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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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we take the ligand and hold it like this and we will knock, if the sound is good, then it is a whole spring. it is believed that the most delicious pilaf is prepared in namangan in the firgana valley, perhaps because the best uzbek cauldrons are poured here, and they require sand, which is not available in any other place. the sand is unique, it is mined only in one underground quarry, mixed with graphite. it gives an ideal, very strong shape that even hot metal does not destroy. there are no mechanized processes at all, everything is done manually, although water is poured here every day. there are fifty molds, and you need to have time to reach each one with boiling cast iron before it cools down. the entire procedure takes minutes, and after half an hour the light will appear in the cauldron, all that remains is to heat it on the fire so that the cottonseed oil saturates the metal, and this is how it is created.
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anti-corrosion coating of the cauldron, its peculiarity is precisely its thickness, and accordingly, the thicker it retains heat, the food will be tastier. the cauldrons are already working for trade turnover, only this workshop sends 5,000 a year to russia, that’s what they never have time to get there, winter melons, they ripen in huge storehouses, in clusters, hanging from the ceiling beams, here they are called refrigerators, although...
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25, a profitable business, by winter their price will quadruple and will not drop until the new harvest. the main rule of the refrigerator is that melons suspended in special wicker nets should not touch each other or the walls, so they can be stored from october to may; by spring the melon will only become tastier. the land of white cotton from golden cities, all the colors of the world are collected here as if on a satin canvas. it seems there is no room on it for so many miracles, but they fit.
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hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i... oleg
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stepanov and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories we can reach people. we often talk about money, the sums are serious , there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure.
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i think we've come up with a new plan, a really cool movie. funny, let's go , steam, oyster, let's devour, re-educate that majorfa, the film is fire, bomb, bomb, the last thing i remember, here my mother and i are in prison, here i am leaving , there's something with the wheel, i'm here to smile, so we act according to the old proven scheme, the first holob tore me completely, then the second one cooler, i’ll definitely screw it up , i’m afraid it’ll happen like a university, don’t be afraid of anything, lean on me, and the movie is awesome, very cool, what’s needed for... the new year, i need the scale so that she sees the real danger, we’re going to her we are preparing a feat, this is the revival of russian comedy, the whole hall laughed with me, where he said, how to attack, this is a comedy, but it is a lyrical comedy,
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you can watch it with the whole family, it is very much about something so pure, bright, warm, joyful into us, i got into it, brilliantly, serf 2, snowy, it’s so snowy, dig it out. that is, even snow removal equipment, what is the cause of abnormal snowdrifts on the russian plain and where they will grow in the near future, we will talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on: trench feet, gangrene and frostbite, against the backdrop of cold weather, the armed forces of ukraine are growing non-combat losses, what kind of bloody deal was offered to the west by the ukrainian minister kuleba in davosi, a bunch of dead... robots, why with the onset of frosts chicago became a cemetery for electric vehicles, how cars with an electric engine endure winter in russia, mysterious disease x, is it as scary and dangerous as it is made out to be? you are watching the main
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weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello, the european part of russia has drowned in snowdrifts, when will the snowfalls end, what is the reason for this abundance? snow and what to expect next from the weather, we will definitely tell you right after the review of the most striking cataclysms of the week, here nesilova is specific, here it’s just meat. in the volga region, at the end of the working week , highways were blocked one after another, a massive accident paralyzed traffic on one of the sections of the m7 in tatarstan at the scene of an accident.
