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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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oryoly is in many ways inferior to the russian one, as some american senators have stated. they noted that biden's economic and military policies have led to shortages of technology suppliers, labor and materials. as a result, russia has a 10 to one advantage in tactical nuclear weapons. iran and pakistan discussed the return of ambassadors after recent exchanges of missile strikes, the countries intend to reduce tensions and return relations to their previous level, tegerai noted. against the background of the bombing of yemen and the operation in gaza, the risk of turning the conflict in the middle east during a major war, according to experts, it is growing. what does the two koreas look like as a region of stable tension in the world, should we expect an escalation, and what to expect from the election race in the united states. who could stop trump? this is not only in the international review immediately after a short advertisement. rather than watch it 100 times, it’s better
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is the best in the country. rather than watching it 100 times, it’s better to spin it once. order savito with delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the program is an international review. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. ballistic missile and terrorists, new approaches to old threats. iran and pakistan exchanged blows. north korea connections, south no longer our neighbor. materials of our program. keep it seven. the beginning
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of the election campaign in the united states, a story from the scene . the young iranian shah, mohammad rizavi, pays a visit to a very young neighboring state, pakistan. the year is fiftieth, shah is 30, pakistan is three. nice meeting you. the space in the middle east does not disappoint expectations; not a day goes by without shocks. a new node has been added to the war in palestine and the confrontation with the houthis in the red sea - iran and its neighbors. first, the commotion was caused by iranian strikes with air over a facility in iraqi kurdistan right in its capital irbili. then khlesche. iranian forces attacked the pakistani border area. islamabad responded on iranian territory. against neighboring states,
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tehran claims. the target is terrorist cells, behind which the interests of the united states and israel loom. there is supposedly a nest of spies in kurdistan. and pakistan cannot cope with troublemakers like tumbleweeds; its neighbors angrily reject this and blame iran for unprovoked aggression. in iraqi kurdistan, baghdad's power is very limited, the us and israel enjoy great influence in rbila. it's no secret that they have terrorist bases there, and relations between the local authorities and the american representatives of israel are close. the most active part. kurdish separatists, but massad is actively present, especially around the american consulate. an 11 month old baby who died was from massad, what are you talking about? there is no massada in kurdistan. iranians believe that the kurds are pro-american because the united states
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protected them in 1991. yes, there are some kurds who the us supports it, but not everyone does. iran wants to make iraq a subordinate country. however, many kurds, including president barzani, disagree. in response, the iranians accuse us of being in the zionist country of israel, but this is a lie. according to various estimates, the total number of kurds exceeds 40 million people. most of them are sunni muslims, but there are also shiites, christians and even jews. they are called the largest nation without a state. geographically, the territory of kurdistan. covers the borders of at least four countries, turkey, syria, iraq and iran. the majority of kurds in turkey are about 20 million. they are the main internal enemy of official ankara. their support is the kurdish workers' party of abdul acalan, which
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has been waging a guerrilla war since the eighties. after the start of the arab spring, the turkish army carried out several military operations against the kurds. control, significant areas of border syrian territory. iraqi kurdistan is the unofficial name of the kurdish autonomous region in northern iraq. these are three provinces: dohuk, sulaymaniyah and erbil. over 5 million people live here. the capital is the city of erbil. another 3 million kurds inhabit the neighboring iraqi province of kirkuk and part of the nineveh province region. this is the city of mosul. the main wealth of all these.
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the islamic kurdish terrorist group opposed the state and even established control over kirkuk when it was abandoned by government troops under the onslaught of the islamists. in september 2017, the kurdistan government held a referendum on independence. residents voted in favor, but official bagdat said no. government troops began attack to the north, occupied kirkug and surrounding territories. kurdistan agreed to all the demands of the iraqi authorities. in syria , the kurds have always taken an ambivalent position towards the ruling regime. when the isis invasion began, the kurds stubbornly resisted them, siding with bashar al-assad. but after the expulsion of the terrorists,
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the kurds from the syrian democratic forces, the sdf fully supported the americans, who controlled the oil fields in the northeast of the country. that's where 60% is located. living conditions, but there is still opposition, this kurdistan freedom party. from the moment it became clear that the israeli attack on gas was not bringing the desired result, the zionist regime. decided to increase pressure on iran because tehran supports various resistance movements. there is an attempt to intensify terrorist activities inside iran, but from adjacent territories. after the americans, there was nothing left from iraq, no money, no military strength, nothing.
