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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the israeli prime minister openly opposed the existence of a palestinian state, even after the end of hostilities, will the united states be able to influence tel aviv on this issue? new attack on an american ship in the gulf of adana. the houthis hit an oil tanker. an underwater nuclear weapon system was tested in north korea, it is stated that it is. response to military exercises involving a us nuclear aircraft carrier, what are north korea's underwater nuclear weapons? in tatarstan , due to difficult weather conditions, again traffic on the m12 east highway is blocked for the second time this week. the passage is closed to all types of transport. on the m7 volga highway, there is a limit of three sections. in kazan,
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where they barely had time to clear the streets after the snowfall at the beginning of the week, today they promise again record precipitation; according to meteorologists, a month's worth of snow may fall within 24 hours. from the capital of tatarstan, our correspondent, elmira ismogilova, is now joining the broadcast. elmira, greetings, what is the situation at these moments, what? good morning, daria, kazan welcomes snow again apocalypse, today there is 100% precipitation , they were joined by gusty winds, the epiphany frosts did not bring us sub-zero temperatures, but brought us heavy snow, with gusty winds, according to forecasters, the monthly norm of precipitation will fall today in tatarstan, a storm warning has been announced again, also a strong snowstorm is expected with reduced visibility. according to
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weather forecasters, heavy snow and blizzard conditions are expected in the coming hours, with visibility deteriorating to 500 m. there are drifts on the roads. the state automobile inspectorate calls on all participants road traffic, be extremely attentive and careful and do not travel outside populated areas unless absolutely necessary. and suddenly the m12 highway was again closed for all types of transport, and traffic on the m7 and m5 highways was limited. they are working to monitor the road situation in tatarstan. 24 operational groups of local fire and rescue garrisons have mobile heating points in readiness; no information has been received about casualties. for snow removal work on federal, regional and municipal roads 1,380 units of road and special equipment were involved in the snow removal, all employees of public utilities were involved in all available special equipment. road services
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have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode, additional equipment has been brought in, a total of 600 units will be involved, more than 500 people will be involved in road workers, the road services have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode, and so on. it is known that traffic is limited in chuvashia, mariel, the ulyanovsk region, the situation on the roads is very difficult, traffic is also limited in nizhny novgorod in the nizhny novgorod region in mordovia. we continue to monitor the situation. daria, yes, thank you, elmira ismogilova was on direct communication from kazan, where today they again promise record snowfall. the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated in moscow. it started the day before and...
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lay down all night, about 12 cm of snow fell in the capital in a few hours, by the evening serious traffic jams formed on the roads, and taxi prices immediately doubled. utility services were preparing for the disaster, and are now involved in street cleaning maximum amount of special equipment. drivers are urged to strictly adhere to speed limits and distances amid bad weather. because of the ice, the hydrometeorological center has extended the yellow level of weather danger in moscow and the moscow region. for one day rockfall, in altai rockfall cut off two districts from the capital of the republic, 3000 residents live in these settlements, according to information from regional authorities, there is a supply of food, fuel and medicine, there were no casualties, it was temporarily stopped due to the collapse traffic along the chuya highway; special equipment has already been sent to the site to repair the road.
