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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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ethnocultural, we know that 23,300 thousand people live in taiwan today, of which 96% are ethnic chinese, and there is no escape from this, everything seems to be clear here, but if you look at it from a sociological point of view, it was published literally the other day another sociological survey, according to which more than 2/3 of taiwanese, mostly young taiwanese, consider... associate themselves only with taiwan, that is, in other words, consider themselves taiwanese taiwanese, and only 3% of respondents said, that they consider themselves primarily chinese, but it must also be said that in fairness, 28%, according to this survey and not only this, consider themselves both taiwanese and chinese. tatler magazine...
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chen shui-bian, after which the prc government temporarily blocked her entry into mainland china, and chinese radio stations... television cooperation. today, amey writes defiant feminist songs, challenges patriarchy, and advocates for indigenous peoples and lgbtq rights. enkli is considered one of the most successful taiwanese directors and producers. he has about twenty films to his credit, including the oscar-winning sense and sensibility with hugh grant and emma thompson, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, which became the highest-grossing non-english-language film. in the history of american box office,
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the drama brokeback mountain and the adventure film life of pi. sophie chunk, chairman of the csmc charitable foundation, oversees programs to help older people and sponsors the development of rural areas of the island, supports education, art, and painting. her works, combining themselves abstraction and chinese traditions, are exhibited in the prestigious galleries of hong kong, sodby's and christie's, and part of the proceeds from their sales go. for charity. taiwanese businessman daniel tsai, along with his brother, does not leave the forbes list; they own several subsidiaries of tech giants in the field of telecommunications and entertainment, as well as the largest mobile operator on the island, taiwan mobile, and fuuban financial holding with a market capitalization of more than $20 billion. blogger reidu today heads the taiwan youtubers association. in 2017. his educational channel reached
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one million subscribers, becoming the first most popular knowledge-intensive channel in taiwan. since then, his audience has almost tripled. pierre chen was involved in supplying consumer electronics to taiwan in the seventies. he created a demand for its components, and then the yadio company, which satisfied this demand. today its branches under the pulse electronics brand are represented in 24 countries, pierre himself is one of the richest people in taiwan, excuse me, they are the people who consider themselves taiwanese, they somehow formulate their difference from the mainland chinese, in the chinese language there are, as it were, different terms for conveying the word china, this is a middle state or junhua - this is like an ethnic chinese, that is, some taiwanese they say: yes, we are not chinese , but we are ethnic chinese, that is , we are not people from... chinese, here, but here it must
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be said that even at the individual level we can see an even more varied picture, because in taiwan there are a lot of peoples, races even people who call themselves taiwanese, taiwanese taiwanese, there are people who call themselves chinese, chinese, and there are people who call themselves japanese because...
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the yellowheads of the yame people, for about 2 hours we talked under a canopy during the rain, and he time he spoke in conversation, he mentioned the phrase, used the phrase: “they are taiwanese.” at some point i couldn’t stand it and asked: aren’t you taiwanese, he said, of course not, i, as a scientist, asked who you are? he said, i am the leader of the tao tribe, in the yame language - this is the leader of the tribe of people, who knows how many there will still be time for the chinese republic to exist on taiwan when reunification occurs, and i think it will happen, and what will be the fate of the single historical community in that case.
