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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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the previous year, our industrial production index grew by almost a little more than 13%, and the manufacturing industry index by as much as 18.7%, these are leading positions in the central federal district, our average wage level in the manufacturing industry is already more than 57 thousand rubles, the volume of investments also in the manufacturing industry amounted to 9 billion rubles at the end of that year. russia all-russian family forum opened at vdnkh. relatives, loved ones. the first official event of the family year, it was announced by vladimir putin. forum brought together more than 250 families, including large and foster families, professional dynasties, residents of new regions, as well as families of northern military district veterans and heroes of russia. participants will enjoy an extensive program, competitions, creative meetings and master classes. on the first day there was a concert.
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at which family groups performed , a large choir of the first. biden's rating is so low that he needs to do at least something, notes the influential american building heal. for example, find some asshole from letting your administration go, get rid of blame all failures on him. however, no one has any hope that biden will suddenly gain popularity. about the election campaign in the states anton dadekin. eighty-one-year-old joe biden jumped towards the microphone, apparently to prove that he was healthy enough for a second term, began with vague one-liners, one of which immediately played a bad joke on the president himself, and where is deborah, i just took a photo with her, that's probably why she left, but jokes aside, anyway, oh, she couldn't really be here.
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i got something mixed up, you know, she is fighting hard for the rights of local residents, but now she is in washington, although formally the speech in north carolina was not a pre-election speech, biden devoted a significant part of it to criticism of his main rival, donald trump. my predecessor likes to say that america is failing, to say to my face, bless me father, for he has sinned, that is, okay, failing? by the way, have you heard that he wants to see the stock market crash? because everything is great there and he admits it, our economy is doing damn well and getting better, which is why he needed the stock market crash. to show his closeness to the people, after his speech, biden, supposedly unexpectedly, stopped at a fast food restaurant. under the watchful eye of north carolina democratic gov. roy cooper, the president, clearly unaccustomed to cash, managed to avoid getting confused when paying for the order, but social media users immediately found videos and photos of the campaign. biden's arrival at the same fast food in
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october 2020, it turned out that under president trump the same set of dishes cost almost a third cheaper, and other internet users compared how residents of the generally democratic state of north carolina now greeted biden, and how 3 months ago citizens of even more pro-democratic california welcomed donald trump at a similar restaurant. look at biden, what happened under biden, with his policies, he killed our country, what's happening on the southern border, it's a disaster, everything he does - this is a catastrophe. his actions in afghanistan led to the most shameful moment in our country's history. what he did was terrible, maybe he didn’t mean anything bad, though it’s hard to believe, this man is just incompetent. the latest sociological survey commissioned by cbs news. shows that if
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the election were held now, biden would lose to any of the three remaining republican presidential contenders in the race. biden's situation looks so sad that even he the most loyal supporters, representatives of the kiev regime, think about the need to establish contacts with trump. however, as american politico reports, both the ex-president and speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, are deliberately avoiding communication. as for johnson, he has to fend off...
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or conspiracy theories have been discussed on social networks in recent months, according to the author of the article, democrats are calmly watching biden's catastrophic ratings because they know that in fact it is not he who will go to the polls, and the wife of former president of the united states michelle obama. against this background , the forecast of the outcome of the vote made by one of the american satirical shows no longer seems incredible. trump wins the election with a historically crushing result, 128 million in favor, but trump in advance. trump has indeed alternated between speaking at rallies and attending various trials this week.
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the ex-president faces a total of 91 charges. he faces more than 700 years in prison , a possible suspension from participation in election race. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? you need holva, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to holva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shop or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with holva five actions of ercept for sore throat for adults and children. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and has already broken
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the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it, join the megamarket, megamarket. just growing up with us, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works great. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i also converted it for myself car using methane without investment. being practical is good for nature and good for you. choose ecogas. refuel at gazprom stations. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. the feed contains freshness in every purchase. we bake bread and buns for you every day. try
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the braunnis cupcake. fresh ribbon with chocolate and cherries for 49 rubles from ribbon's own bakery. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. 30% discount on the second or 50% on the third household item technology built-in combustion oven for only 17 rubles. and eldorado. alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for payment transfers. order your free alpha debit card. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. adatek takayama engine oil instantly adapts to any conditions. adaptive engine protection, rather than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to twist it once, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then
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confirm the payment. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. retiring in the new year is profitable with sberbank for pensioners: a free sbercard, a favorable rate on deposits to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on... children to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions.
