 million units abroad, which is one and a half times more than a year earlier. within china there is now also a high demand for own cars. at the end of last year, the republic released we sold a little more than 30 million. and at the end
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of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rate for today is 88 rubles for the dollar. 66 kopecks euro 96.58. and for now i have... everything. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 exposures. business events, lectures. ya fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that russia admires, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition. russian cities
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thwarted the next attempts of the ukrainian armed forces to transfer reinforcements to the serebryansky forestry area. air strikes on fortified positions of ukrainian militants in this area are carried out by aircraft from the central military district. well-coordinated combat work, report by our war correspondent alexei boranov. the mi-35 night hunter received a combat mission and is now heading to the firing line. attack helicopters move towards the front lines in groups, each with a mandatory escort board in case of an unforeseen situation. it's just passing over us transport and combat mi-8, to the point where the helicopters hit targets in one gulp, from here it’s about a quarter of an hour’s flight. today, alligators and
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night hunters of the central military district are actively working on the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, discovered by reconnaissance groups immediately behind the line of combat contact in the serebryansky forestry. having completed the task, the k-52 attack units return to... to replenish their ammunition, the following groups are already flying to the firing line. strikes against the ukrainian military fortifications identified here near the tor ledge are carried out not only from the air. grad multiple launch rocket systems of the central military district operate in full batteries. which almost continuously replace each other as they consume their ammunition. the enemy is trying to gain a foothold on his forward lines,
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the commander of a combat vehicle with the call sign ak tells us, but he continues to snap. still, he is trying to strike russian positions. they are on the defensive, and cases of using cluster munitions have become more frequent. opponents began to work with fpv drones, so we created an anti-drone mesh done. just a couple of minutes after each salvo, combat vehicles are sent to a new firing line. combat work begins immediately after receiving the target coordinates. today it is a fortified area of ​​the ukrainian military in serebryansky forestry. from one of the air bases in the south. terrain and, as pilots say,
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jumping over power lines. bad weather conditions have added to these difficulties today. weather conditions did not affect us, we are flying under the clouds at extremely low altitudes using unguided aircraft missiles, and completed a combat mission to application of aviation in the area of ​​​​concentration of enemy manpower, as well as combat helicopters , volley rocket systems, and su-25 attack aircraft of the central military district, today they are delivering massive attacks on the opposition of the ukrainian military in the krasnoliman direction of the utra salient, preventing not only the transfer of enemy reinforcements to the front line, but even rotation. alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, alina zykova. news: line of combat contact, krasnolimansky direction, serebryansky forestry. and now we'll talk
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about sports alexander, daniil medvedev, about the second round match at the australian open, i literally played until the morning. tell me how it happened. tatyana, the match ended when it was almost 4:00 in the morning in melbourne. so, the first racket of russia and the third racket of the world. medvedev reached the third round of the australian open. the night before, daniil played against the fifty- third number in the world ranking, fina ruus ware. daniil medvedev lost the first two sets, so for the third time in his career medvedev had to win the match after the gap is 0:2 in games. moreover, medvedev took the decisive fifth set with a score of 6:0. the match between medvedev and rus wari was the final one on the program of the day. the opponents spent 4 hours and 23 minutes on the court. and when the match ended,
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kazan akbars hosted talyatinskaya lada for the gagarin cup. in this match, akbars hockey showed 100% conversion of the majority. akbars played in the power play three times and scored all three times. team.
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zintylu belledinova won a landslide victory with a score of 5:1, with dmitry kogorlitsky scoring a double. but in the east standings akbars are still unwelcome: togliatti are fifth, kazan are sixth. also the day before , the date of the move of st. petersburg ska from the ice sports palace to the new ska arena became known. roman ratenberg’s team will play the first match in the most capacious stadium in the world on february 11 against the sochi hockey club. thus, at the new... stadium, ska will play five matches until the end of the regular season, after which the playoffs will begin. already purchased tickets for skledova's february home matches at skaren will not be valid, the club will pay for them will return money to fans. for the first time in khl history, a club will change its home stadium during the championship. washington captain alexander ovechkin returned to action after missing three matches. in the game against st. louis, ovechkin provided an assist for his
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team's fourth goal. world light heavyweight boxing champion according to three boxing organizations , artur beterbiev, returned to russia after defeating briton calum smith. a ceremonial meeting was organized for arthur beterbiev at domodedovo airport. kyiv arrived from quebec, canada, where he defeated smith last weekend by technical knockout in the seventh round and defended his three championship belts. thus, in the professional ring, arthur remains undefeated, he has 20 fights, 20 victories, and all 20 by knockout. it’s very nice when you’re greeted like this at home in your homeland, in fact, i’ve already recovered, as you can see, this eye hasn’t gone away yet, there’s a bruise.
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the international olympic committee will conduct another test of the russians before the games in paris. it will affect those russian athletes who has qualified for the olympics and will perform there in a neutral status. mark adams, mok's director of communications, said this at a press conference following the mok executive committee in south korea. according to him, mock is currently identifying independent analysts with a decent reputation who will check each athlete to ensure that they do not violate russian admission criteria. let me remind you that mok announced the admission of our athletes to the games in paris in individual neutral status in early december. the olympiad itself will be held from july 26 to august 11 this year. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour.
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my mother was 10 years old at the time, they told her about a petrified girl in a house on chkalovskaya street, and we studied the medical archive, specifically from 1956, they said that in our yard a girl was dumbfounded, she was dancing there with an icon, and such a miracle happened. a shameful phenomenon for us communists, they began to ask her how you stood for so many days, she said: fire surrounded me, she walked by and said one word, repent, repent, repent.
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applies to iran for many reasons. first and most importantly, the revolution that took place in iran. the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control. the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same goes for iran. i believe that the iranians have adapted, they are increasingly doing business and trading with...


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