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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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old connections, but we have centuries-old connections. uzbekistan is producing 350,000 cars at breakneck speed, changing the economy. a... the russian army repelled 20 attacks in the ssu, half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers, mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, and another seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, 20 combat drones were shot down. about the situation on the front line, stanislav nazarov. in the airstrips near gurlovka, rotation of artillery crews.
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enemy at the reception, speed up readiness, the infestation is ready, one reduced fire, one fire received, ready, yes, we hold on, fire , the crew of the 2s1 self-propelled artillery unit, the carnation of the forty-ninth army, drives up to the closest possible distance to the enemy in order to work behind enemy lines, we work often, the intensity is high, as soon as we have fired, we immediately change position
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, counter-battery combat is underway, we have thermal imagers, night lights, that is, even at night we can fight with them in order to prevent ourselves from being detected and misleading the enemy, the crew takes each spent cartridge with them; the enemy can see any traces from a drone and track down the location of our equipment. we work both along the front line and along more distant lines, mainly strong points and equipment during rotation.
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the ninth army receives new targets from the vehicle, the masking is removed, and the crew is given the order to go to a new firing line. stanislav nazarovit godonovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. the system of engineering barriers played a key role in disrupting the counteroffensive in the ukrainian armed forces. sergei stated this shaigu. the minister of defense congratulated military personnel and veterans on engineering troops day. stressed, throughout history , personnel. fulfills his official duty with honor, makes a significant contribution to strengthening the country's defense, and also contributes to the achievement of victories on the battlefields. let us note that along the entire line of combat contact a layered system of boundaries up to 120 km deep has been prepared, which, given the scale and shortest possible time, is an unprecedented case in the history of military conflicts. in this regard, survivability increased 5-6 times groupings of our troops and the effectiveness of the use of weapons. according to the ministry of defense,
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during the svo, about 6.00 soldiers and officers of the engineering troops were awarded state awards. four were awarded the title of hero of russia. in ukraine, in the sumy region , the head of the military administration, denis vashchenko, and the mayor of the city of romny, oleg stogniy, fought hand-to-hand. well, even before this, the mayor managed to quarrel with the residents over the installation of you for flowers at the memorial to fallen soldiers. he forbade doing this. as eyewitnesses write on social networks, recently the front brings a lot of coffins, and the residents of the sumy region are extremely aggressive towards the ukrainian authorities, in general , ukraine is not an independent country, it is under the control of the united states, as stated by the prime minister of slovakia robert fitza. according to him, the european union has completely accepted the american approach to kiev on this issue and thus made a big mistake. with our help we will confirm
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that they will not receive any weapons from the slovak army from state warehouses, i will say that there are things on which our views are completely different, we respect the desire to join the european union, but they must meet the conditions, while they absolutely do not meet them, so it is impossible to accept them into the eu, and i am against ukraine joining nato, i will use the right of veto to block it, otherwise it will become basis for the third world war. there was a counter-offensive by the ukrainian armed forces. successful not for kiev, but for russia, as pointed out by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova. earlier, the head of zelensky’s office, in an interview with the spanish newspaper elmunda, said: that the ukrainian armed forces have every chance of success, but only if they receive arms money from the west.
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natalya goncharova will tell you why no one is in a hurry to transfer them to ukraine. the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy ermak, is trying to save face. most of the world's major media, including. recognized the counter-offensive of the kiev regime as a failure, but ermak chose a different strategy , to deny the obvious in order to enlist material support from the west, he is ready to admit only one thing, that the confrontation in ukraine has entered a difficult phase due to the superiority of russia and weapons and personnel. considering the opportunities provided, the weapons received from the western allies , the counter-offensive was quite successful. ukraine's transition to defense. it is impossible to expect new help from the united states; the country’s armed forces are now in a deplorable state. the founder of the black water pmc, eric prince, who worked closely with donald trump during his presidency, spoke about this in an interview. according to prince, the pentagon now has too much
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bureaucracy and a complete lack of flexibility. the military department does not know how to adapt to modern realities. according to the prince, the pentagon is a soap bubble that is about to burst. with such problems, washington is unlikely to be able to help ukraine; the founder of black water advised the kiev regime to quickly negotiate with moscow. ukraine is losing, they lack manpower, they lack weapons, and solving this problem is difficult, they need to quickly find a way out of this situation, otherwise it will be much worse. if you look at history, most of the bloody events and heavy losses occurred precisely for the last phase of the war. it's an american habit, don't win the war, don't govern.