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in a typical supermarket, it would seem such a common action to take yoghurt for breakfast or buy a bottle of milk, but according to the latest study, the behavior of russians when the choice of products began to change and... in 2022, nafi center analysts say that the popularity of the brand, beautiful packaging is now of little interest to buyers. according to the study, when choosing products, buyers primarily focus on price, 82% of them; discount promotions are important to 88% of consumers; the vast majority read the information on the packaging. here, the buyer first looks at the production date, expiration date, and studies it. entrepreneurship and economics
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, but in vain - the director of the development institute is sure artur gaffarov, you’re in a hurry, you run into the store, you just see a familiar package there, you throw it into the basket without looking, then it punches at the checkout, but at home, for example, you find out that the manufacturer has removed the volume, that’s what we call:
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800 900 and this was due to the fact that visually the product would look cheaper, that is, it is here, but it was like marketing, because again, when indicating the honest bulk of deception of the consumer, there is no deception here, it is excluded, every buyer can recalculate. this phenomenon is called shringflation, a decrease in weight, volume or quantity of goods in a package at the same price. as a result, consumers get less product for the same money. such tricks. there is an illusion of stability and the manufacturer increases margins at the expense of the ordinary buyer, according to
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the ministry of industry and trade. previously, this concept did not exist among us, this is generally a foreign word, in our country any such attempt was always called in simple russian words: body kit or deception with all the ensuing consequences, then there is all this came to us from abroad. the center for the study of consumer behavior of roskachestvo conducted a survey. only half of the respondents know about the method of shiringflation; every fifth sees it as a deception. most often, thinner packaging is noticed in the dairy and cereal departments. according to the study, now the standard size of a package of butter is 180 g. 70% of the products on supermarket shelves are of this volume. sour cream is popular in 300 g jars, almost a third of this format. cottage cheese is most often packaged in 180 packs. yogurt in 260 packs. half a kilo of pasta disappears from the shelves,
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almost half of the market is 450 g packaging . a classic liter of milk or kefir can be found only in one out of seven or in one out of ten cases, respectively: milk and kefir are most often bottled in 900 g bottles. and here the measurement system is already important; replacing milliliters with grams is another manipulation of shrinflation, and at the same time legal, the institute explains. development of entrepreneurship and economics, it’s all about elementary physics, when converted from one system to another, products lose weight, for due to the fact that the density of all these products is different, in the case of milk, and the consumer can overpay there by 3%, in the case of orange juice 4%, yes, when we make a substitution and indicate instead of the volume of the mass, in the case of tomato paste there is a 10% difference in density. if we are talking about 1 liter. then in packages there are 10 pieces, 10 pieces, for example, 100 rubles each, that is,
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a household will pay 1.00 rubles for milk per month. now, if we take a reduced pack of 0.9 liters, then in order to cover the monthly requirement of 10 liters, the consumer is forced to take there are no longer 10 packages, but 11, so he already overpays 10%, respectively , the manufacturer wins 10%, and visually reduced. may not differ from its larger counterpart, but such a variation in volume is found in goods that form the basis of the grocery basket. last year, packaging requirements changed in russia. the prosecutor general's office achieved amendments to the state regulations. now producers of butter and sunflower oil, vermicelli, salt, sugar, flour, rice, black tea and other products if necessary, those wishing to declare their
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compliance with the state regulations must use fixed quantities of such goods. for example, according to the new rules. so, in order to make the buyer’s lot easier and not have to count, the price tag will indicate the conversion to kilograms. the association of food supplier manufacturers believes that it will be easier for the buyer to navigate prices or, for example, compare similar products. but in the producers' union. we wondered, do consumers need such standard packaging? not everyone is ready, for example , to buy a liter of milk, someone is ready to buy half a liter, the same with butter, but there, someone is ready to buy, not ready to buy 200 g there, ready to buy 100, someone, for example, is ready to buy 400 and 400 g, for example, a very common format now, the consumer is absolutely accustomed to it. in the oil and fat union of russia, which unites enterprises that supply 80% of the russian
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market with vegetable oils, they explain: non-standard packaging is a retail request. and production often has to adapt to such orders, the two main packages are 1 liter, here it’s just 0.9 - this is our invention, let’s say, in our market, yes, these are 1 liter and 5 liters, the two main ones, the two main volumes that are sold today export , if we are talking about 09, this is an order item from retail chains, and here we need to look at label stocks, according to the capabilities of the line for the production of a liter bottle, whether modernization is required there or not, depending on... assess costs, well, i think that these are relatively small costs, which will be included in the price one way or another, and here experts agree on one thing: taking into account packaging supplies, a single transition to the so-called honest liter and honest kilogram may require at least six months. confectionery factory in the kaluga
