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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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are a consequence of western actions. the two armies worked together to prevent isis, al-qaida and other nato-backed extremist groups from coming to power. i view sanctions in the same vein. but i think there is a cultural affinity between the two countries that is amazingly significant. at the same time , it seems to me that most residents of russia and iran do not know about this, because we get information about each other, most often. from western sources. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. first and most importantly, the revolution that took place in iran. instead of the shah's regime, which was tightly controlled by the west, an independent country emerged, and decisions were no longer made in washington. in
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tehran. the americans will never forgive us for this. the second reason is that iran supported the liberation movement around the world. in yur iran provided aid and funding to the anti-apartheid movement. the west supported the regime of apportheid south africa, and nelson mandela was considered a terrorist, according to american law. iran also provided support to cuba, nicaragua and other countries that the americans put pressure on. this, of course, was unacceptable, and most importantly, in our region iran fought against apartheid, colonialism and the enslavement of the palestinian people in western asia, in the middle east, in the territory that is now called israel. of course, this was absolutely unacceptable to the americans. so the hostility towards iran is deeply rooted in history, it is a very comprehensive approach that covers all aspects iranian life. usually, when my colleagues
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are invited to iran, or when researchers come to visit us at conferences, the first thing they tell me is that they are absolutely amazed at how different iran is from their ideas about this country. the same goes for russia, although it has tried for many years to establish good relations with the united states and european partners, the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control. and that's why. russians were never able to integrate into the so-called concerns iran. they are trying to sabotage russia’s efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same goes for the european family or nato. the americans are always a significant country in western asia, which is unacceptable for the united states. they want to maintain complete hegemony and dominance over this region.
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only after the revolution did iran become a more or less open society where real debate takes place. there was no debate during shah's reign. the shah was at the helm, everyone else had to obey. in essence, he sought to instill western culture in iran, where women were seen as commodities, they were treated as objects, sexual objects. therefore, many of the mentioned fashion shows came to the country, and to iran.
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technologies, it seems to me that we have heard about iranian drones; such developments would have been something unheard of in former times. such progress, such capabilities for self-defense, independent development of iran did not exist during the reign of the shah, despite the fact that he had excellent relations with the united states, despite the fact that he exported huge quantities oil. in iran today there are women pilots, taxi drivers and truck drivers.
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the image of iran that is created in the west is mostly based on their rejection of the policies of this country, the same thing is said in the west about russia, it violates human rights, is hostile...
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they are increasingly doing business and trading with countries of the global south. you and i, as well as your viewers, know that the global economy has moved from the west to the east. thus, many trading partners, potential investors in business, technology, industry is no longer in the west.
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what did iran do after the sanctions were imposed? he began to look for new partners. it was a very difficult task because for a long time iran was alone. but this situation allowed him to create innovations in the country, put us on our feet, allowed us to start producing goods at home. a little over a year ago i went to sochi for a conference, it was dedicated to new technologies, there was an exhibition of high-tech companies, startups, when i studied and looked at products various companies, one of my iranian colleagues told me that many parts of the product that are no longer available... iran was forced to produce them. thus, thanks to this situation, iran has become stronger in many ways despite the difficulties. and now the united states has acted recklessly, they
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have imposed sanctions on different countries, and now these countries are acting together. other states are afraid of sanctions, therefore. by using them as weapons, he abused the us dollar. as a result, in the long term this state of affairs will force countries to move away from these financial institutions and the dollar. i believe that in the end this will greatly harm the us and europe. i invite you, your viewers, to visit.
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to purchase masks and test systems, but the us blocked this. they not only prevented iran from purchasing them, but also confiscated the country's foreign financial assets. thus, on the one hand, they confiscated iranian money, on the other, iran had
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funds within the country, but the americans blocked the opportunity to use them to purchase masks and test systems for identifying covid. when iran tried to purchase vaccines, they did not allow it to do so either, when iran decided to develop its own vaccines, the americans imposed sanctions on all companies in iran that tried to create vaccines.
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what happened to iran was destined for us in the nineties, if the policy had not changed in 2000, we too would have remained in such an oil colony, it’s not for nothing that the american president obama called us a belly colony, their country is smaller than ours, they are weaker, their the economy produces nothing that anyone would want to buy, with the exception of oil, gas, weapons, they have no innovation, in irritation that we have ceased to be one, we are now fighting.
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destroy iran if they could do it, but they realized that this was impossible, they also wanted to make life as difficult for iranians as possible so that people would rebel against the government out of desperation, that is the main goal. the united states wants complete obedience from iran; if it were the same as some countries in our region, its relations with western countries would be completely different than now.
