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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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snow records in central russia, the volga region. in the volga region , the m12, m7 and m5 highways are again closed. when will the traffic situation change? abnormal precipitation in crimea, sevastopol was flooded this night, the first floors of houses were under water and traffic was stopped.
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the duma is preparing an appeal to the french parliament. the reason was the sending of mercenaries from the fifth republic to the territory of ukraine. they were destroyed in kharkov during a precision strike by the russian armed forces. the israeli prime minister openly opposed the existence of a palestinian state even after end of hostilities. will the us be able to influence tel avid in this matter? the united states did not achieve its goals in ukraine, the former chairman of the nato military committee, bundeswehr general harold kueth said in an interview with a german journalist. according to him, russia has become stronger militarily, and western sanctions have not had the stated effect. the conversation also included historian peter brant, son of former german chancellor willy brant. he believes that ukraine's non-aligned status could solve the problem. what exits from? european military and
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11:06 am
welcome to the discussion on my channel. yes, the times when you could enjoy peace and tranquility during the winter holidays are apparently over. on the supply of heavy weapons, others are in favor of negotiations, people are haunted by the current geopolitical ukraine, some demand a situation, i would like to talk with two distinguished guests who came to us today and whom i will be very pleased to introduce to you. so on my left is professor emeritus of modern and contemporary history as well.
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well, i would not go so far as to say that ukraine’s defeat is on the horizon, it is becoming obvious, or it has already become clear that it will not achieve its goals, but i will not
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evade the essence of the issue because of this, the possibility of negotiations appears only when there is...
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obviously downplayed, including in terms of significance for russia. so everyone since expansion comes first, and then they have no reason to fear nato. this, this is simply absurd, in such matters we are talking about
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potential and we are talking about intentions. the intentions are not always clear, but the potential is clear and... the fact that the entry of all of ukraine into nato would be a problem for any hypothetical russian government is that. which they don’t want to admit, and the point here is not at all that mr. putin does not have a very pleasant character, this is a real problem, and there might be a way to get ukraine into nato through partition, so if in the end in the end, some kind of korean solution will remain. yes, one can imagine that when the country is divided, one, one part will be
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integrated into nato. i, i don’t want to speculate too much, i’ll just say that this, of course, would not be the most pleasant outcome, neither for ukraine, nor for, nor for the northern hemisphere or world stability, so i am speaking out.
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ukraine should become a member of nato. how can you, the former chairman of the nato military committee, explain such rhetoric from the secretary general? is it possible to take this simply? as a provocation, or whether the decision to accept is actually being considered. this discussion of nato membership before
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the russian attack, from my point of view, contributed greatly to the fact that no meaningful attempt was made to prevent this attack, because the russians, i could name names now, but there were many politicians who said, that ukraine should be a member and that it will become one. i can tell. i was and would not like to extol my role here once again, but i was also the chairman of the ukraine commission, chiefs of staff of the prito and the council of chiefs of staff of nato russia, i know both countries well, i had the opportunity in 2002 to work very actively on the integration of the ukrainian armed forces into democracy, so to speak, and i personally led the negotiations. with three candidates for membership, namely hungary, the czech republic and poland. and
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after these negotiations, i came to the conclusion that russia is not against nato expansion on principle, as is always presented. this is my personal perception, maybe everything is not so, but i came to this. the fact is that russia evaluates this from a strategic point of view, namely which country. there is also a second point, when mr. stoltenberg says that ukraine will become
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a member of nato, he refers to the protocol of the bucharest summit, where president bush tried to put pressure on the heads of state, in 2008, yes, with great zeal he sought an invitation from georgia and ukraine, in which he did not succeed , then, like this... yes, it usually happens in such cases, in order to save face , they included an excerpt on which mr. stoltenberg now relies in his statements. i recommend mr. stoltenberg take a look at the agreement on...
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these requirements, but in any case now these requirements have not been met, in the foreseeable
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perhaps in 10 or 20 years she will comply in the future, this is also not worth waiting for, back in 2002, when i was in ukraine, i was asked: when will we finally become members of nato? our army does everything you say. i said you don't qualify. you must understand that it is not your army that becomes a member of nato, but you, as a state, like ukraine, become a member of nato, and you do not meet the requirements. what were these requirements? it would be too long, all of them. maybe you could briefly outline what everything relates to democracy.
