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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the russian army repelled 20 attacks in the ssu, half of them in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers, four armored vehicles were destroyed, and another seven howitzers and self-propelled guns, 20 combat drones were shot down. about the situation on the front line stanislav nazarov. in the lanes under the neck there was a rotation of artillery crews.
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enemy on reception, accelerate readiness, infestation ready, one reduced fire, one fire received, ready, yes, holding on, fire, self-propelled artillery crew 2s1, the carnation of the forty-ninth army, drives up to the closest possible distance to the enemy in order to work behind enemy lines, we work often, the intensity is high, as soon as we shoot, we immediately change position,
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counter-battery warfare is underway, we have thermal imagers, night lights, that is, even at night we can fight with them in order not to allow ourselves to be detected and mislead the enemy, the crew takes every spent cartridge with them, the enemy can see any traces from a drone and track down the location of our equipment, we work like the front line edge, so along more distant lines, there are mainly strongholds and equipment during rotation. drones have been put to great use, we are raising the barrel, now they must give us coordinates, installations on guns so that we can start working, together with artillery in the fortified area, the ukrainian armed forces are working with attack drones using lancet loitering ammunition, the camouflaged d-30 howitzer of ukrainian militants has been destroyed. well done, good job, lights out, artillery crew.
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the ninth army receives new targets from the vehicle, the masking is removed, the crew is given orders go to a new firing line. stanislav nazarov, italikanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. the system of engineering barriers played a key role in disrupting the counteroffensive in the ukrainian armed forces. sergei shaigu stated this. the minister of defense congratulated military personnel and veterans on engineering troops day. stressed, throughout history , personnel. fulfills his official duty with honor, makes a significant contribution to strengthening the country's defense, and also contributes to the achievement of victories on the battlefields. note that along the entire line of combat contact a layered system of boundaries up to 120 km deep has been prepared, which, given the scale and shortest possible time, is an unprecedented case in the history of military conflicts. in this regard, the survivability of our troop groups and the effectiveness of the use of weapons have increased 5-6 times. according to the ministry of defense,
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during the svo, about 6.00 soldiers and officers of the engineering troops were awarded state awards, four were awarded the title of hero of russia. in ukraine, in the sumy region , the head of the military administration denis vashchenko and the mayor of the city fought hand-to-hand. romny oleg stogniy. well, even before this, the mayor managed to quarrel with residents over the installation of flower vases at the memorial to fallen soldiers. he forbade doing this. as eyewitnesses write on social networks, recently many coffins have been brought from the front and residents of the sumy region are extremely aggressive towards the ukrainian authorities. in general , ukraine is not an independent country; it is under the control of the united states. this was stated by the prime minister of slovakia robert fica. according to him, the european union has fully adopted the american approach to this issue. kiev and thus made a big mistake. with our help we will confirm
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that they will not receive any weapons from the slovak army from state warehouses, i will say that there are things on which our views are completely different, we respect the desire to join the european union, but they must meet the conditions until they absolutely do not meet them , therefore it is impossible to accept them into the eu, and i am against ukraine joining nato, i will use the right of veto to block this, otherwise it will become the basis for the third world war. counteroffensive there were armed forces of ukraine. successful not for kiev, but for russia, as pointed out by the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova. earlier, the head of zelensky’s office, in an interview with the spanish newspaper elmunda, said that the ukrainian armed forces have every chance of success, but only if they receive arms money from the west.
