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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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the most famous people of moscow were present at this wedding. this temple was the center where people came for services, liturgies, baptisms, funerals, and weddings. this temple was filled with enormous, powerful energy, life, death, love. hope, they brought their grief here, they brought their joy there, i will recall only a few facts from the life of this temple. for example, in 1863, the funeral service for mikhail semyonovich shchepkin, one of the founders of the russian theater, was held here. in 1928, the funeral service for marya nikolaevna eermolova, the great russian actress. the sisters of
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grigory alexandrovich potemkin were buried in the temple. the names of generalissimo alexander suvorov, architects vasily bozhenov, matvey kazakov, josip buvve are associated with the temple. on november 13 , 1917, a funeral service was held in this church for cadet officers who died during the october battles in moscow. they protected.
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confessions, communions, sacraments, sacraments, how many people came here just because.
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that it was already illuminated at least by the presence of pushkin, his genius, how many people came here, precisely for this reason, to get closer to pushkin's spirit, and this feeling of involvement is not only religious, not only, no , it is, it is of a broader nature, it is involvement in culture, in history, in tradition and so on and so on and so on, it is an amazing thing when energy ... the energy of people like pushkin and many others who came here filled the temple and was given to other laymen, simply parishioners of this temple, who knew who was here, who got married here, who was buried here, who served here in the end, here here...
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it's not just like that, a man who could become the president of the country, correctly, and no one has ever canceled the word, concept and meaning of the word sacrament, sacrament - this does not mean in secret, sacrament - it means the deepest sincere understanding of the sacramental rite being performed. here vladimir ligoida further writes who people are trying to deceive, the church, god, but you can only deceive yourself, yes, everyone has a fall, yes, everyone sins, but why make vows to god if you are not going to fulfill them, and how... then don’t
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do it right away, it’s planned right away, that’s what he writes letyon, but no one had any doubts, let’s say, if you read... the interview with tatler magazine, which ksenia sobchak gave on the eve of the wedding, this is a very beautiful tradition, and when you go to church in a crown, beautiful traditions and rituals - this is something that remains forever in the memory, but somehow came together, in general this sacrament, with this, for example,
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let it begin to spread, i’ll fight, i’ll shit, or for these dances. or for mocking photographs with a glued-on beard in priestly attire,
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by the way, priestly attire, each, any, illuminated, it was generally somehow assessed. okay, we realized , we repented, okay, we closed our eyes, but here’s the script , after all, this is the script, yes, here’s the script, i’m not talking about the sequence now, but i’m talking about, so to speak, the combination, yes, a joke hearse , yes, to come to zachs, a hearse with the inscription until death do us part, then laying flowers, nails to the monument, the saint... vladimir, well, is this serious, or is it a step, then arriving at the temple for the big ascension for the wedding, and after this the wedding itself, such a coven.
