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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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over the course of a week, the russian army carried out 17 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including hyper. dagger sound missiles, and also drones. ukrainian military enterprises that produced ammunition, gunpowder, and combat drones were successfully hit. strikes were also carried out at points of deployment of foreign mercenaries and units of the ukrainian armed forces. all goals have been achieved. about 60 ataki troops were repelled; zelensky’s formations lost about 5,700 soldiers and mercenary officers during this time. 34 tanks were destroyed, over seventy others. armored vehicles, and about
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100 self-propelled guns and howitzers, most of them american-made in poland. air defense forces shot down 274 combat drones and, in addition, 72 rocket system projectiles and six tactical missiles.u. russia's foreign policy and the influence of the state concept on it, approved in march last year, became the main topic of the operational meeting of the permanent council.
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to the relatives of the victims, my friend is calling me, her brother died, there’s a funeral today, people attending the festival, they came to the funeral to hand over summonses, what are you doing, wherever you want, hand out these summonses, well, people can’t come to say goodbye to the soldier, the boy gave his life for us, for everyone, for you, including everyone, so that you can then come and hand over the summonses, they are ready to send anyone to the front.
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apparently they are not needed either. recently, in chernivtsi, employees of the shopping center beat and kidnapped the vocalist of the intermez group, vladimir belyk , and his friend andrei duletsky. on social networks , vladimir said that they were put in a car without license plates, where there was already a police officer, and taken to a shopping mall, where they were forced to go medical examination. despite the fact that duletsky has a certificate of unfitness, but belyk cannot have it. mobilized because he also works
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as a teacher, the guys were beaten when they tried to escape. andrei was hit on the head and knees many times, which the police did not prevent. later she arrived and soon took vladimir to the hospital, andrei disappeared. it turned out that he was taken to the shopping mall, where he was forced by threats of violence to delete the video evidence he had filmed and to register. tck is already a common noun in ukraine; these three letters evoke panic. the grave-killers have brought people to paranoia, and those who do not want to give their... lives for the terrorist regime of zelensky are ready to hide in a den just to stay alive, they need to close the door, otherwise they are blowing something, another thing, there is more luxury options , for example, this secret dugout, in which there is a bed, a stove for a supply of food, is rented for 400 euros per month, the landlord writes so, salvation from the shopping center, a dugout shelter in a secret place. it is rare to save from tck, but
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a good knowledge of the laws with which, by the way, the military commissars themselves are definitely not familiar, but in the poltava region there is a legally savvy man. gave the police officer of the tsk a real lekbes. do you have a basis for checking documents? well, visually in person from 18 to 60 years old. you have information that indicates that i violated the rules of military registration. did you stop me? did you have a reason? visually, i ’ll explain to you, visually. do you have information on me? not for you specifically. then what was the basis? well, here, as you yourself understand, there is a bit of a conflict. cabinet resolution have read the ministers, can give you a memo to study your powers, the total and illegal mobilization in ukraine clearly does not evoke a sense of patriotism in people, for the bloody zelensky regime the lives of ordinary civilians mean nothing, they are unlikely to be forcibly sent to slaughter, they will want
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to die for the rotten independence . stanislav vasilchenko, andrey sapegin, lead. well, in france, farmers again went out to protest. the government is reducing support, and prices for diesel and water for irrigating fields have soared. to the demands of trade unions the authorities do not react, the protests are not shown on television. farmers end up blocking highways. anastasia popova saw what this led to. the march of french farmers on toulouse is impressive: four hundred tractors blocked the entrances to the city. some of them stayed that way. stand on the highways, fifty more blocked traffic on the city streets , public transport had to be diverted, the city hall of toulouse was under siege, filled with hay, hay, manure, branches and feathers, later vegetable and fruit producers arrived, the entrance to the building
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it was so crowded that it was simply impossible to get inside, agricultural workers declared an indefinite strike and demanded a personal meeting with the new prime minister gabriel ottal. former prime minister elizabeth born said that water prices for suppliers are frozen, but local branches raised water prices in advance and now do not want to discuss this. the government also plans to reduce benefits, if we add to this rising inflation, prices for electricity, fertilizers and unsustainable competition with cheap goods that ukraine, with the permission of the european commission, is flooding the european market, which creates a place for french farmers.
