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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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filmmakers are manifested by today's celebration, a live broadcast of the concert for the first 100 years of the masfilm film studio will be shown on russia 1 tv channel at 21:30. ivan kudryavtsev, dmitry pavlov, mikhail namirovsky, anastasia chernikova, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotaryova and olesya shempel, news from massfilm. my mother was there then. 10 years old, they told her about a petrified girl in a house on chkalovskaya street, we studied the medical archive, specifically from 1956, they said that in our yard a girl was dumbfounded, she was dancing there with an icon, yes, such a miracle happened, a shameful phenomenon for us communists, they began to ask her, how did you stand for so many days, she said, the fire surrounded me, she walked by and said one word, kat: great, good!
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muhammad morandi, professor at the university of tehran. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. the first and most important thing is the revolution that took place in iran. the states do not accept the strong.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you remember them and enjoy it. hello,
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the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department in the studio, maxim movchan. the former minister of forestry of the region was sentenced to 12 years for mass cutting in the krasnoyarsk territory. dmitry masladudov was accused of large-scale corruption and patronage of local businessmen, who unscrupulously allowed vast areas of forest to fall under the ax. the topic will be continued by olga zhurenkova. that the verdict will be guilty. was not similar either to the journalists or to the defendant himself, the former minister of forestry of the krasnoyarsk territory dimitry mosladudov. he was accused of taking bribes and fraud. he himself did not admit guilt; in his last word he called himself an honest employee. but the court, relying on the arguments of the investigation and the state investigation, considered otherwise. based on the totality of crimes, including the partial addition of punishments in the form of imprisonment and a fine, as well as the full addition of an additional punishment in the form of a ban on holding certain positions, assign dmitry aleksandrovich a significant sentence of freedom.
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the founders of which were acquaintances of his brother yuri. entrepreneurs were allocated profitable forest plots, the time frame for issuing permits for cutting down forest plantations was reduced, and other general patronage of logging activities was provided. details of the cooperation were voiced by the entrepreneurs themselves on condition of anonymity. a fixed payment was established weekly, approximately 400 per week. for speeding up the signing of documents for... the loyal
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attitude of the forestry staff, brother the former minister admitted guilt, entered into a pre-trial agreement and received a suspended sentence , 100% of the transfers went to me through the bank, the same money went to my brother, i didn’t take a penny, i didn’t take it, there was no idea to take it. another episode in the case of dmitry masladudov is related to fraud. in august 2018, the official received 1 million rubles from an entrepreneur he knew. for assistance in concluding a lease agreement for a forest plot. in reality, he had no opportunity to influence the bidding procedure. state prosecution in a criminal case supported by deputy prosecutor general of russia dmitry demeshin. according to media reports, ex-minister dmitry masladudov does not agree with the court decision and intends to appeal the verdict. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, dmitry manyshev. news, duty department. the state duma requested 28 years in prison for daria trepova, accused of terrorism, possession of explosives and forgery of documents. the defendant herself, addressing
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the court in her final statement, did not fully admit guilt, only agreeing with the charge under the article on the use of forged documents. but committing a terrorist attack denies illegal trafficking in explosives. according to trepov, she was allegedly framed. now there is breaking news that our editors receive directly from lento informagens. in the moscow region , several people were injured at one of the ski resorts when the funicular suddenly broke down, after which people fell out of the seats of the cable car and flew down from a
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six-meter height. now they are being treated by doctors. the cause of the problem is currently being investigated. every year, employees of the capital's head office of the ministry of emergency situations rescue hundreds of muscovites and guests of the capital injured in serious road accidents. to to free drivers and passengers from mangled cars, rescuers sometimes have to cut cars into pieces. seconds count. maxim shevchenko will continue the topic. returning to smolenskaya square for maria artyomova is not easy. on april 1, 2021 , fate played a cruel joke on her. here maria got into a terrible car accident. at a speed of 115 km/h from the oncoming lane, a sports car driven by a blogger flew into her car.
