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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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school buses did not leave today, according to forecasts, there will be snow and rain all day there, in tatarstan due to difficult weather conditions there is poor visibility, which is accompanied by a strong side wind, traffic on the m-12 east highway is blocked, in the section from kanash to shali. the passage is closed to all types of transport. the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated in moscow. it started the day before and continued all night. about 12 cm of rain fell in the city in a few hours. by evening on the roads. serious congestion, and taxi prices immediately jumped twice. the maximum number of special equipment is involved in cleaning the streets; drivers are urged to strictly adhere to the speed limit and distance amid bad weather. due to icy conditions, the hydrometeorological center extended the yellow level of weather danger in the region for another day. in kazan today there is also record precipitation in a day; according to meteorologists, a month's norm of snow may fall. bad weather has already made adjustments to the work of the local airport, some flights are delayed. more details about the situation. in the city our
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correspondent elmira ismogilova on tatarstan a snow storm has hit again, and according to forecasters, a month's worth of precipitation will fall today. now there is heavy snow, a blizzard with deteriorating visibility, gusty winds, and a storm warning has been announced. state traffic inspectorate employees were advised not to travel outside the city unless unnecessary; the m7 and m-12 highways were closed to all types of transport. trucks that are stuck on federal.
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no injuries were reported. road services have been switched to 24-hour operation. for snow removal work on roads federal, regional, and municipal significance attracted 1,380 units of road and special equipment. kazan international airport continues to receive planes, despite the bad weather, but now there are delays both with departures from kazan and with arrivals to kazan. some planes fly to other airports. traffic on the roads is very difficult. in the city due to poor visibility of the snow track. due to the heavy passenger flow and poor meteorological conditions, the kazan metro station launched additional trains. due to due to unfavorable weather conditions, with heavy rainfall and strong winds, the buran plan was introduced today from 12:00 p.m. road services have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode, and additional equipment has been brought in. a total of 600 units will be used.
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more than 500 people will be involved in road workers, road services will be transferred to an intensive work regime. in -person classes have been canceled in several schools today, classes are being held remotely, heavy snowfall - weather forecasters promise tomorrow we will monitor developments. elmira ismogilov, lead kazan. and heavy downpours hit the crimea, covering the evening and night, and there was a third of a month's worth of water on roads and houses. there was flooding in sevastopol. more than thirty private housing developments, 19 people were evacuated, all of them stayed with relatives. at the same time, temporary accommodation centers are already ready in the city. according to local authorities, the ponds and reservoirs of sevastopol are filled to their maximum capacity. there were thunderstorms in yalta at night. there was a mudflow in the vicinity of the city. by morning, road equipment had cleared the road of dirt and stones. utility workers continue to be on duty in the most difficult areas. the updated military doctrine, which is currently being worked on in belarus, will also prescribe the procedure for action in the event of an external situation. her aggression against
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the csto. the head of the country's ministry of defense, viktor khrenin, spoke about what else the document will contain at a briefing in minsk. the project is expected to be presented in april. my colleague, anastasia sokhovskaya, joins the broadcast from minsk, we know the details from her. anastasia, hello, tell us what you plan to focus on. yes, yuri, hello, the desire for peace and the absence of hostility, but at the same time full readiness to defend your country and interests. allies with all available forces and means. this is the main message of the updated military doctrine of belarus - this is one of the key state documents, which takes into account all the current risks, challenges, threats, and the main thing is their transformation, namely the change, the aggravation of the geopolitical situation in europe and around belarus, which makes changes to this document. and in minsk they are sure that right now there is a confrontation between the east the west has entered a hot phase. and this is exactly what needed to be reflected in the document. this was discussed primarily by the security council. when
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building interstate relations, according to experts, the new military doctrine takes into account fundamental changes in the military-political situation and new military dangers in full. approaches to determining the nature of modern military conflicts have also been updated in the interests of developing adequate response measures for the armed defense of the country. minsk is open to military cooperation with any countries in including ready to resume dialogue with nato countries, but on the condition that they stop aggressive rhetoric and actions towards belarus, these details have already been told by the country's minister of defense viktor khrenin, the country is ready to independently defend its
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vital national interests in interstate wars, this too a new typology of conflicts, in a coalition the belarusian army will be used together with allied troops, while... a separate chapter spells out the actions and obligations of minsk in the event of armed aggression against the csto or a union state, but the most important emphasis is still on preventing conflicts and escalation, that is, there should not be a situation when it is too late to react, and now belarus has this tool of deterrence. we are listening to the minister of defense. the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of the republic of belarus is considered an important component of preventive deterrence against potential ones.
