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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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soon mounted police appeared on chkalovskaya. house 84 was placed under 24-hour security. my mother was 10 years old at the time, and they told her about the petrified girl in the domain on chkalovskaya street, she went there with her aunt, petrovna knows. and everything was cordoned off, a huge crowd of people gathered, and there were all sorts of different versions circulating. but the attempt to go through and look ended in failure; no one was allowed in. rumors about the petrified girl spread beyond kuibyshev, residents of neighboring regions began to arrive at the scene of the event, the talk was only about the girl, who froze with the icon of st. nicholas the pleasant, the most revered and beloved saint in russia.
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an incredible event happened here, making muscovites believe in victory in the most desperate days of the war with napoleon. leaving moscow in october 1812, the french blew up the nikolskaya tower. the shock wave blew out windows and doors in nearby houses. the nearby arsenal building remains in ruins. half the tower collapsed, but the gate icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker remained unharmed.
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the lord, through saint nicholas, his participation in the life of the russian people and our fatherland, showed precisely in such, well, difficult moments, difficult, when some tests were coming, when it could look either as a warning, or as a strengthening, that is, such and spiritual support for the people. the news of the miraculous rescue of the image on the nikolskaya tower reached alexander i, and he personally came to the scene of the events. shocked by what he saw.
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officially instilled atheism led to several generations of ancestors who completely forgot about the faith. place of icons portraits of leaders took over the houses, religious holidays and fasts replaced secular feasts, young people flaunted their disbelief, and at the instigation of the authorities it became fashionable. a challenge to some religious rules, to challenge public morality , to dance with an icon, or something else to light a lamp, as many also flaunted this when entering the temple, unfortunately, in many ways atheistic propaganda achieved its goals, in many ways our people , let's tell the bitter truth, he really retreated from god, indeed, there was a remnant faithful, she had him... big, these people
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who would never betray either the church or christ, but would stand to the end, and we had these people in samaya, and there were only two temples, they were full of people, but in relation to our huge metropolis, it was of course a drop in the ocean, when the time of a storm comes, the lord tries to strengthen his faithful, to show that he does not abandon them, but they need to gain strength, have deep faith in order to endure the trials , who was the main character of this story, why her, together with... and others, the lord decided to instruct through st. nicholas. the available data is extremely scarce, and secrets lie even in the name. zoe in ancient greek means life, and this is probably symbolic. however, was that really her name? at the time of the start of the investigation by journalist valery erofeev in the early nineties, many witnesses to the event were still alive, they all claimed that none of them knew the name of the frozen girl. at the time of the events of these fifty-
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six years, no name was named at all, but it arose only in perestroika time , when this excitement began, suddenly it appeared and... there was also an entrance, there was, there was a private property, orekhova lived there, her grandmothers went to visit her, that’s what i know for sure, because i’m in this time was and her daughter came to her, her daughter’s name was zoya, and she worked at the maslennikov plant,
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so maybe zoya had a different surname, orekhova, the surname kornookhova, irina lazareva also heard for the first time only in the nineties in television programs, however, neighbor's daughter. which she last time i saw her in the early seventies, she could have gotten married and changed her last name. since irina lazreva moved from chkalovskaya street, she has no longer communicated with that zoya, and she does not know her further fate. it turned out to be impossible to verify whether a girl named zoya kornookhova, or zoya orekhova, worked at the maslennikov pipe factory. at the beginning of 2000 , a legendary enterprise that produced during the great patriotic war. it is unknown what happened to the factory archive; this trace is also lost in time. i went to the bolonkin family
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bad reputation, they said that it was cursed, because before claudius petrovna and her son, there lived either a monk or a priest who renounced the faith. as my mother told me, he renounced the church and sold aunt clavia bolonkina this house and left, i don’t know anything else about him, there were churches back then, renouncers sold them, people who, under the pressure of circumstance, under the pressure of the era, for a reason , it was under pressure that they renounced their rank, their ministry, there were very few such people, and the church was very sensitive about this, here is one of these unfortunate people who... brokenness, he lived in this house, you see, yes, he lived for some time, then he left, and the bolomki settled there, klavdia bolonkina bought a house in 1947, what events happened here earlier, it is unknown, after
