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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

7:30 pm
and this is what the sui feihe border crossing in the asuri region looks like today. the checkpoint's throughput capacity is about 55 vehicles in one direction, that is, accordingly, the same amount is returned as regards imports, that is , almost the entire range of products, equipment, consumer goods, vegetables, fruits and various building materials are moved for export today to mostly food products go away, veneer and cedar wood go away. were here once.
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you’ll make money, well, i think it’s not worth it, smuggling in such conditions seems impossible, but customs border officials know that if you loosen control a little, the caches in the trucks will be filled to the limit with prohibited goods, for example, wild animal wood or red book decorative items , and such a case was not at all... recently the border guards
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received operational information that the driver of one of the trucks, a resident of primorye georgy meshcheninov, is trying to illegally export a large batch of ginseng roots, he was equipped with a hiding place in the dashboard of a truck man, here is a german man, so if also in the instrumental...
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you don’t want to say it in an amicable way, no, you don’t want to, i don’t know, i said, everything in the stash boxes of georgy meshchaninov’s car was 137 ginseng roots weighing 2 kg were found. the fact is that the cost of ginseng root on the black market can reach several million rubles for one root, it all depends on its size and preservation and the cost of those 2 kg of roots that the tradesman was carrying. is also very high, about 50 million rubles. regarding george meshcheninov is being checked and it is possible that a criminal case will be initiated. nowadays, in order to transport illegal goods abroad, smugglers need to work very hard.
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at the beginning of the vehicle there may be an additional wall made, and a false wall behind which there is contraband, well , nothing can escape your keen eye here, yes, yes, of course, and a few words about wood, and about skins, about the paws of tigers, bear paws, about ginseng root, yes, yes, such situations happened. there were deer and antlers,
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it turns out, bear paws, all this was found, but if you can light up a truck quite quickly, then with a railway one. in reality, things are much more complicated. we go to sosnovaya pach station. free access here is prohibited; only border guards and customs officers are allowed here. the train can be seen long before it reaches the station. here he is, slowly sneaking through the dogs, slowly driving up to the pastures.
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titripang was detained a few days before our film crew arrived, this is how it happened it was: here is an equipped hiding place, on a train locomotive, a car in our trunk, two small bags with packages. the border is locked, there are plenty of violators of all kinds, the chief customs officer tells us about this. far east. more than 12 thousand cases of administrative offenses were initiated last year. as i said, the figure is 225 criminal cases, this is all a violation. and of course, you know, sometimes you even look at these numbers with bitterness, that no matter how much we warn, no matter how much we don’t carry out
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explanatory work, there are still some citizens, there are certain companies that strive to do something, contrary to the law, for their own benefit. we are going to the capital of primorye, vladivostok, where specialists from the forensic service are waiting for us.
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sea ​​cucumber, sea cucumber, yes, yes, yes , it looks, of course, it doesn’t look very good , it doesn’t look very good, why is it so interesting, what is its value, its value, first of all, of course, in its monetary equivalent and the huge demand in asia market, if our purchase price was about 4,000 rubles per kilogram, then the vacation price there is about 12,000 rubles. as for these funny, but at the same time very beautiful animals, the inhabitants of the european part of russia call kuku maria, this is a relative of tripanga, but right, what is it called? galaturia or cucumaria, well, sea cucumber can also be called, this is a sea hydrbion, the family of echinoderms,
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it belongs to the commercial, it is widely obtained from the brain bottom, used for the manufacture of various culinary products, there are salads, from kelp, for example, or cucumaria in oil . they also tried to move these frogs across the border, big batch, it was a very large batch, there were about 12 large boxes, they look strange, frogs, so long, why? this is due to the method of their manufacture, the fact is that a living frog must be hung on a twig or a nail with its muzzle, so that in its death throes it will stretch out into such a string. mushrooms, i see you have some funny ones, but they are presented here, that is, it is also forbidden to transport such mushrooms across the border, this is the food body of the lacquered turtovik, which in asian countries is known as reishi health flu, it is widely used,
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primarily in hermetological medicine for the elderly, there is something else scary in the blue bag, these are deer sinews, red deer sinews, maybe morals, achilles tendon from the leg in asian countries and, by the way speaking, parts of small people. and here is the main exhibit, this is a traditional alcoholic drink that representatives of eastern countries drink only on the biggest holidays, in appearance it is sunflower oil with additives, this is a national tincture or a national asian wine for health, in which, from the snakes , the roots of ginseng, that is, just the red book root of ginseng, here it
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is, yes, yes, yes, this is where the rhizomes of ginseng are presented, which are very popular in asian countries as a means for longevity, and here it is also serpentine, yes , there are as many as three snakes here, there is such a specific fruiting body of the mushroom, asians have learned to grow it in very unusual forms, all this goes as ingredients for making wine. for health, here is another illegal product that local smugglers have, along with tripang are especially popular, these are the horns of the saiga, in the coastal region they are most often brought from kalmykia, dagestan and altai, in the countries of east and southeast asia, tinctures are made from them, which supposedly help against hundreds of different diseases. smugglers transporting such goods
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were dubbed cuckolds by local law enforcement officers; one of these was a fifty-year-old rogue from the neighboring state, wang li dong. he traveled a lot around russia, visited different regions of our country, moscow and even grozny. wang lidong was detained in usuriysk, where he tried to bribe border guards to help smuggle him across. and he himself was offered a bribe. i didn’t have to look for anyone, to check him , the border guard himself approached him to make sure who he was and what he was doing here, and that’s where he asked what was the amount? 160 thousand rubles. the border guards did not immediately detain the foreigner, but waited until...
