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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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well, as it became known, the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, requested a report on the investigation of this criminal case and the results of the pre-investigation check, on possible illegal actions of police officers in the sverdlovsk region. well, our program will continue to closely monitor this story. in st. petersburg , the consideration of the high-profile case yes is nearing its final stage. on friday, the prosecutor requested 28 years in a general regime colony for her and a fine of 800 thousand rubles, this is a record harsh sentence for a woman. well, this is a serious accusation. the criminal case is being considered under articles of terrorism, illegal carrying of explosive devices and forged documents. according to investigators, on april 2 last year, on the instructions of ukrainian curators, trepova brought a bomb to one of the st. petersburg cafes, which was placed in a figurine and handed over. military correspondent
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vladlen tatarsky. the journalist died as a result of the explosion. 52 people were injured. in her last word, trepova agreed only with the charge under the article on the use of forged documents. by according to twenty-six-year-old dara, she was set up by curators from ukraine. she allegedly believed that the figurine was not a bomb, but a listening device. the same thing is said by the person who introduced himself to the defendant’s spouses. a certain dmitry rylov. spoke in the media with an appeal to the wanted journalist roman popkov, who allegedly gave the task of chattering. other notable legal topics and incidents of the week in the review by galina khangureeva. on monday in moscow, the magistrate court arrested pranksters for daring antics in the subway. friends were running on the roof of the train, they kicked cars, unscrewed light bulbs at stations and provoked passengers. everything that happened was filmed. during interrogation.
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they told the police that they had come to the capital specifically to film entertainment content. on tuesday, the second western district military court sentenced a high-ranking employee of the russian guard to six years in prison. sergei volkov was found guilty of supplying low-quality radar systems to protect the crimean bridge and gas pipeline from drones. total damage caused the budget amounted to almost 400 million rubles. as investigators found out, volkov well understood that the purchased equipment would not allow for safety. strategic objects, but nevertheless adopted it for service. on wednesday it became known that a lawyer from udmortia had been detained for blackmailing his own client. according to investigators, alexey barinov demanded 15 million rubles from the woman. otherwise, he promised to spread the incriminating evidence that he collected during his communication with her. fsb officers detained the lawyer immediately after receiving the first tranche - 2 million rub. the court sent barinovo to pre-trial detention. on thursday during a fire in novosibirsk.
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a person died at the gymnasium, a fire broke out in the basement, during the evacuation it turned out that there was a private school for training security guards, a firearm was taken out of the premises in a bucket, a deceased employee of this company, according to preliminary data, he was carrying out welding work, which was the cause of the fire, a criminal case has been initiated. investigators and prosecutors will check who allowed security guards to be trained in the basement of the gymnasium. on friday at in moscow, the driver of a niva crashed into... he beat up people at a bus stop, five people were injured, they were taken to the hospital, two were in serious condition, cameras recorded how the white niva changed lanes from one lane to another, after which the driver lost control and the car was carried off roadway. the cause of the accident was most likely weather conditions, but the media reported that the culprit of the accident had violated traffic rules almost 30 times over the past year. most often he was fined for speeding. galina hungureeva, duty officer part. the focus is on the investigation of particularly
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serious crimes, including those against children. this week the investigative committee of russia turned 13 years old. over the years , the department has earned the respect of people, and the chairman of the russian committee , alexander bastrykin, spoke about this at a ceremonial meeting on friday. according to him , the full-fledged work of newly created units in new regions of russia, where war crimes are being investigated, has been imposed. the department was aimed at implementing strategic plans. russia, neutralization new challenges to national security and threats to the stable development of the country. the fallen employees were honored with a moment of silence, and the event continued with a festive concert. among the guests of honor were minister of justice konstantin chuychenko, chairman of the russian lawyers association, sergei stepashin , deputy chairman of the state duma anna kuznetsova. everyday police officers in north ossetia and allania this week, operatives discovered a truck filled with alcohol. without
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a license, as in the republic they fight against manufacturers and sellers of counterfeit goods alcohol, where the surrogate is being brought from, what other violations are the republican police officers fighting against... this overweight young man in black sweatpants clearly imagines himself as the hero of a cheap spy drama. he covered his mouth with the collar of his jacket and his head with a hood to hide his face as much as possible. having noticed journalists at the department of the ministry of internal affairs of the padigorsky district of north ossetia alania, for some reason he changed his mind about entering the building and began frantically calling someone. and who do you call all the time and tell them that you are being filmed? it might be easier somehow comment on what happened? i won’t answer what, you want to say that it’s not you, yes, just a very similar person, but a hit. the reasons for this behavior are quite understandable; the young man was detained the day before by employees of the department of economic security and anti-corruption of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic. here are the operational shots.