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the war, church ministers and believers were not treated as harshly as in the twenties and thirties, but still with suspicion and distrust, it seemed, a terrible period of mass repression. when the clergy were shot and churches were massively destroyed in the ussr, the fifty-sixth year has passed again became a watershed of eras. khrushchev, who came to power after stalin's death, was a fanatical communist. he expressed his attitude towards religion quite clearly. khrushchev promised to show the last clergyman on tv. moreover, he named the date of the onset of communism in our country - 1970 . until this date, excuse me, 25 years, there are thousands of churches in the country, a huge number of believers, and the end of religion is not in sight, this process had to be pushed, and the persecution is very strong, in 2 years they will literally begin with
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fifty-eighth year, in january 1956 , the country was preparing in full swing for the twentieth party congress, an undercover struggle between supporters who wanted to raise the issue of ... the standing of zoriya on chikalovskaya street. frunze street 167. now the samara state institute of culture is located here; in the mid -fifties, the kuibyshev regional committee of the cpsu was located. on january 20
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, 1956, the thirteenth party conference opened in this hall and the first secretary of the regional committee , mikhail efremov, raised the question of the miracle at chkalovskaya. and the most important thing was said, these words were included in the protocol, all this is in the party archive. yes, such a miracle happened, a shameful phenomenon for us communists. these words are the main proof that a miracle happened, you see. the tribune of the regional party conference said that he received about 20 notes on this matter, what exactly happened, which means no one knows when the conference began, according to one version, about a week passed from the events on chkalovskaya, according to another, as many as 20 days. and the girl. was still standing motionless, clutching the icon to her chest, and no one could take this icon from her. in his report
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, the secretary of the regional committee mentions that the commissioner for religious affairs even contacted the kuibyshev diocese with a request for help. until then, this was unheard of. it is not for nothing that efremov emphasizes: some people even thought of making a proposal to send popov there to eliminate this shameful phenomenon. the regional committee did contact the diocese, but not to help bring zoya to her senses, but for a completely different purpose. about this unexpected the then secretary of the diocesan administration, andrei andreevich savin, recalled the call. the then commissioner for religious affairs called him and said: here i am...
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and not to scare the population, but the diocesan administration set, let’s say, the condition that the priest who was supposed to be entrusted with this matter could himself visit the scene of what happened so that his words , sounded at the church samvon, were not a lie, the authorities took time to think, at first it was about several hours, but... a repeat call came only a few days later, and its content was brief and unambiguous: we
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do not need your services, so we can conclude that if there was nothing there, they would have been shown, and the conversation itself would have disappeared. an official representative of the church was never allowed into zoya’s house, but there is a lot of evidence that a certain clergyman did come to her, and it was after his visit that the suffering of the petrified girl ended. people said that a handsome-looking old man approached the balonkins’ house and asked the police officers on duty to let him in to see zoya. they answered him refusal. the next day he came again and was again not allowed inside. on the third day he was still allowed in. the police heard him ask the girl affectionately. well, i got tired of standing, after which i took the icon and it thawed. when the icon was taken away, it
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, so to speak, came out of the state it was in, they began to ask her, how did you stand for so many days, she says, fire surrounded me, who fed you, how could you survive, birds of the air they flew me in and fed me, the secretary of the kuibyshev diocese andrei savin witnessed how zoya’s stay ended and left a very important memory... for the investigation of this event, i say i stood uh next to the military, because he went through the war, was a military translator, and he had some kind of certain clearance when this poor girl was taken out - through build, she walked next to me and said one word, roll, roll, roll, lord, i opened this sky, the second one, which she sang, yura? when
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the police came to their senses from what they had seen, the old man was no longer in the house; they could not find him. the versions of who it was are the most various, st. nicholas himself said among the people, but there is another version: from the age of four i went with my dad to church, to the pokrovsky church in the city of samara, at that time . according to our churches in the city of petropavlovsky and pokrovsky, in pokrovsky there was a rector , father dmitry, and he personally told me that it was father seraphim. for a long time it was believed that we were talking about archimandrite seraphim tyapochkin; during his lifetime he was revered as a holy elder. evidence of his clairvoyance and healings through his prayers has been preserved, but the father himself seraphim repeatedly told his spiritual children that he did not take the icon from the hands of the petrified zoya. when this event happened in kuiboshev,