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security, it would be the end of a possible security architecture in europe, from the eastern border of the eu and nato, to the caucasus and a russian victory would mean the end of european central asia. that is why we will continue to support the ukrainians, we will continue to train and equip them in important areas such as artillery, air defense and...
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now is a difficult time because there are not enough soldiers on the front line, i would like to take this opportunity to convey a message to the german authorities, we are not only fighting for ourselves, we are defending the entire european union. according to nbc sources, the white house warned members of the us congress. ukraine will be defeated within months or even weeks. if washington does not provide kiev with a new package of military assistance. however, no progress has been made on this issue. not to this day. congress will return to consider the issue of allocating a new tranche of aid, at best, in march. natalya goncharova, lead. the biden administration is destroying the united states. society is gripped by despondency and disappointment. american
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journalist tucker carlson pointed this out. and this attitude is especially dangerous in a presidential election year, confirmed carlson’s interlocutor, entrepreneur tony rubert. sad and angry. you can see this if you fly frequently. people have lost patience after the covid pandemic. anger usually stems from fear. well, there are large-scale protests in germany, what people are dissatisfied with and how the government is reacting, ekaterina radaeva found out. about 150 thousand people took part in protests against the alternative for germany party, according to the police, the most. 35,000 people each gathered at demonstrations in hanover and frankfurt.
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"the world is democratic, we, as democrats , stand together against the man-haters of our country. we do it together and we do it decisively. it doesn’t matter where we come from. it doesn’t matter what we believe. the alternative for germany party has been rapidly gaining popularity over the past six months. according to opinion polls, her rating jumped to 23%. trust in chancellor scholz and..." the government has fallen sharply, more than 70% of germans are dissatisfied with their work, the ruling coalition may lose the elections, so, by the way, for the chancellor , the publication of curricula published a message that a conference of right-wing politicians, including among other things, at the meeting they allegedly discussed the possibility of expelling millions of migrants from germany. corrective reported that a representative of the adg also took part in the event. the press associated with the ruling ones immediately launched a large-scale campaign against this party, its members became
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can only be called nazis, while no one from the adg leadership came to the building, there was only one of the referents, roland hardwick, the party itself stated that they had not developed any such strategies, chancellor scholz, of course, could not miss the chance and made a strong speech against the alternative for germany. from cologne to dresden, from tübengen to kiel, hundreds.
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germany will finally lose the remnants of independence, and the germans could be left without access to food at any moment, and this will be another lever of pressure on berlin. in general, we are trying to show that a lot of things are going wrong here and the wrong political decisions are being made. the head of the german farmers' union has already threatened to organize new large-scale protests by farmers if the government does not meet them halfway. ekaterina radaeva, news!
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an infectious diseases hospital has opened in the volgograd region, the equipment is modern, maxim akhmetov visited the new medical center. a new infectious diseases hospital in the city of mikhailovka is already accepting patients. the modern hospital was built from scratch and equipped with the most advanced equipment. for example, doctors now have a multifunctional x-ray machine from. oxygen, here we have a bathroom, and an additional entrance from the street, and this is the department
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of anesthesiology and intensive care, here, too, everything meets the latest requirements for ventilation, modern tritons, our russian devices with great functional capabilities, these are also our russian monitors, our hospital has its own laboratory , almost all the equipment is automatic, with its help... turn-down, this laboratory was organized at the second level and is represented mainly by automatic and semi-automatic analyzers. the modern medical building today serves not only the residents of mikhailovka, but also patients from neighboring areas; there is enough capacity. the personnel are all trained, highly qualified, that is, new walls,
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good specialists. over the past few years, in addition to mikhailovsky, three more modern ones have been opened in the volgograd region. hospital in the plans for the construction of children's and adult infectious diseases hospitals in the regional center itself. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, conduct the volgograd region. krasnoyarsk is one of the first cities beyond the urals to introduce a new type of environmentally friendly transport. 20 electric buses were launched in the city. alexander usatenko knows how passengers rated them. the first in the krasnoyarsk territory, environmentally friendly, modern, in experimental mode, the transport of the future runs on two routes, one of which runs through the entire city, very convenient, comfortable, warm, the most important thing in our climate, we have had a problem lately with smog in the city,
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i think electric transport is a very good solution. passengers on the handrails have validators and usb connectors for charging gadgets , video cameras monitor what is happening in the cabin , the driver will also be comfortable, here the entire dashboard is adjustable and in general it’s not bad because you rest your feet, you can adjust it higher or lower, like if the torpedo completely goes away and you can adjust it just the way you need it. the first thing you pay attention to in an electric bus is its noiselessness; this transport is much quieter and more environmentally friendly than buses. when the electric bus pulls up to a stop, it leans over. passengers, this helps those with limited mobility to enter the cabin. these cars are simpler and cheaper to operate and are much more mobile than trolleybuses. however, this is the first experience of using such equipment in siberia. the manufacturer guarantees stable operation at -40°. the power reserve of the new vehicle is up to 50 km, and the distance between charging stations is on average 15. it will not run out of charge along the way. these
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electric buses are provided by us and were supplied with ultra-fast chargers stations. charging time. from 15 to 25 minutes, this is from approximately a charge of 20 to 80%. this year, 20 new cars will hit the city streets, and by 2028 there are plans to purchase 600 units of environmentally friendly passenger transport. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, lead the krasnoyarsk region. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new. russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events.
