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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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but you get out of it , yes, that is, you worked, you hit it, yes, exactly, and how much you already have in the account, plus or minus, more than ten , well, the collash is always a collab, but by fpv it’s not interesting , kalashni hits like a shotgun, the best is the best, how many suppressed i don’t even know approximately anymore thirty more than thirty yes?
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after the moment we met and another star on uniform, how much the level of responsibility, decision-making, tasks changes, when you move from the corps to the army, it’s not responsibility in making decisions, what is it? there and here, it’s the same, because it sets tasks, tasks must be carried out, here... it makes no difference what else we have, well, the army, as you say, is all volunteers, everyone consciously went, with many talked quite smartly, competent guys, motivated, eyes sparkling, here are the tankers , well done, artillerymen, infantry, motorized riflemen, are you happy with everyone, yes, this...
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when the men return, there is such justice in this. target 06 105. 1029, discovered by a special forces group, ready for adjustment, enemy manpower of the car, charge, readiness to report. they are awarded for courage, bravery, and dedication shown in the performance of military duty.
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love, beat, destroy , smash the enemy, also continue to defend our homeland, defend our multinational people and bring the day of our victory closer, i think we will meet with you more than once and more than once i will present you with awards, thank you for your service, how many years old, 42 fat, and thin? you know, if 42 are fat, that means he hid some thin ones too, but he’s serious, very, very, what he did before, he worked at the cemetery, that’s why so sad, but why have fun , i took your backup, you know, this is a very deep and correct question, sometimes i ask myself it, probably because while we are here and not there, otherwise there would be no point in having fun, we'll win the war, i'll have fun, well done, do you have a family? that’s right, thank you for the work,
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well, at least it’s fun and makes me happy, once a week, when i call, well, you see, you’re smiling , you’re in a good mood, you’ve been fighting for a long time, 2.2 months, that is , i just started right away for your courage, well done, it was scary , lato dusk, lato dusk, well, i had experience in the nineties, in chechnya was, i have 258 combat troops in chechnya, how would i know where i’m going, on the contrary, how well trained are the fighters, how much is territorial defense, and regular troops in the ssu, there are mercenaries, how well they fight, they fight, they don’t storm, how this is done in usu, by the national guard troops, territorial
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defense, here or there they have azl battalions, and if the assault units are not successful, the foreigners do not interfere, the foreign legion immediately. retreats to the second or third lines, or simply leaves the combat zone from this direction, how about two in they were captured, two snipers were on their way to a position, as i understand it, where we exactly were the front line, they didn’t know exactly where the front line was, we now have this as a reinforced concrete rule, we always have military guards, and we set up secret observation posts, at such an observation post they... stumbled upon them, the guys let them take two or three steps, they saw them 10 or 15 steps away, they didn’t open fire, what kind of restraint, yes, after all, we ’re talking about the fact that not so long ago they came to the front, not so long ago, that is, they could, well,
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excitement and some certain, first battle, the first time we saw the enemy so close, we immediately took a sniper, but this is the cherry on the cake, a couple, you know, a sniper is not at all this is a unique case. they stepped up two or three steps then, as usual, in plain russian, they said that they needed to lay down their arms and surrender, they did so unquestioningly, they all understood that the jokes were over, everyone understands the russian language, right away, right away, yes, right away they remembered everything, they remembered everything, and these are two heroes who captured, offended georgians, stood at the post, well, i saw their name is alexey, i saw, 51, 51, yes, i saw two suspicious people, wait, tell me, you fought in this war, no, well, i served in the army 30 years ago, that is, in another army, well, yes, in a peaceful one, in which i served, well, i
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was a cyanologist, where's the dog, yeah, you're bored, in civilian life, what did you do, worked for 30 years on... the railroad, family, yes, wife, children, wife's card, to which the money is transferred, of course, i was on vacation, just recently i arrived, i started to get bored from that moment, well, there’s no time to be bored, we need to keep an eye on the young people there, you two were standing there, but then on patrol, no, i was nearby, i was calling. and how much for yourself? i’m 46, 46, so i’m still an experienced fighter? came from the side that our grandfathers fought for the fact that we lived, well, there are also a lot of grandchildren, why not, how many do you have? oh, now it won’t even count everyone for the discount
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, yes, because there are a lot , there are a lot of nephews, a lot of grandchildren, yes, we can say hello, yes we need it, well, troysk , naisky district, hello, alive, well, everything is fine, primorye also says hello, the guys asked me to say, khabarovsk, komsomolsk, everyone hello, far east, in general , everything is fine, guys, everyone is alive, great, that means they were on patrol, yes, that is, on patrol , i saw two suspicious people walking along our positions, well, walking in the dark, i called them closer, put it, well, started a conversation, they didn’t understand at first.
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how many children do you have? i have two, the boys were awarded, who took, i have everything that they take, who are captured?