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the glorious ones celebrate one of the main christian holidays - the baptism of the lord. in all churches the rite of great consecration of water is performed. many believers plunge into the ice hole. this is a tradition. symbolizes cleansing from sins. on epiphany night, dozens of believers plunged into the font on the territory of the main temple of the country's armed forces. the servicemen came with their families, and tents were set up nearby where they could warm up and drink tea. and at 9 am the festive celebration will begin in the temple. divine liturgy. epiphany bathing was organized in the rear areas of the special operation. the priests held a prayer service and the ceremony of the great lighting of the water. the military were able to plunge into compliance. i want to congratulate all of russia , all of us people on this wonderful holiday, this is a great holiday, especially in the zone of a special military operation, together with god we are moving towards victory by observing such norms as
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baptism, swimming in an ice hole, with faith, in the soul heart, we will win, we were the first to celebrate the holiday at... this place on the selenga river, they equipped two swimming pools, one for men and one for women, as well as heated tents for changing clothes. believers began plunging into the ice hole the night before. safety is monitored by doctors, rescuers and police. the safety of believers during epiphany
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bathing is monitored by volunteers of the all-russian student rescue corps; they have taken up duty in the regions of the country. today is the all-russian feast of epiphany. regions of the country, more than 900 volunteers participate, if necessary, we help to enter the font, get out of it, provide first aid, are ready to work in any weather, and we always do this. and now to other news. the houthis hit an american tanker in the gulf of adana. this is the second us vessel attacked by the movement for the latter. 24 hours earlier, the houthis fired at a us military ship in the red sea. the united states responded by shelling yemen. marei skorodilka will talk about the situation in the region. they shoot, capture, respond harshly. the houthis announced a strike on the american vessel than ranger in adamskoe
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bay as the media found out, the oil tanker was traveling from saudi arabia to kuwait. the day before , the movement launched ballistic missiles towards the red sea. the british military later reported two attacks.
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oh no, they'll keep it going. official yemen is trying to explain everything. a few weeks ago, the americans offered us, through the aman intermediary , to recognize our government as the sole legal representative of yemen if we stopped the attack in the red sea. but we rejected this proposal because the americans' decision doesn't interest us. today they classify us as a terrorist group, and this classification was adopted for biden's election needs and yemen's position has changed the balance of world powers, because america depends on its dominance over the world, not on its military power. meanwhile, an american drone was shot down in the skies over iraq, journalists report, and us special forces have been sent to the crash site. the alarm has been activated on the territory of the american consulate in erbil, and drones have been intercepted. ksir publishes here these shots. iranian intelligence is constantly
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monitoring terrorist cells in the province of biluujistan, the military states. islamada confirmed that the country conducted a series of precise and fully coordinated military operations against ukraine. terrorists in iranian provinces. pakistan advises air carriers not to use iranian airspace for security reasons. mutual missile attacks from iran, the united states, israel and pakistan led to the opening of the proxy front. throughout the region , experts say. the outbreaks of war can flare up in other countries, which, with the light hand of the us and british intelligence services, may lose their statehood. the west can manipulate the kurds, houthis and other movements to put pressure on iran and try to blow it up from within, the media write. journalists and political scientists give alarming forecasts. it seems that the time has come for the redivision of the middle eastern world. maria skorodilka, news. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank,
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9:12 am
we are raffling off houses, cars, and also prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, stoto. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl. this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, in alfabank the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. this is our usual ivanovo morning. “i want there to be more of us, these are my best evenings, the pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them,
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because there is nothing greater than happiness. national project on demography, the stomach pulls , it pulls to the toilet, cystitis always pulls in the wrong place , tell cystitis, cyston, 14 natural components of cyston against nagging pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to emit mochi, and let your friends drag you to karaoke, cystitis, i i say, cestu." a cheeseburger or chicken burger for only 45 rubles at a tasty spot, than to look at it 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, cough, less chemicals, cough tablets, renival , we trust renival, we choose renival. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need
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a loan, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the loan, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards, it’s easy with holva, it’s me, irina timofeeva, i’m developing new methods for environmentally friendly analysis of food products, and this is my chemistry teacher, it was she who... introduced me to science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties on uka.rf, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today i found myself in a new place with my dad, he... wanted to vote, choose a candidate , we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why here?
