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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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it’s difficult to even say approximately, yes, approximately, since there are no official sources, but let me ask again, how did you come to the figure of 46,000, what sources do you rely on? i'm not citing any sources because i can't name them, so, but he has them, your words remind me of seymour hirsch, he also says that... what kind of trouble will i get this man into, but any who has at least some connections in america, for example, who has many friends there, this naturally gives the opportunity to obtain information, this is quite obviously, this is the whole trick, but...
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in any case, i didn’t invent these numbers, i can’t do that, and as i already said, i also have no information. in ukraine, no one tells me about the numbers of casualties, they would not disclose them, but the fact that the president of ukraine will pass a new law on mobilization shows what enormous difficulties exist at the moment, let me make it clear again, we always hear and ... now they are talking about this more and more often, that the problem of the difficult situation or even the critical situation of the ukrainian armed forces is the problem is that the west is too late, too little , and did not supply more weapons with the necessary characteristics. of course, weapons are important, but we must assume that they are ukrainian. the armed forces
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with a strength of 4,000 people were already significantly prepared for the start of the war, they even carried out joint maneuvers with nato countries, and were also equipped, so this is a key point, and this is how it is seen, for example, i always refer to zaluzhny, because for me this is an honest person who can be trusted, this is exactly staffing weakness. so the question is that in order to achieve this goal, ukraine cannot lose, how far will the west go, you are a nato insider, yes, there are even assumptions, now there are even assumptions, even from my former nato colleagues, so to speak, that a coalition of consenters will enter because of the number of nato countries that entered ukraine, it is, of course, absolutely...
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that there will come a moment in ukraine when western troops will be involved, so i see it the same way as gerbrandt, we should have, we would have it would be crazy if we did acted because then, then the involvement of nato, the military participation of nato, would mean that at that very second this is a war between russia and nato, without a doubt, this... no, i don’t think
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this needs to be explained, everyone understands this . you touched on the topic of debates in the mainstream media, which... in your opinion, are being conducted in a very risky and one-sided way. you, mr. kuet, are, or at least in the past, were a popular, sought-after expert. i remember how you used to come on air to sandra maischberger and meibrit ilner, now you it's not visible there. why? why are you no longer invited? because i'm telling the truth. and those who tell the truth to the german media. i will quote hegel, he said: the true ones are wholes, what we hear in the mainstream is only half the truth, which means, according to hegel, it is not true, so i believe that we, although we
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really live in a democratic, pluralistic state , we have a terrible past. in the last century our country went through great injustice, we need to be able to learn from this, have a holistic picture before our eyes, what else happens when only half of the truth can be seen, read and heard, this leads to what those who have to accept. they also make decisions based on this information, and this leads to mistakes, i would like to give an example of the impact this has on ukraine on the course of the war, our self-proclaimed experts, what they
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say in our country in ukraine listen, watch and read , and those people in ukraine who are waging this defensive war... feel inspired when great experts from germany say: this is what is needed, you need to give tanks, you need to give missiles, then everything will be fine, that is, we essentially encourage the idea that we need to wage this war until its bitter end, this is also worth thinking about, so until the last ukrainian, how about this from the very beginning , graham said so, but there are others who say exactly that. germany too, the majority leader in the us senate, mitch mccon , recently said: not a single american died in the war in ukraine, but we are weakening one of
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the key opponents. yes, i can read it to you verbatim if you want, it's do you really have the text on hand? yes, you are well prepared. “this is a very revealing quote, and, by the way, mich machona has not given an interview for a long time, this was his first interview in a long time, so he wanted to help ukraine get help and support president biden, that’s what he is on a very famous american program facing the nation, he spoke out, if we look at aid to ukraine, let's talk about where the money actually goes. the money, a significant part of it is spent in the united states, in thirty-eight different states, to replace weapons we supplied to ukraine with modern models, thus we are developing our industrial base, then he
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added, again verbatim, not a single american died in ukraine, we are developing our industrial base - he repeats. destroys the army of one of our main rivals, it’s hard for me to find anything wrong in this, in my opinion, it’s wonderful that they are defending themselves, in my opinion, it’s not entirely wonderful that such words are heard, he has already said this, by the way, for a couple of months ago, in my email correspondence, something similar, but now, now for the first time... in an interview, he said very straightforwardly, yes, yes, we need to look into the american media more often, i already said, we are talking about geopolitical rivalry, that’s exactly what he says, so
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, if i may, return to hegel and the whole, you can simply, you can take it as a starting point. february 24, 2022, but this does not give the full picture, we can start with the annexation of crimea and... what we need to think about, we need
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to analyze in order to understand the fullness . now there are many processes going on, but these are just pictures, because there is an internal ukrainian background, it must also be kept in mind. yes, herkuet, let me turn to you again. you said in your now very popular interview about the policies of the federal government, this is not politics, this is fanaticism. yes, when you were criticized for it too. yes, it somehow influenced your opinion. i can formulate it differently, i can say this. yes, would you like to take the opportunity to reconsider this statement now, or do you continue to stand by it? come on, when the german minister says ukraine
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will become, will win , must win, no, will win, because it must win, you can call it whatever you want, for me it will be a spell, it, it looks like it, yes, so it is necessary, i mean, i understand, being in kiev in such an atmosphere i want to say something important, but it’s just... incredible, yes, we need it, i would like to return to one point, it’s a little lost, and it’s a question of negotiations, is it even possible to conduct them? yes, let's say, let's take the korean war, armistice negotiations were introduced for 2 years, while the war continued, this is precisely the whole point, that ... it is completely ignored that war arises for political reasons, because of the political