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taiwan and the united states signed the so-called mutual defense law, which expired in january 1979, here is another anniversary, this is the anniversary of the severance of relations between the united states and taiwan. well, but in the same year in april, instead of the defense law, mutual defense, which had lost force, was adopted in america taiwan relations act , whereby the united states was committed to supporting the defense of taiwan to promote
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the security of taiwan, particularly in matters of confrontation with the chinese mainland, so there are some mutual obligations that must be fulfilled according to... that 's the likelihood that that taiwan will be abandoned, well, you know, this is such a long-standing historical psychotrauma in taiwan, because well, i can remind you that in 1945 a famous novel by a taiwanese writer was published in taiwan ujole, who is called the orphan of asia, in the year sixty-five, former american diplomat george kehr published a book called pharmosaite, that is, loyal to taiwan. taiwan is a devotee - he witnessed how taiwan was transferred from japan to china, believes that the arrival of gaminden, it became a kind of tragedy for taiwan, a new colonialism, and the taiwanese people, who greeted the chinese
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liberators with flowers and joy, suddenly discovered that it is again under colonial exploitation. taiwanese politicians are afraid. that they can be cheated, of course, they hope that this will not happen, if this happens, then , probably, it will be a day of such a great tragedy for the taiwanese, although such days have already happened for them, as we have already said, in the year seventy-nine, when diplomatic relations were severed, somehow they survived them, but if we talk about some negative scenarios, let’s say about the military, then let’s say the previous... administration of taiwan tsaienvene, she has already spoken out on this matter, she said, what if god forbid if some military clashes occur, then our task is to stand overnight and hold out for several days, and then on the fifth or sixth day the entire world democratic community will come to our aid, that’s how
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it comes to the rescue, we now know why this leads and what price you have to pay for it, i think that in general the relationship will remain in... what happened in taiwan, strictly speaking, a market economy under a rigid authoritarian system. thank you, i’ll say right away that, of course, they took it into account, the point is that, uh, taiwan also went through economic reforms, the peak of which
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started in the fifties, but the peak of which occurred in the sixties and seventies, that is, a little earlier than mainland china, so when... the chinese had something to learn from the taiwanese they did this very successfully through the diligence of diligent students. mainland china in china is that the leaders of the reforms in taiwan and
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another interesting point is that the people's republic is the son of chiang kai-shek, dzyan dingguo, russian name nikolai vladimirovich elizarov, and deng sialpin, who also had a chinese surname of patrols. even two, the second surname is croesus, they both studied in the twenties in moscow, at the university of the working people of china named after suniyatsen, and they studied there at the same time, both of them became witnesses of the soviet, that is, at the height of the nepa, and they say that it was these impressions, personal impressions, personal experience of contact with nep played an important psychological and not only psychological role, oh, did dzyan zingo live to see the collapse of the ussr or did he? diango died in january 1989, still
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one anniversary in our conversation today, interesting, this is, of course, an amazing page that we know quite little, but it’s very worth remembering. thank you very much, we talked with valentin glavachev from the institute of higher studies. the us presidential campaign has begun, which is being watched by the whole world. all countries and territories. which we talked about today will feel the result, one way or another, even the most independent in the world kemchen, donald trump promised to meet with him again if he wins. the first test was held in iowa republican forces, the beginning of the selection of a presidential candidate. trump won in a landslide. internally , the party selection of a candidate for us president begins. in iowa, a small rural midwestern state. conservative and religious
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politicians are traditionally supported here. for the first time in history, donald trump collected more than half of the votes of all voters and won almost all counties in the state. true, against the backdrop of a record low turnout over the past 20 years. it is believed that due to the cold weather, he lost to nicky haley only by one of the 99 constituencies, and even then he lost by only one vote. ayowa caucuses traditionally attract a lot of attention, although this is an outdated format of voting, which is more like a meeting of residents, party members gather, for example, in a church or school, and after heated discussions decide which candidate to nominate for elections, the counting can be carried out by heads or raised hands . in 2016, donald trump lost in iowa. trump's closest pursuer is now florida governor ron disantis. behind him
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, he left the race and supported trump. on the map it is clearly visible that trump won in almost one and a half thousand polling stations, four were not enough for an even count. in 2020, biden lost iowa to his fellow party members, but still won. victory in the presidential election. this year, he launched his campaign right after the new year and released his first campaign video. the main slogan is - let's finish what we started and add, i know we can. the biden campaign is expected to raise more money than its republican rival. the amount has already reached 117 million us dollars. this is the highest figure in the history of amid donor concerns about biden's polling results. according to abc news and ipsus, his approval rating is now the lowest among presidents over the past 15
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years. polls point to trump's lead, including as calculated by british consulting firm redfield and wilton strategies. in the swing states of arizona, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, north carolina and florida. the votes of undecided voters from these states often determine the outcome of elections. according to gelop, the number of supporters of both parties has collapsed to the extreme. low level. 43% of americans are inclined to call themselves independent. this is a record figure. since 1988, only 27% would vote republican and the same percentage would vote democrat. we will be contacting the american election campaign frequently this year. in the meantime, one question: what is the reason that a scandalous and, for many
