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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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made caches in the forest and transported weapons and explosives across the border in drones. the state duma is preparing an appeal to the french parliament. the reason was the sending of mercenaries from the fifth republic to the territory of ukraine. they were destroyed in kharkov during a precision strike by the russian armed forces. several regions of central russia are currently in the grip of bad weather. in the nizhny novgorod region , limited traffic was noticed on sections of the m-7-volga highway, restrictions on the m5 ural highway. traffic is temporarily closed in the samara region for regular and freight transport, there is no heavy truck traffic on the federal highways of mordovia, nizhny novgorod region, as well as chuvash and ulyanovsk regions, the republic of moriel. in the kirov region, the ban on heavy trucks went into effect at 6:00 am. in the kursk and kaluga regions , school buses were not on the line today. and
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the forecast is for there to be snow and rain all day. in tatarstan, due to difficult weather conditions, poor visibility, which is accompanied by a strong side wind, traffic on the m-12-east highway was blocked on the section from kanash to shali. the passage is closed to all types of transport. record precipitation in kazan today in one day; according to meteorologists, a month's worth of snow may fall. the airport and zametelia switched to work based on... actual weather. we will learn about the situation in the city at these moments from our correspondent elmira from mogilova, she is in direct contact. elmira, hello, can the road services cope with such snowfall? good afternoon, colleagues, a snow storm has hit tatarstan again. according to weather forecasters, menstruation will fall today precipitation norm. now there is heavy snow, a blizzard with deteriorating visibility, gusty winds, a storm warning has been announced. state traffic inspectorate employees were recommended.
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do not travel outside the city without unnecessary necessity; the m7 and m-12 highways are closed for all types of transport. trucks stuck on federal highways are now being pulled away with the help of heavy equipment. the weather, of course, is extreme here, we russian people will survive anything, including, as they say, this cataclysm. i'm shocked, there are no sidewalks, damn it, well, i like it, i wanted this, well , the weather is great, 24 operational groups of local fire and rescue garrisons are working to monitor the road situation in tatarstan, mobile heating groups are on standby, there has been no information about casualties, road services have been transferred to round-the-clock operation,
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1,380 units of high-quality special equipment were involved in snow removal work on roads... of regional and municipal significance. kazan international airport continues to receive planes, despite the bad weather, but now there are delays both with departures from kazan and with arrivals to kazan. some planes fly to other airports. traffic on the roads in the city is very difficult due to poor visibility of the snow tracks. due to dense passenger flow due to bad meteorological conditions. conditions in the kazansky metro station , additional trains were launched, due to unfavorable weather conditions, heavy precipitation and strong winds, today from 12:00 the buran plan was introduced, road services were transferred to enhanced mode work, additional equipment has been involved, a total of 600 units will be involved, road workers will be involved: more than 500
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people, road services have been transferred to an intensive work mode , in-person classes have been canceled in several schools today, classes are being held remotely, heavy snowfall is predicted by weather forecasters tomorrow, we will monitor the developments, colleagues, thank you, elmira ismogilova spoke about how kazan is coping with record snowfalls this week, the consequences of a powerful... snowfall is being eliminated in moscow. he began the day before and continued all night. about 12 cm of rain fell in the city in a few hours. by evening , serious congestion formed on the roads, and taxi prices immediately doubled. the maximum amount of special equipment is used in street cleaning. drivers are urged to strictly adhere to speed limits and distances amid bad weather. due to icy conditions, the hydrometeorological center extended the yellow weather warning in the region. day,
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heavy downpours hit the crimea, the evening and night passed, a third of the monthly norm fell there, in the water roads and houses, a point is opened in sevastopol: temporary accommodation of communication with the studio, our correspondent in the region irina eremiychuk. irina, good afternoon, which settlements suffered the most from the rainstorms and how are they now eliminating the consequences? good afternoon, colleagues, and today the southern coast of crimea was also covered by downpours and very heavy precipitation, about 44 mm of precipitation fell in yalda alone overnight. because of this, a retaining wall collapsed on one of the streets and literally crushed a car, there was no living space left of it, now there is precipitation, like, and continues in the city, the same weather awaits us tomorrow, tomorrow the city will also be covered
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by heavy downpours in places, the situation in the city as a whole remains stable, and according to the local administration, utility services have already worked out the addresses where there is a threat of clogging of storm drains, also utility services for during the night we already managed to clean all the pedestrian crossings, colleagues, thank you, irina eremiychuk was in direct communication from crimea, she talked about how the consequences of heavy rainfall are now being eliminated in the region. in altai rockfall cut off two districts from the capital of the republic. 30,000 inhabitants live in these settlements. according to information from regional authorities, there is a supply of food, fuel and medicine. there are no casualties. due to the collapse, traffic along the chuya highway was temporarily stopped. the consequences are being eliminated,
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and special equipment has already been sent to the site to repair the road. and we will return to the raging elements a little later. we are waiting for the forecast from our meteorologists this hour in the second half. and now a short advertisement. afterwards we will continue the release, i pay for techno, cyberweek at the megamarket, buy a tefal power frying pan for only 1,599 rubles. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, you can, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive a superbox as a gift, you can iota. i pay for cyberweek techno at the megamarket, buy a carob coffee maker for only 14,990 rubles. my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i exercise on a daily basis, but how to protect