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father seraphim was serving in the zaporozhye region and did not leave there for the entire year. however, it seems that father seraphim still helped zoya, however, it was another seraphim, zvyagin, and at that time he was not yet an old man, but a young monk. galina pirova works in a bookstore in the kazan icon church. mother of god, not far from chkalovskaya street, present-day chkalovo. in 2006 she went on a pilgrimage tour, during which i visited a small temple in the village of pokrovskoye, kursk region. it was famous for the fact that a perspicacious elder, father seraphim zvyagin, served there. we came in and stood on the sidelines, his novice came up to me,
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he came up to me, are you from samara? i say from samara. do you know that you had zoya’s standing here. region, and although he was still very young, only 26 years old, he was already known among believers for his wise instructions and insight, how he got into zoya’s house is not known for certain, there is a version that he came to kuibyshev after he was twice commanded by the lord, the gates open, well, the altar service begins, the elder comes out, here is the harrier,
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here is the bright harrier, and we all got down on our knees, all samara, we say, father, here we are from samara, he oh , how i love the people of samara , and we say, bachka, and now we can tell you that the state that you took the konut is possible, now it is possible, parishioners and pilgrims, of course, asked the elder why he is telling about this only now, why father seraphim replied that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement for 50 years, he was very worried, but he says, you should know this, so he told everything, told everything,
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people said that zoya stood for 128 days, was petrified during the nativity fast and came to life on easter. in 1956, the holiday fell on april 15. however, it is unlikely that this lasted that long. thanks to the memoirs of the diocese secretary andrei savin, the dates of standing can be determined more accurately. according to his testimony, on january 19 there was a crowd at house number 84. indirectly, this is confirmed by the memories of a resident of the neighboring house, vladimir chagurov, who managed to record during his lifetime journalist valery erofeev.
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the police authorities ordered all police posts to be removed, let people do what they want , the main thing is that they don’t disturb the order, according to chigurov, this stopped , which means after about a week, gradually the crowd began to dissolve, that is, people... that’s okay no, there’s nothing to look at, we approached the policeman and said let it be, but it’s closed, well, let’s go and see that we went there, and there’s a castle.
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in order for people to strengthen in faith, this is where the main miracle happened, in the hearts people, the whole country learned about this unfortunate zoe, the whole country learned that
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you can’t insult god, you can’t insult nicholas the ugornik, the whole country learned that there are higher powers, they continue to take care of us about our souls, we retreated from them, but they didn’t give up on us, you know, yes, in this sense, of course, the biggest miracle is that in just a few years, new persecutions of the church will begin in the ussr and will close.
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kremlin, hundreds of people entered through the nikolskaya tower, thanking the saint.
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this is my group, we are called temporary musicians. beautiful picture, sincere, and most importantly - karaki, you can simply sing the entire film. our happiness is to live such a fate, i sang songs that i really liked, i liked the songs , i liked the artists, i sang along, i sang along, i sang along with the actors, a funny musical family film, i’ve already kicked this city, i need to move on, the whole film just in one breath, the whole movie...
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the movie of all movies, it’s just a miracle, an apple, temporary musicians.
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what happened to zoya later, what was her future? fate, they said different things, either she went to a monastery, or she ended up in a psychiatric clinic, judging by the memoirs of the diocese secretary andrei savin, most likely
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the latter. savin mentions people in white coats who were doing something in zoya’s house. most likely, after emerging from her stupor, the girl was taken to the only mental hospital in the city. the samara clinic is now located in the same place and even stores archives from almost seventy years ago. at your request, we studied the medical archive, specifically the year 1956. so we raised everything medical histories that were preserved, we found an admissions log from 1956 and again , so to speak, analyzed it, and there we found quite a lot of women with the name zoya, but none of them fell under this surname, which we are talking about, about the surname kornaukhova. because the resident of house 86, irina lazareva , remembers a certain zoya.


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