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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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on the tracks. border traffic, airports worked intermittently, utility workers are clearing snowdrifts, several regions of central russia are at the mercy of bad weather. heavy downpours hit crimea, leaving roads and houses in the water. more than thirty private buildings were flooded in sevastopol. what is the situation at this time? transport prospects at the russian exhibition today the ministry of transport is holding a passenger logistics day. what are the statements and? how the industry will change.
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the rite of great illumination is performed in churches water, and many believers plunge into the font. orthodox christians celebrate one of the main christian holidays - baptism. russia's foreign policy, the influence on it of the corresponding state concept approved by the president in march last year, became the main topic of operational coverage of the permanent staff. security council, vladimir putin held it via video conference. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will talk about the implementation of the provisions of the foreign policy concept of the russian federation. sergeevich lavruk, please. several regions of central russia today are at the mercy of bad weather, a blizzard and strong winds have literally paralyzed traffic on sections of federal highways. roads and yards were covered with snow. special equipment operates at maximum power. our correspondent.
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to combat the consequences of the snowfall , local utility workers had to double the equipment on the streets of kazan, with 1,384 cleaning machines and other special vehicles operating non-stop. the local airport switched to weather-based operation, school classes are held remotely. the situation on the roads in the republic is close to critical. temporary traffic restrictions have been introduced for all types of vehicles on the m5 and m-12 highways. on other
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roads for freight transport and passenger buses. there are many kilometers of traffic jams in places with almost zero visibility for all types of transport, the m7-volga highway is closed. don’t come here to kazan, there’s no khan here at all. traffic restrictions are fixed on the m7, m12 and m5 highways. in addition to tatarstan in nizhny novgorod, ulyanovsk, samara regions, as well as in the republics of mordovia, chuvashia and mariel. heavy snowfalls covered not only the volga region, but also the central federal district. there is ice and snow jams in bryansk. the day before, residents manually pushed buses and minibuses. bad weather overtook the capital and over the past night up to 16 cm of snow fell in moscow, wind gusts reached 21 m/s. local residents observed snow tornadoes on city streets. the height of snowdrifts in places in moscow reaches more than half a meter. and here it must be said that the capital’s services...
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dealt with the consequences of this snow apocalypse with a solid a+. to eliminate the consequences of the snowfall, the city used the maximum number of cleaning equipment. traffic jams in the capital reached nine points. bad weather caused difficulties in the movement of railway transport . moscow airports in total delayed and canceled about 50 flights, despite the end of precipitation due to icy conditions, the yellow alert level in the city was extended for another day. and these are images from crimea, mud rivers, landslides and heavy downpours. over the past 24 hours a third of the monthly rainfall fell on the cities of the peninsula. the elements will not subside for another two days. on january 19 and 20 , rain turning into snow, wet snow deposition, sleet, sleet, and wind speed up to 25 m/s are expected in crimea. roads and houses were flooded, and temporary accommodation centers opened their doors in sevastopol. on one of the streets of yalta, the elements collapsed a retaining structure.
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situation in the amendments to this document, in the threats that the main thing is their transformation, namely in europe and around belarus, it is precisely the change, the aggravation of the geopolitical minsk is confident that right now the confrontation between east and west has entered a hot phase, and this is exactly what needed to be reflected in the document; this was discussed primarily by the security council.
