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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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with sberbank, a free sbercard for pensioners, a favorable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a loan discount to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and receive special favorable conditions. peculiarities of family life in kazakhstan, a spy thriller in kyrgyzstan and double standards of europe for asia. this and other news from the region in the review robert frantseva. asia welcomes you, the heart of the continent beats here, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today the program features family features. life in kazakhstan,
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a continuation of the spy thriller in kyrgyzstan. europe is again teaching asia to live, double standards, of course, are in place, and the golden pipe from oil shipments through the caspian pipeline consortium is breaking records. the wife gave her husband a second wife for his birthday in honor of ten years of happy marriage. an unusual family is not in sweden, in atyrau, kazakhstan. so wife thanked her husband for. passed the tests together and presented such an unusual gift, it turned out that the girl was 23 years old, she worked as a nurse in the hospital where her first wife was treated for a long time. baibishe, that’s what this status is officially called, since now there is a second wife. history is silent about how the girl agreed to such conditions, but her parents seem to be aware and don’t even mind. second wives, as they are called, tokal, are a reality for kazakhstan. previously, distant relatives who were left without husbands, their brother, became tokal.
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to marry only for status, it was not necessary to maintain marital relations, but now second wives are most often legalized mistresses; a second marriage cannot be officially registered, but the muslim rite of nikah is performed. the spy thriller continues in kyrgyzstan. the same deputy who escaped from parliament through a second-floor window is suspected of organizing an assassination attempt on the president and head of the national security committee of kyrgyzstan. about it. president sadyr japarov himself said in an interview. according to information provided to me, he illegally crossed the kyrgyz-uzbek state border, met with the crime boss salim abduvaliev , nicknamed salim baibacha, and asked to help him destroy two friends. two friends of eki dos in kyrgyzstan are called president japarov and the head of the state committee for national security, tashiev. the investigation was carried out jointly by the special services of kyrgyzstan and uzbekistan. let us remember that while parliament was deciding. the question of deprivation
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of personal immunity, the people's representative jumped out of the window of the second floor of parliament and ran away from the state committee for national security officers. in a few days himself, although he appeared for questioning, then even spoke in parliament. asking not to judge strictly, at least until the investigation is completed. in the same interview , zhapparov told who was behind the coups in kyrgyzstan. according to the president, the first two revolutions were financed by the west, but the third one happened unexpectedly and was truly popular. nobody expected the third; we did not take money from external forces. the people themselves supported us. therefore, today we are pursuing an independent multi-vector policy. if we too became dependent on external forces, we would carry out their will and would not be able to do anything.
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after the protesters seized the white house , bakiyev admitted that he did not control the situation and left kyrgyzstan. as a result of the referendum , roza atunbayeva became interim president; in december 2011, she was replaced by elected
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president almazbek atambayev. 6 years later, when the next elections were held in the republic, atambayev peacefully ceded his post to former prime minister saaranbayukov. it would seem that this time there was social upheaval. managed to avoid it, but in 2020 everything changed. opposition dissatisfied with the new composition of the parliament, announced the holding of unlimited demonstrations, in addition, the situation was aggravated by two more factors: the trial of ex-president atambayev and the detention of sadyr japarov by state committee for national security officers. sizo also managed to free both. after which the kyrgyz central election commission actually recognized the demands of the protesters as legitimate, the results of the parliamentary elections were annulled, japarov headed the cabinet of ministers, was later confirmed as acting president, was able to get rid of the prefix io in january 2021 , having received almost 80% of the votes in
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extraordinary presidential elections. what else was memorable about this week in asia: a military transport vehicle crashed in the vicinity of bishkek. mi-8 helicopter of the armed forces of kyrgyzstan , this happened, reportedly, during a training flight, seven people were injured, but a special commission of the ministry of defense will understand the causes of the emergency; it spent 11 hours in the cold, miraculously avoiding death, as the ministry of emergency situations of kazakhstan commented rescue of a woman who, in severe frost, walked from a village in the kostonay region to the city arkalyk at some point the connection stopped. now she's in the hospital with frostbite, but at least she's alive. a working meeting took place in st. petersburg. meeting of the head of gazprom with the deputy prime minister of kazakhstan, alexey miller and roman sklyar discussed plans for further cooperation in the field of energy and, as specified, paid special attention to the issues of transporting russian fuel to central asia. the president of turkmenistan held an extended visiting meeting of the state security council of the republic. it was
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dedicated to the activities of the military and law enforcement agencies last year, and as a result there were some tough decisions. with the wording for the low level of work organization, serdar berdumukhamedov dismissed. appointed a new prosecutor general. in st. petersburg, they honored the memory of the hero of the soviet union aleim moldogulova, who became famous for her sniper exploits on the fronts of the great patriotic war. the consul general of kazakhstan laid flowers at her monument. in the meantime , memorial events were held in bishkka for the eighty-first anniversary of the breaking of the siege of leningrad, which claimed the lives of over 4,500 kyrgyz. a memorial service was held for the soldiers who died in the battles for the city of nanev. a traditional requi rally took place on the streets of the capital of kyrgyzstan. and in continuation of the kyrgyz uprising and coups. a court in bishke arrested 11 journalists from several publications for 2 months. according to the ministry of internal affairs, these resources posted calls for riotous protests. also this week, as part of a criminal case
