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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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i can name the figures that i consider correct, they can be discussed. well, we live in a democracy, so you can freely express your opinion, so, but in any case , i didn’t make these numbers up, i can’t do that, and as i already said, i also have no information, there’s no one for me in ukraine does not report casualty numbers, they would not disclose them, but the fact that the president of ukraine will pass a new law on... mobilization shows what
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enormous difficulties exist at the moment, let me make it clear again, we we always hear, now they are talking about it more and more often, that the problem of the difficult situation or even the critical situation of the ukrainian armed forces is that the west did not supply too late, too little. more weapons with the necessary characteristics, of course, weapons are important, but one must assume that the ukrainian armed forces with a strength of 4,000 people were already significantly prepared by the beginning of the war, they even carried out joint maneuvers with nato countries, and were also equipped, so this too the key point, and so this... sees
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, for example, i always refer to zaluzhny, because for me he is an honest person who can be trusted, this is precisely a personnel weakness, not a material one, so the question is, what to achieve this goal ukraine cannot lose, how far will the west go, you are a nato insider, there are even assumptions, now there are even assumptions, even from my ex...
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for western soldiers to follow western weapons, do not write, yes, you quoted everything correctly, we do not wrote that we were approaching, that there will come a point in ukraine where western troops will be involved, so i see it the same way as herbrandt, we would have to, we would be crazy if we did that, because then, then nato involvement.
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mr. kuet, are you, or at least in the past were, a popular, sought-after expert? i remember how you used to come on air to sandra maeschberger and maybrit ilner, now you are not visible there, why? why are you no longer invited? because i'm telling the truth. and those who speak the truth to the germans no need for media? i will quote hegel, he said: “the true ones exist.” what we hear in the mainstream is only half the truth, which means , according to hegel, it is not true, so i believe that although we really live in a democratic, pluralistic state, we have a terrible past and in the last century our country went through a great . we need to be able to learn from
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this and have the whole picture before our eyes. what else? happens when only half of the truth can be seen, read and heard, this leads to the fact that those who decisions have to be made, they are also made on the basis of this information, and this leads to mistakes, i would like to give an example of the impact this has on ukraine on the course of the war, our self-proclaimed experts, what they say in... when great experts from they say to germany: this is what you need, you need
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to be given tanks, you need to be given missiles, then everything will be fine, that is, we are essentially encouraging the idea that we need to wage this war until its bitter end, this is... one of the key opponents? yes, i can read it to you verbatim if you want, it's really. this is a very revealing quote, by the way, mitch mchona has not given
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an interview for a long time, this was his first interview in a long time, so he wanted to help ukraine get help and support president biden and that’s what he... on a very famous american program, face the nation, he said, if we consider aid to ukraine, let's talk about where the money actually goes. a significant portion of it is spent in the united states, in 38 different states. replacing the weapons we supplied to ukraine with modern models. so in this way we are developing our industrial base. to this he added, again, verbatim, not a single american died in ukraine, we are developing our industrial base - he repeats. the ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our main rivals. i find it hard to find anything wrong with this. i think it's great that
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they are defending themselves. in my opinion, it’s not entirely wonderful that such words sound. by the way, he already said this a couple of months ago in his. email correspondence, something similar, but now now for the first time in an interview, very straightforwardly said, yes, yes, you need to look into the american media more often, as i already said, it’s about geopolitical rivalry, that’s exactly what he’s saying, right? if you allow me to return to hegel and the whole, you can simply take february 24, 2022 as a starting point, but this does not give the full picture,
