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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including hypersonic dagger missiles, and also drones. ukrainian military enterprises that produced ammunition, gunpowder, and combat drones were successfully hit. strikes were also carried out at points of deployment of foreign mercenaries and units of the ukrainian armed forces. all goals have been achieved. they repelled about sixty attacks by kiyan troops. zelensky’s formations lost about 5,700 soldiers, officers and mercenaries during this time, 34
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tanks and over seventy other armored vehicles were destroyed, and about 100 more self-propelled guns and gaubs, most of them american-made in poland. air defense forces shot down 274 combat drones and, in addition, 72 rocket system shells and six tactical missiles.u. russia's foreign policy and the influence on it of the state concept approved in march last year have become the main one. the topic of the operational meeting of the permanent composition of the security council. vladimir putin held it via video conference. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will talk about the implementation of the provisions of the foreign policy concept russian federation. please. in the dpr , the russian national guard began to use the latest drone suppression detection system. it's called a burner. it's possible.
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what would you do if you saw that a tcc employee was exceeding his authority? would i hit them in the ears? if i were a good athlete, they would fly in all directions, break their arms and legs, break their arms and legs, if i was getting carried away, i would try to call the police, although i doubt that in this case they would help.
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cannot be mobilized, since it also works as a teacher, the guys were beaten when trying to escape. andrei was hit on the head and knees many times, which the police did not prevent. later she arrived and soon took vladimir to the hospital, andrei disappeared. it turned out that he was taken to the shopping mall, where he was forced by threats of violence to delete the video evidence he had filmed and to register. tck is already a household name in ukraine; these three letters cause panic among men of military age. the grave-killers have brought people to paranoia and those who are lower... want to give their lives for zelensky’s terrorist regime are ready to to hide in a den, just to stay alive, you have to close the door, otherwise something is blowing, another thing, there are more luxurious options, for example, this secret dugout, in which there is a bed, an oven for a supply of food, is rented for 400 euros per month , the landlord writes this way, salvation from shopping center, dugout shelter in a secret place. it is rare to be saved from the tcc, but
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a good knowledge of the laws can also help, with which, by the way, the military commissars themselves are definitely not familiar, as is the case legally in the poltava region.
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nato committee about the quote “possible armed conflict with moscow” caused hysteria in europe and instant budget cuts. tallinn is already planning to build 600 bunkers on the border, which, according to experts, does not make any sense for karlikova of estonia. alexander khristenko about another attempt to get money for kiev. the largest exercise since the cold war is about to be held by nato. 90,000 people will be put on combat readiness. they will work out the deployment of ground forces from the countries of the alliance; sweden, which is slightly stuck at the door of nato, is also participating. the legend of the exercise is a staunch defender, implies that russia attacked someone of the members, while it is noticeable that it is precisely nato western officials who have been especially insistently talking about a likely
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war with russia lately. we have to realize that our peaceful existence is not a given, that's why we have plans, that's why we're preparing for a conflict with... that, as said, russia will attack germany, 5-8 years to prepare for the possibility that , given history, it even sounds like a gross fraud, but it is precisely self-defense and the minister justifies the fact that kiev will not be given weapons as promised. we can't go to obank, as some demand, otherwise we ourselves will find ourselves defenseless.
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strange militants, the basis of which were the french. today, in connection with this , the french ambassador was summoned to the russian foreign ministry; he arrived wearing a hat and did not utter a word. mister levy, do you know that french mercenaries are fighting in ukraine? and here is the published statement of the russian foreign ministry. the ambassador was told that
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the death of his compatriots lies on the conscience of official paris, which condones the work of recruiting mechanisms in the country, with the help which mercenaries are recruited to participate in combat. actions on the side of the kiev regime. officially, paris denies the presence of its mercenaries in ukraine. again silently, the french ambassador left the building on smolenskaya square. and french channels are broadcasting more and more new messages, sad for paris. the russians continue to apply pressure along the entire front line. the situation is complicated. the initiative belongs to the russians, but ukraine has not yet suffered a serious territorial loss. they say that could change. well, about the underlying reasons conflict to hear.
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ukraine can only achieve this with new arms supplies to the soviet union. the american gives a completely different vision of events. it is now absolutely clear that russia has defeated the western sanctions regime. instead of collapse, the russian economy is growing rapidly. gdp grew an impressive 5.5% in the third quarter. nato wonder weapons such as highmars and leopard tanks failed to provide an effective ukrainian counter-offensive. kiev has run out of people, money, artillery shells and time. the west must.
