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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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a forest where there is smoke, because we need, by presidential decree , to extinguish fires 100% in the first 24 hours, we all must understand perfectly well that forests should not burn, and especially our villages should not burn, people should not suffer, because by and large all costs are borne by the state, we have very, very many tasks and we must achieve these tasks before the thirtieth year, i believe that each region should simply do an in-depth analysis, if it told us. forests are burning in this region, but in general this is some kind of nonsense, of course, among those who are used for other purposes, despite the fact that he uses financial resources that should go to extinguishing fires to prevent forest fires, if he uses them at his own discretion, of course the general prosecutor's office or... administrative or criminal
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liability should be dealt with. next week, senators will hold a meeting of the working group on issues of integrated development of taganrog. they will discuss a wide range of topics dedicated to the development of the kaluga region, which will be represented in the upper chamber as part of the days of the subject. in the federation council will hold its twelfth christmas parliamentary meetings. see you next week. see you on the senate program. hello, dear friends, friday evening, i’m alexander karyevsky, time to sum up some political results of the past week. well, farmers’ protests continued in germany, this is one of the manifestations of growing social tension in germany, but countries even...
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the media, what is actually happening in germany at the moment, we talked about this today with the extraordinary and plenipotentiary russian ambassador to germany, sergei nichaev. sergey yuryevich, hello, thank you for taking the time, events in germany are developing very quickly , attention is now focused on them, but in any case, ours certainly, and probably throughout europe, this is being discussed, but i would like to start our conversation all over - you can understand from the sensational article in bitd.
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is there any continuation of this topic, what is being said in germany itself, we hear statements from individual officials, and nevertheless, how seriously it is being discussed. yes, hello, alexandrevich, thank you for an invitation to talk, well, i wouldn’t, to be honest, exaggerate the significance of this publication. in general, after the start of the russian special military operation, the media tone in germany towards russia, as well as, probably, in general in many western countries, it changed radically, became more aggressive, and it is unlikely to talk about any kind of objectivity or balance lately whether it is necessary. another stuffing.
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at the same time, this new doctrine of saving eras clearly contains the thesis that neither germany nor nato in no case should a real military conflict with russia be drawn into it, this
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situation, it seems to be brought to the fore all the time, which, however, does not replace this... the escalation of such a military atmosphere by this very thing that it is necessary to change a little the previous perhaps in some ways a pacifist public consciousness in favor of a more strictly militarized one. sergey erovich, well, let’s remember, you really remembered the prosperity of germany, and its industrial potential, it was largely based, well, except the hard work of the germans themselves is needed. and their ability to create technologies to create good, very high-quality things, the german people have all this, it has not gone away, but after the war , among other things, the position of the soviet union said that it was still necessary to preserve germany
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as an industrialized country, and not as an agricultural one, there was such a plan even in the west, as you know very well, so that germany would not fight further, not to revive the german spirit, but to leave them there - to graze sheep or cows, everything like that, but nevertheless this is the position of today’s authorities , let’s finish the military topic, that is, in your opinion, will the public opinion of germany still be convinced by all these horror stories and will germany really begin to prepare for war, it is clear that not tomorrow, right? but nevertheless, well... a lot is being done in favor of abolishing this previous anti-war and pacifist consciousness, of course, german society is not delighted with this, but subsidies for the bundeswehr are increasing, some funds for
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the military-industrial complex, which , more than anyone else, is the main beneficiary of this...
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you already said that it is very much in second place after the united states, but in reality, probably even in first place, in essence, germany provides assistance ukraine, but in reality ukraine is fighting with russia with its hands, well, that’s what i would call it, but so far officially it seems like it’s impossible to say that, but nevertheless the economy has gone into the negative, not a strong formal one, but the german government services themselves. they say about this that there is a minus, and industrial production in europe, in germany, collapsed by 7-8%, these are terrible figures,
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these are military figures, and gas consumption fell by 20%, that is, the german economy is experiencing very serious problems, all these recent social speeches are about this they say, but nevertheless, is there some kind of awakening of social consciousness among the germans that they are going somewhere in the wrong place, so far, apparently, there is not much, or do you not... agree with this? well, the symptoms are observed, of course, you are absolutely right in the sense that that now the following term is increasingly being used here: creeping deindustrialization, and indeed the gross domestic product is sagging, key, almost all key indicators for the past 2023, promising ones are being deduced...
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it’s a stubborn thing and is published not only by kremlin propagandists, but
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probably like us , there are also western economist magazines, others, they record these things, and the articles there are such that you read as if we wrote it, you know, and not and not them, they are very pessimistic about german prospects, especially since this is a strike of farmers with manure on the street, which they dump and so on, it is clear that it is like this... social activity to expand, what do you think, what do they write about this inside, so that you are not blamed that you are inciting
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some things there, that’s what the locals write about it, well, as for the fact that they will accuse us of inciting things, this is already a common thing, now the protest actions of farmers or german peasants look most vivid, this is the apotheos of this protest movements. he passed this this this this week, by the way, it continues, and today the tractors are humming again, uh, the farmer is preparing for the opening of a large agricultural exhibition,
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it is, of course, not only farmers, many segments of the population who feel the reduction in social benefits, naturally, they are not very enthusiastic, so i would not be ready to predict when and on what scale these social protest actions will take place; they take place periodically with one or another, so to speak, shade. but one thing is clear that the people want, well, improvement or restoration, at least, of the previous social benefits, which all, throughout these last decades, germany could be proud of, and germany was, naturally, the locomotive of everything, all european union
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integration, european integration, well, now it’s natural you...