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natalya goncharova will tell you why no one is in a hurry to transfer them to ukraine. the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy ermak, is trying to save face. most of the world's major media, including. admitted but ermak chose a different strategy, deny the counter-offensive of the kiev regime failed, obviously in order to secure material support from the west. he is ready to admit only one thing: the confrontation in ukraine has entered a difficult phase due to russia’s superiority in both weapons and personnel. considering the opportunities provided, the weapons received from the western allies , the counter-offensive was quite successful. ukraine's transition to defense. is impossible, we can’t expect new help from the united states, the country’s armed forces are now in a deplorable state, this is discussed in the interview said the founder of the black water pmc, eric prince, who worked closely with donald trump during his presidency. according to prince, the pentagon now has too much
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bureaucracy and a complete lack of flexibility. the military department does not know how to adapt to modern realities. according to the prince, the pentagon is a soap bubble that is about to burst. with such problems, washington is unlikely to be able to help ukraine; the founder of black water advised the kiev regime to quickly negotiate with moscow. ukraine is losing, they lack human strength, they do not have enough weapons, and it is difficult to solve this problem, they need to quickly find a way out of this situation, otherwise it will be much worse. if you look at history, most of the bloody events and heavy losses occur in the last phase of the war. it's an american habit: don't win the war, don't govern.
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what awaits us the next day, europeans? i said from the very beginning that we are not at war with russia, but our duty is to make its victory impossible. a russian victory would mean the end of european security. this will be the end possible security architecture in europe, from the eastern border of the eu and nato, to the caucasus and central asia. that is why we will continue to support ukrainians. we will continue to train and equip them in such important areas as artillery, air defense and... emmanuel macron does not seem to take into account the state of the ukrainian army. in a story from kiev, he admits that the soldiers at the front are incredibly tired. the army is in a deplorable state, there are not enough weapons. he
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interviewed the mayor of kiev vitaliy klitschko, who out of old habit, he asked for help from the west. we have big problems. now is a difficult time because there are not enough shells for soldiers on the front line, i would like to take this opportunity to convey a message to the german authorities, we are not only fighting for ourselves, we are defending the entire european union. according to nbc sources, the white house warned members of the us congress. ukraine will be defeated within a few months or even weeks. if washington does not provide kiev with a new package of military assistance. however, no progress in this issue. not to this day. congress will return to consider the issue of allocating a new tranche of aid, at best, in march. natalya goncharova, lead. the biden administration is destroying the united states. society is gripped by despondency and disappointment. american
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journalist tucker carlson pointed this out. and this attitude is especially dangerous in a presidential election year, confirmed carlson’s interlocutor, entrepreneur tony robertson. despondent and angry, you can see it if you fly often, people have lost their patience after the covid pandemic, anger usually stems from fear, now. well, there are large-scale protests in germany, what people are dissatisfied with and how the government is reacting, ekaterina radaeva found out. about 150 thousand people took part in protests against the alternative for germany party. according to the police, most of all.
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germany is rapidly gaining popularity , according to opinion polls, its rating has jumped to 23%, while trust in chancellor scholz and... his government has fallen sharply, more than 70% of germans are dissatisfied with their work, the ruling coalition may lose the elections, so which, by the way, is very correct for the chancellor, the publication published a message that a conference of right-wing politicians was held near pozdam, among other things, at the meeting they allegedly discussed the possibility of expelling millions of migrants from germany. corrective reported that a representative of the adc also took part in the event. press associated with the ruling ones. ami immediately launched a large-scale campaign against this party, its members began to be called nothing less
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than nazis, while no one from the adf leadership came to potsdam, there was only one of the referents, roland hardwick. the party itself said it had not developed any such strategies. chancellor scholz, of course, could not miss the opportunity and made a strong speech against the alternative for germany. from cologne to dresden, from tübengen to kiel, hundreds of thousands. people are taking to the streets of germany these days to demonstrate their support for democracy and the fight against right-wing extremism. i say this clearly and harshly, they want to destroy our unity. at a secret conference , these extremists discussed how they could drive out millions people from our country. it makes me shiver. scholz really needs to improve his rating, but so far it’s not going well. 2/3 of german residents believe that his actions only worsen the division in society; the chancellor himself is clearly not coping. responsibilities, evidence of this is the large-scale demonstrations of farmers who have been trying for several months
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to force the cabinet of ministers to address their problems. thousands of farmers across the country are holding rallies. farmers believe that the scholz government and the eu authorities are specifically canceling subsidies and increasing they are tariffs to destroy small farms in favor of transnational agricultural holdings. they emphasize that this cannot be allowed to happen... germany will finally lose the remnants of its independence, and the germans could be left without access to food at any time, and this will be another lever of pressure on berlin. in general, we are trying to show that a lot of things are going wrong here and the wrong political decisions are being made. the head of the german farmers' union has already threatened to organize new large-scale protests by farmers if the government does not agree to them towards. ekaterina radaeva, news!