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you can start with the annexation of crimea and the previous maidan, this is also not the whole story, where would you start? “i would start with the collapse of the soviet union and the self-determination of ukraine, with the problems of building the ukrainian nation. this story has roots deep in past, and also spoke about intra-ukrainian differences between the west and center of the country, on the one hand, and the south and east, on the other. there are many processes going on now, but this..." is just something that we need to think about, we need to analyze in order to understand the fullness of the picture, because there is an internal ukrainian prehistory, we also need to keep that in mind, yes
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gerkuet, let me turn to you, you said in your now very... “i can formulate it differently, i can say this, yes, would you like to take the opportunity to reconsider this statement now, i will formulate differently, when the german minister says, ukraine will become , will win, must win, no, will win, because it must win, you can call it whatever you want, for me it’s a voodoo spell, it’s, it looks like it, right?” "so it is necessary , i mean, i understand, being in kiev in such
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an atmosphere, i want to say something important, but this is simply incredible, we need, i would like to return to one point, it got a little lost, and this is a matter of negotiations, is it possible to conduct them at all? yes, let's say we'll take it the korean war, the world fought for 2 years while the war continued, this is precisely the whole point , that we completely ignore that the war arises for political reasons, due to the political situation, leads to the emergence of a new political situation, and for it to develop sustainable, negotiations are needed, this is what von clausewitz was talking about, right? the quote goes like this: politics is a continuation, a continuation, there is
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a continuation of politics mixed with other means, this is the key point, it is always understood this way. well, the war, since the war has begun, then politics is over. no, politics must continue during war, which means that we must constantly work towards a reasonable ending. war, ultimately we must come to a balance of interests. i could also quote augustine's words when raising the question of a just war. he said a just war is when a person defends himself, his people, his territory, provided that the goal throughout the war is a peaceful resolution of the conflict, this is exactly what is not happening here. we are politics. suspended, our presenters
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politicians pay attention to weapons systems, ammunition and the like, but they, no one thinks about how to end this war, first of all, for the sake of ukraine, a country where people are dying in hundreds of thousands, a country that will be completely destroyed, well what will remain from ukraine in the end, is it a waste? this, can we be proud that we were involved in this? i think no. what would you like to say finally: you were born back in 1942, by the way, the same year as the current american president. you lost father in world war ii? he was a wehrmacht soldier. what do you think? in 2024 there will be the biggest sources of conflict, what
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worries you most, and how do you personally view the future, mr. couette? i personally am optimistic, i believe in the rationality of people, including those who clearly demonstrate an unwillingness to think, because everyone has at least a drop of sanity somewhere, i really hope so, especially in relation to the governments of countries, my... problem what i see is that in this emerging new world order of competing powers, we see that two blocs are now emerging, on the one hand china and russia, with the brix countries, that is, brazil, russia, india, china and south africa, in august they were joined by six more states, in particular such.
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years and regional conflicts, all those bilateral conflicts that we see, have the potential that because...
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technologically, as well as militarily, to be able to defend one's own interests and assert oneself in this world full of conflicts, for me this is the most important thing for the coming years, i completely agree , perhaps, if... let me, of course, i would complement your conclusion with my last word, it is the taiwan issue that is especially interesting here, this issue arose 50 years ago, when then us president nixon,
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through the mediation just died, kissenger, held talks in beijing with... maudzedum and in a sense the taiwan question have remained unresolved since the end of the chinese civil war in the forties, the issue was postponed, it was never resolved, it was postponed, saying, well, legally, legally there is only one china, and taiwan is part of china, but we do not interfere in...
