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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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rested after the shift, took a breather and then went to work, a soldier’s life, it’s so short, if only there was somewhere to sleep a little, eat a little and continue to work, max ’s father forces him to do something around the house, like in childhood, or yes, of course , well , i seem to have a good upbringing, order, cleanliness, cleanliness is a must. you have to be present, as it were, and where you rest , with whom you live, you need to be neat, clean, taking into account the specifics of the combat work of tank crews, they often have to sleep outside the location, this has taken more than a year at the front they were also used to it, they had to sleep in a tank, yes they had to, quite a few times, a lot, so, well, that’s okay, it’s also normal, i won’t say that it’s really very bad.
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will go, navochek from their crew lives with his father and kozyr, a very young guy, pasha, call sign fetil, having served quite a bit as a conscript soldier, pasha decided to go to the northern military district zone, signed a contract in june twenty-third, had long planned for a contract, but now plus military operations, a special military operation is underway, well, i decided to sign a contract with the father and son inside the crew, well probably some special mutual understanding. well, you can say so, yes , they understand each other well right away, the father is probably respected in the team , very much, i myself, as if i respect him very much, but there are people who respect him even more in our team. that
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he’s huge, very big, well done, i’m proud, i really don’t know , i can’t even express it,
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no, no, it happens or not, well, anything can happen, damn it, there’s nothing you can do about it, he says, in some places he brought up this idea in me, you know, our picture is a little different, i got promoted, as they say, to the commander of the traction department, now i’ve passed on these reins of control to my son, he’s right now and this is my pride, he surpassed me in knowledge of technology and skills, well , the younger one works faster from the family. yevtushenko was the first to go to war, sasha. in 2014 he joined the militia. at that time, like most of his colleagues, he had no combat experience. i went in 1914, when we basically didn’t have an army yet, there were checkpoints. from the fifteenth year i signed a contract and served somewhere until the end sixteenth year, then retired, well, into civilian life. a year later, in 2015
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, yevtushenko sr. also went to fight, and immediately received a respectful call sign, uncle kostya. well, we are from donetsk, when all this chaos in kiev began, i am an old man of the soviet school, i couldn’t believe that this is what is happening now, my son is more mobile, he left almost at the very beginning, but i’m at home , an adult man, my son is fighting, and i will sit at home, i came to the military enlistment office. uncle kostya worked most of his life. i was a long-distance truck driver, so in 2015 i went to serve, as they say according to my profile, and even became the commander of a traction department, which includes several vehicles. ronnie also served as a driver since 2014, but then in his unit all the personnel performed a variety of combat missions. no, he began his service in the khan battalion. it was such a serious thing, a unit, reconnaissance, sabotage and so on, well, very tough, when at one time contact with him was lost. so i then went to
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the military registration and enlistment office, because i didn’t know, well, neither the address , nor the telephone numbers of the commanders, that’s the thing, at least once to find out about his fate, then it will be. happened a little while ago, then , too, at the military registration and enlistment office, somehow, you know, i came up and asked, i understand, i say that i’m already kind of a pensioner, that’s all, but can i help my country, my homeland with something, well, wait literally in a week ago i received a call that you could arrive at the collection point, yes, well, in general , like this, uncle kostya himself, the son of a military man, was born in the donbass, as a child he lived for some time in the gdr, and then the family... chkalovsky district of sverdlovsk, well, there was a lot of studying there, there were military units and children nearby military, we all once studied at a basic school, by the way, i want to say, with
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the guys, classmates, we are still friends, we write off each other, they sent parcels, they somehow treat us very kindly.
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the eldest, despite his age at that time, was no longer young, they supported the decision to go to fight, and here it must be said that their family lives in the kiev region of donetsk, which then, now, is shelled by the special forces almost every day. tell me honestly, i respected my father even more when he went to war, but no, nothing has changed, i’m just like - i don’t i understand people who bomb, say, their land, well, your land, and they sit at home
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and hide, but i just can’t understand this, he acted, well, like a normal man, that is, he went to defend his... land. uncle kostya has been serving like this since that time without interruption. sasha retired from the dpr people’s militia at the end of 2016. afterwards he worked as a turner and driver, and returned to the army in february twenty-two. i always maintained friendly relations with my father and he served, let’s say i came to see them sometimes i go to the brigade to help with some technical issues, damn it. and, just here, let’s say, in the twenty-second.
