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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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the checkpoint's throughput capacity is about 55 vehicles in one direction, that is, accordingly , the same amount is returned as regards imports, that is, almost the entire range of products, equipment, consumer goods , vegetables, fruits and various building materials are moved for export today to mostly food products go away, veneer and cedar wood go away. once there were lines of trucks and buses with thousands of tourists, today there are several dozen trucks that go abroad in the morning, there the body is unhooked, the cargo is checked, the tractor is sent to russia, after some time a new flight, now for cargo, you once transported something prohibited, no, no, it’s not worth the risk, there, for example, i don’t know, there is the skin of the amur tiger, there are the paws. no, it’s not worth
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it if you work, well, i think it ’s not worth it, it seems impossible to smuggle in such conditions, but customs border officials know that if you loosen control a little, the caches of trucks will be filled to the limit with prohibited goods, to for example, tree-dwellers of wild animals or red-listed decoros? and such a case happened quite recently, the border guards received operational information that the driver of one of the trucks, a resident of primorye georgy meshcheninov, was trying to illegally export a large batch of ginseng roots abroad, he had a cache equipped in the dashboard of a truck, man, that’s german man.
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now, if additional partitions are also made in the tool box, which means, with a superficial visual inspection, they are, of course, not visible, but an experienced border guard, of course, he sees that the internal volume is different from the external volume, here are the operational shots taken during the inspection of georgy meshcheninov’s car, is there anything else? i don’t know, look, if you don’t want it in a good way, yes, no, you don’t want it, i don’t know, i said, in total , 137 ginseng roots weighing 2 kg were found in the trunks of georgy meshchaninov’s car. the fact is that the cost of zhenshey root on the black market can reach several million rubles for one root, it all depends on its size and safety and cost of those two.
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try very hard, today it is impossible to somehow protect the wire across the state border of prohibited and restricted goods and cargo. if the border service or customs officers have even the slightest doubt about the accuracy of the cargo declaration, the truck is sent for additional examination; in other words, it is run through a giant x-ray machine. here it is, the customs officers
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affectionately call it the machine, our film crew is allowed to climb inside, in a hidden cavities happen at the beginning of the vehicle, there may be an additional wall made, and a false wall behind which there is contraband, well , nothing can escape your keen eye, yes, yes, of course, and a few words about the wood, and about the skins, about the paws tigers, bears' paws, about ginseng root. yes, such situations happened, there were deer and antlers, it turns out, bear paws, all this was found, but if you can light up a truck quite quickly, then with a train the situation is much more complicated, we go to sosnovaya station pat, free access here is prohibited, only border control officers can be here and... the train is visible
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long before it reaches the station, here it is, slowly sneaking through the dogs. slowly drives up to the post , freezes, the inspection team comes into action, at the moment officials of the suriya customs, together with border service officers , are conducting a joint inspection, inspection of the rolling stock, that ’s where they usually hide, usually they hid in the frame beams, what they usually hide, what they are trying to there have been cases transportation of far eastern tripang. one of tripang’s shipments was detained several days before the arrival of our film crew, that’s how it was, here’s a cache equipped, in the locomotive of a train, a car in our trunk, two bags of packages, the
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border is locked, there are plenty of all kinds of violators, about that on. ..
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we find ourselves at an impromptu exhibition of plants confiscated from smugglers, trees and unusual red book plants. here are deco mushrooms, dried frogs, completely unattractive worms, and a huge flask of wine. we have the most interesting packages, yes, as far as i understand, the most interesting package is what. what is the far eastern tripunk , sea cucumber, sea cucumber, sea cucumber, yes, yes, yes, it looks, of course, it doesn’t look very good, it doesn’t look very good, why is it so interesting, what is its value, its value, first of all, of course, its monetary value equivalent and huge demand in the asian market, if
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our purchasing price was about 40,000 rubles per kilogram, then the holiday price there is about 12,000 rubles. as for these funny... but at the same time very beautiful animals, the inhabitants of the european part of russia call kuku maria, this is a relative of tripanga, but what is the correct name? galaturia or cucumaria, well, the sea cucumber can also be called, this is a marine gitorbion family of echinoderms, it belongs to commercial, it is widely mined from the seabed, used for the manufacture of various culinary products, there are salads, with kelp, for example, or kukuma. in oil, they also tried to move these frogs across the border, a large batch, there was a very large batch, it was about 12 large boxes, they look somehow strange frogs, so long, why? this is due to
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the method of their manufacture, the fact is that a living frog must be hung on a twig or a nail with its muzzle, so that in its death throes it will stretch out into such a string. mushrooms, i see you have some funny ones , but they are presented here, that is, it is also forbidden to transport such mushrooms across the border, this is the food body of the lacquered turtium, which in asian countries is known as the reishi health flu, it is widely used, primarily in gerentological medicine for of people old age, is there something else scary in the blue bag? rather, it is specific, these are the sinews of deer, the sinews of wapiti, maybe the morale , the achilles tendon from the leg in asian countries and , by the way, among some small nationalities on the territory of the federation, how many deer are killed here, here, if you count from each leg, then
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probably at least ten pieces, this is the main exhibit, this is a traditional alcoholic drink. which representatives of the eastern countries drink only on the biggest holidays, in appearance it is sunflower oil with additives. this is a national liqueur or national asian wine. for health, in which snakes are used, the roots of jenshen , just the red book root of jenshen, here it is, yes, yes, yes, this is where the rhizomes of ginseng are presented, which are very popular in asian countries as a means for longevity, and here too there is a snake , yes, there are three whole snakes here, there is such a specific fruiting body of the mushroom, asians have learned to grow it in very unusual forms, all this goes as... ingredients for making wine for health. here's another one
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an illegal product that, along with tripang, is especially popular among local smugglers. these are saiga horns. they are most often brought to primorye from kalmykia, dagestan and altai. in the countries of east and southeast asia, tinctures are made from them, which supposedly help from hundreds of different ones. due to the illness of smugglers transporting such goods, local law enforcement officers were dubbed cuckolds; one of these was a fifty-year-old rogue from a neighboring state, wang li-dong. he traveled a lot around russia, visited different regions of our country, in moscow and even in grozny, wang lidong was detained in usuriysk, where he tried to bribe a border guard. and
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he didn’t have to look for anyone himself; to check him, the border guard himself approached him to make sure who he was and what he was doing here, and that’s when he offered to pay a bribe. what was the amount? 160 thousand rubles. border guards did not immediately detain. foreigner, but waited for mr. wang to arrive with goods and money, took him the next day, in the car 451 rock saiga, with 160 thousand rubles for himself to appease the border guards, after the first interrogations it became clear that wang ledong planned to cross the border on the ice of lake khanka, he wanted to take his son to help, they bought a sleigh, they planned to buy backpacks.
