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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day. and we start with the latest messages on informa feeds with a link to the ministry of defense. over the course of a week, the russian armed forces carried out 17 high-precision strikes, including dagger systems, hitting ukrainian defense industry enterprises and locations in the ukrainian armed forces. here's a summary.
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drone, the ministry of defense of the russian federation also reports, there are also 274 unmanned aerial vehicles, and also the armed forces of ukraine, the russian armed forces carried out 17 group strikes, including with daggers on ukrainian enterprises, we will monitor incoming information, and here’s another...
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information appears that within a week 21 ukrainian soldiers surrendered, of which 14 surrendered in the southern donetsk direction. let me remind you that this information is with reference to the russian ministry of defense; we will monitor incoming information. on other topics: russian foreign policy and the influence on it of the corresponding state concept approved by the president in march last year. the main topic of the operational meeting of the permanent composition of the security council. vladimir putin held it via video conference. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will talk about the implementation of the provisions of the foreign policy concept of the russian federation. please. french ambassador pierre levy came to mead today. he was summoned to the diplomatic department the day before after the temporary deployment point in kharkov was destroyed. foreign fighters,
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including the french. our correspondent anastasia ponko joins the facts from smolenskaya square. she in live broadcast. nastya, greetings, did mr. lvi give any comments on what is known at this moment about his visit to our foreign policy department. hello, natalya, just 15 minutes ago, the french ambassador pervliviy left the mitrossia building and the meeting lasted. about 40 minutes, but no comments to journalists, neither before the meeting nor after, as soon as the french ambassador left the meade building, he did not comment on anything, silently entered the car, left the building, entered the car, let me remind you, the french ambassador and pera livy was called to the midfield russia after a strike by russian troops on a mercenary base in kharkov, as a result of an attack on a building, and the building was completely destroyed, more than sixty militants were also eliminated, even with...
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it is important for us to know whether they are aware that someone is violating the norms law, sends militants to fight in ukraine. there are different stages in the history of relations between our countries. there was a time when our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought together against fascism, but today, as it turns out, french mercenaries are dying for the nazi regime in ukraine. do they know? france and deputies representing their interests about this. vyacheslav volodin also said that at the next plenary meeting of the state duma he will definitely consider an appeal to the french parliament with the highest listed issues.
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let me remind you that, according to the ministry of defense of the russian federation, methodical combat work to destroy foreign mercenaries led to the fact that their number in the armed forces of ukraine decreased by six times. the kiev regime highly values ​​this resource and uses foreigners not only during military operations, but also for attacks on the civilian population, in particular on december 31, the location of foreign mercenaries in kharkov was destroyed. a high-precision missile strike on the former kharkov palace hotel complex destroyed representatives of the gur and the armed forces of ukraine, who were directly involved in the planning and execution of the terrorist attack in belgorod. right there. there were up to 200 foreign mercenaries who were planned to be involved in terrorist raids on the territory of the russian federation bordering ukraine. in france itself
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they deny the short, inglorious military journey of their citizens. france is helping ukraine with supplies of military equipment and military training in full compliance with international law. france doesn't. russia's meeting with the french ambassador after the discovery of french citizens among the militants fighting on the side of ukraine. preparation for the third world war. this is what the press calls the new nato exercises. and this is exactly what, judging by the leaks of secret documents stated by nato
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officials, the leadership of the alliance is doing. the focus of the press is, first, the statement the head of the nato military committee, admiral rob bauer, that the north atlantic alliance should prepare for direct action. clash with russia in the next 20 years. according to him, the governments of nato countries should be able, quote, to rely on the industrial base so that, if something happens, they can quickly start producing weapons and ammunition. well , young people in european countries must prepare for potential conscription . and against the backdrop of the publication in the bilt newspaper , it has allegedly secret documents at its disposal german government, according to which berlin is preparing for a conflict with russia as early as 20.
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therefore, we have plans, that’s what he said. moscow called the statement of nato officials, as well as the alliance’s military plans themselves , irresponsible. the statement is irresponsible and simply begs the question: haven’t the europeans forgotten how to fight? i don’t remember them fighting in the last 100 years, so before making such calls we need to ask the same european youth: are they ready to pick up a machine gun and go to war? the most important, what values ​​will these people defend? we defend our homeland, there is value for us - our russian land. but they don’t have such values. i think that the head of the nato military committee is deluded that young europeans will go to defend europe.
