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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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news about the progress of a special military operation in ukraine. gunners from the west group used high-precision ammunition from krasnopol to knock out vysu tanks in the okupinsky direction. the strikes were carried out by crews of msta s self-propelled guns . k-52 attack helicopters worked in the svatovsko-kremensky direction. the nationalists' equipment was destroyed from the air and the militants were eliminated. on the right bank of the dnieper, airborne forces, with the help of gaubitsemstab , disabled the gvozdik self-propelled gun. she was found with help.
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how popular is the winter road and what are there? restrictions, inna monina found out. almost 14 km of winter road, one half runs along a frozen river, the other along the islands. road workers cleared the hummocks and placed warning signs. the road on ice is two-lane. a two-lane road crosses the amur river. and one lane road goes along the shores, islands, that’s because in order to reduce the load on the ice, that’s why it’s made double. the crossing is in demand; residents of right-bank villages get to the regional center in winter five times faster than at other times of the year, taking a detour along the federal the khabarovsk-komsomolsk highway on the amur, which is 150 km, in the summer or during the mud, it takes us a lot of time to travel, that is , to amursk it is 3 hours, to komsomolsk 2 and a half. here we only have about 30-40 minutes.
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it is during this period that village residents plan to deliver building materials, equipment, furniture, and large quantities of food. in terms of time, we go for the goods faster, return faster, it’s very convenient. here we return , say, at 4, at 6:00 in the evening, and if we take a detour, then at 9, sometimes at 10:00, very, well, difficult to slow down, so to speak. the winter road is also readily used by city residents who are planning a trip to the regional center. in just half an hour they get to the federal highway, and we always go through the ice highway, because it’s closer to go to khabarovsk, so i picked up my son from the hospital, also through the ice highway, well, the time seems to be much reduced, the construction of the ice crossing was spent from the regional budget more than 2 million rubles. these funds are used to maintain the winter road; the contractor also constantly takes measurements of the thickness of the ice, it depends on this safety of people, the ice road has...
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its limitations, it works from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, the weight of the car should not exceed 10 tons, overtaking stops is prohibited here, and fishermen are advised to drill their holes away from the road. based on the experience of past years, the winter road will remain open until mid-march. it all depends on the air temperature and the strength of the ice shell; when it becomes less than 40 cm, the crossing will be closed. and namunina, maxim nazarov, will lead khabarovsk. now to the footage from bahrain. public ridicule caused clumsy maneuvers of british naval sailors, for unknown reasons , two warships worth millions of pounds collided, both belong to the class of minesweepers, the footage shows one of them moving in reverse and literally ramming the side of its colleagues, so an investigation into the case has already begun. the usa has no money for security, their nuclear arsenal. is very
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outdated and in many ways inferior to the russian one, american senators say this. biden's unwise economic and military policies have led to supplier shortages technology, labor and materials. the house armed services committee also noted that russia boasts a 10 to one advantage over the united states in tactical nuclear weapons. let's return to the topic of special operations, sappers of the engineering troops clear peaceful territories from anti-personnel mines, use robots that can withstand any explosions. things are getting more serious with anti-tank shells. eduard punigov with details. this demining squad of the armed engineering troops russian forces are working on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye. sappers are combing the area, which was mined by retreating units of the ukrainian armed forces. here is the first find - an anti-tank mine.