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social support measures for medical workers who provide assistance to svo participants for this year. they will continue to receive additional payments. the corresponding resolution is posted on the cabinet of ministers website. the amount of payments depends on the position and length of service and can range from 20 to 100 thousand rubles per month. the maximum payments are received by the head of medical organizations and heads of surgical departments. surgeons, anesthetologists and rheumatologists who participate in surgical operations, as well as senior doctors, emergency doctors, emergency physicians and forensic experts. belarus has updated its military doctrine. the ministry of defense of the republic explained: that this is caused by a radical change in the military-political situation in europe. today is the head of the military. department, viktor khrenin spoke at a briefing about some of the provisions of this document. according to him,
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further quote: the ongoing confrontation between the west and the east has entered a burning, hot phase. at the same time, it was stated that minsk is open to cooperation in the military field with all countries, including the nato state. minsk views the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in the country as a forced measure within the framework of strategic deterrence threats. the main emphasis in the doctrine is on the prevention of military conflicts, so the new document, according to the minister, can serve as the basis for resolving the situation in europe. minsk is ready to resume dialogue with nato if the bloc stops its aggressive rhetoric and actions, the belarusian ministry of defense noted. an agent of the security service of ukraine and his accomplices were detained in belarus. according to the belarusian special services, he is a citizen of ukraine. in a beard with the call sign the mongoose delivered across the border weapons and drones, and also recruited people
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to carry out sbu tasks. the criminals were found with firearms and explosives. during the investigation , caches of firearms and explosives were discovered and seized. data were obtained on their possible use in the preparation and execution of explosions at oil refining industry enterprises and preparation. engineering reconnaissance in force, control of all types of drones and remote mining vehicles. this is only part of the skills that are obtained cadets of the tyumen engineering command school. the university produces unique military specialists, and special operation veterans help with this. report by albert musin. with tank cover and house curtain. combat engineering reconnaissance is a huge complex of the latest unique skills, which
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are taught at the tyumen engineering command school; there are no other similar ones in any army in the world. all types of drones are being mastered; reconnaissance drones help to discreetly identify enemy groups. in sokol reception, discovered sabotage separation group in square 22:10, transmitting coordinates. ultimate mastery of drones. for this purpose, the school built its own quaddrome and developed a virtual training system, including for swarm flights in several flights of three drones. we fly in stabilization mode. another brainchild of tyumen military engineering, the rosamakha remote mining machine, which seriously complicates the enemy’s movement. in fact, rosamakh is an on-road atv with an installation of eight cassettes like this, with many small, but very dangerous.
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use to determine precisely with the help of uavs to determine signs of the installation of mine barriers, and, accordingly, movement in the forest in the forest, movement in the field, the city of mariupol, because i looked at these people, they needed help, and i saw fear in their eyes, we helped them, well , overcome this fear, demining, the fact that the field was clean, we cleared the playgrounds there. over the past couple of years , the military engineer training program has changed significantly. reconnaissance, crossing, demining, setting up energy supply, everything is given taking into account the realities of modern war.
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we have teachers who have experience, experience participating in a special military operation. among the graduates of the school there are a huge number of people awarded orders and medals, including heroes of russia; right now they are successfully making their way in all directions of movement of our troops in the northern military district zone. albert musin, nikolay starostin, gennady lugunov, elena goleeva, conduct the tyumen region. the state duma of russia intends to appeal to the national meeting of france in connection with the sending of mercenaries from this country to ukraine. this was stated by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. he noted that mercenarism is prohibited in the fifth republic, and russian deputies want to find out whether french parliamentarians are aware that someone is circumventing the law by sending their compatriots to ukraine? let me
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remind you that on january 16, our military set up a temporary deployment point for the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov, there were foreign mercenaries there, mostly french, and more than 60 militants were eliminated. the french foreign ministry refused to acknowledge these facts and russia was accused of allegedly grossly manipulating details by ekaterina radaeva. the death of dozens of french mercenaries in ukraine makes paris an accomplice in the conflict, said former french military intelligence captain pierre plasse. this is done without the consent of the people, when the french are drawn into a conflict in which we ... do not want to take part at all, of course, this worries us, these are people trained in war who are capable of disrupting order, upon their return they can wreak havoc in france. but they seem to be influential people intend to make good money in ukraine; billions of euros are expected, which will be spent on military orders. the french minister of defense admitted that the fifth republic only intends to increase the production of equipment and
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ammunition. the military economy is an opportunity not only for our armies, but also for our industries. the latter are fully interested in this, since the ability to quickly produce equipment will become one of the criteria for export success. us secretary of state antony blinken does not want to acknowledge the reality in ukraine, american points out conservative. calls him gray officials incapable of diplomacy. the big problem for the states is the complete absence of responsible and honest people in the white house, columbia university professor jeffrey sachs laments. that's why everything falls apart before our eyes. the state elite has stopped.