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the citizen with a bare belly is clearly unhappy. he apparently wanted to build a business by selling counterfeit goods, but the enterprising businessman was handcuffed right on the highway. his. the truck was filled with ethyl alcohol without a license. he was taking 3.0 liters for sale. these boxes contain bottles of ethyl alcohol, which the operatives seized the day before. let's see the contents. here is a five-liter container. no label, no tax stamp. most likely , this liquid was planned to be used in the future for the production of a surrogate. the fight against counterfeiting is one of the key areas in the work of the police in north ossetia-alania. this warehouse the size of a football field contains hundreds of cases of alcohol of questionable quality. surrogate is often tried to sell it under the guise of well-known brands of alcohol. here, for example, there is vodka, but the excise stamp is peeling off from it. this suggests that most likely this is
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a craft. in all likelihood, this is some kind of champagne; they simply didn’t have time to put a label on it. the police close it regularly. large workshops, large production of counterfeit alcohol, a full cycle was established at this underground enterprise. the swill was made, bottled, and fake excise stamps were stamped here. the surrogate was supplied throughout the north caucasus federal district, police officers seized more than 17 bottles from illicit trafficking. this is a surrogate in any case, naturally, it was made on uncertified equipment, there are complaints about the contents here. they try to counterfeit such popular brands, naturally there is much more demand for such products, and they try to make something so popular, we stop all this, we decided to find out where in vladikavkaz they sell counterfeit alcohol, we went on a raid together with operatives, there are products
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you have a retail premises, no, let's take you to the building's premises, it turned out that the store employees are lying, the warehouse is literally filled with boxes of alcohol for every taste, champagne wine... everything without excise stamps, and why is there no excise stamp? can you explain? wine, homemade red, and you told us that you don’t have alcohol? to prevent counterfeit goods from ending up on store shelves, the task of the police is to block the supply channel in a timely manner, but unscrupulous businessmen are constantly trying to find loopholes, transporting excise-free goods in trucks, disguised as milk or fuel tankers. very often we come across, we declare the overload illegal and some containing. alcoholic products, and what do you find here , vodka, wine, vodka happens, there was alcohol, there was even a rate at the 512th kilometer of the caucasus federal highway, inspectors inspect each large cargo in detail, no violations were found this time, which means that the active fight against counterfeit goods brought the result, by the way,
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the drivers themselves talk about this, tell me, maybe you or your colleagues have encountered the fact that they transport shipments of alcohol, well, i heard a long time ago , well... it seems like no one is transporting them, now not yet, they are already checking here, now they are actively fighting the problem, yes, yes, yes, the police of the northern network of olani are actively fighting not only with producers and sellers of counterfeit alcohol, but with traffic rule violators , special attention to owners of tinted cars. quite a busy intersection in the center of vladikavkaz, now employees are working here, potential violators are pulled out of the traffic flow, here one of them was stopped. minutes ago, as we can see, the car was completely tinted, now traffic police officers are drawing up an administrative protocol. some drivers are so insolent that they even cover the windshield with black film. this young man in a white bmw clearly feels like he is in charge of life. apparently,
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they think that if he drives around in an expensive car, then he can do anything. why are you tinting your car? well, because it makes me uncomfortable to drive without tinting. what about at night? what about in the rain? at night in the rain and at night. the light transmittance of the windshield and front side windows must be at least 70%. for those who like dark tinting, it is on average no higher than ten, which means the driver is at great risk due to poor visibility. this is a tonic device, it determines the average transmittance of glass, transmittance is 6.1%. what does it mean? this means that it does not pass through the state. and here is another violator in an elite suv, he clearly lost his temper when he saw the journalists. and he didn’t break the camera to our operator, hello, tell me why you are tinting the car, what are you doing,
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i don’t need a camera, you understand that you understand that this is an article, you can, why are you the rules, i need a camera, you can explain why you are breaking the rules, this is only a small part of the big work of the traffic police officers of north ossetia and alania , they are also responsible for traffic safety at the verkhny lars automobile checkpoint, traffic police squads are here. service around the clock, during patrols, by traffic police officers, we do not allow trucks to leave out of turn, so that there are no violations of traffic rules. truck drivers used to queue for weeks to cross the border. now the throughput has increased several times. the electronic queue and the operation of checkpoints without breaks or days off made it possible to relieve congestion on the highway. i drove as far as i could that everything was fine. police officers are diverse, because work is carried out in several directions. in december , police traced the brothers kazbek and
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vladislav kolumbegov. accomplices are allegedly involved in the assassination attempt on the brother of the head of the alagirsky district of the republic. they opened fire on the victim right in the center of the city, and then got into a car and disappeared. this is footage of the arrest of possible drug dealers. the husband, wife, and their friend purchased large quantities of methadone. then the drugs were packaged and sold. now the accomplices are facing threats. up to life imprisonment. do you use drugs? yes. how long ago? the detection rate of crimes in the republic has only increased in recent years. any violations of the law must be nipped in the bud, those who have been protecting the peace of north ossetians for many years are sure. alexander mostovay, yaroslav borisov, alexander feaktistov and pavel alekseev. vesti is a duty unit from north ossetia. viburnum joints fangs of the bear were brought to... court this week in usuriysk the investigation of a criminal case of smuggling of woods was completed, as parts