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they usually try to neutralize dangerous projectiles and traps right on the spot; if this is not possible, they transport them to special training grounds that are located far from populated areas. there used to be a battle line here. touch the territory passed from hand to hand and, as sappers say, there are a lot of minefields left here , so you should not go there under any circumstances you can’t, the remote demining robot will go there first. the milling trawl travels along the ground like skis and returns at a speed of 200-300 rpm. when he runs into a mine, he either activates it or destroys it by destruction, but the mine cannot damage the car itself? anti-personnel mines no, anti-tank mines, unfortunately, yes. withstands up to 4 kg of tratyl equivalent, any explosive devices. the equipment slowly begins to survey the field under the power line. a robot has just defused another anti-personnel mine, no one knows exactly how many there are here, but as rescuers say, in order to fully
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check just this small area, you will have to spend at least a whole day. and here is another trap, it was installed in a pipe, which is located directly under a busy road. here. there are a lot of explosives, how are you going to dispose of them? we’re digging it out, since it’s all silted up after 9 years, almost 10, so we’re digging it out carefully, what is this, these cylinders were removed from this tunnel, according to preliminary speculation, let’s just say, these are supposedly smoke cylinders checkers are most often mined in such cases. tm-62s are mined here, and why are these landings being mined around this side on the sides? this is done so that when the enemy infantry is coming, it can be delayed. the combined demining squad
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works every day, even on their professional holiday, everyone will be on duty. since the beginning of the year, the sapper team has already neutralized approximately 800 explosive objects. edward. alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. now about the bad weather in the russian regions and the situation on the highways. it is still difficult in the volga region, while a section of the m12 highway in tatarstan is blocked. as reported by the autodura, snow barriers will be installed there. due to the terrain features, the road is constantly covered with snow from the fields. the track is being cleaned by special equipment. restrictions also apply on highways in udmurtia, ulyanovsk, penza and samara regions in the perm territory. near orenburg, heavy trucks and public transport will not yet be able to pass through two sections at once. according to forecasts, bad weather in some areas may persist until sunday evening. and then,
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vadim zavodchenkov knows a detailed weather review of where else to expect a snowstorm. it was snowy, so snowy that even snow removal equipment had to be dug out. what is the cause of abnormal snowdrifts on the russian plain and where? in the near future they will grow up, we will talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on. trench feet, gangrene and frostbite. against the backdrop of cold weather, the ukrainian armed forces' non-combat losses are increasing. what a bloody deal was offered to the west by ukrainian minister kureba in davos. a bunch of dead robots, why did chicago become a graveyard for electric vehicles with the onset of frost? cars with an electric engine survive the winter in russia and the mysterious disease x, is it as scary and dangerous as it is made out to be? you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello. the european part
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of russia has drowned in snowdrifts, when the snowfalls end, what is the reason for such an abundance of snow, and what to expect from the weather next, we will definitely tell you right after the review of... the most striking cataclysms of the week, oh, mesilova here specifically, here... just meat. in the volga regions, at the end of the working week , highways were closed one after another. mass accident paralyzed traffic on one of the m7 sections in tatarstan. at the scene of the accident, a traffic jam more than 10 km long grew. don’t come here to kazan, there’s no khan here at all. employees of the ministry of emergency situations helped dig out cars that were covered with snow literally before our eyes. even snow removal equipment had to be rescued from the snowdrifts. the republic received a month's worth of precipitation in just one day. was introduced. buran plan, road services were transferred to an enhanced operating mode,
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additional equipment was brought in. utilities of kazan removed snow from city streets in round-the-clock operation, the local airport switched to operating according to actual weather conditions, and school classes were conducted remotely. one of the most striking and unusual consequences of snowstorms in nizhny novgorod, an avalanche occurred in the very center of the city, it hit a regular bus and several cars, and emergency doctors arrived at the scene. help examined the people, fortunately there were no injuries. the following footage is from the samara region: in some sections of the highways, the roadway completely disappeared under the snow. bad weather also covered the capital region on friday night in moscow, up to 16 cm of snow fell, wind gusts reached 21 m/s. local residents observed snow tornadoes on city streets. to eliminate the consequences of the snowfall, the city used the maximum number of snow removal equipment. traffic jams of nine degrees were formed in the capital. while the volga region and the central regions of the country were drowning in snow, rivers overflowed in the crimea and zalivny. the
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russian ministry of emergency situations additionally sent an airmobile group to the flooded areas of sevastopol. the region received up to the third monthly norm of precipitation. flooded more than 70 houses and eighty garden plots. rescuers evacuated 19 people. you have to drive around polyalty to get to the address that is directly behind this pile. that is, you won’t get in from this side, that is. the situation in the atmosphere over the european territory of russia remains turbulent. more weather disasters are expected in the region next week. during the week , atlantic cyclones dominated the atmosphere over european russia. over the black sea coast in the zones of their frontal sections, additional wave vortices, which broke through to the north, significantly increased precipitation. as a result. by the end of the second ten days of january, in many regions of southern russia and the volga region