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with some- then by companies on social networks allegedly financed by moscow, well, we , of course, resolutely reject these insinuations, we generally do not interfere in the internal affairs of the host state, here they apparently confuse us with someone, one can even guess with whom, that’s why we recommend to the german authorities, well, at least not to shift from a sore head to a healthy one, and you see.
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germany really was, and still remains, an economic locomotive.
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the authorities still do not consider it necessary to dedicate us to the details of the ongoing investigation into this unprecedented terrorist attack in september twenty-two, and this naturally raises reasonable questions about the impartiality and, so to speak , objectivity of the investigation, although in general it is difficult to believe that in our 21st century, having such say, with all the necessary technical arsenal...
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you probably know the german saying, guess three times, here even three times is not enough to understand who the main beneficiary of the destruction of the northern flows and the cessation of supplies of cheap russian gas, which, as you quite rightly say, is over the course of decades, he created the resource basis for the development of germany.
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no grounds, but we continue to insist on an open and depoliticized investigation into this infrastructure terrorist attack, and the main victims, which, along with russia, is germany , and its citizens and businesses, but we don’t have any special illusions yet, well, yes, it’s difficult to entertain illusions here, especially since it’s true, you know, there was an interesting message after all, the bundestag voted against the supply of winged aircraft to ukraine taurus missiles, some kind of technical hitch, is something clear?
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the csu bloc, in order, apparently, to score political points, to unite their local hawks around this initiative, to increase pressure on the scholz government, so they from... are also using such methods, well, other parties predictably did not agree to this, and not because they oppose the supply of new weapons to ukraine, they simply do not want to support the initiative of their political opponents and give them, so to speak, the initiative in this matter, but in addition, even if the verdict of the bundestag were positive, this... does not mean everything, because it is of a recommendatory nature, and the decision should be made in such cases
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by the government, well, here in berlin they say, that all this should be done in close contact with the allies, primarily with the united states, and the multi-billion dollar tranches that go to military-industrial complexes for supplies from... the slavic brigade protect our positions near gorlovka. the enemy's fortifications are attacked from a carnation launcher under the cover of attack drones. from the leading report of military
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correspondent stanislav nazarov. in the belts under the throat, rotation of artillery crews is carried out under the cover of electronic warfare systems. we suppress fire enemy points. one feels that they are morally depressed, they are in a state of hunger, because of supplies. fire, the crew of the self-propelled artillery mount 2s1, the carnation of the forty-ninth army drives up to the closest possible distance
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to the enemy in order to work in the rear against. we work often, the intensity is high , as soon as we have fired, we immediately change position , counter-battery warfare is underway, we have thermal imagers, night lights, that is, even at night we can fight with them in order to prevent ourselves from being detected and misleading the enemy, the crew takes each cartridge case with them, the enemy can see any traces from a drone and track down the location of our equipment, we work both along the front edge and... along more distant lines, mainly strong points, the equipment is widely used during rotation drones, raise the barrel, now they must give us the coordinates of installation on the guns so that we can start working, together with the artillery fortified by the ukrainian armed forces, they work as attack drones with the help of loitering ammunition lancet, a camouflaged howitzer d-30 of ukrainian militants was destroyed.
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how minsk will act in the event of aggression against allies in the csto and the union state. with details anastasia sakhovskaya. a whole flock at the belarusian borders of the usa, britain, czech republic, france, germany. in latvia right now there is an exercise with the participation of a nato battle group, the furious wolf in lithuania, the mythical brave griffin, maneuvers of infantry, police and us military personnel stationed in the country. an unprecedented accumulation of nato troops near the borders of a union state, a confrontation between west and
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east. the russian army will be used together with allied forces in a separate chapter of minsk’s actions and obligations in the event of armed aggression against the csto or an allied state. in interstate wars , the country is ready to independently defend vital national interests and has something to do. s-400 triumph, modernized polonaises, powerful iskanders, minsk is ready for dialogue even with nato countries, but first they must abandon their aggressive rhetoric. it is important to avoid a situation where
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it will be too late to react, and now belarus. and there are tools of containment. the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of the republic of belarus is considered as an important component of preventive deterrence of potential adversaries from unleashing armed aggression against the republic of belarus. this is our forced measure. we are ready to defend our country with all our might and means, including with our military allies in the union state and the csto. we have no enemies, we have the interests of our peoples, we have mutual allied obligations, explosives disguised as a phone charger, another high-profile failure of the sbu, weapons and combat drones were transported to belarus by recruited agents, residents of the ukrainian border region, making forays along swampy rivers, former hunters became the target of the belarusian kgb. during the investigation , caches of firearms
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and explosives were discovered and confiscated. and data were obtained on their possible use in the preparation and execution of explosions at oil refining industry enterprises, preparation and execution assassinations of government officials and journalists. a criminal case has been opened for treason against the state and an act of terrorism, punishment up to the death penalty, partly the basis for a new military doctrine; another important state document, the concept of national security. the main emphasis is peace, security and stability, and now the final stage. they will be submitted for approval to the all-belarusian people's assembly. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandrovits, oleg peletsky, maria slyaguzova, lead minsk.


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