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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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all the movies have the same goosebumps, your song can change the world, better, the sun, at the same time funny, touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians, samarkan registan, an architectural masterpiece from former times, the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror, and its right side... is reflected in the left, although there are 90 steps and 200 years between them. in soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton were synonyms, nothing grew here except it, now everything is different, cotton is still the locomotive of the economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan. leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being formed, but new ones are being remembered. uzbekistan
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produces 35,000 cars at breakneck speed and changes the economy. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website. next in our program. ecological map of the penza region, the staraya sura river wastewater treatment plant structures in large production. how is the program executed? correction of comments must be shown. the relevant committee of the council also works with us.
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the heads of two committees of the upper house , speaker of the federation website andrei yatskin, visited the mayak enterprise. the production is large and it is extremely important that it does not harm the environment. for this purpose , the company built new treatment facilities. for now they are working in test mode. upon completion of the modernization, the enterprise will be able to achieve environmental indicators, indicated in the corresponding roadmap . correction of comments must be shown. the specialized committee of the federation council also works with us, which protects control and supervisory activities. and here we are in an absolutely open mode, both the control and supervisory body rosprirodnadzor, and the control committee, which the federation council monitors its activities, in this mode you are now under large magnifying glasses. the complete modernization of clean facilities will be completed in the summer of 2024. the senators also visited a number of social and infrastructure facilities in the region. andrei yatskin discussed with governor oleg melnichenko the results of the implementation of the federation council resolution on state support for the socio-economic development of the penzya region. our country is preparing to celebrate
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an important date: january 27 will be exactly 80 years since the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad. this was preceded by almost a whole year of bloody battles after in january 1943, as a result of operation iskra, it was possible to break through the enemy ring. importance of events it’s hard to overestimate; they are among the key turning points throughout the great patriotic war. the anniversary will be celebrated throughout the country, but also, of course, in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. they will be celebrated. there are unregistered burials of our soldiers; a lot of work is going on to establish their names and perpetuate their memory. today, a guest of our leningrad land still finds the studio of the senator from the leningrad region dmitry vasilenko, with whom we will talk about this topic in more detail. dmitriyovich, i know that the residents of besieged leningrad and those who participated in his release, by the memorable date, by... decree of the president, they were supposed
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to receive 50,000 rubles. did everyone receive it and were regional payments also provided, please tell us more about this. yes, there really is a presidential decree that... this is december, until december 27, together with the pension of last year, but there is a small part left, several thousand should be received before january 27, 2024, we have 230,000, this is in leninograd, st. petersburg and 9,500 in our country, these
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people will also receive all these accordingly payments, i also want to note that the former baltic republics are latvia. lithuania and estonia, too, there our veterans will naturally receive these payments , and will also receive them in abkhazia and transnistria, almost all those who have such merits, such medals, such badges of honor, respectively, they will all receive these payments, and as for regional payments, all this money was also pledged, well, in the leningrad region, the entity i represent, there were 30 million rubles, that’s 10,000 rubles each.
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900 days of blockade, i know that burials are still being found, including unaccounted for burials, you are engaged in active search work, just recently a monument was unveiled at the site of one of these burials, please tell us in more detail, in general, it’s like the land of the kirov region yes, where the blockade of leningrad was broken, operation iskra, these were repeated attempts, but everything that concerns this burial. very large, the grave is really large, there are more than 500 people there, 138 people were identified, and their names are engraved on the monuments
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, which were erected just recently, within 3 months, work was being carried out there, it’s just that land reclamation had to be carried out, because well, after the war, well, when... they dropped these guys, buried these heroes, this after all, it was january, the ground was frozen, and everyone there knows that there are a lot of swamps in the ligrad region, and accordingly, here is the ladazhsky bridge, if you go towards the city of st. petersburg, on the right side there is a breakthrough museum, on the left side of the bridge , literally nearby, literally 50 m from this the bridge is located about seventy, this grave was located, it was discovered by search engines, accordingly. they installed all the guys who could be installed and a monument was erected there, i want to note that again the monument has all the work and even the supply of electricity and lighting, in the evening now it can be seen there , it was all done very correctly, everything was done for
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the money of enthusiasts, there is not a single budget ruble no one spent, the people who are engaged in search teams, and those who erect monuments to our to the great warriors, great victory, it all comes from their hearts, i would of course like to take the opportunity today to also thank them to all those who took part in this, this is a very large list, i cannot list them by name, but i would like to say that thank you very much for what you did, thanks to the administration, thanks to the ministry of transport, the highways, because this land was offered to the highways, there were also difficulties there, in order to install electricity, these are very large approvals in order to start work - these are also large, very large approvals , not just for one day, but all this work was completed. and i want to say that this work , which is being carried out now by enthusiasts, it apparently will not end for a very long time, we are still equipping the neva patch, it’s even hard for me to say now exactly how
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many fighters were discovered, but i can say exactly how many it was discovered that there were 18 people, but more than a thousand people, while we were laying the cable in order to make lighting on the neva patch. even a monument where there is such a cube, and there are a few spots there, where flowers are laid every year, where rallies are held, we decided...