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, one and a half to two times more precipitation fell than is usually collected for the entire month. in the center of the country , the january plan for snowfall has been practically fulfilled, and a relative deficit of snow is observed only in the northern regions, where the influence of atlantic cyclones was less pronounced. the consequence of this is extreme snowdrifts that have covered cities in central russia, now there is a layer of snow, for example, in the center of the country and the volga region it is one and a half to two times higher than the climatic norm, such january snowfall is observed only once every 11-12 years, in moscow it has not happened at all during the entire era of global warming, however, it is far from absolute records. look, for example, how moscow looked at the beginning of the 20th century , even before... before all the climate changes, some houses were covered with snow up to the windows of the first
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floors, and people moved along the streets on skis, and this is kazan in the late eighties , in the city too there are high snowdrifts, cars are slipping on the roads, snow is being removed from the streets by trucks. by the way, statistics claim that after such a riot of snowstorms, in the future atmospheric processes will... develop in a more favorable way, and if in february there are still high chances of cold weather, then spring promises to be friendly, in march and april the average temperature most often exceeds climatic indicators, and the permanent snow cover is destroyed 5-7 days earlier than usual, but spring is still far away, and for now we are faced with completely winter atmospheric processes, now over the druze plain... another arctic invasion is developing, on sunday - its peak, as a result, cold
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air will even reach the shores of the black sea, however, the cold snap will be short-lived, from tuesday another atlantic cyclone will begin to break through in russia, carrying along with ninastem, air masses warmed by the gulf stream. in moscow , precipitation is unlikely in the coming days; on sunday the daytime temperature will drop from -6 on saturday. with the beginning of the new week, the frosts will begin to weaken, and from tuesday, when the capital will be covered with snow cyclone clouds, warming will intensify by wednesday , thermometer columns will... reach zero. the real russian winter also covered the area of ​​the special military operation. a sharp cold snap and snowfalls turned the life of ukrainian militants into a nightmare. the losses from the attacks of the russian army were supplemented by non-combat losses, primarily from frostbite and
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hypothermia. a military meteorologist monitors the weather situation at the front. evgeny teshkovets. evgeniy, are there any statistics on cases of frostbite among military personnel? vadim, according to available information, the number of cases frostbite among ukrainian militants increased by more than a third. now the situation in the ukrainian trenches is best described by the phrase “the living envy the dead.” stable sub-zero temperatures with gusty winds, high humidity, inability in many areas to properly organize shifts for heating personnel and poor quality. local doctors say that wounded soldiers are increasingly being treated for so-called trench feet and gangrene. dryers are stacked on mattresses right in the corridors, the dead are taken out by truck at night, so as not to spread panic among the survivors, since
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the evacuation was not carried out in a timely manner, because. medical assistance was temporarily not provided, then the degree of frostbite generally, say, had already developed into more serious forms, about 35% of ukrainian militants there already received the third, fourth stage of frostbite, when surgical intervention was required, up to the amputation of a limb, they found themselves in the most desperate situation ukrainian militants trying to cross the dnieper. during the week losses exceeded 200 people, in addition , russian troops destroyed 15 boats, 12 mortars, 38 drones, tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment. experts explain that this year there is a difficult ice situation in the lower dnieper, which is most unfavorable for the ukrainian armed forces. the intermediate state is the most
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uncomfortable, inconvenient, dangerous, risky, from the point of view that a boat cannot be used on foot. cannot pass, that is, the ice is not strong enough to support a person and at the same time it no longer gives the ability to use any means such as boats. many ukrainian military personnel refuse to carry out the combat missions assigned to them. for example, a video appeared on the network in which most of the first rifle battalion of the fourth tank brigade of the armed forces of ukraine says on camera: “i’m seeing you,” that is, the armed forces of ukraine do not want to go to the front line to fight the russian army. senior sergeant.
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i can’t, like, so, so that i can say, so that i don’t stare, i don’t stare, and i tore my leg, i’ll just take a breath, the kiev regime is not going to give up its bloody plans, zelensky , contentedly promoting some of his peace formulas, continues to beg from the west for money and weapons in exchange for the lives of ukrainian soldiers, about which he addresses his so-called western partners completely cynically, openly , says the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry. you save what matters most, you save the lives of your soldiers, we offer the best deal in the global security market, give us the money, give us the weapons and we'll do the work, neither kuleba nor zelensky will ever tell how many dry land soldiers perished in the cold waters of the dnieper, the kiev regime does not take
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losses into account at all, and the place of frozen and frostbitten soldiers will be taken by mobilization again. frosts in the united states have turned parking lots around charging stations into a graveyard of frozen electric vehicles. in the north of the state of illinois, against the backdrop of a sharp cold snap , a real transport collapse occurred. dozens of tesla car owners were unable to start their cars and... left them in the parking lot with completely discharged batteries. temperatures off the southern shore of lake michigan in the chicago area hovered in the -15 range. such frosts in these parts are certainly a rare phenomenon, but not something out of the ordinary, for what exact
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reason the electric cars failed, it was in the electric cars themselves or in the charging stations, tatyana belova understood the problem. tanya, didn’t electric cars cope with the cold? vadim, it turns out that they failed, at least the result is obvious, a bunch of dead robots, these are the headlines that led to the report. on local television fox 32 chicago. tesla did not comment on the incident. drivers also complained about the lack of feedback from electric car manufacturers. auto experts explain the reasons for the collapse as follows: the capacity of batteries with lithium-based electrolyte, their ability to accept and release charge , decrease sharply at low temperatures. accordingly, the electric vehicle's range is reduced. as a result, the cold in chicago led to a rush at charging stations and those cars that were standing in line.