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everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition, i propose to continue our fairy tale, the film is impressive, very positive, let’s say i really went back in time, but why not here, you have no idea how much? it’s large-scale, it’s bright, it’s exciting , we’re moving, let’s carry out a project there, what kind of project, ours, correctional, every minute you worry about the heroes and wait to see how he will behave now, okay, i’m off, where are you going, it’s drowning, i told you, we don’t have divers there, act on your own, great plans, i couldn’t smile at all, i certainly
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apologize for the spoiler, new year’s is in the yard, at the end i cried, now i’ll show you a real paradise, magical, incendiary, emotional, we really want to help your daughter, freaked out, yeah, guys, we have to push for it, for sure, very cool, i liked it, i recommend everyone to watch it, my goodness , it’s so beautiful, i can’t even believe it, holob 2, that’s it, what is the government doing wrong, they are spending our money in abundance money is in other countries, and things are getting worse for the germans. we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start the report from february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream
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media is half-truth. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine. that is, we create the impression that it is necessary fight the war to the bitter end.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you. in the future, investment rating, economics, through specific
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stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, how do you get there?
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war leaves behind iron corpses, yes, this is equipment, the enemy’s equipment, which was destroyed here during offensive operations, is now better than ours. there is no army in the world, no, no, yes, probably there wasn’t, it’s just that someone wants to admit it, someone doesn’t want to recognize it, pursuing some of their geostrategic goals there, trying to impose their opinion on other states, countries, allies, but it is obvious that at the moment, our army is really the most. combat-ready army in the world, ready to defend its interests, the interests of the state, the interest, security, independence of its
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people, one of the problems is the use of kamikaze pividrons by the enemy, a swarm, from all directions, everywhere. like flies , like flies, the problem is that both personnel and equipment need to move, and they, in addition to the fact that drones, drones, furies, valkyries or lilykas, conduct aerial reconnaissance, then they begin to use drones for, respectively, how to fight, started looking at what we have there is. and how it works and what tactical and technical characteristics it has, what tactical and technical characteristics it has, there are military personnel with education, there are even those
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this is the most effective way, we need to detect and reflash, start suppressing again, we either imprison , or we shoot down, we don’t just suppress, we, with the help of signal glasses, even go to the enemy operator and see where the launch is from and what the drone sees when it flies and observes...
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we use machine guns to suppress the means of fish for destruction from a machine gun you hit they hit, they hit, but not by fpv, that is, by acrylates, but fpv is what you press with fp guns, now the pump is already for close distances if he is already coming at you. it would be better if they gave a saiga , well, a saiga would be that only the magazine capacity is larger, there are seven cartridges here, in principle , this is enough, it’s enough for you, yes , yes, but you hit with it, yes, that is, it worked, you hit, yes, that’s right , and how many have you already counted, plus or minus more than ten, well, the collage is always collage-like, but in fpv it’s not interesting , it’s like a shotgun, the best,
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yeah? better how much i suppressed i don’t even know approximately more than thirty more than thirty yes they give chips or different ones that is, you have it on different frequencies why not married it turned out to be such a golden guy you should be married young still young that’s how much 47 how much what 22 20 in general 20 20 signed the contract right away, right? even the urgent service didn’t serve, no way, it’s right that we waste time, but after the moment we met and another star on the shoulder straps, how much does the level of responsibility, decision-making, tasks change, that’s when you move from the building to the feed, but it’s not the responsibility to make decisions; what
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’s there and what’s here, it’s the same. this is your responsibility, this is the area of ​​responsibility in general, yes, here now he displays the task that he must perform, the enemy, his objects, they have been further reconnoitered, all lieutenant colonel, what are the tasks for today, the task of fire defeat of the enemy according to the newly identified ones.


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