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the american media called the upcoming nato exercises called stalwart defender a development of the world war iii scenario. they will begin next week, just in germany. poland and the baltic countries. according to the legend of these nato maneuvers, russia attacked europe, and the alliance responded with all its might. they want to use up to 90 thousand military personnel, including those transferred from... the eastern flank along the borders with russia is strengthening contingents in poland, the baltic states,
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the czech republic, romania, and deploying new air defense systems and reconnaissance equipment there. moreover , this concerns not only the americans, who traditionally, for obvious reasons, play a leading role in nato. the germans send their troops to poland and the baltic countries for permanent deployment. in many countries, from the czech republic to france, there are calls to increase the production of their own weapons. membership in... sweden is our northern flank, as stated in washington, and will also be integrated into the nato structure. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order sovita for delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. it is profitable to go out... in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable rate on
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will continue to receive additional payments. the corresponding resolution is posted on the cabinet of ministers website. payments depend on the position and experience and can range from 20 to 1000 rubles per month, the maximum is received by heads of medical organizations, heads of surgical departments, surgeons , anesthesiologists and resuscitators who participate in surgical operations, as well as senior doctors, ambulance and emergency doctors, forensic experts. several regions of central russia today are in the grip of years of snowstorms, strong winds have literally paralyzed traffic on sections of federal highways. roads and yards are covered with snow, special equipment is working on maximum power. varvara nevskaya has collected all the latest information by this hour. blizzard and storm wind up to 27 m/s. even local meteorologists cannot remember a snowstorm of similar power. in
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one day, according to the most conservative estimates , the monthly norm fell on tatarstan. snow , the buran plan was introduced, road services were transferred to an enhanced operating mode, and additional equipment was brought in. local utility workers had to double the amount of equipment sent to combat the consequences of the snowfall on the streets of kazan in 1,384 cleaning machines and other special vehicles operate non-stop. the local airport has switched to working according to the actual weather, school classes are being held at a distance...
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and m5, in addition to tatarstan in the nizhny novgorod, ulyanovsk, samara regions, as well as in the republics of mordovia, chuvashia and mariel. heavy snowfalls covered not only the volga region, but also the central federal district. there is ice and snow jams in bryansk. the day before, residents manually pushed buses and minibuses. the capital was hit by bad weather last night in moscow, up to 16 cm of snow fell, wind gusts reached 21 m/s. on the streets, local residents observed snow tornadoes. the height of the snowdrifts in some places in moscow reaches more than half a meter, and here it must be said that the capital’s services coped with the consequences of this snow apocalypse with a solid a. to eliminate the consequences of the snowfall, the city used the maximum amount of cleaning equipment. traffic jams in the capital reached nine points. bad weather caused difficulties in
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the movement of railway transport. moscow air harbor was completely detained and canceled approx. 50 flights, despite the end of precipitation and ice, the yellow danger level in the city has been extended for another day. and this is footage from crimea: mud rivers, landslides, heavy downpours, in the past 24 hours a third of the monthly rainfall has fallen on the cities of the peninsula, the elements will not subside for another two days. on january 19 and 20, rain turning into snow, wet snow deposition, and black ice are expected in crimea. wind speed up to 25 m/s. roads and houses are flooded. temporary accommodation centers have opened their doors in sevastopol. disaster on one of the streets of yalta collapsed a retaining wall. you have to go around half of yalta to get to the address, which is directly located behind this heap, that is, you can’t get there from this side, from that side only through the whole, entire yalka. city
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utilities in the regions affected by the disaster have been switched to an enhanced operating mode and to operate as efficiently as possible. eliminate the consequences. varvara nevskaya, andrey sapegin and ivan kuznetsov, news. let's continue the conversation about bad weather with tatyana belova, she is live. tatyana, hello, how next? will the situation develop in the volga region and in the south? in the volga region there will be a snowstorm for two days, in crimea it will get colder. one of the most striking and unusual consequences of a snowstorm in nizhny novgorod , an avalanche occurred in the very center of the city of the zelensky congress. she blocked a regular bus and several cars; emergency doctors arrived at the scene and examined the people; fortunately , there were no injuries. traffic was blocked for quite a long time, which was necessary for the services to clear the passage."
