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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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in any structure there is an evolution, now we are returning to bad weather, due to heavy wind showers, the school day in all schools in sevastopol has been shortened, this was reported at the operational headquarters. at the same time, in the volga region several federal highways were blocked due to snowstorms. let's talk more about this with ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, hello, again. what are the forecasts? well, in the long term the weather is still bad. there will be a snowstorm for two days in the volga region, and it will get colder in crimea. in the volga regions , highways were blocked one after another in the morning. in some cases this it happened involuntarily, after an accident. cars flew into each other in zero visibility conditions. a massive accident paralyzed traffic on the m7 federal highway in tatarstan. by appointment. formation at
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the height of bad weather near the village of shali , a truck turned across the road, after which other cars driving behind crashed into it. there is no information about casualties, a traffic jam more than 10 km long has formed at the site of the accident, and here it ’s just meat. well, let's talk about the situation in the atmosphere, so the cyclone continues to slowly shift to the east, from the west it customizes europe. anticyclone, but the cyclone will still move slowly, because it has to overcome the resistance of another anticyclone, the siberian one. the frontal sections stretch along the border of the anticyclone, but not only nastya is raging here, another source of bad weather is forming a new wave cyclone, which swirls in the active section of the frontal section. crimea was hit by the elements. in the vicinity of sevastopol , rivers overflowed, more than 30 houses and 40 plots in three settlements were flooded. in the village of chernorechie flooded. the first floors, some residents
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were saved on the roofs, 19 people were evacuated on the yalta-sevastopol highway and some regional roads, overflows are observed, road equipment creates embankments in those places where the water continues to rise. there were thunder showers at night in yalta, and a mudflow descended in the vicinity of the city. by morning, road equipment had cleared the road of dirt and stones, and utility workers continue to be on duty in the most difficult areas. the weather tests in crimea do not end there. today in the western on the coast of the peninsula there will be light rain during the day, temperature +12, tomorrow the rain will intensify again, cold weather will begin, in the afternoon +5, in the evening +1, snow with rain and sleet, on sunday morning the precipitation will stop, but it will freeze, so the roads will be very slippery . but let’s return to the volga region, where the weather conditions are also extremely unfavorable, there are the greatest temperature contrasts and maximum atmospheric pressure gradients, and the greater the pressure drop, the stronger. exactly along the border between the cyclone and
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the siberian anticyclone, from vyatka to the coast caspian sea, wind speed gusts today during the day will exceed 15 m/s. and the zone of maximum winds in the volga region coincides with the zone of the most intense precipitation. here is the forecast for today: tatarstan will again be hit by the elements, the amount of precipitation here will exceed 10 mm, and this is just for today. in kazan, the wind accelerates to 19. only in the second half of the day will the gusts begin to weaken very gradually, until the evening the wind speed can reach 15 m per second, and this is enough for a strong blizzards and even snow haze, given the intensity of the snowfall. let me remind you that in the middle of the week 15 mm of precipitation fell in kazan. forecasts for total precipitation vary, but in a worst -case scenario, there could be twice as much precipitation this time around, just today.
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by the end of the day about 15 mm will fall, the same amount as fell in two days last time, on saturday night there will be another 8 mm, on saturday at least 10 mm of precipitation will fall on sunday night another five, for a total of two days almost 40 mm, that is almost monthly precipitation rate. now the snowstorm against the backdrop of warming in the capital of tatarstan will be -5 during the day, -2 in the evening and at night, by saturday morning up to 1 °. below zero, then it will start getting colder, on sunday afternoon it will be -10, the next night it will be -20 below zero. well, in moscow in the morning there is no snow or wind , cloudy with clearings during the day, -4 in the afternoon to 8 below zero, tomorrow night within the city -10, tomorrow afternoon cloudy with clearings during the day -7, well, on sunday night to 18° below zero, is that the forecast? epiphany frosts just lingered for a few days, ekaterina gregorova said. bad weather in the european
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part of russia. the moscow state central museum of contemporary history of russia is preparing to celebrate its centenary. there are plans to modernize the permanent exhibition and launch a new one. exhibition projects, chairman of the russian historical society sergei naryshkin noted that today it is one of the largest museums in the world dedicated to modern history. by the centenary of the museum , almost one and a half million exhibits had been deposited in its funds, but in its spirit, it is still a young museum that helps visitors find themselves in the flow. historical time, correlate your personal experience with the fate of the country, and experience just pride in its past, present and future. russian hail thwarted yet another attempt
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by the armed forces of ukraine to transfer reinforcements to the serebryansky forestry area. air strikes on fortified positions of ukrainian militants in this area are carried out by aircraft from the central military district. improved combat work. the flights hit targets in one gulp, from here it’s about a quarter of an hour’s flight. today alligators and night hunters of the central military district are actively working on strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, discovered by intelligence teams immediately behind the line of combat contact in the serebryansky
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forestry. having completed the task, the k-52 attack units return to the air base to replenish their ammunition, and the following groups are already flying to the firing line. strikes against the fortified ukrainian military identified here near the tor ledge are carried out not only from the air. grad multiple launch rocket systems of the central military district operate in entire batteries, which are almost continuously replace each other as they use up their ammunition. the enemy is trying to gain a foothold on his forward lines, the commander of a combat vehicle with the call sign ak tells us, but he continues to snap back and still tries to strike at russian positions. they are on the defensive, and cases of using cluster
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munitions have become more frequent. opponents of fpv drones began to work, so we made an anti-drone net. but the best way to avoid a retaliatory strike remains promptness. just a couple of minutes after with each salvo, combat vehicles are sent to a new firing line. combat work begins immediately after receiving the target coordinates. today it is a fortified area of ​​the ukrainian military in serebryansky forestry. from one of the air bases in the south of russia, meanwhile , front-line su-25 bombers take off in pairs, to the firing line approx.