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an infectious diseases hospital has opened in the volgograd region, the equipment is modern, maxim akhmetov visited the new medical center. a new infectious diseases hospital in the city of mikhailovka is already accepting patients. the modern hospital was built from scratch and equipped with the most advanced equipment. for example, medics now have a multifunctional x-ray machine from.
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turn-down, this laboratory was organized at the second level and is represented mainly by automatic and semi-automatic analyzers. the modern medical building today serves not only the residents of mikhailovka, but also patients from neighboring areas; there is enough capacity. the personnel are all trained, highly qualified, that is, new walls, good specialists. over the past
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few years, in addition to mikhailovsky, three more modern ones have been opened in the volgograd region. hospital in the plans for the construction of children's and adult infectious diseases hospitals in the regional center itself. maxim akhmetov, dmitry shutos and dmitry belyansky, conduct the volgograd region. annual forum strong ideas for new times. you can personally participate in the development of the country and your native region by presenting your ideas and projects to the jury. choose one of seven in
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a large-scale war with the russians, and the swedes want to repeat poltava at all costs, we’ll tell you about other obsessions of unfriendly forces right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, the german information dump bilt is reaching new heights, or rather, on the contrary, diving to the very bottom of rabid conspiracy theories. it turns out that berlin is absolutely sure that russian troops will invade nato countries no later than twenty-fifth year, the alliance itself will make a decision. based on some kind of containment measures, he will transfer 300,000 troops to the eastern flank, including exactly 30,000 germans and will give himself, again, exactly 30 days to stop the russian attack, and all this entertaining numerology is supported by references to a not very secret document . however, as maria zakharova rightly noted, the scenario is much more similar to last year’s horoscope,
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is it clear why? numbers that are indicated in articles, they are rounded. for a reason, they are better remembered by ordinary citizens, yes , that is, you don’t need to speak exactly to a specific person, you don’t need to talk about some other fact, it’s enough to name some terrible huge number, the average person simply won’t even understand, that is , the suwałki corridor itself, it is 100 km long, even those exercises that took place in the nato exercises that took place in this corridor, once upon a time, quite recently, yes, that is, they are... or only 5,000 people, certainly however, these figures show that the nato bloc is allegedly worried. dmitry peskov also reacted ironically, using the word duck and recalling the dubious reputation of the german tabloid, but on the other hand, while we’re on the subject, let’s see what specific developments bilt is drawing. according to the idea of ​​​​german paranoids, in the summer of this year twenty-four our special services should
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provoke some kind of unrest in the baltic states. a month later, they will allegedly become a pretext for exercises in belarus near the border with poland and lithuania. in october , the military group in the kaliningrad region will be strengthened, where medium-range missiles will be transferred, despite the fact that russia does not have any in its arsenal. then in december, the military allegedly received an order to prepare for the occupation of part of the polish and lithuanian lands, that is, the suwalki corridor between kaliningrad and the same belarusian territory. well, by march twenty- fifth, two tank and one motorized rifle divisions will move into the region, which will strengthen the russian one deployed there. personnel up to numbering as many as 70,000 fighters, in general , one might think that moscow is a hermitage and sees further escalation, although vladimir putin has given clear and clear comments more than once, here is a recent interview with pavel zarubin: no reason, no interest, no geopolitical interest, neither economic nor political, nor military, to fight with nato countries, with whom they
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have some problems, the danish ones, they are artificially creating problems with us, because they do not want such a competitor in the person of russia. have the iron logic of the president against crazy speculation, but they appear , of course, for a reason and not by chance in germany, this is intimidation of the german voter, because give me money, farmers are protesting there who are not ready to part with their hard-earned money in order to sponsor this whole ukrainian history worth billions and billions of euros. the second point is that one of the countries wants to try on the role of ukraine... and there are other characteristic links in the same chain: from the report on the mythical russian threat of the german foreign policy center to the statement of lieutenant general alexander