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immediately after the start , they were transferred from their unit, in which father and son yavtushenko serve, to the volnovakha area. we started with the storming of volnovakhe and you know, this is what i would like to especially remember, it was remembered by all of us, when the equipment came in, these columns were coming, so we set up camouflaged vehicles , we were given the command to move forward with the start of opening fire to replenish the ammunition , here we are... you know, like this the picture could only be seen in the movies, but like the liberation of ozerovo, in a rather limited space, there were three batteries from the division behind us , there were guns in the distance, all this equipment, all the equipment was firing at the same time,
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that’s when we saw this power, then i also understand, i understood then, that’s it, now no matter how hard it is, now we will break through, in any case we will break through. this is our house, how can we not master it,
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now there will be construction, we will build a sleeping area room, while we are in the cars, the drivers who are engaged in transporting ammunition and everything else to the position, like any other fighters, regularly come under fire, in this sense, both sasha and uncle kostya have something to tell about their combat everyday life, near me.. ... the road further on, on our side , our artillery is standing, and naturally, it is shelling
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ukrainian positions, and the ukrainians, in turn , are trying to identify this artillery and suppress it, but between them we seem to be driving, sometimes, sometimes there are gaps nearby, well somehow i say, while god has had mercy, it means it’s not time yet, i think so, and what’s more, my son says correctly, this is our land, our relatives are here, my wife lives in kiev, or rather her mother is her wife, we live in...
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in the first army corps , three siblings serve in the rocket division at once , the eldest in the division is engaged in reconnaissance, the middle and youngest work directly on grad combat vehicles, the brothers, originally from donetsk, have been serving since they were eighteen, the eldest of the artillery brothers yuri penkov, he is 24 years old, the middle and youngest twins kirill and ilya, 23 guys each, originally from donetsk, the penkovs went to serve immediately after technical school in 2018, and became artillerymen, one might say that because of their place of residence, so since the fifteenth year i have been serving in the kalnius brigade under contract since the fifteenth year without a break, without a break, since the fifteenth year in the same unit, a question for you, tell me, how are you two doing? we immediately decided when he went that you would go too, or how it all happened, but most likely
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yes, he went right away, so we wanted to, well how if, well, yes, they studied at a technical school, yes , as soon as they turned 18, they immediately went for documents right away, for an attitude and to the same place where yura went to serve, come on , there are four children in the penkov family, besides the brothers there is also a younger sister, yura older than the twins, only a year and a half , there is a disco under the window every day in the summer, yes, tell me about the shelling, especially the last few days there, they just seem crazy, twins are usually two at a time, well, all their lives together, but you have a third brother, there is a small difference, so there are three of you or something it turns out throughout life and school years and so on, and everywhere the three of us, and even our older brother was sent to school a year later so that he could be in class with us, and we were six and... 7 years old, that is you are classmates, yes, the artillery brothers have very unusual call signs, yura zhivchik, kirill,
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minion one, ilya minion-2, where do these call signs come from, why are you zhivchik, why are they minion one and minion 2, well, they are just very similar, the little ones are so nimble mischievous, like in the cartoon despicable i'm minions, just as silly, to be frank, but somehow i don’t know, it went away on its own, the man about... somehow yes, these poses with me and he stuck, that’s it, there’s nothing like that under some kind of story, guys, where did you get such interesting call signs who invented them, which of you is minion one, which is minion two, well, i... minion one, because i work on the first gun, and he is minion two, since he works on the second gun, and they came up with such call signs, well , because cheerful, that's what we all say, cheerful, very active, very active ladies, that's because, probably, twins, that’s why they are so small here,
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there was such a case, well, when we just came to our unit, they always confused us. so they thought that in general there was only one serving, there was such a case that they came, came to the dining room, only seemed to leave there, immediately another one came, but he thought that it was all the same, that is, and now about serious things, these cheerful and cheerful guys perform very difficult combat work, yura, as we said above... in the jet division he serves as a reconnaissance officer, i mainly do reconnaissance, observe targets, exits from the side enemy, i fix them, report to the control point, then they distribute there who, well, who will get this goal, my brothers, they