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streets around the clock. the local airport switched to weather-based operation, and school classes were held remotely. one of the most striking and unusual consequences of snowstorms in nizhny novgorod. an avalanche occurred in the very center of the city, hitting a regular bus and several cars. ambulance doctors who arrived at the scene examined the people, fortunately there were no injuries. the following shots are from the samara region. in some sections of the highways, the roadway completely disappeared under the snow. bad weather also covered the capital region. on friday night , up to 16 cm of snow fell in moscow, and wind gusts reached 21 m/s. local residents observed snow tornadoes on city streets. to eliminate the consequences of the snowfall, the city used the maximum number of snow removal equipment. the capital experienced nine-point traffic jams. while the volga region and
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the central regions of the country were drowning in snow, rivers overflowed in the crimea and zalivny. the russian ministry of emergency situations additionally sent an airmobile group into the stream. during the week in the atmosphere over european russia atlantic cyclones dominated; over the black sea coast in the zones of their frontal sections, additional wave vortices spun up, which, breaking through to the north, significantly increased precipitation. as a result, by
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the end of the second ten days of january, in many regions of southern russia and the volga region, precipitation fell one and a half to two times more than is usually collected for the entire month. in the center of the country , the january plan for snowfall has been practically fulfilled, and a relative deficit of snow is observed only in the northern regions, where the influence of atlantic cyclones was felt... to a lesser extent, the consequence of this is extreme snowdrifts that covered the cities of central russia, now the layer of snow, for example, in the center of the country and the volga region is one and a half to two times higher than the climate norm, such january snowfall is observed only once every 11-12 years, in moscow has not happened at all in the entire era of global warming, however, it is far from absolute records... look at how, for example, moscow looked at the beginning of the 20th century,
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long before all the climate changes, some houses were covered with snow up to the windows of the first floors, and people moved along the streets on skis, and this is kazan in the late eighties, there are also high snowdrifts in the city, cars are slipping on the roads, snow is being removed from the streets by trucks. by the way, the statistics have been confirmed. shows that after such a riot of snowstorms, atmospheric processes will subsequently develop in a more favorable manner, and if there are still high chances of cold weather in february, then spring promises to be friendly; in march and april the average temperature most often exceeds climatic indicators, a the permanent snow cover is destroyed 5-7 days earlier than usual, but spring is still far away. in the meantime, quite winter atmospheric processes await us. now
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another arctic invasion is developing over the drussian plain. sunday is its peak. as a result , cold air will even reach the shores of the black sea. true, the cooling will be short-lived. starting tuesday , another atlantic cyclone will begin to break through in russia, carrying air masses warmed by the gulf stream along with nesty. in moscow, in the next few days. unlikely on sunday the daytime temperature will drop from -6 on saturday to -12, with the beginning of the new week the frosts will begin to weaken, and from tuesday, when the capital will be covered by the snow clouds of the cyclone, the warming will intensify, and by wednesday the thermometer will reach zero. the real russian winter also covered the area of ​​the special military operation.
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primarily from frostbite and hypothermia. military meteorologist yevgeny tishkavets is monitoring the weather situation at the front. evgeniy, there are some statistics on cases of frostbite among dry landowners. vadim, by available information, the number of cases of frostbite in ukrainian. centuries has grown by more than a third, now the situation in the ukrainian trenches is best described by the phrase “the living envy the dead”, stable sub-zero temperatures with gusty winds, high humidity, the inability in many areas to properly organize shifts for warming personnel and the poor quality of uniforms have led to to a sharp surge in frostbite among vysushniki. hospitals in sumy and kharkov regions are overcrowded. local doctors say that the wounded soldiers. they are increasingly treated with so-called trench feet and gangrene. the survivors
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are stacked on mattresses right in the corridors, and the dead are taken out by truck at night, so as not to spread panic among the survivors. since evacuation was not carried out in a timely manner, since medical assistance was not provided in a timely manner, the degree of frostbite, for the most part, had already developed into more serious forms and... about 35% of ukrainian militants had already received the third or fourth stage of frostbite, when surgical intervention was required , up to the amputation of a limb. the ukrainian militants who tried to cross the dnieper found themselves in the most desperate situation. within a week, losses exceeded 200 people. in addition, russian troops destroyed 15 boats, 12 mortars, 38 drones, tanks, armored vehicles and others. equipment, experts explain that this year there is a difficult ice
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situation in the lower reaches of the dnieper, which is most unfavorable for the ukrainian armed forces. the intermediate state, it is the most uncomfortable, inconvenient, dangerous, risky from the point of view that the boat cannot be used, cannot be walked on foot, that is, the ice is not strong enough to support a person, and it no longer makes it possible to use any means such as boats; many ukrainian military personnel refuse.
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losses are not taken into account at all, and the place of frozen and frostbitten soldiers will be taken by newly mobilized ones, whom the tskashniks caught like animals on the streets of ukrainian cities. frosts in the united states have turned parking lots around charging stations into a graveyard of frozen electric vehicles. in the north of the state of illinois, against the backdrop of a sharp cold snap, a real transport. collapse, dozens of tesla car owners were unable to start their cars and simply left them in the parking lot with completely discharged batteries. temperatures off the southern shore of lake michigan in the chicago area ranged from -15 to -23°. such frosts are
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certainly rare in these parts, but not something out of the ordinary . for what reason exactly? chicago, tesla did not comment on what happened. drivers also complained about the lack of feedback from the electric car manufacturer. auto experts.