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which costs 60-70 thousand hryvnia, then he can be subject to additional duty. at the same time, as discovered on social networks, the head of the ukrainian budget committee herself prefers gucci blouses at a price of $1,700 apiece. military commissars are increasingly looking at women as a mobilization resource. one pouch for ak magazines, a pouch for race, two pouches for ket turnstiles, two pouches for grenades, the fact that there is no other plan was confirmed by minister kuleba with a cool head in the winter dovos. american. soldiers don't fight, you save the most important things in your lives soldier, we are offering the best deal on
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the global security market, give us money, give us weapons and we will finish the job, what ideology behind all this is clear from this video from near avdiivka, it accidentally came into the frame that the american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, the ukrainian armed forces military painted swastika, rumored equipment chi no character character bradley is being repaired, the americans cannot supply new ones. congress does not give money, following the ukrainians, a delegation of parliamentarians from nato countries went to washington to beg for it, great britain, spain, lithuania and the czech republic. during the visit, the group had a single message for lawmakers and the white house: wake up, lawmakers spent the week imploring americans to be americans, to be involved, to be focused, but the united states' allies in europe have found the country increasingly indifferent to the five-month delay. allocation from...
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the so-called imaginary russian threat, we, of course,
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do not show us the secret plans of nato and the bundeswehr, unlike the newspaper beat, but the task of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia, after all, no one has canceled, in addition, they are now talking more about the need to prevent russia from winning on the battlefield, just as here, in fact, no one has canceled the notorious change of eras,
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they went out to protest, the government is reducing support, except in addition, prices for diesel and water for irrigating fields have soared ; the authorities are not responding to the demands of trade unions; the protests are not shown on television. as a result , farmers block highways, what this led to, anastasia popova saw. hike french farmers in toulouse are impressed: four hundred tractors blocked the entrances to the city, some of them remained standing on the highways, another fifty blocked traffic on the city streets,
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public transport had to be diverted, the city hall of toulouse was under siege and filled with hay. hay, manure, branches and feathers. later, fruit and vegetable producers stepped up. the entrance to the building was so blocked that it was simply impossible to get inside. agricultural workers have declared an indefinite strike and demand a personal meeting with the new prime minister gabriel ottal. former prime minister elizabeth bourne said that water prices for suppliers were frozen, but only local branches raised water prices in advance. they don’t want to discuss it now. in addition, the government plans to reduce benefits; if we add to this growing inflation, prices for electricity, fertilizers and unbearable competition with cheap goods, which ukraine, with the permission of the european commission, is flooding the european market with, it turns out that there is no place left for french farmers. today the most important thing is to completely abolish
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social contributions for our french farms, since sometimes we work at a minus while the price for consumers. does not decrease, if there is no reaction, it will be very difficult to attract young people, and even farmers who have been working for 10-15 years are thinking about stopping their activities, the reaction is sluggish, but it was still there during macron’s press conference, he admitted that during france has too many useless restrictions, but his words, judging by polls, were considered unconvincing by the majority of residents country, today the president is again engaged in military affairs, meeting with sailors in... while the main competitor of the macron movement in the upcoming european elections, the young leader of the national association jordan bardela, on his first election trip will go to the gironde, just for the meeting with farmers. an unpleasant surprise for the french authorities, after the south the western
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part of france is boiling, here is a conflict between this world's largest producer of dairy products and local farmers and suppliers s... due to too low prices for milk, there are calls to block the work of factories and also take equipment out onto the streets. now they buy milk from them at a price that is almost 100 euros lower than the price at which they produce it, costs have increased significantly, and the producer, in turn, says that dairy products in france are being purchased less frequently and are expensive, so they cannot pay farmers any more. protests in avignon, farmers are preparing for a long confrontation, pulling up reserves, generators, tents.
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in may 1956, the soviet union and the uk entered into an agreement allowing the british to fish in russian territorial waters of the barintse sea. the news that moscow intends to terminate this agreement caused a strong reaction in london.
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over the past 2 years we have been faced with very high fish prices, for which we are still paying, any business that had savings was simply destroyed.
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the ability to pass through then soviet and now russian territorial waters , as the sailors say, well, to extract from my presence in this zone, all
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possible advantages, i do not exclude that intelligence activity could also be behind this, because we are still talking about a rather sensitive area, next to the kola peninsula. in connection with the impending rupture of the agreement, the london press recalled the geopolitical significance of the arctic and its colossal resources. what this region has is, of course, not so much fish as oil and gas reserves and opening transport arteries. as relations between britain deteriorate and russia, in recent years the initiative certainly lay with london, not with moscow. the negative effect of anti-russian policies is obvious, but those who are very far from decision-making are paying for it. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov and timofey mukhin. news: london. rating. biden is so low that he needs to do at least something, notes the influential american building heal, for example, find some kind of scapegoat in his administration,