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the central military district is today carrying out massive attacks on the positions of the ukrainian military in the krasnolivan direction of the utra ledge, preventing not only the transfer of enemy reinforcements to advanced, but even rotational. alexey baranov, alexander maloshev, alina zykova. news, battle line. contact krasnolimansky direction serebryansky forestry. and now to the messages that are coming at these moments, with reference to the fsb. employees of the federal security service detained residents of khabarovsk, who, on instructions from ukrainian military intelligence
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, collected information about russian military personnel taking part in a special military operation. in addition, he collected information about radio frequencies used by the russian ministry of defense. in addition, according to according to the fsb, the detainee was preparing an assassination attempt. drones are a night bird. the drone was originally created to solve peaceful problems, such as monitoring the situation in forests or searching for people, but now it works in a special operation zone. dmitry korovin visited the enterprise. in a few more minutes , the specialist will have a rib in his hands, part of the wing of a smart drone, which sets the profile and makes it rigid. the milling machine works around the clock and is noisy.
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here it is our car, 20 kg of cargo. this is the maximum air lift of a machine
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designed to carry 13.5 kg of cargo. tests showed that the nocturnal bird flies for 2.5 hours at a flying speed of 160 km/h. it is possible in two modifications: one modification with electric motors, in this case the machine can rise up to 6 km. the second modification is based on gasoline engines; on gasoline engines it can rise to a height of up to 2 and a half. at the same time, low-temperature polymers allow the drone to operate reliably from +50 to -60°. the software is completely russian, the electronic components are also almost 100% domestic. in addition, the machine may well does not require an operator and is capable of performing any task autonomously. our site, in this version with this configuration, with four people, is capable of manufacturing at the current stage. two cars a day. the turnaround of such sites takes several hours, which means that the number of
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cars produced is limited only by imagination. mass production at low costs is the main and main difference between the novosibirsk development and russian analogues, for example, the arlan drone. a night bird to its flying brother enters only during flight without refueling. some of the characteristics, siberian experts explained, will not be disclosed at all. a drone created for peaceful purposes, monitoring forest fires, searching for people. military and representatives of friendly states were interested in drawing up maps, and a date for the show has already been set. novosibirsk residents are preparing a special batch to be sent to the northern military district zone. dmitry korovin, denis evstegneev, host novosibirs. the uk may face a shortage of one of the main local dishes - fish and chips. this will happen if russia will ban fishing in the barints sea, the daily mail writes about this. let me remind you that moscow is going to break the government’s fisheries agreement. has already approved the corresponding bill. maria grigorieva will talk about the reasons and consequences of this step. russia
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denounces an international food treaty for the first time. the government has approved a bill to terminate the agreement with the uk on fisheries. it was concluded back in soviet times in 1956. then british vessels received the right to enter fishing in certain areas of the parin sea along the coast of the kola peninsula. they could freely. the sessions agree on how much fish and
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invertebrates can be harvested and set quotas for each country's fishermen accordingly. the agreement with the british was initially concluded for 5 years and was constantly extended for a similar period, and the document provided for the possibility of unilateral refusal. russia decided to use this right in response to the uk's sanctions policy. moreover. in the twenty-second year the country excluded russia from the regime of greatest facilitation of trade, introduced an additional tariff of 35% on a number of our goods, including iron, steel, aluminum, copper, silver,
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an additional levy of 35% also affected russian white fish, this reduced its attractiveness for british processors and distributors, who previously made more than 10% of their purchases from russia, eventually increased supplies from iceland and norway. in 2022 , the price of all smoked dried fish imported by great britain almost doubled. average the price for three quarters of twenty-three was even higher, it increased. by 12% compared to the level of 2022, and if you look at other product categories, for example, fish fillets and fish meat, frozen fish, prices also grew in the twenty-second year, but the growth rates were generally comparable to the rates observed in the twenty-second first year compared to the twentieth year. we, in turn, were able to redirect part of the catch to
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eu countries. exports of russian fish as a whole to europe not only did not decrease, on the contrary, they increased by almost 20% in 2020, the second year. in monetary terms increased even more by one and a half times, to almost a billion euros. if you look at the weight, the most is 57%. we shipped cod in this direction; the netherlands and poland imported it especially well. next came pollock, which was purchased mainly by germany. meanwhile, in the barents sea we mainly fish for cod. probably 50% of exported products from barinsky.