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now i called a tow truck to tow it to the service center, that’s all i can do in this situation, drivers whose battery suddenly runs out, they try to put their car on fast charging, this is absolutely unacceptable to do, because fast charging is does not allow you to quickly charge the car under extreme conditions, and the battery becomes completely inaccessible, this is a problem, what you need to do is just put it on normal charging, for several hours in normal mode to give the battery the opportunity to charge and move around calmly russian owners of electric cars this winter, enjoying the severe frosts, also got a good opportunity to test their iron horses in extremely low temperatures, it should be noted that the cold tests of electric cars were very successful i parked the car here 12 hours ago on
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the street -26° let's see it will start or not at all. oh, park, something was frozen, but it turned on, guys, it started working, -26°, and the car came to life, as for overnight parking, for example, if the car is left at night at the same -20-25°, and the power reserve does not decrease at all, this, by the way, is a plus of electric vehicles, which i directly felt for myself, that is, an electric car is really better in winter from a winter point of view. warming up the car almost immediately within a minute, even at -20, the same -25, when the test took place, warm air immediately comes out of the air ducts, as experts explain, the main problem of an electric... chinese electric car which has a declared power reserve of
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600 km in the warm season, well, at the very optimal conditions, so to speak, in the winter, i drove it for about 3-4 days, there was a long test drive, the charge lasts exactly half as long. the dynamics of sales of electric cars is such that in the near future many car enthusiasts will have to master their technical capabilities. features, for example, in 2023, every fifth car sold in the world was electric, and the total number of sales reached 14 million cars. many people are switching to electric cars, believing that this type of transport is more environmentally friendly, however, as shown by recent research conducted in germany and sweden, this thesis is not so clear-cut. the researchers analyzed the carbon footprint of an electric vehicle and a combustion engine vehicle over its entire life cycle. this is what happened during production. a traditional car releases approximately 14 tons of co2 equivalent into the atmosphere. for an electric car and its battery, this figure is 24 tons. after a run
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of 200,000 km, a gasoline-powered car will emit about 40 to2 into the atmosphere. the carbon footprint of an electric car will be 23 if it is used for mixed charging. energy sources and only half a ton if you feed it exclusively with clean energy, for example, produced. rivers or solar panels, so electric vehicles have their advantages, but there are also disadvantages: the transition to electric engines may well improve air quality in megacities, but is unlikely to stop global warming on the planet. well, don’t forget about the growing demand for lithium, which is needed for the production of rechargeable batteries. according to forecasts, due to high demand, the world may already have electric cars in 2025. face a shortage of this metal. and finally, let's talk about the mysterious disease x, which for some reason was the center of attention at the pre-development economic forum.
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the information wave was launched by the world health organization. the department said that humanity in the near future will face a terrible infection, the mortality rate from which will be 20 times higher than from covid. that's all, actually. that's it, no more details. what kind of disease is this? it is unknown, just as its causative agent is unknown. potentially a threat, none of the experts who participated in the discussion of the upcoming pandemic in davos, did not provide any specific data, while vos talks about the hypothetical possibility of the emergence of a disease that, in theory, will kill 140 million people in a second. russian experts believe that it is no coincidence that the fear of new pandemics began precisely at the economic forum, somehow clearly the ears
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of pharmaceutical giants are peeking out from the cloudy silhouette of the disease x, this is a very powerful and , unfortunately, i’m afraid a highly effective attempt at absolutely vile theorizing on the topic and disease x, which - that is, calls for everyone , firstly... to believe these statements to a much greater extent, and secondly, this highly speculative model, you see, you see it as a guide to action, and accordingly, to obey more , do not waste time rethinking or double-checking the who statement, any chatter about disease x, is currently fulfilling the economic and political orders of certain groups associated with big pharmacology located in the west. well, in general, calculate all possible probable scenarios for the development of events with any virus are the usual routine work of expert scientists, in russia it is constantly carried out by
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our virologists, microbiologists and epidemiologists. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. this is my group , we are called temporary musicians , the most important thing is karaki, you can just sing the whole film, i sang songs that i liked as a child, i liked the songs, i liked the artists, with actors, a fun musical family film, i have already conquered this city, we need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, the whole movie gives me goosebumps, it looks like your
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song can change the world for the better, at the same time funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, i think this is the best film of all films, this just a miracle, apple, temporary musicians.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch in the application or on the website. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, what is a ballot? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, writing down the candidates, not forgetting mom and dad, very cleverly putting in a lot of layers of security, taking colored markers and making watermarks!
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let’s go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won’t pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, it’s very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection, your cunning won’t will play, people choose honestly, but dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honest conveniently,
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the russian army repelled 20 attacks in the ssu, half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation was lost. about a thousand more soldiers, mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, 20 combat drones were shot down. about the situation on the front line, stanislav nazarov. in the resurfacing zones under gorlovka, rotation of artillery crews.


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