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how the roadway completely disappeared under snow, snowdrifts have appeared, the cyclone continues to slowly move to the east, the european anticyclone is pushing it from the west, but the cyclone is moving slowly because
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it has to overcome the resistance of another siberian anticyclone. the frontal sections stretch along the border of the anticyclone, but it is not only here that the nastya is raging. another source of bad weather is forming a new wave cyclone, which swirls in the active section of the frontal section. while the volga region is drowning. rivers overflow in crimea and zalivna. emercom russia additionally sent an airmobile group to the sunken areas of sevastopol. in the region the previous evening and at night, up to the third monthly norm of precipitation fell. more than 70 houses and eighty private plots were flooded. rescuers evacuated 19 people. tomorrow the volga region will still be in the bad weather zone, a new whirlwind formed on the wave of the atmospheric front will maintain a high intensity of snowfalls. strong zone. although it will shift a little to the east, tatarstan, the saratov and ulyanovsk regions are again at the epicenter of strong snowstorms. on sunday, snowfall and a blizzard will make their way beyond the urals, but the zone of the most
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unfavorable weather will move to the south, where the blizzard will swirl again and the frost will intensify. in the volga region the situation will begin to gradually improve. in rossiyskoe until the end of the day there will be heavy rain and gusty southeast winds with gusts of up to 18 m/s. the temperature at night will remain at the same level as during the day +10. +11 tomorrow is also rainy and warm, but on sunday night it will get sharply cold to +1-p2 and showers may turn into snow. at the beginning of next week there will be nights altogether. if frost occurs, the fallen moisture will freeze, forming black ice. on friday alone, about 15 mm of precipitation will fall in kazan, the same amount as fell in two days last time. saturday night will bring another 8 mm, and no less will fall during the day on saturday. in
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moscow today the sun has already shone, in the evening the thermometers are about -80, tomorrow night within the city limits -10, tomorrow cloudy with clearings during the day -7, on sunday night up to 18° below zero. great britain may lose one of its most popular national dishes, fish and chips. this is white fish fried in batter with french fries as a side dish. the dish is served in almost every establishment in the country, no matter whether it is an eatery or an expensive restaurant. so russia can ban british ships from fishing in the barints sea. this measure is in response to london’s anti-russian sanctions, daily mail journalists write. the publication also notes that the united kingdom fears that in order to protect the water area from illegal industry.
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agreement will not affect the domestic fish market in any way; the two countries, in principle, do not have there has been no cooperation in this area for many years. well, vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachov called london’s ban on dumping fish in the barents sea an adequate response, especially since in 2022 the country excluded russia from the maximum trade facilitation regime and introduced an additional tariff of 35% on the import of a number of our goods, including iron and steel. and cement. london emphasized that the main goal is to cause maximum damage to the russian economy and minimize negative consequences for oneself.
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the ban on fishing in the russian zone of the barints sea is long overdue for the uk, legal and absolutely adequate to the situation, moscow’s response to london’s unfriendly actions. i strongly support the denunciation of the bilateral agreement of 1956, if only there were more such concrete and sensitive actions from the russian side for our opponents. there is a fire in the center of chelyabinsk at this moment , shopping pavilions are blazing there. the fire covered an area of ​​200 m2. this is reported. the ministry of emergency situations is shooting up columns of black smoke, already at the place of fire fire crews arrived. here are the images we receive from chelyabinsk. the prosecutor requested 28 years in prison for daria trepova in the case of a terrorist attack in st. petersburg, where military correspondent vladlilen tatarsky died. dmitry kasintsev, who is accused of harboring trepova
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after. for the terrorist attack, the prosecutor requested a sentence of imprisonment for one year and 10 months in a general regime colony. trepova's case is being considered by the second western district military court. according to investigators, on april 2 last year, she followed the instructions of her curators from ukraine, brought a figurine stuffed with explosives to a cafe on the university embankment in st. petersburg and handed it to vladlen tatarsky. in the ensuing explosion, vaenkor died, 52 more people were injured, this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, beautiful picture, soulful, and most importantly karaoke, you can just sing the whole film, happiness to live such a fate
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, shed a tear, dance with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians, now the best of our army in the world no, yes, it probably wasn’t, one of the problems is the enemy’s use of pividronic kamekazes, accordingly we need to develop electronic warfare systems, and what are you
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doing with it, what kind? we sometimes drive tanks and use machine guns like little guns. the best was destroyed in 2 months, 300,300 of ours are going beautifully.


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