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so many cameras, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, it will record an instant of this incident, observation, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, russia is going to break the agreement with the uk, oh fisheries, the government has already approved the corresponding bill. we will learn about the reasons and consequences of this step from maria grigorieva. maria, greetings, we are talking about fishing in the barents sea, how... what kind of fish are caught there? daria, greetings, well, first of all, cod, now i’ll tell you everything. russia is denouncing an international food treaty for the first time; the government has approved a bill to terminate the agreement with the uk on fisheries. it was concluded back in soviet times in 1956. then british vessels received the right to enter
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fishing in the designated zones of the parin sea along the coast of the kola peninsula. they were free to go and anchor and agree on how much fish and invertebrates could be caught and set the rules for fishermen of each country accordingly. the agreement with the british was initially concluded for 5 years and was constantly extended for a similar period, and the document provided for the possibility of unilateral
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refusal. russia decided to use this right in response to the uk's sanctions policy. moreover, in 2020, the country excluded russia from the most facilitated trade regime and introduced an additional tariff of 35% on a number of our goods, including iron, steel, aluminum, copper, silver, wood, fertilizers and cement. in london they emphasized that the main goal is cause maximum damage to the russian economy and minimize negative consequences for yourself. the ban on fishing in the russian zone of the barints sea is long overdue for the uk, legal and absolute. adequate to the situation, moscow's response to london's unfriendly actions. i strongly support the denunciation of the bilateral agreement of 1956, if only there were more such concrete and sensitive actions from the russian side for our opponents. the additional fee of 35% also affected russian white fish, which reduced it attractiveness for british
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processors and distributors, who previously made more than 10% of their purchases in russia. eventually. they increased supplies from iceland and norway. in 2022 , the price of all smoked dried fish imported by great britain almost doubled. the average price for the three quarters of 2023 was even higher, it increased by 12% compared to the 2022 level. and if you look at other product categories, for example, fish fillets and fish meat, frozen fish, prices are twenty in the second year they also grew, but the growth rates were generally comparable.
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in general, you need to understand that, in principle , not much cod is caught in the world, not even a million tons are collected there, and norway and russia are the two countries that essentially catch the main volumes of cod in the world. also, for example, a third of the white fish that the uk buys from china is of russian origin. the fisheries union
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supported breaking the fishing agreement with the british. in their opinion, this is only to record the current situation. and no way will affect the market, especially since russia ended the twenty-third year with the best catch in 30 years, 5,300,000 tons, the country’s level of self-sufficiency in fish exceeds 150%. the uk fisheries treaty may not be the only one in line for cancellation. vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachov believes that now is the time to reassess existing agreements with unfriendly countries. thank you maria, maria grigorieva spoke about the rupture of the fisheries agreement between russia and great britain. extended for electric vehicles. paid travel on toll roads, the benefit turned out to be effective; in regions adjacent to such roads, sales of electric cars increased almost twice as much as the national average.
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taras kucharenko will talk about the benefits of giving up gasoline and diesel. muscovite ivan dzyurdzia first got behind the wheel of an electric car 2 years ago, after which he no longer wants to drive a car that needs to be filled with gasoline. an electric car is easier and cheaper to maintain. moreover, in the capital. free parking for him, but that’s if you drive with work to home, long trips - this is a whole adventure with finding the right gas stations, having an adapter for chinese models, besides, in cold weather the battery discharges twice as fast, if you travel a long distance, then i would not recommend doing this, here probably the only correct option is to have several cars for now, no matter how much i love electric cars, but this is such hopelessness. we depend on charging stations so that the infrastructure develops faster and electric charging stations appear not only in large cities, for electric cars
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they made free travel on toll highways, in the regions adjacent to such areas , sales of electric vehicles are twice as high as the national average, businesses began to invest more in the creation of ez, they decided to extend the benefit this year, according to government plans, by 2030 in russia they should ... to launch at least 72,000 charging stations, the program for the development of gas stations has been expanded to 26 regions and , in general, the entire infrastructure for electric vehicles, now, in my opinion, about 65 regions are already connected to this program and steps are gradually being taken they are made for development. some regions have refused to collect a transport tax from owners of electric cars; there are subsidies for those who buy russian electric cars. all this led to sharp growth. sales of about 15,000 units last year, an increase compared to the twenty-second year by almost five times, 4.7 times, these sales can be divided into two