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go to combat work and shoot directly from the hail from a combat vehicle. “hail flew into a residential building, literally within seconds, missed the hail, near me, at the moment of my arrival there were no drones, so i didn’t get hit by them, so what can you say, it happened to you that there was shelling around you , so exactly the drones, yes they fly, well, they didn’t throw anything, we told them, junior of the brothers" i, aka minion 2, at first svo served as a gunner, now he is the commander of the grad combat vehicle, the target comes, we are told what firepower, sight, range, what turn i need to set, i go, practice the target, i and my driver, we are working on the target and leaving, your task is to work
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quickly, to leave quickly, yes, because counter-battery warfare, yes, our goal lies in accuracy, because artillery is an exact science, in fast work, coordinated fast work, the goals are different for what purposes in general? you work out, since the targets are different and there were infantry, and some kind of equipment, and just some warehouses, where the enemy could be seen. kirill, call sign minion-1, at first svo also grew, both professionally and in position. in the twenty-second he was the commander of a combat vehicle, now he is a deputy platoon commander , he has several crews under his command, including his brother’s crew, what are you teaching him now, explaining something, and i have already
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taught him everything, that is, i i showed him everything, how to work. now he's all the same a specialist, he works well, that is , i taught him everything about him, there are a lot of numbers, yes, the main thing is not to get confused in the numbers, well, if you have been working for a long time, then develop all this until it becomes automatic, then everything will be fast and good , during filming , he flew a couple of kilometers from us; shelling is quite common for jet fighters. we occupied the fire station, but as soon as the sop began to give us the coordinates of the targets, they began to work on us, the gun was working, so the artillery,
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yes, yes, so we immediately started. on me dislocation, yes, well, thank god, everyone is alive , everyone is healthy, no one was wounded, they worked quickly, quickly left, there was a situation, we were standing in a firing position, and then the shelling began, so it broke through our windshield, right where i had to sit, it’s good that i didn’t sit there, so maybe... i would have killed, so i completely flashed the car, there were such situations, there were specifics. the combat work of artillerymen is such that they constantly have to move and change locations . at the front this is called the camp principle. now to
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it takes the fighters literally a few days to arrange life in a new place. serstalaga here, right? yes, we are resting here, a rest room, one might say, after heavy fire, or something else, well, all three of us are here , respectively, yes, yes, all three of us. how is everyday life organized in general, where do you go , where, where, where what, we’ll go a little further, go through, we also made a closed dining room ourselves, so that you can eat in the warmth , there is a shower room, also a little further next to it, one might say, it’s made with the dining room shower room so you can wash yourself after firing positions, after all the work, during the svo, the twin brothers began to have their own families, the younger one married first. ilya. his son will be born in april. kirill got married 9 months ago, of course, there were no celebrations, the situation was not conducive. during my leave, i quietly signed my name with my wife.
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the wives, of course, are worried, as is the mother, who has all three sons at the front. how did your parents, how did your loved ones react to the fact that all three of them went to fight? well, my mother was very worried, but she accepted our choice, our decision, and respects our decision.
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let's return to the news review, 18,000 objects have been renovated and built in new russian regions, the deputy prime minister announced this marat khusnulin. today he spoke at a plenary session during the business program of construction day at the exhibition forum of the russian national economy. we’ll find out more details from our correspondent evgeniy petrukhina, she got in direct contact with the studio. evgeniya, greetings, what other statements have been made and what is being discussed today within the forum. yes, yuri, hello, the volume of construction. in russia over the past few years has grown by 23%, marat khusnulin announced this today. he also said that today the implementation of the tasks set is actively continuing president, such as improving living conditions for 5 million families annually. in addition, more than 1 billion km of housing will have to be built by 2030. we must build it before the thirtieth year if we follow the plans exactly.


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