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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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this policy had a minimal impact: yes, there will be a bureaucratic reorganization, yes, relations with south korea will be dealt with in the north korean foreign ministry, and not in the whole system of organizations specially created for this purpose. yes, the north korean press will start calling south korea using its official self-name. this, by the way, is very important from an ideological point of view, but it will have very little effect on real politics. these are really two states; no unification, except military, through capture, conquest, has ever really stood on agenda, and relations between them are currently hostile. the legacy of the 20th century in east asia, two divided states, calling unity their goal. on the korean peninsula they refuse it, but in the taiwan strait it’s the other way around. formula 1 china. which sounds common, but means
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exactly the opposite for the two banks, the only basis for peaceful coexistence, and refusal of it is fraught with immediate war. stalin chain from taiwan. china didn't like the results of the elections or bon appetit. on the cover of the box has the inscription taiwan. another work in the same style, drawing by arcadio. esquiveli from kostoirika. the ballot box says: taiwan elections. across the strait , china, and the speech is an untranslatable play on words. glenn lelivre from distant australia, the drawing is called puppet theater. recognizable images of uncle sam and a chinese panda, with the inscription “vote” above the stage. the indian version of events, it is represented by parish nad. china is clearly written on the dragon. and here. there
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are two ballot boxes. on one there is the inscription self-government, on the other - the power of china. make your choice, gentlemen. chinese artist lodge for english speakers. picture on the left. below the person is written: people of taiwan. on a rocket democracy and freedom. the rocket is set on fire by tsai ing-wen, the president of taiwan, who will give up her post to a replacement in may of this year. already in the right picture. usa. taiwan has elected a new head of administration. voting was considered risky; suddenly the radicals would take over, announce the proclamation of a state that was no longer china, and the rush would begin. power, yes, remains with the democratic progressive a party that, in principle, is for the formalization of independence. but the new leader li
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questioned that more than 2/3 of taiwanese, mostly young taiwanese, believe that they associate themselves only with taiwan, that is, in other words, they consider themselves taiwanese taiwanese; only 3% of those surveyed said that they consider themselves first of all, chinese, but it must also be said that in fairness, 28%, according to this survey and not only this, consider themselves at the same time. both taiwanese and chinese. tatler asia magazine has compiled a list of the most influential people in asia for 2023. it included 36 taiwanese. singer ah mei, one of the best-selling artists in the history of the island. her albums have been bought more than 50 million times. in 2000, she performed the national anthem at the inauguration of the president of the republic of china, chen shui-bian. after which
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the prc government temporarily blocked her from entering mainland china, and chinese radio stations ceased cooperation. today, amey writes defiant feminist songs, challenges patriarchy and advocates for indigenous peoples and lgbtq rights. enkli is considered one of the most successful taiwanese directors and producers. he has about twenty films to his credit, including the oscar-winning sense and sensibility with hugh grant's emmy thompson, crouching tiger , hidden dragon, which became the highest-grossing non -english-language film in american box office history, the drama brokeback mountain and the adventure film life of p.i. sofia chunk, chairman of the csmc charitable foundation, oversees programs to help the elderly and sponsors the development of rural areas of the island, supports education, art, and painting. abstraction and chinese traditions
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are exhibited in the prestigious galleries of hong kong, sodby's and christie's, and part of the proceeds from their sales go to charity. taiwanese businessman daniel tsai with his brother. was engaged in supplying consumer electronics to taiwan, created a demand for its components, and then the yadio company, which satisfied this demand. today its
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branches under the pulse electronics brand are represented in 24 countries, pierre himself is one of the richest people in taiwan. excuse me, they are the people who consider themselves taiwanese, they somehow they formulate their difference from the chinese, in the chinese language there are, as it were, different terms for conveying the word china - this is a middle state or junhua - these are like ethnic chinese, that is, some taiwanese they say: yes, we are not chinese, but we are ethnic chinese, that is, we are not people from mainland china, we were born and raised there, our ancestors lived in taiwan, but we recognize ourselves... chinese, so, but here it must be said that even at the individual level we can see more a more colorful picture, because in taiwan there are a lot of peoples, even races, and there are people who call themselves taiwanese, taiwanese taiwanese, there are
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people who call themselves chinese chinese, and there are people who call themselves japanese, because we know that taiwan is 50 years old was a japanese colony and people still live there. who have retained their japanese identity, moreover, among the aborigines there are people who do not consider themselves taiwanese, i just want to give what i think is a curious example when once about 15 years ago, when i was on the island of orchids, i had such a long conversation with the leader and pastor of the red-headed tribe of the yame people, for about 2 hours we talked under a canopy during the rain, and he kept talking all the time in conversation, he mentioned the phrase, used the phrase: “they are taiwanese.” at some point i couldn’t stand it and asked: “aren’t you taiwanese?” he said: "of course not." i, as a scientist , asked, who are you? he said, “i am, uh, the leader
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of the tao tribe,” which is the yame language for the leader of a tribe of people. who knows how long it will be there will be a republic of china on taiwan. reunification will happen, and i think it will happen, and what will be the fate of the united historical community of the taiwanese people in quotes in this case? well, from the outside, in any case, looking at historical and anthropological things, this is a big separate conversation, taiwan as a political reality exists only thanks to the united states, at that moment, if it comes, when the united states for some reason decides, that they no longer necessary, taiwan probably won’t do it right away.