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abolition of the vice-speaker of the council. believes that he may not be the only one in line , now is the time to reassess existing agreements with unfriendly countries. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners
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rubles on any sberbank credit card until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country. cough: less chemicals, cough tablets. renival. mukaltin renival. we trust renival. we choose renival. and back to the news from the fsb. residents of khabarovsk detained for spying for ukrainian military intelligence. according to the intelligence service, the man collected information about radio frequencies used by the russian ministry of defense about
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copper, zinc, and aluminum. maria kudryavtseva has all the details in the program instructions. aluminum, copper, tin, zinc and even precious metals. there is also this type of scrap metal. you can get decent money for valuable resources. for what and how much, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. non-ferrous metals are accepted much more readily and people pay much more for them than for regular metals iron. for example, a kilogram. willingly buys copper for 600 rubles. brass or bronze costs more than 300 rubles. a kilogram of simple aluminum cans can be returned for 100 rubles. the price
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changes noticeably depending on how convenient it will be to later process the raw materials you brought. metals need to be sorted, cleared of debris, soil, and so on. if there is any oxidation or coating, such as paint, then it is better to get rid of it. the government of the russian federation does not establish special requirements for the preparation of scrap and ferrous and non-ferrous metals upon acceptance from individuals. at the same time , it is recommended to first separate ferrous from non-ferrous scrap and also clean it from contaminants and non-metallic inclusions. what will increase the purchase price of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals? when delivering, it is worth preparing a larger batch, rather than bringing raw materials in small
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portions. usually, the points offer better prices when you bring several tens of kilograms at once. and before delivery, of course, it is better to immediately sort the raw materials. the easiest way determination of the separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals is application. magnet, if the magnet sticks, you have an iron-containing material in your hands, if not, then it is copper, aluminum, stainless steel or bronze, and ferrous non-ferrous metals, as a rule, uh, do not pay such high prices for them at collection points. non-ferrous metals are in greatest demand, after sorting
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into ferrous non-ferrous ones. it is recommended to call the collection point in advance to specify in advance which ferrous non-ferrous metals are accepted kunke, at what price and in what volumes. for example, you want to salvage an old refrigerator; most likely its body is made of steel or maybe even made of aluminum alloy; the compressor motor will have copper windings. if you remove it yourself and throw it away.
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serves as a source for the extraction of precious metals, the content of non-ferrous and ferrous metals in it is insignificant, and therefore the delivery of old radio-electronic equipment, such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, is currently not recommended, from next year a new type of economic activities, which will be carried out on the basis of a license, which will allow recycling companies to purchase scrap containing precious metal from individuals, if individuals have old radio-electronic equipment, wait until the spring of next year, when...
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the licensing process will have already passed, such organizations will appear. so, let’s repeat the main thing: non-ferrous metals are much more expensive than ferrous ones. the price is also affected by the proportion of impurities in the raw material. the cleaner the better. volume also plays a role. it is more profitable to hand over a large batch. since spring in the twenty-fourth year, recycling companies will be allowed to accept electronic circuit boards for scrap precious metals, so don’t rush to get rid of them just yet. if you want to know more about how you can make extra money on junk, write to us on telegram, we will ask your questions to the experts, and we will tell you everything in the next editions of the manual. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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let's return to the news review, several regions of central russia at once today, in the grip of bad weather, in the nizhny novgorod region from... we noticed limited traffic on sections of the m7 volga highway, restrictions on the m5 ural highway. in the samara region , traffic for regular and freight transport is temporarily closed. there is no more movement of cargo on the federal highways of mordovia, the nizhny novgorod region, as well as chuvash, the ulyanovsk region and the mariel republic. in the kirov region , the ban on heavy trucks went into effect at 6 am. in the kursk and kaluga regions , school buses were not on the line today. by according to forecasts, there will be snow and
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rain there all day. in tatarstan because of. due to difficult weather conditions, poor visibility, which is accompanied by a strong side wind, traffic on the m12 east highway is blocked, in the section from kanash to shali. the passage is closed to all types of transport. the consequences of a heavy snowfall are being eliminated in moscow; it began the day before and continued all night. about 12 cm of rain fell in the city in a few hours. by evening , serious congestion formed on the roads, and taxi prices immediately doubled. cleaning the streets the maximum number is used. drivers are urged to strictly adhere to speed limits and distances amid bad weather; due to icy conditions, the hydrometeorological center has extended the yellow level of weather danger in the region for another day. in kazan today there is also record precipitation in a day; according to meteorologists, a month's worth of snow may fall. bad weather has already made adjustments to the work of the local airport, some flights are delayed. more details about the situation.


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