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they were fooled, they were simply told and they were given a substituted story and given completely different heroes, but in ukraine , and the soldiers of ukraine also broke through the besieged leningrad in exactly the same way, fought in the same way near smolensk, fought on the kursk bulge. maintenance: planned replacement of elevators is an integral part of public utilities. after foreign companies left the market, the field of high-tech equipment for the elevator industry faced a number of problems. however now. we are starting to produce our own components for elevators.
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let's talk more about import substitution and the prospects for russian elevator construction with senator alexander vysokinske. the elevator is the most popular public transport in our country. the elevator operates without an operator, works for weeks, months, years, the service life of elevators is 25. the first problem that exists today is that a large number of elevators in the country have already reached the end of their twenty-five year lifespan. and working government program to replace elevators, there was a time when the country had a large number of elevators that we bought abroad or were manufactured abroad. operation of the elevator fund that operates in our country, not only in residential buildings, but in public buildings, in hospitals, and in other social spheres. accordingly, the ministry of industry and trade organizes separate production for
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components, guides for groups, engines, winches, cables. operation of old ones, how much money do producers need to exploit and produce, what kind of imbalance we have, how we extinguish it, at the expense of
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public funds, at the expense of the population’s funds in the tariff. in the same way, the cost of a square meter in the country has also doubled in 2-3 years, here the state must ensure the stability of economic parameters, then producers are able to invest money, they understand how they will pay for themselves, and here we get the volume of private investment, and citizens will clearly understand
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when this or that elevator is replaced , it will then reliably operate, as busy as russian production is now. generations should be inserted onto the production line as quickly as possible, if in other countries from the moment of development to going on line it takes 3 months, 5 months, then for us it takes years, we need administrative oversight, the same as it was in the construction sector, when colleagues went from a thousand approvals to 300, we need to do the
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same in industry, when a new model goes into mass production. not for several years, and in a few months, this is also very, very important; of course, we will do this together with the ministry of industry and the ministry of housing and communal services. our correspondent went to the enterprise, which over the years of its existence has produced more than 235 thousand elevators. svetlana temirbulatova found out whether it will be possible to replace imported technologies, what are the advantages of domestic smart booths, and also saw an unusual selfie elevator. metropolis or small town, skyscraper or nine-story building, life is a literal upward movement in any modern an apartment building needs no elevators, after the departure of foreign companies from the russian market, domestic enterprises began to occupy the vacated niche, we supply elevators of different load capacities throughout russia , ranging from 400 kg to five-ton machines,
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today about 80% of elevators are supplied specifically for renovation funds for the overhaul of our cabins, which was especially important during the pandemic, and also created new mechanisms responsible for the reliability of transportation, we assemble the lower beams and install components on them security to ensure. a remote call control system using bluetooth technology was also implemented and successfully tested here. this is a selfie elevator. it is so called due to the built-in lighting, which, by the way, is domestically produced . this elevator can be classified as a so-called smart cabin, because thanks to the mobile application, the elevator recognizes that you are entering the entrance and takes you to the desired floor,
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without the need press the button. today the company has the opportunity production of high-speed elevators with a speed of 2.5 m/s. there is already an agreement to replace elevators in high-rise buildings in the center of the capital, while the plant continues to develop new elevators that meet the needs of modern society. from an ordinary sheet of metal, we make it from metal, cut out the parts , then bend them, cook them, paint them, from this we get cabins, doors, shafts, all the components for the cabins, in about five days you can make one cabin with the complete production of all the parts, until recently time, a considerable part of elevators were imported to russia due to border, after the introduction of sanctions, residents of some high-rise buildings were faced with the problem of... non-functioning lifts, because the failed components were imported; there were simply no analogues. and what about the elevators that only work in the third entrance?