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peoples have mutual allied obligations. speaking of external threats, just the day before, on belarusian state television they talked about the detention of agents recruited by the sbu, two ukrainians were trained in ukrainian special centers in accordance with the task of delivering firearms, explosive devices, explosives, reconnaissance strikes, unmanned aerial vehicles, and their curators to belarus. it has been established, a criminal case has been opened for treason and terrorism, punishment up to the death penalty, because they were planning delayed explosions at oil refineries and even murders, here is the kgb commentary. during the investigation, caches of
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firearms and explosives, data was obtained on their possible use in the preparation and execution of explosions at oil refineries. industry and the preparation and execution of assassinations of government officials and journalists. in such conditions, the role of not only the regular army increases, but also, for example, the people 's militia, a new law was recently adopted about it in belarus and all this is brought together in a single new military doctrine, and also in another important document of the national security concept and in accordance with constitution, both of these documents will be submitted for public discussion and presented. is being considered by the all-belarusian people's assembly. yuri. yes, anastasia, thank you, anastasia sakhovskaya about the statements at the briefing of the head of the ministry of defense of belarus. orthodox christians celebrate one of the main christian holidays on the baptism of the lord. in all temples the ceremony of the great illumination of water is performed. many believers
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take a dip in the font. and this tradition symbolizes cleansing from sins. the holiday was celebrated in the special operation zone. in one of in the dining areas, the fighters performed the ritual of ablution. report by igor pikhanov. illuminates the water, despite the marching conditions, the event is held according to all the canons, soldiers from the southern military district unit, who perform tasks in the zaporozhye direction of the front, participate in the festive service. you know, for us russians, for christians, no one will cancel the great holidays. from time immemorial, russians have believed and believe in god, with this faith we win great victories, it inspires us, and we know that this is our strength that helps us. for during epiphany bathing, the soldiers made a font,
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the water temperature is -6°, the believers take turns plunging, now in zaporozhye the weather is changeable, there is a strong wind, snow and rain, so after swimming in cold water it is necessary. observing all safety measures, military doctors and rescuers work here. in the zone of a special military operation , the baptismal ceremony has been carried out for the second year, front -line priests conduct services not only for the military, but also for local residents, about this ray peter gritsenko has been on the front line for 9 years, helping soldiers at the front from the beginning armed conflict. in the donbass , i would like for us, priests, to increase
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faith at the front, even more, not just faith, faith in our victory, faith in our good, good and bright future, which our future should await, that is our children, our wives, mothers, here today they are giving away the most precious thing they have, this life, our soldiers, they need spiritual support, these are orthodox holidays... it brings joy to them, the russian military is helping to restore orthodox churches , front-line priests conduct services, with the help of parishioners, volunteers distribute humanitarian aid to those in need. igor pikhanov, konstantin pionov, conduct the zaporozhye region. the holiday was first celebrated in the far east, then in siberia, in yakutia, 27 places were organized for those who wanted to plunge into the ice font. epiphany bathing took place at -40. in novosibirsk, work began around midnight. equipped with an ice hole, according to rescuers’ estimates, in just 8 hours more than 1,500 citizens dived into the font. doctors
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they warn that the optimal time spent in the ice hole is about a minute, this will avoid hypothermia. jordan in the capital of buryatia was prepared in a traditional place on the selinga river, two baths for men and women were equipped there, as well as heated tents for changing clothes. believers began plunging into the ice hole the night before , with doctors, rescuers and policemen looking for safety. patriarch kirill, on the other hand, calls on us to strengthen ourselves in faith, in piety, perhaps to rethink
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some moments in our lives, to evaluate what can really be, is really sinful and draining of our life and its circumstances, and god help us, now there’s a short advertisement and we ’ll continue, don’t switch. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket! buy a sber smart tv for only 11,990 rubles. i'm yulia musikhina, co-owner of a large company. now i'll show you everything. this. reception, department on the right promising developments and a growth schedule , the product portfolio is developing, a large
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be solved. everything is being decided with the national education project.
