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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

4:30 am
because tasks are set, tasks must be completed, it makes no difference what else we have, well, the army, as you say, is all volunteers, everyone went consciously, i talked to many, quite smart, competent guys, motivated, eyes they are burning, here are the tankers, well done, artillery, infantry, motorized rifles, are you happy with everyone, yes.
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and there is a desire and knowledge, skills, skills, the main thing, you know, when the men return, there is such justice in this, target 06105, 1029, discovered by a special forces group, ready adjustments, enemy manpower, plus two cars, charge, readiness to report, brave for courage. selflessness
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shown in the performance of military duty is awarded the insignia of the order of st. george, the st. george cross of the fourth degree, congratulations, two shells escaped, fire, well, tazers, sergeants, soldiers, thank you. for your military work, for the feats that you perform on the battlefield, beat, destroy, smash the enemy, also continue to defend our homeland, defend our multinational people, and bring our day closer victory, i think we will meet again more than once and i will present you with awards more than once, thank you for your service. how
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many years, 42 overweight, and thin, you know, if 42 overweight , that means he hid a lot of thin ones too, but he’s serious, very, very, what they were doing before, that’s why he’s so sad, and why have fun, you know, this is very deep the right question, sometimes i ask myself , probably because while we are here and not there, otherwise it would already be...
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how would i know where i was going, on the contrary, how prepared the fighters are, how 10 territorial defense, brigades, and there are regular troops in the ssu, there are mercenaries , how well they fight, they don’t fight... they storm, as they do in usa, national guard troops, there is territorial defense, they have battalions here or there, and if the assault unit is not successful, foreigners do not interfere, the foreign legion immediately either retreats to the second or third of the lines, or simply leaves the combat zone from this direction, how come two were captured, two were snipers. as i understand it, we
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didn’t know exactly where the cutting edge was, we have it now filled with reinforced concrete, we always have military guards and post them. secret observation posts, they stumbled upon such an observation post, the guys let them take two or three steps, they saw them 10 or 15 steps away, did not open fire, what kind of restraint, but after all , we are talking about that not so long ago they came to the front, not so long ago, that is, they could, well , some kind of sickness, the first battle, the first time they saw the enemy so close and immediately a sniper. they let us take two or three steps and then usually accessible in russian, they said that they had to lay down their arms and surrender, they carried it out unquestioningly, they understood everything that the fighting was over, and everyone understands the russian language
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, right away, right away, yes, they immediately remembered everything, they remembered everything, and this is two heroes who... captured the georgians, offended them at the post , stood there, well, i saw their name is alexey, i saw 51 yes, i saw two suspicious people, wait , tell me, you fought before, no , well, i served in the army 30 years ago, that is, in another army, well , yes, in the peacetime one i served in i was a dog handler where is the dog, are you missing me? in civilian life, what did you do? worked for 30 years on the railroad, family? yes, wife, children, the wife has a card to which the money is transferred, of course, was she on vacation? i just
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arrived here, and at what point did you start to get bored? well , there’s no time to be bored, you have to keep an eye on the young people there, you two were standing there, and then on patrol? no, i was nearby, i called just once, but how many times? i’m 46, 46, that is , he’s so experienced, he’s afraid, he came from the side that our grandfathers fought, rightly , because we lived, and there are also a lot of grandchildren, why not, how much do you have, oh, now he can’t even count everyone for the discount, yes, because there are a lot, nephews, a lot, grandchildren, a lot, yes, the case can be passed on? hello , yes it is necessary, nuisky district, hello, alive , well, everything is fine, primorye is also hello, the guys asked to tell khabarovsk, komsomolsk, hello everyone, the far east, in general everything is fine, guys, it’s great, that means we were standing in
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a dazur, standing in dasur, two suspicious people are passing along our positions, well, walking in the dark, i called them over... well put them down, well, started a conversation , they didn’t understand at first, they thought that well, i was going to my positions, here was the deputy platoon commander, then i heard voices, so he came up to me, what happened, so he put two suspicious people down, that is, they were put down right away , yes, well, just in case, this is a weapon in a combat position, but it is always not at gunpoint, of course, it can be right on the front line. there is a war, there is a war, hello to your wife and children, primorsky krai, lake khanka, how many children do you have? i have two, the boys were awarded, who took, i have everything that they take, who captured, handsome, listen, i always say
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whoever takes prisoner, this is a medal for valor, for bravery, all this, well done, a cross, everyone gets this, the enemy changes. he changes in the nature of his actions, there is no assertiveness and desire to attack and storm, but they are being chased, but they say that they are using draconian measures, the sbu officer comes to the position, there are five of them there, so you are suspected of betrayal with me, you will shot, that's all, nothing more, they took him where he took him, from everyone else.
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54 60 62 yes, that's about 52 62 level level there was no preparedness, if you remember before it was 2-3 months, these in england were preparing, these in poland were preparing. they began to reduce it all , yes, well, a week, yes, that is, all this is already preparing cannon fodder, those who, at the same time, still hold positions, yes, but even now, when we knocked them out, took new positions, they they are not trying to recapture, they are not trying , but they are trying to dig new ones, that is , they are not consolidating on prepared lines, we inflict fire damage there, we hit both the two hundred and three hundred, and it requires evacuation, and we're covering the evacuation, but the next ones are still getting excited, what do you get from their enemy equipment? then the leopards appeared, oh
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, they knocked them out, yours are immediately happy, of course, happy, there was a race for them, the air was on fire, here we have, if you write, healthy, i wish you health, initial service. running here, well, where did they find you, admit it, in civilian life, what did you do, in civilian life, you were engaged in chemical production at russian railways, you went from russian railways and volunteered, what’s your name? evgeniy, zhenya, i just ask what they ask, i come to the guys, they tell me, the main task is i’ll find a cook, i’ll teach you how to shoot, i’ll teach you how to use a grenade , i won’t teach you how to cook, so the main thing now is to find a good cook so that the men are happy, so... you’re a specialist, a good cook, very good, where did they teach you?
