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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 20, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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iran is different from their ideas about this country, the same goes for russia, although it has tried for many years to establish good relations with the united states and european partners, the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control, which is why the russians are so and failed to integrate into the so -called european family or nato. the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it. or weaken, the same applies to iran, this is the most significant country in western asia, which this is unacceptable for the united states; they want to maintain complete hegemony and dominance over this region. only after the revolution did iran become a more or less open society where real controversy takes place. there was no debate during shah's reign.
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for self-defense, the independent development of iran did not exist during the shah's reign, despite the fact that he had excellent relations with the us, despite the fact that he exported huge amounts of oil. in iran today there are female pilots, taxi drivers and truck drivers. image of iran, which is being created in the west is largely based on their rejection of the policies of this country. they say the same thing about russia in the west; it violates.
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now the west no longer has a monopoly on technology, they are no longer the center of power in terms of economy, tourism or trade. now their main tool is media propaganda, and it seems to me that this needs to be resisted together, through cooperation between countries. yes, there is the death penalty in rana, but it is not used in the same way as it is presented in the american or western media, few people in people are executed in iran, mostly by people...
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what did iran do after the imposition of sanctions? he began to look for new partners. it was a very difficult task because for a long time. was alone, but this situation
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allowed him to create innovations in the country, put us on our feet, allowed us to start producing goods at home, a little more ... so, thanks to this situation, iran became stronger in many ways, despite the difficulties, now the united states has acted recklessly, it has imposed sanctions on various countries that these countries are now acting together. other states are afraid of sanctions,
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so they are looking for a way to trade without western interference. i will say this: the west has abused its financial institutions, using them as weapons. abused the us dollar. ultimately, in the long term, this state of affairs will force countries to move away from these financial institutions and the dollar. i believe that in the end this will greatly harm the us and europe. i invite you your viewers to visit iran as this country is also under sanctions, you will not have the same difficulties that russian tourists in western countries now face. think. you will be able to see that iran is an extraordinarily rich country, which is very different from the caricatures you may have seen in various sources. i believe there are many examples of sanctions that can be given. the united states and european countries prevent iran from purchasing medicines and medical supplies from the company
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around the world. as a result, people die. the us is even trying to ban iran from buying food from other countries. certainly, as iran adapted. western sanctions are losing their impact on the country. the united states is increasingly less able to maintain the sanctions regime. over time, this ability will further decrease. perhaps i can give you another great example. when the coronavirus pandemic first began, iran tried to purchase masks and test kits, but the united states blocked it. they not only prevented iran from purchasing them, but also confiscated the country's foreign financial assets. so on the one hand they confiscated iranian money, on the other hand, iran had funds within the country, but the americans blocked the possibility of using them to purchase masks and test systems for detecting covid. when iran tried to purchase vaccines,
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they did not allow it to do so either. when iran decided to develop its own vaccines, the americans imposed sanctions on all companies. who were trying to create a vaccine, that is, the us was trying to kill as many iranians as possible and cause them as much suffering as possible. it's not just that i have or someone else is having difficulty booking a hotel abroad. over the years , iranians have had great difficulty finding investors for key industries, but iran has also had difficulty even procuring drugs for cancer patients and other patients with special needs. in other words, us behavior towards iran has always been very disgraceful. people died, lost their jobs, and this is what the united states has always achieved. but, as i already said, the fact remains a fact. the impact of sanctions has been reduced by iran's ability to live with
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restrictions. but also due to the fact that many states, such as russia, have also become the target of sanctions, my country now has many partners with which to work. to be it, now we are fighting for our independence, for our technological independence, political, cultural, we are trying to preserve our traditions, so what happened with iran is a clear example of what can happen in a country when the rulers of a country give all their
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national wealth, including black gold, oil, the goal is to weaken and even destroy iran if they could do it, but they realized that it was impossible, they also wanted to make life as difficult for iranians as possible so that people...