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blame all the failures on him, and fire him. but however, hopes that biden will suddenly gain no one is popular anymore. about the election campaign in the states anton dadekin. eighty-one-year-old joe biden jumped towards the microphone, apparently to make a point. his health is quite enough for a second term, he began with vague witticisms, one of which immediately played a bad joke on the president himself. where's debord? i just took a photo with her, which is probably why she left. however, jokes aside, in any case, oh, in fact, she couldn’t be here, i mixed something up, you know, she tried her best fights for the rights of local residents, but now she is in washington. although formally the speech in north carolina was not pre-election, biden devoted a significant part of it to criticism of his main rival, donald trump. my predecessor likes to say that america is failing, to say
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to my face, bless me father, for he has sinned, that is, oh well, it is failing. by the way, we heard that he wants to see the stock market crash because everything is great there, and he admits it, we are doing damn well with the economy getting better, that's why he needed a crash. stock market to show his closeness to the people, after the speech, biden, supposedly unexpectedly, stopped at a fast food restaurant, under the close supervision of the governor of north carolina, democrat roy cooper, the president, clearly unaccustomed to cash, managed not to get confused when paying for the order, but users social networks immediately found videos and photographs of biden’s election trip to the same fast food in october 2020, it turned out that under president trump the same set of dishes cost almost... a third cheaper, and other internet users compared how biden was now greeted by residents of the generally loyal democratic state of north carolina, and how 3 months ago citizens of even more
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pro-democratic california greeted donald trump at a similar restaurant. look at biden, what happened under biden, with his policies, he killed our country, what's happening on the southern border. this is a catastrophe. everything he does is a disaster. his actions in afghanistan led to the most shameful moment in history our country. what he did was terrible. maybe he didn’t mean anything bad, although it’s hard to believe, this man is just incompetent. the latest poll commissioned by cbs news shows that if the election were held now, biden would lose to any of the three remaining republican presidential contenders in the race. biden's situation looks so sad that even his most loyal supporters, representatives of the kiev regime, think about the need establish contacts with trump. however, as
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american politico reports, both the ex-president and speaker of the house of representatives, republican mike johnson, are deliberately avoiding communication. as for johnson, he has to fend off provocative questions about the outcome of previous elections. you believe that biden became president by the will of god. biden is the president by god's will. oh, i see what you're getting at? if you believe all of this, then you believe that the lord allows people to come. authorities, so yes, it could be god's will, but i i think the nation makes a collective decision, and since we have been given free will, i believe we will make much better choices as a country during the next election cycle. the new york post was the first to publicly dare to suggest what many republican supporters and conspiracy theorists have been discussing on social media in recent months. according to the author of the article, democrats are calmly
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watching the catastrophic ratings. biden, because they know that in fact it’s not him who will run in the elections, but the ex-president’s wife united states, michelle obama. against this background, the forecast of the outcome of the vote made by one of the american satirical shows no longer seems incredible. trump wins the election by a historically landslide , 128 million in favor, but trump is pre-impeached on 52 counts . biden is declared the winner of the election after votes are counted on night. trump has indeed alternated between speaking at rallies and attending various trials this week. the ex-president was charged with a total of 91 charges. he faces more than 700 years in prison ; it is quite possible that he will be removed from participation in the election race. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. mosfilm's 100th anniversary opened the large-scale celebration program with a concert in the historic first pavilion. and the main one.
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the country's film studio, author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev. we are in the first legendary massfilm pavilion. natasha rostova danced here in the scenery, war and peace, anna karenina, solaris, and hundreds of hundreds of other legendary films were filmed here. domestic films. today a unique concert is taking place here, dedicated to the first 100 years of this amazing, beautiful and great history of our beloved mastfilm. it's a shame. unites not only the most beloved films created over the 100 years of the studio’s existence, but also the most diverse generations of actors and film masters. accompanied by the new russia state symphony orchestra conducted by yuri bashmet, today sergei bezrukov, nikita kologriv and pavel derevyanka, fyodor dobronravov, svetlana nimalyaeva, sergei will perform shakkurov, andrei konchalovsky. directors and actors perform familiar poems and songs from films with musical numbers on stage denis matsuev, pilageev, dima bilan. the
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concert also honors veterans in the studio. among the guests of the evening are the film's sound director igor mayorov, the cinematographer of war and peace anatoly petritsky, the eighty-four-year-old stuntman and stunt coordinator alexander mikulin , the film courier director of photography, and the karamazov brothers nikolai nemalyaev. there will be a lot of employees here, a lot of people who we gave most of our lives to this studio, we are making this a holiday for ourselves. mosfilm is everything, at least of my generation, i think. if not for everyone, then for very, very many, this is a symbol of quality, a symbol of uniqueness, so many great masters walked along these corridors. almost 2.0 full-length films were created in the massfilm pavilions, on which more than one generation of moviegoers grew up, isenstein and torkovsky, bondarchuk and roland bykov worked here, oscar-winning films were created at masfilm moscow does not believe in the tears of minshov and dersuuzala, kurasawa, who won the golden palm;
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kolotozov’s cranes are flying. and all the people’s favorite paintings by gaidai and ryazanov, solovyov and daneliya, mikhalkov and govorukhin. the golden collection of mass film, that’s exactly the name of an entire tv channel, loved by millions of viewers, on the air of which the centenary will be celebrated all year long, it is one of the pillars of our cultural memory and the entire world culture. all our leading masters, torkovsky, minshov, gaidai, ryazanov, mikhalkov, we, in principle, the paintings were restored, they certainly look new. next years, shoot, shoot, shoot, because the pavilion is gorgeous, because thousands of units are collected, household, some, well, in general, any century is represented, it doesn’t matter if you’re shooting 1812, or modern times, everything is there, masfilm has its own in the new century like an ultra-modern film concern, in the pavilions of which work is in full swing and...


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