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they taught me when i was 27, in a city in the chelyabinsk region, and that is, initially the form, that’s right, so a professional, that’s right, well done, well, the main thing is, what are you cooking? we cook porridge, cook subs, everything, what’s your favorite dish? and i’m ready, my favorite is bleda porridge, porridge, what kind of porridge, millet, well, at least for the men you add meat sometimes you know shields are our food, of course, but still how do you fit here with such height, handsome, you have to bend over all the time, yes exactly how much you have 2:01, no, 95 meters, basketball was playing , no, he was engaged in wrestling, well, yes, he was always a champion in his weight, i know, he was a heavyweight, but that’s for sure, that’s more.
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it’s a trophy for him, yes it’s ur, it’s a rifle, it’s from the usa, but it’s been produced since the twentieth year, it ’s written mada in ukraine, it’s produced in ukraine, now there’s a sniper in which based on arch, well, this is dekterev, but this is polish dekterev, you see, he has, uh, a camera, a modification, yes, now.
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shot down, we shot her down about a month ago, here the men are all with previous civilian experience, yes, with their own path in life and not necessarily military, many of them, like now, are a doctor, a dentist, a dear, another psychologist, a third, railway worker, well, that's who he is now.
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they receive it, it goes not like an officer’s career growth in peacetime, but as a merit for completing a combat mission. that is, as another reward, as another reward, one of types of deprivation, but you must admit, even 2 years ago, when it all began, it was impossible to imagine that every day 1,500 people would come and sign up for contract service, but no, of course, by the decision
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of the group commander, the center... showed courage and dedication in the performance of military duty, to reward why is it an artist and i am a film artist in peacetime in peacetime i was an artist, yes, i shot a movie, i shot a movie, yes?
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immediately fv was under missile fire, as if a drone flew, discovered it, began to attack, i saw that he went to thomas, well, as if he immediately started firing at him, he hit, that’s right, that is, he just saved the guys, that ’s right, from a kalash, 12, and you, i’m busy adjusting mobile groups to destroy drones for.. .about 300 were destroyed , they are going beautifully in 3 months in two thanks to my help 300 drones there were 300 300 well, they worked on the move about 10 of them, we jammed them as a result of which they were destroyed
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, it was scary, it was incomprehensible, but do you think by the way, he works on glasses? he sees the enemy, and that is you, he enters his system, yes, when it takes off, yes, you go through its communication channels, and you can influence the psyche of the operator, there is no enemy yet, but we are working, you know, look for glasses, i took control, and what are you doing on it, what then we cover the tanks and drive. the cross-country ability is crazy, i get sick everywhere, in general we go for tanks, the roads are like this, i
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risk tanks at the moment of just carrying out. and you are all volunteers from the sverovsk region , and you were tankers before this, but they told the russians, i wasn’t great, they didn’t take me, i was in evanna for six months graduated and left the rkhbz instead of a tank driver, they said big, it’s a shame, but now it’s just right, they said he’s fit, with the air
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he’s become a little lower, maybe that’s right, a mechanic driver of a self-propelled vehicle. what kind of car is the t-80, i’m happy with it , it’s a good car, the engine is fast, the engine is quiet, the engine is very fast, not everyone takes the risk of even going to fourth.
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mean audio. it would have an effect, yes, the ukrainian military school was based on the soviet one, those who are now big stars all studied at our universities, then they underwent training, nato, shmato, but nothing they showed them, they selected them, they didn’t surprise them with anything, they were removed from the army, they were trying to achieve this by removing, let’s say, the last soviet general, in order to completely change the approach to training the armed forces according to nato standards.
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he also blessed napoleon, one way or another, but those guys are not napoleon at all, it was the same, it was, it was, but hitler’s generals
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were powerful, and the europeans, for them it’s time for revenge, mind you, they forgave everyone, everyone who fought with us during the great patriotic war has all perked up, now the bastards are all lined up, even the japanese now we have caught up, vladimirovich, now sometimes i have the idea that we are at war. gbt of these base feelings, where there is no morality, there is no responsibility, so with these actions and
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the supply of weapons there and uh with their sanctions, they are doing everything to weaken russia, well, who needs such a strong, strong, healthy neighbor , which has great potential. which develops, no matter what, and can help itself, we even have one trait, he says, it is genetically laid down, the gene is like this, this is self-sacrifice in the name of others, this is not for anyone no, but how can you live in a country where children are small, genders can change, languages ​​are not taught at school, history is distorted. the parents don’t respect them, they don’t know their history, so what kind of people will they grow up to be in the future?
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this is my group, we are called temporary musicians, a beautiful picture, and most importantly karaki, you can simply sing the whole film, i sang songs that i liked as a child, i liked the songs, i liked the artists, i sang along, i sang along with the actors. i have already conquered this city, i need to move on, the whole film is just in one breath, the whole movie
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gives me goosebumps. your song can change the world for the better at the same time and is funny and touching, we even shed a tear, dancing with the princess, it seems to me that this is the best film of all films, it is just a miracle, an apple, temporary musicians.
4:57 am
we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website.
4:58 am
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5:00 am
the russian army repelled 20 attacks in the ssu, half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation was lost. about a thousand more soldiers, mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, 20 combat drones were shot down. about the situation on the front line, stanislav nazarov. in the stripes under the neck, rotation of artillery crews.


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