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iran would not become iraq or libya or syria or any other country that fell victim united states. why did iran come to the aid of states such as iraq? it is the countries to help them. their moral duty. if iran fails and falls into the hands of the united states, or if russia falls and falls under the control of the united states, then of course this will have a disastrous effect on both the main reason why iran went to syria and fought isis and al-qaeda. is that iran knew that if syria fell, the americans would move on to a new country, trying
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to destroy as many states as possible. unfortunately, in our region, in western asia, us policy is based on preserving the interests of the israeli regime. this is why the us has sacrificed many countries. they want to weaken the region so that the israelis can be strong. i believe that there are similarities here with american policy in eastern europe. europe. in our country there is a group of people with very pro-western views, it is extremely interesting that despite the fact that the west imposed sanctions against our country and made their life difficult, they will blame everyone for this except the westerners. they talk about western values, while the west destroyed iraq, libya, yemen, we saw what they are doing, what...
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is happening to its inhabitants with the support of the united states and the west. the same goes for libya. the list of countries goes on and on. it seems to me that people who they admire the west so much, they look at two or three small components of western society and idealize everything else. at the same time, in the west, people lose their jobs if they support the russian position, or if they express solidarity with it. people lose their jobs if they support the palestinian people and
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oppose the genocide taking place there, that is, if it were such an open and free society, then i would not have lost my account on facebook, instagram, because all iranian media are now under sanctions, as well as syrian, palestinian, yemeni, this list is not exhaustive, but why were sanctions imposed against them, because for... i think it would be useful if some of these people went, for example, to iran, saw
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it with their own eyes, asked the iranians , experts in the country like the us have acted against hospital patients in iran for decades, causing them suffering. it can then be decided whether the us and the west played a constructive role in maintaining peace, stability and human rights throughout the world, or whether they actually were destructive force. i would draw yours.
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since i visited syria several times during the difficult years of the war and met with russians in syria, i can say that in general the syrian people have a positive attitude towards russia, in iran the attitude towards russia is more complicated, first of all, because in the past not everything was right between our countries smooth. iranians
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have long suffered from russian policies, but now ties have become much better. we can say that... relations between the two countries are of a strategic nature and are becoming stronger more, a transport corridor is developing, north-south, military cooperation in the oil and gas sector, in almost all sectors of industry. all this has brought the two countries closer together than ever before. however, the position of western media in iran is still strong. there is a persian branch of the bbc, dochli, voices of america, and a television one. the iran international channel, which broadcasts from london and is sponsored by intelligence services, many persian channels broadcast from western capitals, all of them are hostile to iran, to russia. thus, the west provides anti-russian information to the iranians around the clock. there is no real persian media that would meet the interests of moscow.
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of course, since most iranians are skeptical of everything the west says, it seems to me that iran and russia should cooperate more so that they can counter the anti-iranian and anti-russian propaganda among the population of both countries. residents of the sector are people who were expelled from their lands in palestine, that is, they are the ones who own the palestinian land, they were expelled to a concentration camp, once every few years the israelis bomb gaza, they call it cutting the grass, the palestinian people are like grass to israel, with
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a certain frequency, they brutally kill hundreds of thousands of people in gaza. and of course we see what is happening on the west bank, and we also see what is happening to the palestinians inside the pre-1967 borders, which is the palestinian people resisting occupation, racism, ethnic cleansing and murder. the war did not start on october 7, the americans, europeans, israelis want for people to believe in it, to justify the massacres. a real genocide is unfolding in gaza,
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weapons of mass destruction were used, once it was mustard.
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thus, the history of our country shows that the united states has never cared about human rights, the dirty war in syria, vietnam, libya, the list goes on, i believe.
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mood, so the proverb goes like this: whoever thinks that he will extinguish his desires by satisfying them is like a madman who seeks to mow down a fire with straw. goodbye, this was the american method.
11:53 pm
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12:00 am
the russian army repelled 20 attacks in su, half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers, mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, 20 combat drones were shot down. about the situation on the front line, stanislav nazarov. in reso-strips under
12:01 am
the neck, rotation art. conducted under the guise of the system.


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