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to repair it, partly it is still above the water, someone is even trying to keep it afloat, pump out the water there, start the pumps and prevent it from sinking, but it won’t be long. what will happen to zelensky? the united states doesn’t care about zelensky, and he will soon understand it, he will be thrown out like used napkin or toilet paper. it has served its purpose, it’s time to throw it aside and wash it away, that’s what will happen to it. ukrainian refugees are already faced with the fact that... the attitude towards them has changed dramatically, in ireland, in the city of roscrea, local residents picket the hotel with ukrainians around the clock, try not to let them out onto the street , they claim that after the arrival of kiev guests in the city, crime has increased several times, the local authorities are doing nothing, and the enraged irish people intend hold a protest march. ekaterina radaeva, news. for
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free travel on toll roads has been extended for electric vehicles. the benefit turned out to be effective in regions adjacent to such roads; sales of electric cars increased almost twice as much as the national average. taras kucharenko will talk about the benefits of giving up gasoline and diesel. muscovite ivan durdzya first got behind the wheel of an electric car 2 years ago, after which he no longer wants to drive a car that needs to be filled with gasoline. an electric car is easier and cheaper to maintain. in addition, there is free parking for him in the capital. adapter for chinese models, besides, in cold weather the battery is discharged. twice as fast, if you travel long distances , then while i would not recommend doing this, there is probably one correct option - to have several cars for now, no matter how much i love
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electric cars, but this is such hopelessness, we are dependent on chargers stations, so that the infrastructure develops faster and electric gas stations appear not only in large cities, free travel on toll roads was made for electric cars. in regions adjacent to such sales areas of electric vehicles is twice the national average. business began to invest more in the creation of eze. they decided to extend the benefit this year. according to government plans , at least 72,000 charging stations should be launched in russia by 2030. the program for the development of gas stations has been expanded to 26 regions and, in general, the entire infrastructure for electric vehicles. now, in my opinion, it’s already about.
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pieces last year, growth compared to the twenty-second year is almost five times 4.7 times, these sales can be divided into two main segments, that is, it is relative, will talk. they sell 500-600 units every month, they are brought in through parallel imports, the price is 7.2000 in the showroom, and all foreign
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electric cars come to our country through parallel imports, chinese manufacturers are afraid of sanctions and are not ready to officially enter the russian market, they themselves depend on foreign suppliers chips, however, this does not prevent car dealerships from supplying cars directly, there is an unspoken agreement. the chinese are probably better suited to the russian consumer in that they are better equipped functions, they have more of a, say, familiar design and familiar interior functionality, rather than as now in the west they try to minimize everything. european and american electric cars have practically stopped being imported to russia. they cannot compete with the chinese, because the price is the same for the same model. but one made somewhere in germany will have to pay twice as much. taras kuchurenko, ivan muroshov, viktor kryzhanovsky, lead. dozens of believers
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gathered yesterday on the jordan river to plunge into the sacred waters, where ioan pretteche baptized jesus christ. this year, due to the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, the ceremony is being held by a crowd of pilgrims. the traditional parade of bands with bagpipes and drums was also cancelled. years ago, jesus descended from the mountain of temptation to
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the place of his baptism. this time the procession was not accompanied by a thousand-strong crowd of pilgrims from the orthodox world. due to the alarming military situation, people could not and did not dare to go to where the hermit and ascetic john once baptized jesus with jordan water. who was able to get to the israeli or the jordanian bank of a small but great river, this time we heard every word of the epiphany service, it is really important for a believer to visit those places that are connected with the earthly life of jesus christ, because they allow us to better understand the gospel history and find many examples for ourselves, positive role models. it's safe this time.
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situation in the country. in the cold, muddy loam, fast waters of the river. few people decided to take a plunge on this day. provident organizers this time they significantly improved the process of immersion in illuminated water, and today it is noticeably different from the gospel mystery, but the feeling of grace remains unshakable. this is uncreated energy that helps us fight passions and sins throughout life. this is necessary, it is necessary in
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our lives. god bless you, for it is said, seek peace and follow it. the solemn service in jerusalem, in the greek border of kaphalikon, of the church of the holy sepulchre, takes place this time under brightly illuminated vaults. literally the day before russian specialists and installers and restorers of moscow.
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hello, i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, go, ready? whether
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russia needs to change, evolution occurs in any structure, now we are returning to bad weather, due to heavy winds, the school day in all schools in sevastopol has been shortened, this was reported at the operational headquarters. at the same time , several federal highways were blocked in the volga region. let's talk more about this with ekaterina grigorova. catherine. hello again. what are the forecasts? well, in the long term the weather is still bad. there will be a snowstorm for two days in the volga region, and it will get colder in crimea. in the volga regions , highways were blocked one after another in the morning. in some cases, this happened involuntarily, after an accident. cars flew into each other in zero visibility. a massive accident has paralyzed traffic...


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