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in january, here is another anniversary, this is the anniversary of the severance of relations between the united states and taiwan, but in the same year in april the defense law was adopted instead. defense , which lapsed, the taiwan relations act was passed in america, according to which the united states committed itself to support the defense, the defense capability of taiwan to promote the security of taiwan, in particular in matters of confrontation with mainland china, so there are some mutual obligations that should be carried out, at least so formally, that's what concerns the likelihood that taiwan... will be abandoned, but here you know, this is such a long-standing historical psychotrauma in taiwan, because well, i can remind you that
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in 1945 the famous a novel by the taiwanese writer ujolyu , which is called the orphan of asia, yeah, in 60-5, former american diplomat george kehr published a book called farmosa bitrate, that is, loyal to taiwan, loyal to taiwan, so he witnessed how taiwan was transferred. japan to china believes that the arrival of gaminden, it became a kind of tragedy for taiwan, a new colonialism, and the taiwanese people, who greeted the chinese liberators with flowers and joy, suddenly discovered that they were again under colonial exploitation, taiwanese politicians, they are afraid that they might throw, of course, they hope that this will not happen -
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well, throwing, probably, will not happen in the near future. then the last question, but very
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interesting for me, is that taiwan and china have been developing there for 30-40 years in parallel, they developed completely differently after 1949, when the chinese leadership, deng xiaoping, decided to turn to reforms, did they take into account what was happening in taiwan, strictly speaking, a market economy with a tough one. authoritarian system, thank you, i’ll say right away that, of course, they took it into account, the fact is that taiwan also went through economic reforms, the peak of which started in the fifties, but the peak of which occurred in the sixties and seventies, that is, a little earlier than the mainland china, therefore when reform and opening up was proclaimed in china in 1978, the chinese had a lot to teach. among the taiwanese, they did it with the zeal of diligent students, very successfully,
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at the same time they announced a policy to attract foreign investment, in particular the chinese placed a very strong emphasis on attracting investment from overseas chinese (huachao), as well as the taiwanese, as part of overseas chinese or taiwanese compatriots. it was taiwanese capital and taiwanese investments that played a huge role in the promotion of chinese reforms, financing of chinese reforms in the eighties, at least the eighties, nineties, another interesting point is that the leaders of the reforms in taiwan and mainland china, in the people's republic of china, and this is the son of chankaisha dzyan dingguo, russian name nikolai vladimirovich elizara.
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it’s interesting, of course, this is an amazing page that we know quite little, but it’s very worth remembering. thank you very much, we talked with valentin glavachev from the institute of higher studies. the presidential campaign has begun in the united states, followed by the whole world is watching. all the countries and territories
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that we talked about today will feel the result, one way or another. even the most independent in the world, kim jong-un, donald trump promised to meet with him again if he wins. the first test of republican strength took place in iowa. the selection of a presidential candidate begins. trump won in a landslide. internally , the party's selection of a candidate for us president begins in iowa, a small agricultural state in the midwest. it's traditional here.
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which rather resembles a meeting of residents. party members gather, for example, in a church or school, and after heated discussions decide which candidate to nominate for elections. counting can be done by heads or raised hands. donald trump lost in iowa in 2016. trump's closest pursuer is now florida governor ron disantis. behind him, with a narrow margin, is the former us permanent representative to the un, nicky haley, although she. was considered the favorite. the youngest candidate, indian-origin businessman vivik ramaswamy, got less than 8%, dropped out of the race and supported trump. the map clearly shows that trump won in almost one and a half thousand polling stations, four were not enough for an even count. in 2020 , biden lost to his fellow party member in iowa,
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but still won the presidential election. this year he launched his campaign right after. let's finish what we started and add, i know we can. the biden campaign is expected to raise more money than its republican rival. the amount has already reached 117 million us dollars. this is the highest figure ever amid donor concerns about biden poll results. his approval rating is now at rock bottom, according to abc news and ipsas.