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solfrank, who commands nato logistics and also warns about the quote of the next war, here are the quite transparent hints of the prime minister of estonia kai kallos, and there is no need to talk about the ukrainian media at all, they are happy to pick up the training manual of their western masters, refer including zelensky, whose... so-called prophecy about russia’s attack on the eu, perhaps, finally puts the finishing touches on everything. there is obvious schizophrenia in general in the ukrainian state ideology, that is ukraine wanted to join nato so that it would not be attacked by russia. and now it turns out that russia is going to attack nato in order to take over europe. that is, these are completely opposite theses. ukraine has big problems now. with the receipt of further assistance in order to somehow galvanize this terrible russian threat, so such materials come out, so
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there is no longer any point in this material. it also happens that fantasies play a cruel joke on their authors, a vivid example of an event in sweden, its minister of affairs civil defense, again announced war with russia, and then it began. according to a popular local blogger, scandinavians are literally storming stores with radios, flashlights, and portable cookers. that is, they are simply panicking, or maybe this is exactly what their authorities are trying to achieve? here is purely a story about joining nato, because the swedes themselves, ordinary citizens, don’t care about all this and have absolutely no need for it, some individual lobbyists in their leadership are promoting it, and the swedes have always been proud and boasted of their mentality, the ability to somehow resolve all processes, you can imagine how the brains of these swedes are plowed, who rushed to buy... i am sure that this will now be in demand, but this is what the authorities need, to keep the country at bay.
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on the other hand, it is not very clear how, in the same heads, a terrible and formidable russia coexists with a russia that is supposedly incapable of anything, which is worth it, with the permission of the analyst budanovsky guru, who says that our defense-industrial complex is desperately lacking . at the same piggy bank stuffed by ex-commander of the banned terrorist aidar evgeniy dikov. i’m sure that russian factories produce only a few dozen tanks a month, but i could watch the report of the ministry of defense from the ural vagonzavod, where even an amateur can clearly see the scale of assembly of various equipment, or read the transcript of the statement of sergei shaigu, who gave accurate statistics at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. last year alone it received 1,530 new and modernized ones. tanks plus over 2,500 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers. aviation production dynamics too impressive. during the twenty-third year, the number of new planes and helicopters exceeded two hundred. while air defense systems have
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increased by 86. additives, the drone industry is experiencing rapid development. their production has jumped almost 17 times; the combined capabilities of seventy domestic companies make it possible to annually produce up to 18,000 large medium-sized uavs and tens of thousands of small drones. in addition, the production of artillery ammunition increased by 17.5 times , high-precision missiles and planning bombs increased five times, and the increase in the production of cartridges for small arms weapons shells for rszzo fiftyfold. the classic technology of information warfare is a mirror one, when one shifts one’s problem onto the shoulders of the enemy. we periodically, probably every 2-3 months, see similar technologies, when ukraine has real problems, they try to shift it onto the shoulders of russia, now. when things are extremely deplorable at the front, when there are no people who can be mobilized, it is necessary to give the internal audience some positive news. by the way, the lack of your own
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production does not prevent the enemy from speculating dirtyly on someone else’s property. in particular, a lot of noise was created by footage from the social network x with the participation of dry gunners, who were reported to be using indian shells to fire saokrab. there is no arguing here; it is difficult not to recognize the m14a 155 mm caliber with good distinction. labeling, and the kiev media, of course, did not miss the opportunity to inflate the topic to the maximum in the spirit that the country, traditionally friendly to russia, is helping the ukranazis to satisfy their hunger for shells, as to break relations between russia and india is to say that india is sending missiles to kiev, sending its soldiers there, there you can find another battalion with indian soldiers who will say that here they are fighting against the bloody... russia and all this was created, i am sure, not by kiev, because kiev is not capable of thinking of such a thing, this is an american operation, it is being carried out systematically so that