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initiated after the publication about the situation in ukraine, under article 407 war propaganda, the general director of the 24kg news agency and two editor-in-chiefs of the publication. the media attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies after the state committee for national security detained suspects in organizing a coup on january 11; according to investigators, mass unrest was being prepared. it is curious that all the events that we described above chronologically coincided with the visit of the vice-president of the european commission, margarita saskhinas, to kyrgyzstan and central asia in general. let's discuss these coincidences and recent events with alexander prokhvatilov, senior researcher at the academy of military sciences. tell us what signs indicate attempts to destabilize the situation in kyrgyzstan , who could be behind this? well, the thing is that at the beginning of september last year , a military man arrived in kyrgyzstan. a transport boeing that delivered
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tens of millions of dollars to the us embassy. in addition, previously graduates of the peace corps banned in russia arrived in kyrgyzstan and engaged in banal espionage activities. then there were various meetings of graduates of the us embassy grant programs, where is the money that arrived. on boeing were distributed to these so-called volunteers, but for good money to the volunteers, here is an american program , a subversive network organization of the cia internews intensified its work, all the pro-western media, bloggers attacked the government , the kyrgyz security forces, well, blaming them, as is customary among the anglo-saxons, for everything. .. in addition , in the summer, also the head of the state security committee
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of kyrgyzstan, tashiev, announced the prevention of a coup attempt, the organization of mass riots, this was in june last year, this time several dozen were detained supporters of the escaped activist telekmat kurenoy, who fled to an unknown location. the visit to kyrgyzstan of a major european official, for whom this topic is
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a constant subject of speculation, whether this can be perceived as a certain click on the nose, why then the law on media is still stalling, which all the numerous ngos in kyrgyzstan are so actively opposing. the statement about preventing a coup d'etat and the visit of the european commissioner are not a coincidence, this is a deliberate demarche of the government.
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regional and local officials, elders who enjoy local authority. this somehow needs to be dealt with delicately; in general, the point is not to declare this or that person or organization as foreign agents, but the point is to not give them the opportunity to carry out subversive activities. i think so. and to other news. the president of kazakhstan made an official visit to italy to hold talks with his counterpart. during the meeting, kasym jamar takaev and sergio motarello discussed the most promising areas of cooperation, including potential of european investments in kazakhstan's green energy projects. also during the visit, president takaev was received by the pope in the vatican. turkmenistan has launched the construction of the third section of the ahab highway. turkmenabat. this highway, about 600 km long , is important not only for internal logistics, but
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also for transport links with neighboring uzbekistan. the work could be completed this year. at least twenty dead swans were found on the shores of the caspian sea in the mangestau region of kazakhstan. this in addition to several hundred, which, let me remind you, were previously found near lake karakol. the cause of the mass death of birds is still unknown. ornithologists also admit viral diseases from water pollution with any chemicals. frosts from -7 to -20 did not become an obstacle to traditional epiphany bathing in kazakhstan. residents of astana and almaty took a dip in the baths near churches and monasteries, as is always the case in a multinational republic. these are not only orthodox christians, but russian soldiers and officers of the 201st base in tajikistan celebrated the baptism of the lord. not only military personnel, but also their families took part in the epiphany bathing. the youngest was six-year-old maria. the european parliament adopted a resolution on central
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asia this week. in the document, europeans recognize the geostrategic importance of the region. at the same time, europe, on the one hand, attracts hypothetical claims... to uzbekistan for karakalpakstan, kazakhstan for kantar, tajikistan for badagakshan, and kyrgyzstan for the media and ngos. europeans call all five central asian states unfree and authoritarian, that is, european officials themselves. at the same time they are point blank do not notice the reforms in all the countries of the region, which are really rebooting the economy, have already strengthened the system of protecting human rights and are generally guided by the law, but no, in the opinion of brussels, this is all unnecessary and generally useless, but the europeans see a threat in the supply of russian gas to kazakhstan and
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uzbekistan, really, why develop your economy and industry, we’d better tell you... uzbekistan plans to increase its gross domestic product to $100 billion this year. this was stated by president shavkat mirziyoye during a meeting dedicated to economic development priorities. in addition, according to the president, it is planned to increase the gross product by at least 6%. according to merziyoyev. from now on, support mechanisms in industry will be provided primarily to products that create high added value and have a market. and interesting data to continue the topic: russia leads in the number of enterprises in uzbekistan with the highest share of foreign investment. according to the statistics agency, as of january 1 of this year, the number of operating enterprises in the republic with participation foreign capital amounted to more than 14,000.