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the russian army will be used together with the allied forces, while the actions and obligations of minsk in the event of armed aggression against the csto or a union state are clearly spelled out in a separate chapter. but the most important emphasis is still on preventing conflicts and escalation, that is, there should not be a situation when it is too late to react, and now belarus has this
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tool of deterrence. the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of the republic of belarus is considered an important component of preventive deterrence. potential opponents from unleashing armed aggression against the republic of belarus. this is our forced measure. we are ready to defend our country with all our might and means, including with our military allies in the union state and the csto. i once again declare to everyone: we have no enemies. in our policy, we do not look back at anyone and are not going to adapt. we have interests. our peoples have mutual allied obligations, speaking of external threats, just the day before, on belarusian state television they talked about the detention of agents recruited by the sbu, two ukrainians were trained in ukrainian special centers in accordance with the assignments of delivering firearms, explosive devices,
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explosives to belarus , attack reconnaissance, unmanned aerial vehicles, their curators have been identified, a criminal case has been opened for treason and terrorism, punishment up to... the death penalty, because they were planning delayed explosions at oil refining enterprises and even murders; during the investigation , caches with firearms and explosives were discovered and seized , information was obtained on their possible use in the preparation and execution of explosions at oil refining enterprises , preparation and committing assassinations of government officials and journalists. in such conditions, the role of not only the regular army increases, but also, for example, the people's militia, about which we recently... security and in accordance with the constitution , both of these documents will be submitted for public discussion and submitted to the all-belarusian people's assembly. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander
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alexandrovitsa, oleg peletsky, natalya uvarova, lead minsk. now reports from slformagen, the french ambassador in moscow, pierre levy, have arrived at the russian foreign ministry. on smolenskaya square, he was summoned there after the russian armed forces killed foreign fighters in kharkov, the rionovosti agency reports. we’ll come back to this topic later, we’re waiting. direct input from our correspondent. while on other events, engineering reconnaissance in combat, control of all types of drones and remote mining vehicles, these are only part of the skills that cadets of the tyumen engineering command school receive; the university graduates unique military specialists; veterans of special operations help with this. report by albert musin. with tank cover and house curtain. combat engineering reconnaissance is a huge complex of new unique skills that... teach at tyumen engineering command school, there are no other similar ones in any army in the world. all types
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of drones are being mastered; reconnaissance drones help to discreetly identify enemy groups. wolves , i’m falcon, i’ve detected a sabotage and reconnaissance group in square 22:10, i’m transmitting the coordinates. highest skill, mastery of kamikaze drones; for this, the school built its own quaddrome and developed a system. virtual training, including for swarm flights, in several flights of three drones. we fly in stabilization mode. another brainchild of tyumen military engineering - the rosamakha remote mining machine, which seriously complicates the movement of the enemy. in fact, rosamakh is an all-terrain vehicle with an installation of eight such cassettes, with many small but very dangerous anti-personnel mines; by shooting them right on the move, the operator can mine an area of ​​more than a hectare in 5 minutes. such minefields are placed in the path of the enemy’s movement, forcing him to retreat with losses or
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change direction to where they are already expected. our cadets are certainly using they learn to identify uavs with the help of uavs , to determine the signs of the installation of mine barriers, and, accordingly, movement in the forest in the forest, movement in the field, movement at night, movement in any weather conditions of the enemy. some of the cadets of the tyumen school themselves have combat experience. i was incredibly proud when i was clearing mines on the territory of the city of mariupol, because i looked at these people, they needed help, and i saw fear in their eyes, we helped them, well, overcome this fear, clearing mines on that field it’s clean, we cleared the playgrounds there, over the last couple of years the training program for military engineers has seriously changed, reconnaissance, crossing, demining, setting up power supply, everything is given taking into account the realities of the... we have teachers who have experience, experience in participating in special military operation and they
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are the backbone that brings to the cadets new methods and forms of precisely conducting armed struggle. among the graduates of the school there are a huge number of people awarded orders and medals, including heroes of russia, directly now they are successfully breaking through the road in all directions of our movement in the northern military district zone. social support for medical workers, the government has extended for this year the measure that provides assistance to svo participants; they will continue to receive additional payments. the relevant resolution is posted on the cabinet of ministers website. the amount of payments depends on the position and length of service and can range from 20 to 100 thousand rubles per month. heads of medical organizations, heads of surgical departments, surgeons, anesthesiologists and...