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main segments, that is, relatively speaking, let's say inexpensive electric cars, this is primarily how since muscovite currencies are three, and cars are expensive, and this is first of all chinese premium, you can probably even say manufacturers of electric vehicles, this is ziker, and howling, prices for new electric cars in russia start from 2 million rubles. but russians prefer cars that are more expensive from five to 10 million. the most popular electric car in russia is zikr 001. 500-600 of these cars are sold every month. they are brought in through parallel import. price - 7,200 thousand in the showroom. moreover, all foreign electric vehicles come to our country through parallel imports. chinese manufacturers. they are afraid of sanctions and are not ready to officially enter the russian market, they themselves depend on foreign chip suppliers, however, this does not prevent car dealerships
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from supplying cars directly, there is an unspoken agreement. the chinese, after all, are probably more suitable for the russian consumer in that they are more equipped with functions, they have a more, say, familiar design and familiar interiors. european and american electric cars have practically stopped being imported to russia; they cannot compete with the chinese, because the price for the same model, but made somewhere in germany you will have to pay twice as much. taras kuchurenko, ivan muroshov, viktor kryzhanovsky, lead. in japan , the winner of a prestigious literary prize was the novel that she wrote. a neural network was used, a year ago this would have caused a scandal, now the use of artificial intelligence does not surprise anyone, maria valieva will tell you the details. in addition to
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gratitude to loved ones, the publishing house and readers, special thanks to artificial intelligence. winner of one of japan's most prestigious literary awards, the okutagawa, writer riya kudan admitted during a press conference that her novel “takiyaya tower of sympathy” was. created using the popular chatbot chat-gpt. i wrote a novel in the era of artificial intelligence, i realized this, it was artificial intelligence that i used, that is, the gpt chat when writing this novel, so probably 5% of the total number of sentences in the novel were generated by artificial intelligence. i think i will continue to use this tool, i believe imagination and such programs can work well get along, the end result will be novels. it was conversations with the neural network that kudan admitted inspired her to... part of the dialogue in the book, the novel tells about the tokyo of the future, where a tower is being built to comfortably house criminals, supposedly they are the most unfortunate people, they need sympathy, if
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they get it... then they can to re-educate, one of the main characters, the female architect of this skyscraper, is outraged by such tolerance of society, and she is also dissatisfied that people have stopped thinking, giving almost everything to artificial intelligence. him in the work has a special role. the idea, by the way, is not new. olga uskova published a novel more than six months ago called these cherni, also about the future, like the japanese one, that’s where the declared co-author is artificial. his name is hipolit, that is , i don’t see anything wrong with artificial intelligence participating in the creation of a work, and especially in both cases, in our russian and japanese we are talking about science fiction. technologies are developing rapidly, especially with regard to artificial intelligence, and russia is in this race takes the leading position. for example, the masterpiece neural network from yandex
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generates... inevitable, experts say, such novels may well appeal to inexperienced readers, but alas, there is no depth in them, when the blog was written 12 said today i am a genius, he himself did not expect it, that he would write this, you see, for him 12 was the same creative surprise as everything else, so artificial intelligence can write well, even very well, but it will never reach the level, especially in poetry, this
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impossible, because... outwardly everything will seem to be successful, in reality there will be no depth, most importantly, there will be no subtext, there will never be a deep subtext in artificial intelligence, in prose, in poetry. the novel takiya tower of sympathy by a japanese writer was written only partially using artificial intelligence. basically, everything was invented by riya kudan herself. the only complaint is that she did not indicate the neural network as her co-author. association for the promotion of japanese literature, which awards the prestigious award named after. tagawa for now kudan does not comment on this issue, nor does he comment on the awarding in general. maria valieva and olga alvukhina, lead. this is my group, we are called temporary musicians. and the most important thing is karoki, you can just sing the whole movie.
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i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, the whole movie is like goosebumps. your song can change the world for the better at the same time and funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dance with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians, samarkan registan, an architectural masterpiece from former times, the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right side is reflected in the left, although there are 90 steps between them.
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and 200 years, soviet times, uzbekistan, and cotton, synonyms, nothing grew here except it, now everything is different, trouble is still the locomotive of the economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan, leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbekistan sites, the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old connections are being remembered, but here we have centuries-old connections, produces 350 thousand cars at breakneck speed and changes the economy. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's see. let's see. in the application or on the website.


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