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annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by submitting judge-jury their ideas and projects. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. apply to the platform.
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black snow. the moscow state central museum of contemporary history of russia is preparing to celebrate its centenary. there are plans to modernize the permanent exhibition and launch new exhibition projects. chairman of the russian historical society sergei naryshkin noted that today this is one of the world's largest museums dedicated to modern history. by the centenary of the museum, nearly one and a half million exhibits had accumulated in its collections. however. in spirit, this is still a young museum that helps visitors find themselves in the flow of historical time, correlate their personal experience with the fate of the country, and experience just pride in its past, present and future. the mayor of moscow,
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sergei sabyanin, opened a new school in shcherbinka, a four-story building with an underground floor, built according to an original individual project. and is adapted for children with disabilities, in total there are over 2,500 children studying in the educational institution, how do you like the new school, i really, really like it, it’s a bright, good school, an ideal project, all the workshops are equipped with good modern equipment, so i hope you like it, fsb officers detained a resident of khabarovsk for spying for military intelligence of ukraine, according to... intelligence services , the man collected information about radio frequencies used by the russian ministry of defense, as well as about the military who are participating in a special operation. also, residents of khabarovsk, a resident of khabarovsk planned an assassination attempt on military personnel stationed in the far east, the detainee acted on instructions from the ukrainian special service. a criminal case was opened under the article of treason. there is a situation.
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now the economic news is short: russian railways transported a record volume of grain at the end of the year, almost 33 million tons, which is a third more than in 2022, rionovosti reports. export transportation increased by 70% to 23.5 million tons, the rest was supplied to consumers within the country. most of the grain was exported from the kursk and saratov regions, as well as from the stavropol territory. shares of the st. petersburg exchange immediately grew by 6%. on the news about the change of listing, the site plans to unlock assets transfer securities from hong kong to a third-party russian depository. lawyers believe that this is technically possible, but this does not... solve the problems of blocking trading, in any case, a license from the us ministry of finance will be required, and even this document will not protect against possible secondary sanctions. china for the first time
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became the largest exporter of cars; deliveries of 5 million cars in 2023 were one and a half times higher than the result in 2022, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. in fact, 30 million cars were produced in china. chinese domestic market so huge that even record export figures... provide only 1/6 of total sales. let me remind you that chinese brands already occupy 50% of the russian market, their share of imports has exceeded 70%. and the us congress approved funding for the government until early march. this will avoid a shutdown. parliamentarians agreed on the document at the last minute. the deadline by which the initiative had to be approved is today. the document will now be sent to joe biden for final approval. meanwhile. it does not provide funds for ukraine, the last tranche was allocated to kiev at the end of december. it was economic news. short.
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my mother was 10 years old at the time, they told her about a petrified girl in a house on chkalovskaya street, we studied the medical archive, specifically from 1956, they said that in our yard a girl was dumbfounded, she was dancing there with an icon, but this happened. a shameful phenomenon for us communists, they began to ask her how you stood for so many days, she said: the fire surrounded me, it passed and said one word: roll, roll, roll!
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by 2022, the center aims to launch the process of whole-genome sequencing to create a database of whole-genome sequences of russians. now footage from the presidential press service. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will talk about the implementation of the provisions of the foreign policy concept of the russian federation.


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