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useful restrictions, but his words, judging by polls, were considered unconvincing by the majority of the country's residents; today the president is again involved in military affairs, meeting with sailors in cherbourg. while the main competitor of the macron movement in the upcoming european elections, the young leader of the national association, jordan bardela , will go to the gironde on his first election trip, just to meet with farmers. a pleasant surprise for the french authorities, following the south, the western part of france is boiling, there is a conflict between this world’s largest producer of dairy products and local farmers, suppliers of raw materials due to too low prices for milk. there are calls to block the work of factories and also take equipment out onto the streets. now milk
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is taken from them at a price almost 100 euros lower than the price at which they produce. costs have increased significantly. the manufacturer, in turn, says that dairy products are france began to buy. less often it is expensive, so they cannot pay farmers more. protests in avignon, farmers are preparing for a long confrontation, pulling up reserves, generators, tents and food supplies. anastasia popova, ilia bernacski, irina kudesova and vlada tsurkan. news: france. hello, the senate program is on air, my colleague and i, vladimir nesterov. we will talk about the key events of the federation council and how the work of senators affects the development of the regions of our country. learn more about everything right now. resistance to interference. russia knows how to resist the provocative policies of the west before the presidential elections. the russian electoral system is well
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protected, technically protected, everything necessary has been done organizationally, and taking into account new challenges. assistance to victims and restoration of infrastructure as soon as possible. first deputy speaker. federation council andrei turchak inspected the progress of restoration work in belgorod. the enemy , having no success on the battlefield, begins to destroy civilian infrastructure. operation. spark and january thunder, breaking the blockade and the complete liberation of leningrad, events forever inscribed in our history. while we were setting up the nevsky patch, we decided to pave the paving stones, when we removed a layer of earth, there were 26 more people there, and four of them were found with weapons. ecological map of the penza region, the staraya surai river, treatment facilities at a large production facility, how the program is implemented, the processing of comments should be shown, and the specialized one works with us.
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enter the entrance and takes you to the desired floor, without the need to press button. aggressive attempts by external forces to influence the socio-political situation in the country will intensify closer to the russian presidential elections; senator andrei klimov, chairman of the federation council commission on protecting state sovereignty and preventing interference in internal affairs, did not rule this out. at the same time , the russian electoral system is as resistant to external influences as possible. the head of the commission believes that the west will look for new and more radical ones. ways to influence electoral processes. i'd like to start with that the russian electoral system
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is well protected, technically protected, organizationally everything necessary has been done, and taking into account new challenges. in addition, it is important to note that the legal awareness of our citizens has increased, and certain changes have been made to russian legislation in a timely manner. however, our ill-wishers, or rather enemies, are trying to use this period to cause confusion. in the information space, try to shake faith in the people who exist and the faith people who are our voters, and this is broadcast both to the space around us, through international media, through social networks, and within the country, and this is done by the hands of both those who are rightly called foreign agents, and various other elements that are involved into this process. well , the head of our foreign intelligence, sergei
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evgenevich naryshkin, spoke about one such case not so long ago, when she recalled that there are a large number, tens of thousands of people who have passed through before, so so-called exchange training abroad, including in the united states of america, where they basically left their personal data and through these personal data attempts are now being made to reach these people. to form a so-called fifth column out of them, to make of them a kind of trojan horses. we are aware of these attempts and appropriate preventive work is also being carried out in this direction. as we get closer to the election date, our enemies will use increasingly radical methods, calls to take to the streets that we already know, imitate unrest, topics are thrown in that the regime is supposedly, i quote, bursting at the seams, that interest in choice is supposedly falling. and the popularity of our president is supposedly falling , which is, in general, an outright lie, not
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supported by any real statistical or sociological data , and besides, this public, they do not hesitate to say that there is no russian identity there, in general, everything is being done in order in order to shift the emphasis, shift the meanings, we need to work very seriously on this topic, than we are currently very active. andrey arkadyevich, who is mainly behind this anti-russian activity? do you think it will intensify closer to march? first of all, this is, of course, washington. washington does this through special structures, this is the state department of the united states of america, american special services, so-called non-profit foundations, non-governmental foundations, which are actually government funds, which receive money in a roundabout way through the same us gasdeb or the same structures as the us congress, these are satellites of the united states of america as well. this is london, these are the countries that are members of the european union, that is, in fact