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after that, he no longer wants to drive a car that needs to be filled with gasoline, an electric car is easier and cheaper to maintain, and in the capital there is free parking for it, but this is if you drive from work to home, long trips are a whole adventure with finding the right gas stations , the presence of an adapter for chinese models, besides , in cold weather the battery discharges twice as fast, if you move long distances, then for now i would not recommend doing this here... probably the only correct option is to have several cars for now, like i wouldn’t like electric cars, but this is such
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hopelessness, we are dependent on charging stations, so that the infrastructure develops faster, and electric filling stations appear not only in large cities, for electric cars they made free travel on toll highways, in the regions adjacent to such areas, sales of electric vehicles in twice as high as the national average, began to invest more in the creation of eze. they decided to extend the benefit this year. according to government plans , at least 72,000 charging stations should be launched in russia by 2030. the program has been expanded the development of gas stations in 26 regions and, in general, the entire infrastructure for electric vehicles; now , in my opinion, about 65 regions are already connected to this program; gradually steps are being taken for their development. some regions have refused to collect transport tax from electric car owners, there are subsidies for those who
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buy russian electric cars, all this has led to a sharp increase in sales, about 15 thousand units last year. growth compared to the twenty-second year is almost five times 4.7 times, these sales can be divided by two the main segment, that is, relatively speaking, let's say inexpensive electric cars, this is , first of all, just evalut moskvich three, and the cars are expensive, and these are primarily chinese, premium ones, you can probably even say manufacturers of electric vehicles, these are the prices for new electric cars are starting in russia. 500-600 of these cars are sold every month, they are brought through parallel imports, the price is 7.2000 in a car showroom, and all foreign electric cars come to our country through
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parallel imports, chinese manufacturers are afraid of sanctions and are not ready to officially enter... the market, they themselves depend on foreign suppliers of chips, however, this does not prevent car dealerships from supplying cars directly, there is an unspoken agreement, the chinese are still probably more approachable to the russian consumer in the fact that they are more equipped with functions, they have a more, say, familiar design and familiar interior functionality, rather than as they are trying harder now in the west. minimize everything, they practically stopped importing it to russia european and american electric cars, they cannot compete with the chinese, because the price for the same model, but made somewhere in germany, will have to pay twice as much. taras kuchurenko, ivan muroshov, viktor kryzhanovsky, lead. orthodox christians celebrate one of the main
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christian holidays, the baptism of the lord. in all temples the ceremony of the great illumination of water is performed. many believers take a dip in the font. this tradition symbolizes cleansing from sins. patriarch kirill celebrated the divine liturgy in the cathedral of christ the savior congratulated the believers on the holiday. dear rulers, fathers, brothers and sisters, i cordially congratulate you all on the great holiday of epiphany. the lord appeared to the world. there is only one opportunity and one power to ensure the presence of god in our lives. this is our faith. and therefore, today , like no other, calls us to strengthen ourselves in faith, in piety, perhaps to rethink some moments in our lives, to evaluate what really, perhaps , is a really sinful aggravation ours, our life and its circumstances, and may
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the lord help us. dozens of believers gathered on the river. jordan to plunge into the sacred waters where john the baptist baptized jesus christ. this year, due to the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, the ceremony is taking place without a crowd of thousands of pilgrims. the traditional parade of bands with bagpipes and drums was also cancelled. all the details are in the report by sergei poshkov. the butto war erased the usual crowded, multilingual and noisy joy of the bright christian holidays of the holy land. and on the day of epiphany greek orthodox patriarch of jerusalem.
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years ago, jesus descended from the mountain of temptation to the place of his baptism. this time the religious procession was not accompanied by a thousand. a crowd of pilgrims of the orthodox world , because of the alarming military situation, people could not and did not dare to go to where the hermit and ascetic john once baptized jesus with jordanian water, but those who were able to get to the israeli or jordanian banks of the small but great river , this time we heard every word of the epiphany service. really necessary it is important for a believer to visit those places that... are connected with the earthly life of jesus christ, because they allow us to better understand the gospel story and find many examples for ourselves, positive examples to follow. this time , the security of the holiday was ensured with special care, reinforced border police patrols on the israeli shore and special forces of the royal guard from the shore of the
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jordanian border. the symbol of the feast of the epiphany, a white dove according to scripture, the spirit of god descended on christ the moment he stepped into the waters jordanian. the gospel words sound, this is my beloved son, on him is my blessing. and... the cross of jesus descends into the waters of the jordan river, good news , doves fly into the air and the holiday of baptism comes into its own, despite the war and the tense situation in the country. cold, muddy loam, fast waters of the river, few people decided to take a plunge on this day; prudent organizers this time significantly improved the process of immersion in the illuminated water, and today it is noticeable.