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imagine, ukraine becomes a member of nato, then tensions between ukraine and russia escalate again. then, since ukraine is already a member of the alliance, the entire bloc, nato finds itself in a state of war with russia if it comes to war. by the way, this needs to be understood, every state should think about this, and germany too, what would this mean for germany, this, by the way, is mr. zelensky. long before the negotiations in istanbul, he publicly stated: we are ready to accept a neutral status, we also renounce nato membership, and this was also in the negotiations with ukraine in the ten-point plan that ukraine presented at the negotiations, it was formulated by ukraine, because the final
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the document essentially reflects the positions of ukraine, we always have to remind ourselves of this. one more point: negotiations took place only because the situation was so unclear for both sides that they did not want to take any serious risks. ukraine, together with the west seriously overestimated russia, and also significantly overestimated russian ambitions. one of the points of view is that it was planned to capture the whole of ukraine, this
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was out of the question with so many soldiers, and against it. i would also like to talk about your call for peace, for which, in particular, we
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have gathered here today, you published it at the end of the summer, it is called ending the war with negotiations. you have previously mentioned two of your colleagues, hajo funki and horst teltschik, with whom you published your call for peace, there you write, i want to quote. especially if the united states partially, partially refuses to participate in the affairs of ukraine, and what
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is quite obvious is that if you send soldiers, you become a participant in the war, that is, it would become a war between nato and ukraine on the one hand. and russia on the other, no matter how involved the us gets, this is exactly what you'd want to avoid by acknowledging the problem, so i can't imagine it would go unscathed, but i still think that will come to a discussion of such a possibility, as well as there will be activation.
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enough weapons, such discussions will continue, i do not expect that this approach will prevail, but it seems to me that such ideas will be expressed more often. let's also discuss another hot topic, namely the number of military dead and wounded. ger kueth, in the mentioned interview you mentioned the figure of 460,000, then this was discussed on... in the podcast of the central german radio, the general invited to the broadcast said that these figures are too high, and that the situation with losses is rather the opposite. now i'll ask you
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question: do you really think that there is a real basis for asserting that in this war almost 5,000 ukrainian military personnel were killed and injured, that is. first, and i will also ask you this question: since you are a nato insider, do you think that if defeat were inevitable, nato or western states would take such a step as sending their military, because this would become, we hear words about that ukraine must win, it cannot lose, otherwise it will be a defeat not only for ukraine, but for everything collective west. do you think the west will go this way? will send his troops there far away. to answer the first question with numbers, here's the thing. neither ukraine, nor russia, nor any of the parties, discloses the number of their
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losses. how did you come up with these numbers? if we, and well, if we are talking about these numbers, we need to give a clear definition. i talked about casualties, this includes the dead and wounded who are no longer able to fight. if you watch the interview with zaluzhny again, you will see that he also talks about significant losses, and now more and more often , finally, the western media began to talk about large losses in ukraine, and it is necessary to understand that russia - the russian military and the ukrainian military are conducting two different types of operations. the ukrainian armed forces are faced with the task of regaining lost territory, conquering square meter by square meter, and this is literally the case,
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zaluzhny said, is being given to them. the ukrainian armed forces, without even naming specific numbers, are so weakened that they are no longer capable of a concentrated offensive. in addition, for example, in bakhmut or now in avdeevka, in the west it seems that the russians are suffering huge losses there. this is naturally information from ukraine, this is understandable,
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but essentially that’s all. someone says that these numbers are wrong , then he must say which numbers are correct, this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, a beautiful picture, and most importantly - karaki, you can simply sing the whole film, our
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happiness is to live. family film, i’ve already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, all the movies have goosebumps, yours can a song change? it seems to me that this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, an apple, the bremen town musicians, now our army is not the best in the world, yes, probably there wasn’t, one of the problems is the use of komikaze by the enemy and pividron,
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accordingly we need to develop means. we drive around and use machine guns like russians, the best, in two months it was destroyed, 300 firewood was 300, ours are going beautifully.
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it’s difficult to even say approximately, since there are no official sources, but let me ask again how you came to the figure of 460 thousand, what sources are you relying on, i'm not citing any sources because i can't name them, so, but he has them, your words remind me of seymour hirsch, he also says he knows who blew up the northern stream, but... i can, if, if i tell you a name now, then what kind of trouble will i get this person into, but anyone who has at least some connections in america, for example, who has a lot of friends there, is naturally makes it possible to obtain information, this is quite obvious, this is the whole trick, but you will see, the day will come when
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already here... in the german media.


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