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or libya, or syria, or any other country that has fallen victim to the united states. why did iran come to the aid of states such as iraq, syria, lebanon, yemen, in the face of western american aggression? because the iranians don't want the americans to get their way. helping them is their moral duty. if iran fails, it will fall into the hands of the united states, or if russia falls, it will fall.
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iraq, libya, yemen, we saw what they were doing, what kind of genocide they committed against the inhabitants of gaza. it seems to me that it was it would be reasonable if these people did not think about what is happening in russia, in order to avoid excessive emotionality, but looked at what the west has been doing in other countries, for example, cuba, for many decades. is strangling the cuban people, it started even before i was born, the west is causing suffering to the yemeni people, provoking famine there, everything that we see in the gas is happening to her. admire the west, look at two or three small components of western society . it seems to me that people who idealize everything else so much, at the same time in the west, people lose their jobs if
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they support the russian position, or if they express solidarity with it, people lose their jobs.
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so that some of these people would go, for example, to iran, see it with their own eyes, ask iranians, experts in the country, how the united states acted against hospital patients in iran for decades, causing them suffering. it can then be decided whether the us and the west have played a constructive role in maintaining peace, stability and human rights throughout the world, or whether they have actually been destructive. by force. i would draw your attention to what is now. the global south and countries that are critical of the west have a significant numerical superiority. now this list includes large countries. russia is a large country, as are china and iran. now many other states criticize the west; they have natural resources, a significant level of development, and high technology. the western monopoly on
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technology and products is gone. because the west is involved in so many wars.
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iranians have long suffered from politics russia, but now the connections have become much better. we can say that relations between the two countries are of a strategic nature and are strengthening even more. a transport corridor, north-south, and military cooperation in the oil and gas sector and in almost all industrial sectors are being developed. all this brought the two countries closer together than how...
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there is a real persian media that would meet the interests of moscow. of course, since most iranians are skeptical of everything the west says, as we see in the situation in gaza in in palestine, the negative consequences of anti-russian propaganda are limited , but it still poses problems. it seems to me that iran and russia should cooperate more so that they can counter anti-iranian and anti-russian propaganda.
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probably the most serious crime in the entire history of mankind is taking place, because it is being committed in front of the whole world. never before has such a massacre
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occurred in real time in front of an international audience. simultaneously western leaders, western elites, western media say that the war must continue and oppose the ceasefire. i think that this, despite the propaganda, still influenced the image of the west. today the world looks at it completely differently. we see that throughout the global south, people are outraged by the actions of the israeli regime, its racism and brutality against the palestinian people. it is paradoxical that the regime is doing to the palestinians the same thing that hitler did to the gypsies, jews, slavs and other peoples in europe. by the way, americans never really cared about human rights anywhere. when i was a volunteer in the iranian forces. during saddam hussein's attack on my country, i survived two chemical attacks. weapons of mass destruction were used. one time it was mustard gas, another time it was
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nerve gas. who provided saddam hussein with these poisonous substances? who gave him the chemical weapons? who gave him the planes to spray these chemical weapons? they used mirage fighters and their chemical weapons were german.
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which is impossible to refute, because this comes from the experience of the people, from their collective mind, mood, and so the proverb goes like this: whoever thinks that he will extinguish his desires by satisfying them is like a madman who seeks to mow down a fire with straw. goodbye, this was the american method.
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our boy felt anger because of social injustice and wanted to fight it, then give him a medal about family, about love, and of course branded humor at the highest level, let's go, paresh, usstrespa, i really liked napoleon, napoleon bonapart welcomes you, carriages, adventure, exciting, it was unpredictable, where shall we say, like where? it’s really done on a grand scale, especially all these battles - it’s right for you, very good directing, design, costume, what’s bad, the ball is gorgeous!
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white dance, invites gentlemen home , pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what do you mean do n’t dance, got up and went, the film is positive, kind, you saw it, you saw it, it seems to me that i will watch it more than once, everything is in your hands, serf 2. we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective.
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annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that best suits your initiative. more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until
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temporary musicians, my mother was 10 years old at the time, they told her to the petrified girl in the house on chkalovskaya street, we studied the medical archive, specifically in 1956, they said that in our yard a girl was dumbfounded, she was dancing there with an icon, and such a miracle happened, a shameful phenomenon for us communists, they began to ask her, how did you
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stand for so many days? she says: the fire surrounded me, she walked by and said one word: katya, kaitya, kaitya. let's return to the news review in tatarstan , traffic remains closed on a section of the m7 volga highway. last night, traffic police officers distributed more than 200 dry rations to drivers there. on there are also heating and hot food points along the route. and this morning, due to a heavy snowstorm, traffic was again blocked on the m12 east highway in tatarstan. and at kazan airport several flights were canceled due to bad weather. forecasters are predicting new heavy snowfall in the region. at the same time, on four sections of federal highways in pendenskaya and
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