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jerusalem conveys blessing to russians orthodox christians. god bless you, for it is said, seek peace and follow it. solemn service in jerusalem in the greek border of kafalikon. the church of the holy sepulcher takes place this time under brightly lit vaults. just the day before, russian specialists and installers and restorers of the moscow archangel michael foundation installed a unique illumination of the mosaic dome and brought back to life the sesquicentennial ponicodiles, huge temple lamps. and darkness will not cover this light even in times of difficult trials. sergey poshkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, news from the banks of the jordan river. the houthi attacks in the red sea turned out to be worse than
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the pandemic from an economic point of view; we are talking about the losses incurred by the world market. maria filippova will tell you the details, she is joining the broadcast, maria, welcome. how much do companies lose due to the crisis in the red sea? good afternoon, yura, one of the largest shipping logistics announced tens of millions of dollars. the attacks in the red sea affected shipping supplies more than... cnbc made this statement: every day the situation around the suad canal becomes more acute and more and more logistics companies prefer to take a detour. from november to december 23 , global trade fell by 1.3% due to houthi attacks. an american source writes that more damage was caused only by the accident of the evergiven container ship, which blocked the bustling canal at the end of march twenty-one. then the multi-day collapse of cargo transportation cost the world market four. dollars per hour. the statistics of the suetsky channel at the beginning of this year are as follows: revenues of the transport artery between the mediterranean red seas
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fell by 40% in the first 11 days of the twenty-fourth. transportation was reduced by 30%. today, four of the world's five largest container carriers have temporarily stopped shipping through the soet canal for security reasons. one of them, the german hapa cloyd, said that the company is losing tens of millions of dollars a month, cargo that used to go to... all this causes an impact on the ports, some cargo does not arrive, not all ships bypass good hope, some of them still continues to sail through the red sea and nothing happens, the main concern
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within supply chains is delays. no tangible consequences for russia are expected yet. oil flows unhindered, experts say. in general, the logistics system has already been rebuilt. this obviously doesn’t directly concern us. because ours, that is, our oil, our hydrocarbons , so far, thank god, they pass through quite unhindered, since the introduction of the first sanctions there, we have already seriously revised our logistics and restructured them in terms of reorientation towards the countries of the global south, so even if europe lacks something , we still do not take it from europe. coffee and tea are brought to our country via the busy canal. sri lanka, china and kenya. delivery lines may be delayed, experts say, this may affect prices, but there is no direct relationship between the selling price and
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the cost of production. they see additional opportunities for shipping transportation in the use of the northern sea route, but here, analysts note, a change in the political situation is needed and easing of sanctions, but here you still need to understand that the situation is ambiguous, because maritime law is closely related to insurance, now russia is under sanctions and the northern sea route too, and accordingly the largest reinsurers and
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insurers will not... be able to issue liability insurance policies for png sea ​​vessels, and because of this, a number of global world conventions on the transportation of goods will not be observed, and because of this, the largest logistics companies, of course, will not now be able to use the northern sea route. this prospect, although possible, is still quite distant. in general, it is difficult to predict how long crisis situations will last. it is believed that the attacks will stop this quarter. if not, the global restructuring of routes for logistics companies is disabled, you need to prepare for it as soon as possible.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch
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the replays of the episode.
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now economic news, briefly. supply disruptions across the red sea have had a greater impact on global shipping than the coronavirus pandemic. this was stated in consulting company with intelligence. at the same time, the scale of the current situation is still inferior to the events of the twenty-first year. then in soviet. for a week, the global economy was losing nearly $10 billion. at the end of the year, the vprf earned 164 billion rubles for future pensioners. the yield is more than 7.5%, and this is higher than inflation. in the twenty-third year, the web increased investments in bonds, both in government securities and in company bonds. now he works with the largest portfolio of savings on the market at 2.300 billion rubles. the corporation
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manages the funds of thirty. 7 million russians, who did not choose a management company on their own. on


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