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43% of americans are inclined to call themselves independents, this is a record figure since 1988, only 27% are ready to vote for republicans and the same number for democrats. we will be turning to the american election campaign often this year, but for now there is one question: what is the reason, what is scandalous and for...
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how will this campaign be remembered in any case by the age of the candidates? previously, they would have mocked or been indignant, but now active longevity -
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norm. from california dmitry vershinin. world-famous - venice beach , early in the morning, belongs to surfers, runners, athletes and paddle tennis players. this park has mini tennis courts. booked months in advance, four friends play here every monday at 9:00 am, for 30 years, it's a friendship, we can't imagine ourselves without each other, but training, of course, is a sport for maintaining bonds, yes, yes, especially if you need to borrow money, john, henry and jacob are all over 60, but they refuse slow down, banker, electrician, filmmaker and actor, their passion for tennis with a wooden racket has passed the financial test... this is a game, even if you are not agile enough, but if you still
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have reflexes and reaction speed, you are in the game. i spend a lot of time on the computer, there is fresh air, the ocean breeze, the beach, plus time spent with old friends. the official retirement age in the united states is 67, but the system allows for considerable flexibility. there are those who end their careers at 50, and there are also those who forced to work after seventy. a complex system for calculating pensions; in short, americans do not count on benefits from the state; they save for old age by investing in securities through their salaries. politics is another matter: the average age of american senators is 65 years. there are long-livers who are criticized for their inability to give way to young people in time. chuck grasley and zaev are 89, conservative minority leader mitch maconall is 80. one, but his health is in question. his speech was repeatedly interrupted and he could not continue. this week we had fruitful inter-party interaction and
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mccon has not yet explained the inconvenient situations to his voters. the democrats also have plenty of pensioners; there were many questions for the eighty-nine-year-old.
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scientists who study aging, gerantologists , say that the cognitive functions of the brain lose their abilities with age, and although diet and lifestyle can slow down this process, it is impossible to completely reverse it, as to determine the moment when the decision-making process needs to be delegated. aging in 2000 years is not the same as aging in the 19th century. our medicine, ecology, and lifestyle allow us to live actively. significantly longer than before, judging someone's cognitive function solely by age is now incorrect. you need to look at the big picture,
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how full of life the person who makes the decision leads. the numbers themselves , 80 or 82, don’t mean anything to me. four paddle tennis players from venice beach agree with scientists, they plan to play until at least 80. dmitry vershinin for the international reviews. los angeles, california. the development of capitalism has reached the point where, although commodity production still reigns and is considered the basis of the entire economy, in reality it has already been undermined, and the main profits go to the geniuses of financial tricks. at the heart of these tricks and frauds is the socialization of production, but gigantic progress.
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once became the deity of a new religion, then was overthrown along with it, it seemed, forever, but even decades after the collapse of lenin’s experimental state, his legacy attracts attention not only historians, but also practitioners around the world. lenin is one of those who most influenced humanity in the 20th century. but in our country, since the debunking of marxism-leninism, no idea has been formed. comparable to it in effectiveness. effectiveness inspires reverence, but does not necessarily equal goodness, and this is also a lesson that should not be forgotten. it was an international review, goodbye.
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hello. i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with we are discussing with experts how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through.
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if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations, clear conditions and an impressive effect from victory. finalists. the winners will receive support from the competition partners, the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31, applications accepted on the platform ideia.roskongress.rf/brand.
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we continue the news review at the beginning of the issue about the consequences of bad weather in the russian regions and the situation on the highways is still difficult. in the volga region, a section of the m12 highway to tatarstan is still blocked. as reported by the highway, a snow fence will be installed there. due to the peculiarities of the terrain, the road is constantly covered with snow from the fields; special equipment cleans the route. restrictions also apply on highways in woodmurt, ulyanovsk, penza and samara regions in the perm territory. under in orenburg, heavy trucks and public transport will not yet be able to travel through two sections at once. according to forecasts, bad weather in some areas may persist until sunday evening. details continue to emerge.


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