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there are quite a lot of them, but these centers work as one single network, they have a single infrastructure, an anti-russian infrastructure, set up to create problems for us, including in our electoral system, including during the presidential elections of the russian federation, but i do not exclude, our experts do not exclude radicalization, we saw, for example, during regional elections, including for... they are preparing serious, tough provocations for us, we must be prepared for this, all our relevant bodies are now in a high degree of mobilization for this, in order to fight back, including such aggressive attempts to influence one way or another the situation in the country during the russian presidential elections. first vice speaker
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of the federation council andrei turchak checked the progress of restoration work in belgorod, which suffered from a ukrainian attack on the eve of the new of the year. about 100 apartment buildings and 130 private houses, and more than twenty social infrastructure buildings were damaged in the city. to eliminate the consequences of the shelling and return the damaged streets to their usual appearance, construction crews are working seven days a week. we all understand that the enemy, having no success on the battlefield, simply begins to stupidly destroy civilian infrastructure and kill our people. we cannot be defeated, we cannot be intimidated, this is the example of the belgorod residents. who all, as one, in a single impulse, went out these days to clean the city, to restore the thermal circuits, iron, glass, roofing, all this can be restored, but people, unfortunately, cannot be returned. according to the regional governor, the region feels the support of the entire country. vyacheslav glotkov noted that after the terrorist attack from ukraine,
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security measures were significantly strengthened in belgorod and continue to do so to this day. we strengthen the stops and set them up. concrete blocks, sandbags, modules that are specifically designed for the ministry of defense, we will install in the locations of belgorod residents, so a large amount of work is planned, about 400 people have already been trained, from primary to medical care, andrei turchak also visited the hospital, talked with children who were injured during shelling by the vzz, together with the governor he held a meeting with journalists ... on january 1 he entered into the federal employment law approved by the upper house is in force ; it provides special support for participants in a special military operation. in december, senators prepared a bill that would provide free travel for military personnel to the place of passage. military medical commission and back. in
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addition, the head of the working group on svo issues, first vice-speaker of the federation council andrei turchak, addressed the president. a proposal to allow fighters to undergo rehabilitation, including in private clinics included in the compulsory health insurance system. oksana podturkina will tell you what other support measures the svo participants and their relatives can count on. participants in a special military operation, their families are surrounded by attention from the state. help is provided as federal, and at the regional levels, and not only for those who are in the northwestern military district zone, but also for soldiers returning from the front. the list of support measures is extensive. i'll tell you in the next 3 minutes. the most basic ones. participants in the special operation are guaranteed various benefits. credit holidays, tax and other benefits are provided, including transport tax. among the preferences are free travel and compulsory state insurance, labor guarantees for those mobilized, exemption from penalties for late payments for housing and communal services contributions to major home renovation. military personnel are also exempt from paying state fees for
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the restoration of a passport and driver’s license. in addition, almost every region has additional support measures that also apply. as for the moscow region, support measures have been provided to over 17 thousand families, the most popular of which are free kindergarten, where children go without waiting in line, free meals in schools and colleges, after-school care, free clubs, free recreation for children in camps, as well as psychological , legal assistance, assistance at home and financial assistance, each participant of the svo receives the status of a combat veteran , accordingly,
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in the year we launched free rehabilitation of participants of a special military operation in a special specialized center, check-in is carried out for 21 days, equipped the center
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with modern equipment, developed nine rehabilitation programs, 102 participants of the svo have already completed the necessary course of treatment, also on behalf of the governor of the moscow region andriy yuryevich vorobyov, an additional swimming pool is being built there because this is in great demand, it is necessary for... undergoing rehabilitation. there are many more support measures than we managed to tell you. all the necessary information can be found in the branches of the state fund defenders of the fatherland, which have been established throughout the country. now the economic potential of new regions is being restored. in the azov-black sea basin , port infrastructure, logistics, agriculture, and fisheries are being developed at an accelerated pace. and a new tourism cluster can be created on the coast of the azov sea. about large-scale senator dmitry vorona spoke about the tasks. first of all, our main task is to revive the economic potential of the sea of ​​azov as a single water area, a single object that today would already
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meet russian standards. we understand that today the sea of ​​azov has become an internal sea of ​​the russian federation, today we are already able to carry out the policies, the necessary measures for its restoration that are needed for this. before that, unfortunately, we did not have such an opportunity and situation. fish species in the sea of ​​azov to the level
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profitability, which will be comparable to the metallurgy and coal industry of donbass, that is, these are very serious figures, very serious economic potential. secondly, of course, the sea, in its normal condition, will allow us to develop the logistics infrastructure, that is, this is very serious for us today.