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the largest number of them are in russia and china. also on turkey's list. kazakhstan and south korea. deputy prime minister alexey averchuk held negotiations with deputy prime minister of kazakhstan serik zhumangarin. during the negotiations , issues of trade and economic cooperation, which are of mutual interest for russia and kazakhstan, and promising areas of bilateral interaction, were discussed. particular attention was paid to the areas of agriculture, transport and logistics. the parties confirmed their readiness to continue the constructive dialogue. in all areas of interaction between countries, according to a message on the russian government website. well, concrete results: russia lifted the ban on the import of livestock products from kazakhstan, introduced 2 years ago due to the unfavorable veterinary situation. from january 15 , 2024, exports to russia are again available for kazakh beef, lamb, pork, milk, dairy, and meat products.
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in addition, the plans of the agricultural departments of kazakhstan and russia include the integration of information systems, this will allow. simplify the optimization of veterinary control procedures and eliminate unnecessary barriers. russia turned to kazakhstan with a request to increase the export of chicken eggs - said serik zhumangarin instructed the ministry of agriculture to consider this issue. the level of egg supply at local poultry farms in kazakhstan in the twenty- second year amounted to 102% of the population's needs. for 11 months of the twenty-third year, kazakhstan exported more than 186 millions of chicken eggs to russia, afghanistan and... there are no alternatives to using the oil pipeline system of the caspian corpse pipeline consortium to export kazakh oil today, this was stated by cpc deputy general director for relations with the kazakh government kairgildy kobyldin.
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there is no cpc in terms of transportation of existing volumes and oil development projects in kazakhstan today. there may be additional ones. the project is also the property of the republic, it makes good money from it, despite all the speculation, of which there were anomalously many last year, more than stormy days in novorossiysk. cpc sets new records. in the twenty -third year, more than 63 million tons of oil passed through the system; this is a record, with plans to increase the figures to 70 million tons next year. in
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addition, the cpc has become not only the world's largest oil pipeline, but also the most profitable. with revenue of 2.3 billion, dividends to shareholders amounted to $1.3 billion. the previous peak was reached in pre-pandemic 2019, twentieth, twenty, second due to we did not succeed in the well-known events of the pandemic, but in the twenty-third year, despite, let’s say, weather conditions, we still overcame this bar and showed 63 million, of which 56 million tons were kazakh oil and 7.4 million tons from the territory of the russian federation. music of food, a duet from uzbekistan presented to pitwins. position from the sounds of the eastern bazaar. two guys recorded a scale right among the rows of the chorsun market in tashkent. here is the clink of a bowl, the okreks of sellers, the song of kazan with pilaf.
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the process itself became a video clip. that's all for us. see you next week, as always in central asia. take care of yourself, retiring in the new year is profitable with sberbank, free sberbank for pensioners, favorable deposit rates to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, loan discount. to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and get special, favorable conditions, rather than
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an apartment in moscow can be yours. the credit card is the best in the country. now our army is not the best in the world? yes, it probably wasn’t. one of the problems when using opponent of kamikaze. accordingly, we need to develop electronic warfare systems. and what are you doing on it, we’re covering it up. we drive around and use machine guns like russians, the best, 300 were destroyed in 2 months, ours are going beautifully.
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ukrainian armed forces tanks were hitting in the kupinsky direction. the strikes were carried out by crews of msta s self-propelled guns. in the svatovsko-kremensky direction , k-52 attack helicopters destroyed the nationalists’ equipment and eliminated the militants. on the right bank of the dnieper, airborne troops, with the help of a gaubstab, disabled gvozdik’s self-propelled gun. the us has no money for security. the nuclear arsenal is very outdated and in many ways inferior
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to the russian one. about this. us senators said they noted that biden's economic and military policies have led to a shortage of technology suppliers, labor and materials. as a result, russia has a 10 to one advantage in tactical nuclear weapons. a high alert regime has been declared in a number of russian regions due to bad weather. storm warning in crimea. the services of chuvash are working in intensive mode and strong winds and snowstorms are expected there today. in krasnodar. the region is expecting rain and snow, restrictions continue to apply on many federal highways, and according to forecasts, bad weather in some areas may persist until the evening of sunday. soldiers of the repair unit of the central district were awarded for performing particularly important tasks. the ceremony took place in the rear.


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