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that is, across the border on a sleigh, and a criminal case was opened against wang lidong, the cuckold was accused of giving a bribe, in smuggling in the illegal trafficking of especially valuable biological resources, the first verdict on the bribe has already taken place, mr. wang was given 5 years in prison, we met in a pre-trial detention center in the city of artyom, i was born in the chinese province.
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then after 2-3 days i probably caught it, like
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this. from the very beginning of the conversation, it became clear to us that wang lidong is very cunning; he, of course, understands what other punishment he faces. here's yulit as best he can. at the end of our conversation, mr. wang addressed his fellow countrymen. i am very sorry and repentant that did so. there is no need to make such mistakes, there is no need to violate. for what purpose were you on the territory of the reserve with hunting tools? walked, just
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walked, just walked, but let's not forget that all kinds of runners and burrs. even during a period of calm, when there is no real trade, sales , criminals, miners, caches are identified, and there are even attempts to resell among themselves for the purpose of smuggling abroad, and these are not big words, in february 2022 in the dalnerechensky district of the primorsky territory police detained three
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hunters who killed a tiger in the taiga brought the carcass to buyers. igor has already been obtained, we documented the crime this year, in february we received timely information that they wanted to sell it, this fact was documented. those detained face up to 5 years in prison and a large fine. i feel incredibly sorry, of course, for these animals, because they become just hostages.
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how much does a tiger cost? the tiger, one of the few animals that cannot be legally purchased anywhere in the world and not only in russia, it is believed that if you just turn a tiger into dust for medicines, relatively speaking, for tablets, for powders, for racks, then you can, of course, earn significant money. employees of the far eastern customs department continue to catch cuckolds, blocking smuggling channels one after another. unfortunately, in our film we do not have the right to reveal all
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aspects of their work, but we can say with confidence that they are killers of wild animals who dream. money decides a lot for them, money decides a lot, unfortunately, this means they probably haven’t found themselves in this in the world, yes, they have not found another occupation for themselves that would satisfy them, or they believe that this method of life, this method of earning money and this way of life is the most acceptable for them, but...
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meanwhile, sergey oramilev continues to do what he loves, a very important matter for the country, he studies.
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reserves, national parks, and the security forces who acted with one fist - in the fight against poaching, go, go, don’t look back, as you affectionately call tigers, well... it’s hard to call it affectionate, affectionate a beast is an animal that commands respect, for example, a tiger physiologically cannot wring its tail, and accordingly, here is a bear,
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despite the fact that its tail is not large enough, it can tuck it in, and fear, and an animal with its tail between its legs looks as if he was scared, or he looks pitiful, but physiologically he can’t do a tiger, so we can’t understand what he has inside, but he always looks proud and dependent. the stories we told you are not about smuggling or illegal hunting, they are about human greed and greed, because local residents do not go to the ruthless hunt for tigers and bears, to illegally harvest tripang or ginseng root out of extreme need, they are chasing a long ruble, the super profit that trees bring when sold abroad. but such stories always have the same ending: a court verdict.
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this is how we saw the situation with the smuggling of derivatives, this was our investigation from the primorsky region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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7:55 pm
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7:56 pm
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7:57 pm
clean air, they talk about... switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that. methane is cheaper, savings per kilometer, the engine runs great on methane. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car for methane without investment, be practical, beneficial for nature and for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. bright, maneuverable, functional from rub 2,479,900. liven x6 pro, let's start. any business starts with a person, at first i cooked it myself, then the team began to expand, but when there are more clients, you don’t always keep up with demand, with support the development does not stop, we expand further. national project for small and medium-sized businesses by decision of the president, our job is to support yours.
7:58 pm
this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, a beautiful picture, and most importantly , karaki, you can just sing the whole film, such fate,
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dance with the princess, it seems to me that this is the best film of all films, it’s just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians.
8:00 pm
we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website, traffic on the tras section. cm7 in tatarstan was opened for passenger cars. the highway was closed for more than a day due to heavy snowfall. the day before there 50 cars collided, but there are still restrictions on the movement of trucks and intercity buses. there is a storm warning in tatarstan: strong wind, snow, blizzard. the russian army repelled 20 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, half of them in the kupinsky direction, formation.


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