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overrun, it unfortunately received a negative effect in the form of jellyfish this year, and of course, it is very important for us today to restore its natural, say, balance, for this we need to clear the river beds, for to do this, we need to clear the water area of ​​the estuaries, for this we need to carry out very serious comprehensive work to ensure that fresh water enters the sea of ​​azov in the volume in which it was before, which is necessary for the development of tourism, again this is a matter of an integrated approach. a tourist needs to get to our regions, this requires good , understandable logistics, a good road has already been built, the next thing is, of course, the launch
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of a passenger railway service so that tourists can get there, we have only in the zaporozhye region today there are 1050 accommodation facilities, these are large and small hotels, sanatoriums, boarding houses, that is, this is a very serious volume, so there is approximately the same number in the dpr and a much larger number. in the krasnodar region and crimea , we are discussing with the ministers of tourism resorts exactly how to comprehensively develop the situation. now there’s a little advertising, we’ll be back later, stay tuned. our boy felt angry because of social injustice and wanted to fight it. then give him a medal. and the film is about family, about love, and of course, branded humor at the highest level. let's go, you'll have a blast, you'll have fun and napleon really liked it. napoleon bonapart welcomes you.
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yours, if you don’t want it, don’t dance, which means don’t dance, get up and go, the film is positive. it seems to me that i will review it more than once, everything is in your hands, holob 2. the samarkan registan is an architectural masterpiece from former times, the square seems to be divided in half by an invisible mirror and its right side is reflected in the left, although there are 90 steps and 200 years between them . in soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton are synonyms; nothing but it grew here
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now. everything is different, hassle is still the locomotive of the economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan. leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. the country is beginning to open up, not only new ones are being built, but old connections are being remembered, and we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan produces 350,000 cars at breakneck speed and changes the economy.
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next in our program: environmental map penza region, staraya sura river, treatment facilities at a large production facility. how is the program executed? correction of comments must be shown. the relevant committee of the federation council also works with us, which protects control and supervisory activities, and here we are absolutely open . operation iskra and january thunder, breaking the blockade and the complete liberation of leningrad, the event is forever inscribed. in our history, while we were developing the nevsky patch, we decided to pave the burschatka, when we removed a layer of earth, there were 26 more people there, and four of them were found with weapons. elevator industry and high technology: will our factories cope with ambitious tasks after the departure of western manufacturers? to ensure reliable operation of the elevator stock that operates in our country, not only in residential buildings, but in public
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buildings. smart technology. domestic production, what is the advantage, our special report using the lift mobile application recognizes that you are entering the entrance and takes you to the desired floor, without the need to press a button. the implementation of environmental programs in the penza region is the focus of attention of senators. the first vice-speaker of the federation website , andrei yatskin, and the leaders of two committees of the upper house visited the mayak enterprise. the production is large and it is extremely important that it does not harm the environment. for this purpose, the company built new ones. honest structures while they are operating in test mode. upon completion of the modernization, the enterprise will be able to achieve the environmental indicators outlined in the corresponding road map. processing of comments should be shown. the specialized committee of the federation council, which protects control and supervisory activities, works with us, and here we are absolutely open , the control and supervisory body of rosprirodnadzor, and the control committee, which the federation council monitors the corona activities. in this mode, you are now under
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large magnifying glasses. the complete modernization of fair structures will be completed in the summer of 2024. the senators also visited a number of social and infrastructure facilities in the region. andrey yatskin discussed with governor oleg melnichenko, the results of the implementation of the resolution of the federation council on state support for the socio-economic development of the penza region. our country is preparing to celebrate an important date: january 27 will be exactly 80 years since the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad. this was preceded by almost a whole year of bloody battles after in january 1943, as a result of operation iskra, it was possible to break through the enemy ring. the importance of the events is difficult to overestimate; they are among the key turning points throughout the great patriotic war. the anniversary will be celebrated throughout the country, but also, of course, in st. petersburg and the leningrad region. veterans of the siege, those who survived these terrible days and those who will forever remain in our memory will be honored.


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