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they sit, they give it out in order to maintain physical endurance, well, we understand that this is not so, of course, what age, 52, 54, 60, 62, yes, level 52-62 , no level of preparedness, if you remember, before it was 2-3 months, these in england were preparing, these in poland were preparing, they began to shorten it all, yes, well, a week, yes, that is the cannon is already preparing everything. meat, those who, at the same time, still hold positions, yes, well, even now, when we
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knocked them out, took new lines, they don’t try to recapture, don’t try, but try to dig new ones, that is, they are not gaining a foothold on prepared lines , we inflict fire damage there, hitting both the two hundredth and three hundredths, and it requires evacuation, and we cover the evacuation anyway, it turns on the next ones, what do you have from their enemy equipment? then the leopards appeared, oh, they knocked them out, yours are immediately happy , of course, happy, there was a race for them, the air was on fire, here we have a spot fish, that is , i wish you well, service, here is the feeding run, well, where were you found, admit it. what did you do in civilian life? in civilian life he was engaged in chemical production at russian railways, and
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volunteered for russian railways. the name of? eugene. i’m just asking what, i’m coming to the guys. the main task is to find a cook , i’ll teach you how to shoot, i’ll teach you grenades, i won’t teach you how to cook, so the main thing now is to find a good cook so that the men are happy, so a specialist is worth his weight in gold, he cooks well, very well, where did they teach you? taught me at 27 in the city of the chelyabinsk region initially so exactly so the professional is so exactly well done well the main thing is what you cook we prepare porridge we prepare soups everything is your favorite dish what is your favorite dish ready porridge what kind of porridge is it bee or wheat well at least the men have meat do you put it on sometimes?
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with bipods this is already a serious topic , well that’s how it was, that’s what they came with, that’s what they took away these weapons, it’s all ukropov’s, theirs are these kamikaze drones, we’ve already given some of them there.
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but you must admit, even 2 years ago, when it all began, it was impossible to imagine that every day 1,500 people would come and sign up for contract service, but no, of course, by the decision of the commanders of the group of forces of the center for the courage and dedication shown in the performance of military duty reward. why is it an artist, and i am an artist, cinema in peacetime, in peacetime i was an artist, yes,
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i made films, i made films, yes, and where did i make them, a russian film, one of the last about the patriotic war, congratulations, i went to good, i serve russia , yes, handsome , how many of them did you fail, and the last score was for 40, well, they stopped counting this one , they stopped counting, yes, because it went beyond 40 and further, that’s it, right there fp, under rocket fire, it seemed to fly . the drone discovered him, began to attack, saw that he went into the kamaz, well, as if he immediately started the shelling hit him, exactly, that is , he just saved the guys, exactly from a kalash, like 12, and you? i am adjusting mobile groups to destroy drones; in 2
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months, about 300 drones were destroyed. it takes off, and you go through its communication channels, and you can influence the psyche of the enemy operator, not yet, but we are working , you know, glasses to say, i took control, and what are you doing on it, what kind of tanks are we covering, we are driving, the cross-country ability
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is crazy . chatters everywhere in general , we go for tanks, the roads are like this, i’m taking a risk tanks at the moment of just carrying out assault operations, when the risk is justified, you know, the task will be guaranteed. we watch all your programs, thank you, from where anyway the ruslan region is a city, thanks to you, the hero of god , ruslan, i think then he’s already correct, and you
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’re from yekaterinburg, and you’re from the sverovsk region , volunteers, and before that, the tankers were in byvana, but they said i wasn’t a rossian, i wasn’t good enough, they didn’t take me for six months in evan, i graduated from there. rkhbz instead of a tanker. they said big, it’s a shame, but now it’s just right, they said it’s good, with air became a little lower, maybe for sure , the mechanics of the driver of the self-propelled gun are fast, the zhytomyr tank radio electronics, no , it’s radio electronics, radio electronics, but now it’s a tank, what kind of car, i’m happy, yes, it’s a good car, the engine is fast, quiet, the engine is very fast, not everyone here risks even going to fourth.
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they now have big stars, all of them studied in our universities, then they underwent training, nato, shmaty, but they showed nothing, but they were removed, they were removed from the army, they
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sought to remove, let’s say, the last one soviet general, in order to completely change the approach to training the armed forces according to nato standards, was in the eleventh or twelfth year of the joint russian-ukrainian war. turned out to be right, yes, but although the syr zaluzhnys still served, well, what kind of rank did they
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serve, they also, of course, served a rank, and there was a period, but at some point in time the west almost idolized them, it turned out that they had overestimated their military talent, the west also benefited napoleon, one way or another, well, those guys. hitler was powerful, and the europeans, for them it’s time for revenge, mind you, they forgave themselves everything, everyone who fought with us during the great patriotic war, everyone perked up, the bastards are all lined up, even the japanese have now caught up, vladimirich, now sometimes i have the thought that we are fighting, now we are fighting for the first thing, for their independence and integrity of russia, for their traditional values, human,
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national, historical, everything that they just wanted to take away, divide, take away and turn us into europe, this is a den, lgbt, this kind of vile feelings where there are none. there is no responsibility, with these actions of theirs and the supply of weapons there and their sanctions, they are doing everything to weaken russia, well, who needs such a strong, strong, healthy neighbor, who has great potential, who is developing, no matter what. and he can help himself, we even have one trait, he says, it is genetically inherent, the gene is like this, this is self-sacrifice in the name of others, no one
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needs this. well, how can you live in a country where children are small, genders can be changed at school, languages ​​are not taught, history is distorted, parents don’t respect them, they don’t know their history, well, what kind of people will grow up in the future. modern technologies, confidence in sustainable operation. reliability and
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energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry. new quality for your success. transneft - oil pumps. annual forum of strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven areas that your initiative best suits, more than a thousand breakthrough ideas will receive large-scale support for implementation. the best projects will be presented to the country's leadership. you can submit an application on the forum platform until january 31 , 2024.
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the russian army repelled 20 attacks in su, half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation. they lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, and 20 combat drones were shot down. ukraine is not an independent country that is under the control of the united states. this was stated by prime minister of slovakia robert fica. according to him , the european union fully accepts the american approach to kiev, and thus makes a big difference.


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