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fire and rescue department in the eastern district of the capital. training is held right next to the fire station, as a prop they use an old car, roll it out onto the site, and use tools to simulate different situations that can happen on the road. the team has a hydraulic tool, a cutter and other equipment in its arsenal
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to work out the legend of a driver pinned after a collision. we penetrate, having previously prepared everything necessary for us. equipment rescuers seem to be playing and unblocking a conditional victim, their coherence can be compared with a team of mechanics in auto racing, where actions during a pit stop are honed to a fraction seconds. by the way, employees of the ministry of emergency situations have competitions where they demonstrate skill and speed of work in such situations; this is not for fun, but in order to learn how to save every moment, which during an accident can save the life of the victim. maxim shevchenko, vladimir bazov, conductor, duty department. parts directly to a stop with people, five people were injured, according to preliminary data, at least two are in serious condition, footage of the accident was recorded by surveillance cameras, and belaya niva is changing lanes, but loses control and rams a crowd of people. as a result of the collision, five people were injured
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and taken to medical facilities. currently , traffic police officers are working at the scene of the incident to establish all the circumstances of the incident. a twenty-two-year-old man was driving the car. goods from foreign healers and charlatans, the demand for them is very high, and therefore smugglers continue to mercilessly exterminate endangered species of tigers and bears, just as the black market of far eastern derivatives is organized in primorye, who helps criminals transport exotic goods, and how do customs officers and border guards resist illegal business? watch this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, the investigation of dorda petrov, a poacher in tiger skin: the king of animals and the owner of the taiga, the amur... the tiger and the brown bear are in danger from the ground up bones of tigers and lavas of bears
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they make healing potions, if the tiger is sprayed on powders on racks, you can of course earn money, and from the red book ginseng root, medicinal elixirs, the cost of chicken women on the black market can reach several million rubles, the hunt for bears and tigers continues, their skins are a currency commodity when they come to russia. to visit you, i did not give permission, but i do not ask for your permission, the total cost of this contraband is more than 20 million rubles. how the security forces were able to defeat the international criminal community operating in the primorye region. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. the tverskoy court of the capital sent under arrest to the deputy minister of health moscow region alexander zakharov. the manager is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. the official faces from 8 to 15 years in prison; the official amount of the bribe received was not disclosed by the investigation.
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in the arenburg region, a sentence was passed on gang members who committed an armed robbery of cash collectors. threatening with pistols, the criminals attacked the money carriers and stole almost 20 million rubles. one of the collectors was mortally wounded and escaped. word to fedor eliseev. three members of the gang that committed the attack are in the courtroom five-year-old nikolai ivanchin is behind bars for orenburg collectors. realizing the inevitability of punishment, she packed her bag, she was sentenced to 7 years, she was taken into custody in the courtroom, the most severe sentence was received by the direct participant in the attack, konstantin viktorovich popov was finally sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 19 years, with the sentence being served in a special regime correctional colony with restrictions freedom for a period of 2 years. september twenty-two three men in one of the courtyards of the city of orsk committed a daring attack on the car of collectors
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of the russian post, they managed to steal almost 18 million rubles from the loaf. footage from a street camera shows how the robbers can barely cope with such a burden. one of the collectors tried to stop the attackers, which turned out to be a disaster for him. he received a gunshot wound and died in the hospital. data about the collection crew and its stops and the amounts transported were leaked to the attackers by the former head of the post office. and her relative provided it. cars was the driver, so the gang consisted of five people. a forty-six-year-old resident of the city of kemerovo, possessing rich criminal experience and leadership qualities, while on the territory of the kemerovo region, klusbas, for the purpose of illegal enrichment, formed a stable armed group, which included two residents of the city of orsk, and subsequently led it, including during the commission of a robbery for organization in the city of orsk. an interception plan was announced in the area. the next day, police stopped a car with... suspects, one of whom was the leader gang, during his arrest he took his own life, the security forces found a bag with
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money in the car, another participant in the attack managed to escape, he is still on the federal wanted list, the navodchitsa drivers were also promptly detained, thanks to the measures taken, about 90% were identified and confiscated of the total amount stolen, all the money was returned to the russian post office. fyodor eliseev, leopold efemenko, lead, duty unit. a terrible fire in chelyabinsk is burning shopping arcades at the vostochny gorod market, terrible. in frames the elements are rampant; tongues of fire are raging over the building; a column of smoke rises into the sky. it is reported that the fire started after the market closed, when there were no longer buyers or sellers in the pavilions. currently 1,200 m2 is covered. to cope with the fire, the ministry of emergency situations laid out a main line to supply water directly from the mis river. people learn about legal news in their region or region thanks to the work of local journalists. the program to conduct the duty unit is published in many regions of the country. what topics interested our colleagues in my colleague irina lots will talk about the omsk region. hello, maxim, this is what
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we will talk about in our issue. drug police in omsk sentenced a former security officer. maxim borodin sold psychotropic substances directly at his place of work, for how many years he sold. hurricane ride on the omsk highway, heavy trucks. from the road, massive accidents paralyzed traffic, due to poor visibility cars collided head-on, we sum up the violence of the elements and finished the game, in omsk the police closed down an underground casino.
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with the story of several daring swindlers: they wrung out the window frames and went in search of treasure. in the dver region, police detained touring window makers who started hunting for other people's gold. another courier of telephone scammers will be held accountable for deception; elderly people became victims of unscrupulous swindlers; even a veteran of the great patriotic war, who is already 12 years old, was not spared; as attackers will be punished for deceiving a front-line soldier and other pensioners. about these and other news in the final episode of the vesti dezhnaya tver program. colleagues. thank you, it was my colleague olga volgina from the sver region. well, we continue our release.