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there is only one entrance to the third entrance, in order for those below the twentieth floor to leave, you need to call up, get to the top , then collect each floor until it is full, otherwise they won’t even stop at your place. the elevator has not worked since may 5, it was launched on november 10, we will tell our children and grandchildren that they waited longer for the elevator. months, to solve this problem, russian manufacturers began to develop components for elevators, according to experts, the domestic industry in the coming years is capable of increasing and completely import-substituting elevators and spare parts for them, our elevator is almost import-substituted, this is more than 90%, but there are problems with the components a number of our components, with finishing materials, that is , we are also actively engaged in this, we have done a lot of work on importing and replacing winches, now we already have... gearless ones the winches are entirely of our own production. the service life of the elevator is 25 years; by next year, every fourth elevator in russian houses will need to be replaced. in order for this process to take place
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transparently, the state company domrf is ready to create a unified register. access to information will be available in real time and up-to-date information on the condition of elevators will allow timely installation of new ones that meet modern safety standards instead of worn-out cabins. svetlana temerbulatova, alexander masterpiece and andrey litvin. senate. now about innovations that concern business. starting this year , the limit for the simplified taxation system has been changed. its use is legal if the income of entrepreneurs does not exceed 265,800 thousand rubles. in total, there are five special regimes in russia, including a tax on professional income, which is paid by the self-employed, and a unified agricultural tax. for business, the main advantage of using such regimes is the reduction of the tax burden for the development state. entrepreneurship, including production sector. we will learn more from senator pavel tarakanov. in general, if you look, out of 6 million sub-almost 6 million smes,
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81% use special tax regimes, of which about 30% are legal entities, and 70% are individual entrepreneurs, and this proportion has been quite stable throughout last 3 years. unfortunately, manufacturing smes currently account for only 7%. of the total number of smes and provide about 10% of turnover, which, by the way, is growing very well and added about 65% there over the last 3 years and will reach a fairly large figure, about 130 trillion rubles, that is, these are huge numbers, indeed, at the moment, of course, such results have been achieved due to the fact that special tax regimes exist, we we talked today about how to adapt these special tax regimes, and accordingly, maybe refine them in accordance with the requirements of the time, well, the first question is,
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of course, the indexation of thresholds, and here is the business has been saying for a long time that it is necessary to index the residual value of fixed assets, since it was set there at 150 million, has not been indexed since the end of 2015, inflation has already passed quite significantly, so we are talking about the fact that business is asking for... .with annual indexation, this is an increase in the limits on tax on professional income, expansion of the geography of the automated simplified taxation system, respectively , it was about giving the opportunity to the self-employed, who are individuals individuals cannot enroll in voluntary social insurance for temporary disability during pregnancy, and accordingly
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... individuals cannot, that is , we were talking about naturally granting them such a right, and we talked about the fact that we need to return the opportunity to use the simplified tax system taxes for jewelers who produce and sell silver products, and we have received the support of the ministry of finance and the federal tax service here, we will do everything to make this come true as quickly as possible, we will try to do this very very fast. and what else needs to be done to develop russian entrepreneurship? what issues are currently being worked on? if we talk about the production sector , we are talking, for example, about such things as the first, today the most important issue, this concerns everyone, this is a transitional tax regime, which is currently being worked out by the ministry of finance with the federal tax service, which will allow those enterprises that have turnover there up to 2 billion rubles, smooth out the transition when the simplified
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taxation system switches to... most of the natural fires last year arose in extremely remote , inaccessible areas, when the weather was hot and without precipitation, and so-called dry thunderstorms, a rather dangerous phenomenon, were often recorded. we will discuss this topic in more detail with senator lyudmila tolabayeva. well , firstly, it seems to me that we should all remember , first of all, the federal authorities, which are responsible for this issue, and the regions should remember that by the thirtieth year, according to the decree of the president of the russian
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federation, we must reach certain indicators and these indicators should be used by the regions as a reference book, we have 17 regions that have not met the indicator , one of the indicators of this decree, of course, we need to somehow increase the efficiency of the allocated funds, the funds are allocated from three sources, this the federal budget, this is the reserve fund, this is the regional budget, in fact, the federal legislator and...
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not a single strategic program has been curtailed, all the money that is allocated for the regions, this money must be used effectively, what are your goals for this season, taking into account last year’s adjustments? let ’s say today we were talking about the need to change cctv cameras, we have a lot of them, to change modern ones, some cctv cameras are already completely outdated, they don’t show how
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the forest is burning, where there is smoke, because... what we need, by presidential decree , to extinguish fires 100% in the first 24 hours, we all must understand perfectly well that forests should not burn, and especially our villages should not burn, people should suffer should not, because by and large all the costs are borne by the state, we have very, very many tasks and we must achieve these tasks before the thirtieth year, i believe that each region should simply do an in-depth analysis if the prosecutor general’s office told us that , that the chamber of accounts... that some of the funding that comes from the federal budget from the reserve fund is used for other purposes, despite the fact that forests are burning in this region, but in general, this is some kind of nonsense, of course, among those who uses financial resources that should go to extinguishing fires to prevent forest fires, if he uses them at his own discretion, of course the prosecutor general’s office should deal with it or...


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