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and who is in charge here now? those associated with iran. only iran benefited from the american occupation. we hoped that the americans will leave, and we will live a peaceful life. normal life, but now the iranians don’t allow us to do that. iran generally believes that now they will get everything they want, that nothing is possible in the region without it, everyone must accept this. but it won’t be like that, if iran-iraq relations have been complex and confused for a long time, then what does pakistan have to do with it? the jundala group in arabic means soldiers of allah, is a rebel organization of baluch sunnis. it was created in 2003 and is also known as the iranian popular resistance movement. its militants attacked the military, police and civilians. population , they explained their actions by the fact that they were fighting the oppression of the sunni minority by the shiite
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authorities, while they operated mainly in baluchastan, a historical territory at the junction of the middle east and hindustan, now it was divided between three states, iran, pakistan and afghanistan. the armed conflict began back in 1948. the largest ethnic group is the baloch. they are believed to be descended from the medians and belong to the indo-iranian group. belluci achieves independence of a divided people. if in iran, their opponents are persian shiites, who are the majority, then in pakistan they are shiite hazaras, who constitute a minority in this region. in 2005 , jundal militants attacked the motorcade of iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad during his visit to baluchastan. one of his bodyguards died. and several were injured. on june 13, 2008, john dala kidnapped
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16 iranian police officers and took them to pakistan. it later turned out that they were all killed. one of the largest terrorist attacks organized by jundala, there was a series of explosions in the city of pishin, near the iran-pakistan border, in the fall of 2009. on february 23, 2010 , iranian security arrested the leader. foreign policy magazine wrote that massad's agents infiltrated jundala to
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carry out false flag attacks against iran. covert support from israel worried the administration because it jeopardized relations with pakistan. in pakistan , the government is simply unable to govern the territory. he has to close his eyes activities of terrorist groups. poor country. with big economic problems, most of their armed forces are along the border with india, besides, like us, there remains a problem with afghanistan, the terrorist group that operates from pakistan is the iranian wahabis. iran could not help but defend itself, although sadly, realizing the inevitability of conflict with pakistan. it is iran that does not completely control the zone that was struck. pakistan never attacks its neighbors but has every right to respond. "we hit seven targets, and these are not just random targets, according to our intelligence
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of the location of terrorists and separatists, balochstan. the border has never been a serious issue between pakistan and iran. pakistan has not raised this issue, although there have been incidents when iran violated our sovereignty. we didn't expect anything like this and don't understand why they did it. there were no paramilitary groups in the place they hit, and two para-civilian girls were killed. the victims of the pakistani strike were not the iranians, but the pakistanis themselves, the dead are innocent citizens, refugees from pakistan, we have a lot of them, but the pakistani government felt that it should respond so as not to look like weaklings, and the relations will improve, we will not let them deteriorate, in general they are good. pakistan had no choice but to respond symmetrically: we have excellent intelligence, and we know how to act accurately and proportionately. now the question is for the iranian leadership, for sir, aakhbar personally, they will go further and admit that
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they did wrong. if iran continues in the same spirit, pakistan will respond naturally. pakistan is a strong military power. yes, not everything is good with our economy, but in the military sphere there is complete order. the east would not be the east without a slight touch of conspiracy theories. the pakistani side was forced to act, especially because the indians. did not fail to humiliate them by pointing out their weakness. and in pakistan, elections are coming up, where the military is the main force. a few days ago , iran hosted distinguished guests from india. and so some people ask us: is n’t one connected to the other? indians don’t accidentally we asked them to test us out, but one thing calms us down a little, everyone understands that a big war will not make anyone happy. iraq is a victim of constant wars. just from recent memory, there were three of them. enough. we hope that there will be mediators, for example, russia, who will help
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restore peace and stability here. this is a good opportunity for yours. doesn’t want to, there are also a lot of events and very different , about this after the advertisement, i saw a sign in the sky, in the harsh winter, something will appear that
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i’ll show you everything, this is reception, on the right is the department of advanced developments and the growth chart, the product portfolio. a large family is developing as a large organization and support is needed for its development. national demography project by decision of the president. all measures to support families with children. a distinguished guest from the most mysterious state, the korean people's democratic republic, visited moscow. minister of foreign affairs.