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former prosecutor of the novosibirsk region vladimir folileyev was sentenced to nine years in a maximum security colony. in addition, he will pay a fine of almost 6 million rubles. the honored employee of the prosecutor's office will lose his class rank and title. the retired security officer was convicted in barnaul, away from the places where he built his career. falileev managed to head the prosecutor's offices of the chita region and the trans-baikal territory before he went to novosibirsk. in 3 years after he retired, he was detained. palileev was accused of a series of bribes from millionaire oleg yarovov. the former security officer insists that the businessman slandered him and promises to appeal the verdict. the good news brought hundreds of people to painful death. the leader of the kinian murderous sect with such a telling name is awaiting the death penalty. he promised eternal life, paradise and redemption. it was only necessary to completely refuse food and follow all instructions. now this mission
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is accused of terrorism. lina material skachkova. victims of good news, the bodies of adherents of the kin cult continue to be found in the forest, a former taxi driver who suddenly imagines himself to be a pastor is accused of not just mass murder, he is considered a terrorist who doomed hundreds of people to starvation. polo mckenzie, the powerful leader of the sect called good news , is not immediately recognizable in the crowd, so he jumps out of the back of a truck in a worn striped t-shirt, his closest associates are being escorted nearby, and so the kinian court begins the trial. almost himself the bloodiest case of terrorism in the entire history of the continent. mckinsey promised his flock eternal life, and to achieve it they had to literally pray and starve until they lost their pulse. this exhausted woman was saved not by a miracle, but by the police. a few months ago , they broke into mackenzie's hut, hidden from view in the thick of the shokahola forest, and were taken aback.
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limp, emaciated, but still alive people crawled on the ground, and graves could already be seen nearby. as it turned out. fraternal, they found the skeletons of more than four hundred people, and most it’s terrible that the lion’s share of them are children, stephen whitty’s wife went to a sect 2 years ago, an adult lady was told that in order to meet the almighty she had to give up food, a whole family, six children, their mother died. she boasted that she had found a church that would take her to heaven. then i asked her how you will read the bible if education is prohibited in your community. everything considered worldly, music, education, was strictly taboo. and even medicine. my now deceased daughter became very ill and refused to go to the hospital, explaining that she you can’t go to doctors. the morgues in malinde were overcrowded. experts examined the bodies. they found out that those who did not manage to die their own death were finished off with clubs or strangled, and some victims of the cult did not have enough organs at all. mckendy, by no means the poorest pastor, was suspected of illegal
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trade in biomaterials, despite the fact that the leader of the sect created an aura around himself, almost a saint, wearing a white toga. sveta ate appetizingly, and preached passionately, eloquently, just listen to his voice. yes, for for several years, mackenzie raised an army of 3. obedient adherents. he was accused of kidnapping children, brainwashing, and hijacking television, but each time the self-proclaimed messiah remained free. the situation changed only when mass storage was found on his site. the state still respects religious freedom, this terrible stain on our conscience should lead not only to the harshest punishment for those responsible for the death of so many innocent souls, but to stricter regulation. every religious communities in the future, the shokahola forest will be turned into a memorial site after excavations, and mackenza himself faces the death penalty, officially it still exists in kinya, but in practice has not
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been used for many years, in addition, the leader of good news will be tested for sanity during the trial, suddenly a great terrible the messiah is actually just a madman. alena skochkova and dmitry vishkevich, lead the duty department. the judge will judge, just as the culprit of the drunken fatal accident, maxim yakuzh, did not try to get free. ephemis did not regret the ex colleague. the cassation confirmed the legality of the sentence. 7 years in prison for drunk driving, which resulted in the death of two people. in february of the twenty-first year , maxim yakush in his huge suv flew towards him and collided head-on with kirio. the driver of the car survived, but both passengers died. on saturday at 18:15 do not miss the final release of our program. here are its main themes. the billionaire was covered. in the murmansk region , the founder of a large equipment sales company and his friend died while on vacation in the mountains, why businessmen went snowmobiling, regardless of the weather forecast. look, look,
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was there even a chance to survive, only we have new personnel from the search and rescue operation, how many tourist groups still climb the mountains and are not registered with the ministry of emergency situations. it is profitable for organizers of such trips to work. but what do the extreme sports people themselves think about? when people go to the mountains, they take all the risks on themselves. we climbed the mountains to see how the safety of tourists is ensured. oleg pasubin took the billionaire’s last route. weekdays police officers, north ossetia, alania. investigators found a truck filled with alcohol without a license, as in the republic they fight against producers and sellers of counterfeit alcohol. yes, they will not answer anything. where does the surrogate come from, what is most often counterfeited and where? then they forget, hundreds of boxes containing unlicensed products, what other violations of the law do the republican police have to deal with? from north