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unification does not happen, as they say there. such a global south, but india itself reacted unequivocally, it categorically denies the transfer of any weapons to the kiev regime, moreover, it has launched an investigation to find out who may be responsible for such deliveries. third countries operating through slovenia or poland are considered suspects, so the exaggerated sensation did not take off, just as the next illusory victories did not take off, they are trying to draw one of them on the dnieper. according to propagandists, it has been successfully accelerated in recent days. called the junta, but here it is enough to compare the pretentious headlines with the reliable picture of events, which recorded by our means of objective control. the legendary crossing of the dnieper represents such phantom pains of a counter-offensive, when, in general, all these hopes were for a quick victory. all
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these attempts are, well, nothing more than just a media character, in general the russian side, of course, this is beneficial, because ukraine, as it were, is wasting its forces, reserves, funds on a completely hopeless enterprise, and it could not be otherwise , given how suicidal such an adventure looks from the very beginning, often in the armed forces of ukraine have at their disposal only soviet fishing boats like kazanka or progress, they are guaranteed... to get stuck among the ice floes and become easy prey for artillery, not to mention drones, theoretically ukrovayaki could be pulled out from ussr-era warehouses, army floating transporters, for example, pts2 are vehicles weighing 24 tons and capable of carrying up to 75 people, but they are poorly suited for crossing the dnieper, their low speed of no more than 13 km/h and open landing compartments turn them into an ideal target for ppvs.
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the russian troops have hovercraft, such as khivus, designed specifically for moving along winter rivers; they accelerate to 50 km/h, easily slip through ice and could go from shore to shore in about a minute. further to the topic of ukrainian mobilization, which forces svidomo to go wild, in particular, a strong reaction was caused by the news about the upcoming conscription of harm to the armed forces of ukraine of women. zelensky’s media predictably labels such messages russian fakes and throws all the might of their armchair troops at the so-called. however, if no one is going to recruit women’s battalions, then why are they airing reports on the sewing of women’s uniforms on the telethon? and where did the data come from about the order by the general staff of square as many as 120,000 anatomical body armor designed specifically for the female body contour. those who are in the trenches need to think, the men need to think, that before this cup touches your wives, then tell them to leave there, because...
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zelensky’s hands are reaching out to them, he will say that this is all happening not violently, but it is voluntary that we attract women in this way, because everyone is equal, that is, a ukrainian is a man, a woman, no matter what age, an old man or a teenager, he was already born for this power to die, he should not live for ukraine. questions immediately arise about the quality of training of the brave defenders, but it doesn’t matter, because if necessary, they will be created for them. a formidable image on social networks, a suitable fake just goes viral there, in the story , three workshop girls fight back almost a dozen strong guys in the underground transition, someone enrolled these valkyries as french military personnel, their opponents were migrants. according to another publication, they are actually israelis from tsahal and took the fight to the palestinians. according to the third version, we are talking about fighting turkish women whom a gang of kurds were unlucky enough to contact. in general, there is no doubt that sooner or later someone will notice ukrainians in them, in them.
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using videos, commercials , even videos from computer games is always quite interesting content for an information war, because you don’t need invent something, you don’t have to invent, you don’t have to create content, you just change the title, you just change... these descriptions continue to be distributed by throwing this narrative onto the network. however, sometimes the public, accustomed to treachery, suddenly receives a portion of the truth. for example, the editors of the above-mentioned telethon noted that they seriously outraged their colleagues from trukha by showing a map of russia with crimea included in it. as a result, the culprits had to get out and take responsibility for misinformation of the audience, although here it’s the other way around, for some time they didn’t deceive, they showed it as it is, but taken separately.


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