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smuggling in the illegal trade of especially valuable biological resources. the first verdict on the bribe has already taken place. mr. van was given 5 years in prison; we met him in a pre-trial detention center in the city of artyom.
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there is no need to make such mistakes and break russian law.
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for what purpose were you on the territory reserve with hunting tools? we were just walking, but let’s not forget that everything...
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there is information that they really expect the border to open, but despite this , active work is being carried out, mainly this. operational units, and today , even during a period of calm, when there is no real trade or sale, criminals, miners of caches, are also identified, and there are even attempts to resell among themselves for the purpose of smuggling abroad, and these are not big words: in february 2022 in in the dalnerechensky district of primorsky krai, police detained three hunters who killed the tiger vezlita in the taiga.
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because they simply become hostages of human greed, human cruelty, human greed. there are law enforcement agencies that must clearly define the legal assessment of what is happening. in addition, there must be control services. if we are truly concerned about these particular animals, not just in words, but if we are concerned about an endangered species, then we need to take the right measures. how much does a tiger cost, a tiger is one of the few animals, which cannot be legally bought anywhere in the world and not only in russia, it is believed that if you just spend a tiger on medicine,
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relatively speaking, on tablets, on powders, on racks, then you can of course earn significant money. employees of the far eastern customs department continue to catch the raganos, blocking smuggling channels one after another. unfortunately, in our film we do not have the right to reveal all aspects of their work, but we can say with confidence that they are killers. animals who dream of filling their pockets with dirty money, from responsibility will definitely not go away, money decides a lot for them, money decides a lot , unfortunately, it means they haven’t found themselves, probably in this world, yes, they haven’t found another occupation for themselves that would satisfy them,
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or they think that this a method of living, a method of earning money, and a way of life. for them the most acceptable, but they must remember that customs, border guards, and internal affairs bodies are always on the alert, and, moreover, if you believe our domestic medicine, these homemade drugs are unlikely to be able to cure at least ordinary colds. alternative medicine, it is much broader than just the use of parts of killed animals, let’s say so, with disrespect. i wouldn’t relate to this part , there is acupuncture, some manual methods of influence and so on, this is all quite effective and even finds its application in traditional medicine, well, but this is what we are talking about, in obtaining what -elixirs, tinctures, powders from
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killed parts of animals, in my opinion, it is unlikely that this... will help, most likely, this is really a tradition. them over time, sergei aramilev continues to do his favorite thing, which is very important for the country. he studies amur tigers and cares about preserving their population. now there are about 600 of them, but by 600 tigers, yes, i think that the latest census that we conducted this winter will show a large number that. cats are being laid, the efforts that are being made, they are showing their effectiveness, all this is thanks to your center, all this is thanks to the russian state, this...
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what do you affectionately call a tiger? well, it’s hard to call him a gentle, affectionate beast - this is a beast, which evokes respect, for example, a tiger physiologically cannot tuck its tail, and accordingly, here is a bear, despite the fact that its tail is not large enough, it can tuck it, but fear, and an animal with its tail between its legs looks as if it is frightened, or he looks pitiful, but physiologically he can’t handle a tiger, so we can’t understand what he has inside, but he always looks proud and independent. the stories we told you are not about smuggling or illegal hunting, they are about human greed
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and greed, because the local residents do not go to the ruthless hunt for tigers and bears, to illegally extract tripang or ginseng root out of extreme need, they are chasing a long ruble for super-profits, which... woodworkers even bring abroad, but that’s the end there is always one such story: a court verdict.
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this is how we saw the situation with the smuggling of derivatives, this was our investigation from the primorsky region, only you can draw conclusions , see you on the russia 24 tv channel . remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will be held accountable for this pay, this is bullshit, but
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6:58 am
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7:00 am
let's start with the latest news about the progress of the special military operation in ukraine. gunners from the west group used high-precision ammunition from krasnopol to knock out ukrainian armed forces tanks in the kubor direction. the strikes were carried out by crews of mstas self-propelled guns. we worked in the svatovsko-kremensky direction k-52 attack helicopters. the nationalists' equipment was destroyed from the air and the militants were eliminated. on the right bank of the dnieper, airborne forces, with the help of the tsstab gaubi , disabled the gvozdik self-propelled gun.


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