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ossetia, reporting by alexandra mostova. they beat teachers and passers-by. in belgorod probable gang members who filmed the abuse on camera and posted scandalous videos on the internet were detained. i stand here for this street. who formed the group? what the accomplices sought and why the victims are still afraid to write a statement, it is necessary to tighten the legislation regarding the so-called trash streams, we went to the belgorod region to figure out on the spot why the gang members reveled in their impunity for a long time. new details of the high-profile case in the report sultana zeganova. now there is operational news that our editorial team receives directly from the news agent tape: a breakdown of the funicular in the moscow suburb of dmitrov, where
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several vacationers were injured, attracted the attention of the supervisory agency. the prosecutor's office of the moscow region began an investigation. according to preliminary data, the cause of the incident was a breakdown of the rotary wheel. they wanted, like the blogger, it worked out, they will go to court, in the capital, a married couple, having bought into the advertising of an internet jack of all trades, ordered repairs from him. they say the quality is higher. class, and also personal guarantee, but it only turned out that for a seven-figure sum they awarded someone that it became dangerous to live in the apartment, the repairs were done by a third-party company, the promised guarantee remained a promise, what to do now, daniil sukhorochko was figuring out. from the apartment to homelessness, dmitry and anna trachuki have not been able to find accommodation in their own home for several months now, cosmetic repairs, they say, dragged on to the most shameless deadlines, at first they hired one team, they seemed to have done everything, now they had to trust second to fix. there were straight walls here, when this company came , there wasn’t a single straight wall in this apartment, they ruined everything during plastering and puttying, that is, they bent the walls, and the sockets
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were in the pin, one spark was a fire, the doorways were so crooked that the door simply cannot be inserted, for all this splendor a million rubles, plus materials, of course, we have all this, well, such renovations do not satisfy us, we are not going to live in such a renovation, it’s terrible, terrible, for such splendor the owners, so to speak, thank you very much... and let’s say, minimizing risks, well , it turns out that your face is somehow a trademark to some extent, it gives a certain guarantee, but however , it’s not a big deal to give interviews, as soon as the indignant
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spenders contacted the company. .. resentment and anger, resentment that you believed that a large company will do you better than some, i don’t know, there is an incomprehensible specialist whom you found on the highway, the company is simply engaged in infocy, telling on social networks that here we are so cool, cool, in the end just scam people. it turned out that according to the agreement , aksyonov’s company was only an intermediary, its representatives also filed a lawsuit against the troichuks, saying they were ruining the business’s reputation, argue about money, the troichuks said, they say... the foreman asked to give everything in cash, and now they are allegedly being charged the same thing again the bill for the disgusting work, the fact that the repairs were of poor quality, meanwhile, was confirmed by the examination, and perhaps it’s time for the internet builder to mount new videos, get ready, now the drum roll, look how beautiful it is, we gave a chance to speak out and management of the aksyonov company, but a conversation in
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their office... look not only at charisma, but at the future when choosing a specialist they will be competent. daniil sukharuchko, anton fedotov, conductor, duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and honestly the detective, subscribe, also our investigations and daily releases on the platform we watch. go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our release is now
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complete. maxim was in the studio. see you. russia24 tv channel at 21:30. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum. russia! if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the know ours competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours, these are five nominations, clear conditions, impressive effect of victory. the winning finalists will receive support from the competition partners. accepting applications extended until january 31. applications. filmed on
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the platform ideia.roskongress.rf/brand. this is russia 24 and the main thing by this hour: the foreign policy of our country and the influence on it of the corresponding state concept approved by the president in march last year became the main topic of the operational meeting of the permanent composition of the security council. vladimir putin held it via video conference. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will talk about the implementation of the provisions of the foreign policy concept of the russian federation. sergey
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vyacheslavok, please. the french ambassador came to smolensk square today in an attempt to explain where the french mercenaries came from at the base in kharkov. let me remind you that this week it became known that our military carried out a strike with precision weapons on a base where foreign fighters were stationed. as it turned out, mostly french. this is what the russian media said about pierre levy's attempt to justify himself. on january 19 , the french ambassador was summoned to the russian ministry of foreign affairs, who was. paris in conflict around ukraine, so as a result of a high-precision strike carried out by the armed forces of the russian federation on the temporary deployment point of foreign fighters in kharkov on january 16, a group of french mercenaries was destroyed. according to available information, about 60 militants were killed and about twenty were injured, most of them were french citizens. according to the servant , it was indicated that the death of his compatriots lies with...


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