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this is logistics, well now a russian company, a subsidiary of russian railways, has own capacities, own equipment in the port of rajin for shipment , mainly coal shipment, of course , some work can also go in this direction, because yes, workers are needed, there are not enough workers in russia right now , the ports of the east coast are overloaded , that is...
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the network, and it can be used as a, well, there are not very great opportunities there, but there are some in order to reduce the load on vladivostok, such projects are also subject to, may be feasible, that’s all the rest of the projects, this is a matter of moscow’s political decision, that is, if moscow decides... that for political reasons these projects need to be subsidized from our budget, then these projects will be viable , they are slightly unprofitable, they have always been unprofitable, not all, but a large part some projects from north korea stayed afloat in soviet times and later only to the extent that the soviet and then russian budgets subsidized them, without subsidies, in most areas cooperation is extremely difficult, there is also the military sector.
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the idea of ​​unifying the two koreas, which was formally considered a strategic goal. for the first two decades after the end of the war, the two koreas completely denied each other and relied on complete victory over the enemy. but in july 72, the head of south korean intelligence visited pyongyang. after his talks with kimersen, pyongyang and siul announced. signing of a joint statement between north and south. the parties agreed on three principles for unifying the country, without outside interference, peacefully and on a national basis. however
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these agreements remained on paper. the turnaround occurred 20 years later. in december 1991, the heads of government of the north and south signed an unprecedented document. it was an agreement of reconciliation not attack, cooperation and exchanges. an inter-korean declaration on the denuclearization of the peninsula was also adopted. for the first time in the history of their separate existence, pyongyang and siul actually refused. from the ideas of a conquest and at least formally recognized the equality of the two states, plans for unification on the basis of a confederation were discussed, but in 94 after the death of kimersen, the dialogue was suspended; it resumed only 4 years later, when kim dae-jun became the president of the republic of korea. he proclaimed a policy of solar heat. one of the most important agreements was the decision to regularly. and in
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2004 , an industrial complex was created in the north korean city of kesson, in which joint ventures of the two countries began to operate. relations only deteriorated in 2006, when north korea conducted its first nuclear test. the peace treaty was never signed. after the death of kemchanir, his son kim chen-un continued to develop nuclear and missile programs against. sanctions were introduced in phinyang and only 7 years later, on the eve of the winter olympics in phon chang, the north korean leader softened his rhetoric. at the same time, the new president of south korea, moon jae-in, advocated the normalization of inter-korean relations. in february 2018, at the opening ceremony of the winter olympic games, the national teams of the two countries marched in a single column under a flag depicting the korean peninsula.
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leaders in 2018. the two countries met three times and agreed to start with the participation of china and the united states peace negotiations. north korea announced the cessation of testing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, as well as the closure of the hunger nuclear test site. but phillyang's hopes were not realized. kim's meeting with trump did not bring the desired results. after this, relations with siul also deteriorated. south korea has been officially declared a foreign and deeply hostile state. well, at the ideological level, of course, this is a 180° turn. but, however, one small circumstance must be taken into account, even at a time when, at the level of official rhetoric, we are talking about unification was underway, it was precisely empty official rhetoric, both sides
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understood this very well. this.
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