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this is not what it was intended for, it is impossible according to the text of the treaty, formally it is impossible, but it is being implemented, we and i think that by our common wish the wish will be the independence of europe and the establishment of europe not just as a factor of power, but as a civilizational model, where perhaps we can do something. gerkuet, gerbrant, with these strong words i express my deep gratitude to you for your time, for the fact that we have gathered together today. in my opinion, the discussion turned out to be excellent, very informative, and a lot of interesting things were said. yes, thank you very much for finding the opportunity to come. and
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thank you, dear friends, too, for being with us today. i hope you enjoyed the conversation as much as i did. i pay for techno, cyberweeks at the megamarket, buy a smart sber tv for only 11,990 rubles. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we ’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re at sovcombank. we take out loans, my dog ​​and i have up to 5 million, loans that people know that's it, enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn good dishes into fantastic ones, i love to cook, what
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the whole country to know about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations , clear conditions, an impressive effect from victory. the finalist winners will receive support from competition partners, accepting applications. until january 31, applications are accepted on the platform ideia.roskongress.rf/brand. now to the news from the uk, local media write that the country may face a shortage of one of the main dishes of local cuisine, fish and chips. this will happen if russia bans fishing in the barints sea, the daily mail reported. let me remind you that moscow is going to break the agreement on fisheries. the government has already approved the corresponding bill. maria will tell you about the reasons and consequences of this step grigorieva. russia denounces an international food treaty for the first time. the government has approved a bill to terminate
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the fishing agreement with the uk. it was concluded back in soviet times in 1956 . then british vessels received the right to enter fishing in certain areas of the paren sea along the coast of the kola peninsula. they could freely go to anchor in these waters, and in return nothing... such a volume of fish and invertebrates can be obtained and quotas can be set accordingly for fishermen of every country. the agreement with
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the british was initially concluded for 5 years and was constantly extended for a similar period, and the document provided for the possibility of unilateral refusal. russia decided to use this right in response to the uk's sanctions policy. moreover, in the twenty-second year the country excluded russia from the greatest regime. in trade, introduced an additional tariff of 35% on a number of our goods, including iron, steel, aluminum, copper, silver, wood, fertilizers and cement. in london emphasized that the main goal is to cause maximum damage to the russian economy and minimize negative consequences for oneself. the ban on fishing in the russian zone of the barints sea is long overdue for the uk, legal and absolutely adequate to the situation, moscow’s response to london’s unfriendly actions. i strongly support the denunciation of the bilateral agreement of 1956, if only there were more such concrete and sensitive actions from the russian side for our opponents.
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an additional fee of 30.5% also affected russian white fish, this reduced its attractiveness for british processors and distributors, who previously made more than 10% of their purchases from russia; as a result, they increased supplies from iceland and norway. in 2022 , the price of all smoked dried fish imported by great britain almost doubled. the average price for the three quarters of 2023 was even higher, it increased by 12% compared to the 2022 level. and if you look at other product categories, for example, fish fillets and fish meat, frozen fish, prices are twenty the second year also grew, but the growth rate was generally comparable to the rate observed in the twenty-first year compared to the twentieth year. we, in turn, were able to redirect part of the catch to eu countries. the export of russian fish as a whole to europe not only did not decrease, on the contrary, it increased by almost 20% in the twenty-second year.
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the monetary value increased. even stronger by one and a half times to almost a billion euros. if you look at the weight, the most is 57%. we shipped cod in this direction. the netherlands and poland imported it especially well. next came pollock, which was purchased mainly by germany. meanwhile, in the barents sea we mainly catch triska. probably 50% of the exported products from the barnitsa sea, it then comes from the european union to a third country. but cod , which is caught in the deep sea, is in demand in europe and is popular , we must generally understand that, in principle , not much cod is caught in the world, there is not even a million tons, and norway and russia are the two countries that in fact , they catch the main volumes of trisk in the world. also, for example, a third of the white fish that the uk buys from china is of russian origin. in the fish union.
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supported the termination of the fishing agreement with the british, according to their assessment, this will only fix the current situation and will not affect the market in any way, especially since russia ended the twenty-third year with the best catch in 30 years , 5,300,000 tons, the country’s level of self-sufficiency in fish exceeds 150% . the uk fisheries agreement may not be the only one in line for cancellation. vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachov believes that now is the time to spend. re-evaluation of existing agreements with unfriendly countries.
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on limited traffic routes, airports worked intermittently, utility workers cleared snowdrifts in several regions of central russia. bad weather. heavy rains hit crimea. roads and houses were in the water. more than thirty private buildings were flooded in sevastopol. what is the situation at this time? transport prospects. at the russian exhibition, the ministry of transport is holding a passenger logistics day today. which ones sound statements.


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