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that is, this production is part of the scenery, which becomes the temple, the great ascension, the scenery, that is, it fits into this sequence. mockery, i can’t call it anything else, mockery, that is, these people go to
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church to get married, knowing what will happen next, absolutely precisely, knowing that there is no accident there, and that in the church there is little mockery, little depth that was, yes, now there is, isn’t it clear that this is a stain... that all this, what is happening, justifies,
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this is not a unitable connection, sacraments weddings with the sabbath or with the hearse in which they arrived at the legislative office. listen, i’m not against banter and fun for god’s sake, for god’s sake, everyone has their own tastes and desires, this is not a condemnation, i just want to understand how it connects in the mind. in the consciousness of a person who is just about to go, and finds out about this , and thinks whether to go, not to go, and most likely will not go, in the consciousness of those who go to this temple, in the consciousness of the church itself, but not only the person is responsible to the church , if he is a believer, but the church is also responsible to the person, it cannot to be indifferent to the possibility of turning a person away with precisely this connection of the incompatible, isn’t that so, and how
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does history differ from this story that we are talking about, and sincerity, they just clearly, openly, publicly mocked, and received a prison term for it. but here’s another story, everything seems to be serious here. as if they exhaled , began a new life, right there, right there at this very second, to step outside the threshold of this temple, what began is that, what we saw, well , let's look deeper, in this specific situation, the church is put in absolutely stalemate, but... how did they refuse, so what? how can the church, the church,
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the forgiving, accepting, loving, how can you stop people from getting married if they wanted to, right? it seems right to do this, how to be someone who goes to this temple, how to be a believer. how can they preserve what they protect or cherish within themselves, what should they do? this is how you think you can prevent and get ridiculed, mocked and displeased, indignant outside the church. or allow and
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receive confusion, misunderstanding, division within the church, which is better not to marry than cause the indignation of the liberal public, or crown, almost immediately receive this blow to the back. i have my opinion, but it is my personal opinion, but the thing is, what? like a special case , just so loud, drunk, he, he, he is visible to everyone, he is publicized, and also promoted by the participants themselves, so to speak, of this sacrament, but lukewarmness, laziness of mind, lightness, this is a sign of the times, this
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concerns a lot , for example, parents who... baptize a child in church, they themselves understand what they are doing, how much it is a serious, most important event in the life of a person who is still very young, it is a tribute to fashion that then at the feast they joyfully treat the priest who baptized the child, saying that today we baptized our...
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then they come of age, they should take part in the life of this person , they are responsible for it, these are not clerical sermons , this is not, this is not at all, this, this is not, not my desire to condemn someone, i have already said, a person’s responsibility to the church is no less than the church’s responsibility to a person, if we're talking about real deep purpose
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, and i cannot condemn people, non-believers, this is their right, their business, this is a personal matter, although i am convinced that people of any faith, if they are true believers, they can find a language with each other, they have more such opportunities, rather than finding a language by a person who denies everything, believes that it came from a monkey, well, okay...
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look at an excerpt from khotinenko’s film based on dostoevsky’s novel the devil, we will penetrate into the people themselves, ours are not only those who cut, but burn , yes they make classic shots or bite, i don’t understand anything without discipline, a teacher laughing with children at their god and at their cradle, already our lawyer, schoolchildren killing a man to experience our feelings, our administrators, writers, ours have a lot, an awful lot, they themselves they don’t know, nowadays everyone has a different mind, the russian god gave in to cheapness, the people are drunk,
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the mothers are drunk, the children are drunk, the churches are empty, well, let it grow for now... it would be nice to remember his prophetic tale about the goldfish, in my opinion. often those who want everything at once and a lot, expect sad fate of the old woman who found herself at a broken trough, therefore. conversations about new times, high-tech, a civilizational breakthrough, that digital reality will replace real reality, that traditional
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values, historical values, symbols, concepts of good and evil are dying off, and it would be nice to remember or know the words of a wonderful composer. .. "tradition is the transmission of fire, not worship, this is absolutely certain, the great one never becomes obsolete, no technology can, should not extinguish the flame, which was transmitted by sergei radonichsky, seraphim sarovsky". pushkin, dostoevsky, lermanta , rachmaninov, tchaikovsky, kuindzha, repit and
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many, many of those who stand behind our backs, who hold this flame, who force us. other than that, only to those who think about it, fearlessness, not thinking about this, this is not
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fearlessness, this is madness, well, that’s all for today, and as our unforgettable crooked-handed swordman said, we leave one by one, if anything happens, we are geologists, until the next meeting. any business begins with a person, at first i cooked it myself , then the team began to expand, but when there are more clients more, you don’t always keep up with demand, but with support you can’t stop development. we are expanding further into the national project for small and medium-sized businesses by decision of the president, our business is to support yours, i pay for techno,
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10:59 pm
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11:00 pm
the russian army repelled 20 attacks... half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, 20 combat drones were shot down. about the situation on the front line, stanislav nazarov.


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