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region, on an area of ​​almost 10 thousand square meters. lines, this one produces only oatmeal cookies, according to gost, tatyana shlykova has been in production for almost 20 years, the chief technologist says that to add state standard markings, we changed the recipe, quite a bit, we added raisins to oatmeal cookies, because classic oatmeal cookies were always made with raisins, with ground raisins, in order to give them the characteristic taste of oatmeal. tatiana shares the company's secret. in order to produce at this factory other types of cookies according to gost , even the recipes do not need to be changed, he says all the procedures from the food supply of raw materials to the release of finished products are identical, the formal matter is only in the inscription on the packaging, in our time, in principle, the requirements of the technical specifications, they no lower than the gost requirements, therefore, our products, according to gost specifications,
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fully comply with the standards and are the same, similar to each other. one such conveyor can produce up to 20 tons of cookies per day, and reconfiguring such equipment to meet new gost requirements is unprofitable for the enterprise. reconfiguring the equipment means stopping the line, this is already a waste of time, but it takes 15 minutes more, well, depending on what kind of packaging, some difficulties may arise, this is of course a loss, firstly, the line is stopped, and secondly, this equipment moved, this is wear and tear on the equipment, so we try not... krasnodar region. they prepare up to 24 hours per day with similar packaging. a meat processing plant with 30 tons of sausage, more than 180 types
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of products and many recipes that are 20 years old, says the chief technologist of the plant, evgenia ignatenko. we continue. now we are introducing some new products, some new items , in order to keep up with the times, we are learning a lot, as you already said, a lot according to gost, as it was 20 years ago, it is, yes, we have large sales volumes enjoy sausage, which was developed in accordance with the state, the word gost on the label does not mean that the packaging must necessarily change, there are many national standards, and the requirements of the prosecutor general's office for compliance with packaging concern only one thing... 8.579/2019, but the ministry of industry and trade is ready to expand this requirement to ban all manufacturers use packaging for socially significant products. according to the deputy head of the department, viktor eftukhov, the measure can be proposed for discussion in the eurasian economic union. there are examples of individual
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foreign retail chains that label on their shelves are products that have been reduced in size with special labels. they write that the volume or weight of this product has decreased, but the actual price from the supplier has either increased or remained unchanged, and now we are also with our networks... which we are not obliged to disclose, which means that the regulatory authorities have less gost, the organ manufacturer’s recipe selection criteria. in the studied twenty-two brands of the product category sprats in oil, the declared and actual net weight did not correspond only in two brands, this indicates that the manufacturer, that every third manufacturer does not report the main one.
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in order to maintain their market share, however , such tricks, even if completely legal, to endlessly reduce the packaging will not be able to retain the buyer; sooner or later , manufacturers will still have to reduce production costs in such a way as to return to the honest packaging familiar to the buyer. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons. russia - present and future. touch all
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burger king, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one is behind it won’t pay, this is bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, valfabank is the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account. and up to 10% cashback for expenses , rather than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once, order sovito with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. pentalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance against pain and inflammation. and a special component for better penetration into the lesion pain. pentalgin extragel has been created. to combat
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pain and inflammation in muscles and joints, convenient packaging at an affordable price! so, so what, now we have one benefit on our minds! discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months, candies refrigerator for only 3499, still available in installments! alfabank was the first in russia to cancel all commissions for transfers of payments! order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable! alpha is profitable!
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hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events weeks, chronicle, facts, comments. bullistic missile and terrorists, new approaches to old threats. iran and pakistan exchanged blows. north korea connections, south.
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we are no longer a neighbor, the materials of our program. keep it seven. the beginning of the election campaign in the united states, a story from the scene . the young shah of iran, mahamed rizavi, pays a visit to quite. pakistan. fiftieth year. shah is 30, pakistan - a pleasant acquaintance. the space in the middle east does not disappoint expectations. not a day without shocks. to the war in palestine and the confrontation with the houthis in the red sea has added a new node - iran and its neighbors. first, the commotion was caused by iranian air strikes on targets in iraqi kurdistan right in its capital irbil. then more harshly.
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iranian forces attacked the pakistani border area. islamabad.


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