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situation and leads to the emergence of a new political situation, and for it to become stable, negotiations are needed, this is what fon was talking about clausewitz, that’s right, the quote goes like this: politics is a continuation, a continuation, war, it is a continuation of politics with an admixture of other means, this is the key point. it is always understood as follows: well , there is a war, since the war has begun, then politics is over, no, politics must continue during a war, this means that we must constantly work towards a reasonable end to the war. ultimately, we must come to a balance of interests. i could also quote augustine's words when raising the question of a just war. he said a just war is when a person defends himself, his people, his
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territory, provided that the goal throughout the war is a peaceful resolution of the conflict, this is exactly what is not happening here, we have suspended politics, our leading politicians pay attention to weapons systems, ammunition and the like, but they are nobody... not countries where people die in hundreds of thousands, a war, first of all, for the sake of ukraine, thinking about how to put an end to this country, which will be completely destroyed, well will remain from ukraine in the end, is this possible, can we be proud of the fact that we were involved in this, i think, herkuet, what would you like to say? were born back in 1942, by the way, the same year as the current
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american president, you lost your father in the second world war, he was a soldier wehrmacht, what do you think the biggest sources of conflict will be in 2024, what worries you most and how do you personally view the future, mr. koet? but i am optimistic, i believe in the rationality of people, including those who clearly demonstrate an unwillingness to think, because everyone somewhere has at least a drop of sanity. i really hope so, especially with regard to national governments. my, my problem that i see is that in this emerging new world order of rival powers, we see that now two blocs are emerging, on
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the one hand, china and russia with the brix countries, that is, brazil, russia, india, china and... in august, six more states joined them, in particular such a heavyweight as saudi arabia, on the other hand we see an antagonistic bloc of the united states trying to involve the europeans in this bloc, and nato is the bridge to this. nato published a new strategic concept on june 29, 2022 and clearly outlined this very point. this, in my opinion, represents the biggest risk facing us in the next ones, in the coming years. and regional conflicts, all those two-sided conflicts that we see, have the potential that, as great powers participate in them or support one side or another,
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they can all lead to a further escalation of this confrontation between the two blocs.
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especially now, when nato is already in the chinese sea, and as it is in the indo-pacific region, expanding its sphere of responsibility, although the alliance was not conceived for this, this is impossible according to the text of the treaty, formally this it is impossible, but it is being realized, and we and i... i think that the wish, our common wish , will be the independence of europe, the establishment of europe not just as a factor of strength, but as a civilizational model, where perhaps we can give something to the world. gerku - with these
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strong words i express my deep gratitude to you for your time, for the fact that... we gathered together today, in my opinion, the discussion turned out to be excellent, very informative, a lot of interesting things were said , yes, thank you very much for finding the opportunity come, you, dear friends, are also great thank you for being with us today, i hope you enjoyed the conversation as much as i did. pain can be different, the mechanism of pain development. one: it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is. from the reasons for its occurrence. pental, let's do without pain. i pay for techno. cyberweek at the megamarket.
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, i bought a cooler camera, i’m a friend, i won’t be lost, i won’t let society down, choose in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, now economic news, briefly: st. petersburg exchange has found a way to unblock. securities of clients, the platform plans to transfer shares listed in hong kong to a third-party russian depository, a merchant writes about this. according to his sources, such an organization could become saf-capital. lawyers believe that this is technically possible, but this does not solve the problems of blocking trades. in any case , a license from the us ministry of finance will be required, and even this document will not protect against possible secondary sanctions. over the course of 2 years, sbir repelled more than 600 cyberattacks, and in 2023 alone
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there were sip-fake threats. however, such cases are still few. the largest share of thefts - 85% - continues to be telephone fraud. china became the largest exporter of automobiles for the first time. deliveries of 5 million vehicles in 2023 are one and a half times higher than the result 2022. and this is just the tip of the iceberg. in fact, 30 million cars were produced in china. the chinese domestic market is so huge that it is even a record one. let me remind you that chinese brands already occupy 50% of the russian market, their share of imports has exceeded 70%. and the us congress approved funding for the government until the beginning of march, this will avoid a shutdown. parliamentarians agreed on the document at the last minute, the deadline by which the initiative had to be approved today. now the document will be sent to joe biden
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for final approval. implementation support. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31 , 2024. the samarkan registan is an architectural masterpiece from former times. the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right side is reflected in the left, although there are 90 steps and 200 years between them. soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton,
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synonyms. apart from it, nothing grew here, now everything is different, trouble is still the locomotive of the economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan. leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old connections are being remembered, and we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan produces 350,000 cars at breakneck speed and changes the economy.
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12:00 pm
across the border weapons, explosives, drones. the state duma is preparing an appeal to the french parliament. the reason was the sending of mercenaries from the fifth republic to the territory of ukraine. they were destroyed in kharkov during a precision strike by the russian armed forces. several regions of central russia are currently in the grip of bad weather. in the nizhny novgorod region, snow cover is limited. ural. in the samara region, traffic for regular and freight transport is temporarily closed. there is no heavy truck traffic on the federal highways of mordovia, the nizhny novgorod region, as well as chuvash, the ulyanovsk region, and the republic of mariel. in the kirov region, the ban on heavy trucks went into effect at 6 am. in the kursk and kaluga regions , school buses were not on the line today. and by


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