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, frankly odious candidate, who is considered the favorite in the courts, as if in silk. if you look, all our institutions are in chaos, the military, which is unable to achieve a decisive victory, the universities, where more attention is paid to racial and gender issues than to education itself, the rector of harvard just had to resign due to plagiarism in her scientific works, and the work was still science, no matter what structure you take, everything unravels, yes. if you look at the economy, overall it is more or less, but production has not grown since october 2022, all this makes voters remember trump, his slogans, which are also relevant. if you take out the chaos that was caused by covid and the riots on january 6, the rest of the trump presidency - 3 years of economic growth, no new wars,
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a period of relative peace and prosperity. formally, the race for the nomination continues. but fundamentally, republicans believe trump was treated unfairly and should be given another opportunity. in any case, what will this campaign be remembered for, the age of the candidates? previously, they would have mocked or been indignant, but now active longevity is the norm, dmitry vershinin from california. the world-famous venice beach beach belongs to surfers and runners early in the morning. athletes and paddle tennis players. this park with mini-tennis courts is booked out a month in advance. four friends play here every monday at 9:00 am. it's been 30 years now. this is friendship. we can’t imagine ourselves without each other, but training, of course, is a sport for maintaining connections. yes, yes, especially if you need to borrow
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money. daril john, henry and jacob are all in their 60s, but they refuse to slow down. banker, electrician. filmmaker and actor, their passion for tennis with a wooden racket passed tested by the financial crisis, stroke, global warming, divorce and the writers' strike. this is a game, even if you are not mobile enough, but if you still have reflexes and reaction speed, you are in the game. i spend a lot of time on the computer, there is fresh air, the ocean breeze, the beach, plus time spent with old friends. the social retirement age in the united states is 67 years old, but the system allows for significant flexibility, there are those who end their careers at 50, and there are those who are forced to work after 70. complex system pension calculations, in short, americans do not count on benefits from the state; they save for old age from their salaries by investing in securities. politics is another matter: the average age
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of american senators is 65 years. there are long-livers who are criticized for their inability to give way to young people in time. the democrats also have plenty of retirees; eighty-nine-year-old diane feinstein from california had a lot of questions when she refused to retire. feinstein died last spring , when she was no longer able to move. john fetterman, the freshman senator from pennsylvania, is still recovering from a stroke suffered during the campaign. during the interview , 50-year-old fetterman walks around with an ipad
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and uses a service from google that converts speech into text. it helps.
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that's right, you need to look at the big picture, how full of a life the person who makes the decision leads. the numbers themselves , 80 or 82, don’t mean anything to me. four paddle tennis players from venice beach agree with scientists, they plan to play at least until eighty. dmitry vershinin for international viewing, los angeles, california. the development of capitalism has reached what they want. commodity production still reigns and is considered the basis of the entire economy, but in reality it has already been undermined, and the main profits go to the geniuses of financial
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tricks. the basis of these tricks and frauds is the socialization of production, but the gigantic progress of mankind, which has reached the point of this socialization, benefits the speculators. sunday - 100 years since the death of vladimir lenin. this man once became the deity of a new religion. then he was overthrown along with her, it seemed, forever. but even decades after the collapse of lenin’s experimental state, its legacy has attracted the attention of not only historians, but also practitioners around the world. lenin is one of those who will most influence humanity in the 20th century. in our country, since the debunking of marxism-lenism , no idea has been formed that is comparable in effectiveness to it. efficiency inspires reverence,
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but does not necessarily equal goodness, and that too a lesson not to be forgotten. it was an international review, goodbye. it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel - against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance. and it has already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week. starts, don't miss it it, join the megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, a cheeseburger
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country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 1,000 polling stations, at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, with approximately 1 million election organizers helping with this. video surveillance at polling stations, electronic systems for processing ballots, a mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting. state the automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting. elections in russia are important, fair, and convenient.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters, together with experts we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether russian industry is capable, replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, are you ready?
12:00 am
to this minute in our news release. over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including hypersonic dagger missiles, and also drones. ukrainian military enterprises that produced ammunition, gunpowder, and combat drones were successfully hit. strikes were also carried out on deployment points foreign mercenaries and units of the ukrainian armed forces. all goals have been achieved. we repelled about sixty attacks.


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