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what you need to do is just put on normal charging, wait a few hours, allow the battery to charge normally and move around quietly. russian owners of electric vehicles this winter, who delight us with severe frosts, also got a good opportunity to test their iron horses in extremely low temperatures, it should be noted that electric cars were tested in cold temperatures. went very successfully, i parked the car here 12 hours ago, it’s -26° outside, we’ll see if it starts or doesn’t start, oh, park, something’s frozen,
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but it turned on, guys, it earned -26°, and the car came to life, as for overnight parking, for example, if the car is left overnight at the same -20-25, the power reserve does not decrease at all, this, by the way, is a plus of electric vehicles , which i directly felt on myself, that is, an electric car is really better in winter in terms of warming up the car, almost immediately within a minute, even at -20, the same -25, when the test was done, warm air immediately comes out of the air ducts. as experts explain, the main problem of electric vehicles in low temperatures is the engine does not start, a significant reduction in the power reserve, i recently experienced this. i had a test drive of an electric car, a chinese electric car , which has a claimed range of 600 km, in the warm season, well, in the most optimal conditions, so to speak, and in the winter i drove
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it for about 3-4 days, there was a long test drive , charging lasts exactly twice as long. the dynamics of sales of electric cars is such that in the near future many motorists will have to master their technical features, for example, in 2023 every the fifth car sold in the world was electric, and the total... the number of sales reached 14 million cars, many are switching to electric cars, believing that this type of transport is more environmentally friendly, however, as recent studies conducted in germany and sweden have shown, this thesis is not so unambiguous. the researchers analyzed the carbon footprint of an electric vehicle and a combustion engine vehicle over its entire life cycle. this is what happened during the production of a traditional car : approximately 14 tons are released into the atmosphere co2 equivalent for an electric car and its battery, this figure is 24 tons. after a run of 200,000 km, a gasoline car will emit about 40 tons of co2 into the atmosphere.
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the carbon footprint of an electric car will be 23 if it is recharged using mixed energy sources, and only half a ton if it is powered exclusively by clean energy, for example, produced by wind turbines or solar panels. so electric vehicles have their pros, but they also have their cons. transition. on electric motors may well improve air quality in megacities, but is unlikely to stop global warming on the planet. well , don’t forget about the growing demand for lithium, which is needed for the production of rechargeable batteries. according to forecasts, due to the high demand for electric cars , the world may face a shortage of this metal as early as 2025. and finally, let's talk about the mysterious disease x, which... for some reason she found herself in the spotlight at the pre-launch economic forum. the information wave was launched by the world health organization. the department stated that
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humanity in the near future will face a terrible infection, the mortality rate from which will be 20 times higher than from covid. that's all, actually, no more details. what kind of disease this is is unknown, just as its causative agent is unknown. the threat is potential. none of the experts who participated in the discussion of the upcoming pandemic in davos provided any specific data. discusses the hypothetical possibility of the emergence of a disease that, in theory , will kill 140 million people in a second. russian experts believe that it is scary it is no coincidence that the emergence of the new pandemic took place at the economic forum; the ears of the pharmaceutical giants are somehow clearly peeking out from the cloudy silhouette of disease x. it's very powerful.
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unfortunately, i’m afraid of a highly effective attempt at a completely vile theorizing on the topic of disease x, which - that is, calls for everyone, firstly, to believe these statements to a much greater extent, and secondly, to see this highly speculative model, to see it as guidance to action, and accordingly, obey more, do not waste time on rethinking or double-checking vos statements, any chatter about the disease. currently fulfills economic and political orders of certain groups associated with big pharmacology located in the west. well, in general, calculating all possible probable scenarios for the development of events for any virus is the usual routine work of expert scientists, in russia it is constantly carried out by our virologists, microbiologists and epidemiologists. that's all. enjoy
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