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of rare red book animals are called, they are used in medicine for the preparation of dietary supplements, the illegal business brings poachers billions of dollars in income. by the way, eduard petrov’s investigation is devoted to this topic shortly after us, don’t miss the film a poacher in a tiger skin, he talks about smugglers who mercilessly exterminate endangered species of tigers and bears, like in the primorye region... the black market of far eastern woods, who helps criminals transport exotic goods and how customs officers and border guards resist illegal business, they will tell our colleagues. the king of animals and the owner of the taiga, the amur tiger and the brown bear are in danger, from the ground bones of tigers and the lavas of bears they make healing potions, if the game is sprayed into powders on the stands, certainly. earn, and from the red book root of ginseng medicinal elixirs, the cost of ginseng root on the black market can
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reach several million rubles. the hunt for bears and tigers continues, their skins are a currency commodity, when in russia, we came to visit you, i did not give permission, but i do not ask for your permission, the total cost of this contraband is above 20 million rubles. how the security forces were able to destroy the international criminal community operating in the coastal region. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. the billionaire was covered by an avalanche. in the murmansk region, while vacationing in the mountains , the founder of a large equipment sales company, andrei godunov, and his friend igor slonsky died. they came from st. petersburg and , despite the weather forecast, went snowmobiling, but did not register with the ministry of emergency situations. it is clear that it is beneficial for the organizers of such trips to work in the dark, but what are they thinking about? extreme sports and whether businessmen even had a chance to survive, only we have new footage
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of the search and rescue operation, unexpected details, a high-profile story, it turns out, in there was another person in the company of businessmen and he survived, from the murmon region , investigation by oleg posobino. this footage of the search and rescue operation of the petrelius pass in the khibiny mountains is for the first time on television. emergency situations ministry employees are trying to dig out people who were covered by the avalanche. after a few meters they run into a snowmobile. what can replace it? rescuers retrieve the bodies of billionaire andrei godunov and his friend igor slonsky. businessmen had almost no chance to survive under such thick snow. regularly flew to khibiny from the northern capital, climbed the mountains on your company's transport. all these mountain snowmobiles that are parked belong to the same company from st. petersburg, these are the same two cars of andrei godunov and igor slonsky. huge masses of snow fell on them, but we see almost no damage. at the
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moment, employees of the investigative committee are conducting an investigation and finding out what exactly led to the death of the entrepreneurs. being. directly in the area they taught ramsay, who moved second, as was subsequently established by andrei aleksandrovich godunov the man born in the same year, while performing a maneuver , lost control, as a result of which his equipment got stuck, igor vladimirovich slonsky, who was the last to move, came to his aid, at that moment an unauthorized avalanche occurred, andrei godunov, the founder of a large network of branded electronics stores and service centers, his company collaborated with twenty...
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feel, i feel good. investigators have already found out that all three participants in the race are experts on the khibiny routes and experienced snowmobile drivers. why did they then go on a trip, despite the rescuers’ warning about a possible avalanche? through lake small wood yavr, we go to the ramsay gorge along the same route. the scene
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of the incident is 3.5 km away. khibiny is considered one of the safest and most comfortable ski resorts in the country. the avalanche danger warning system here is almost perfect; employees of the local mining complex and rescuers monitor about 150 avalanche outbreaks. always to the aid of active recreation lovers employees of the ministry of emergency situations of apatit are ready to come to kirovsk, as well as specialists from the crisis management center in murmansk. information system of the atlas of hazards and risks. avalanche centers, here we select our center. on the day of the tragedy, rescuers warned about the risk of a slide in the mountainous region, but the businessmen still went on a trip. this is the so-called wild route; experts do not control the snow melting in the ramsay gorge, while travel here was previously considered quite simple. we got from here to the scene of the incident, it remains almost 100 m, then the passage is closed, it seems that it is quite safe here, but look,
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the height of the slope is 20-30 m. it would seem, but how... there is an avalanche here, but this impression is very deceptive, a step, this is chest-deep, otherwise up to your neck in snow, here you can easily overturn a snowmobile, which is what happened to godunov , while trying to dig out the vehicle, tourists, according to preliminary data , provoked an avalanche, we immediately set out as a shift, three people, so we took two snowmobiles, arrived, the guys had already started the rescue operation, that is, with the help avalanche sensors found both victims in the first days of the investigation, investigators did not rule out that mountain lovers could have been accompanied by an unscrupulous guide who did not care about basic safety precautions, but so far the preliminary conclusion is this: the businessmen went to a dangerous place not as a tourist group, but as private traders, without putting fame of rescuers at your own peril and risk. when tourist groups enter the route, when we are informed about entering
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the route, we provide factual and forecast information, both half the danger and in general on weather phenomena. at the time of establishing contact with tourist groups , we also inform you about the immediate avalanche danger if it is related to the mountains. according to the law of the tour group, individual tourists must report their trip to the ministry of emergency situations 10 days before the start. rescuers must be provided with information about the number of people, the organizer’s details and route details. and here’s the paradox: those who are suddenly in a hurry to go to the mountains here now will not wait even a couple of days, but the organizers of such last-minute tours will hand, so comfortable. do not avoid the attention of rescuers, first of all, i simply want to advise everyone to contact only trusted tour operators who specialize in such hikes, and you know, don’t be lazy. look on the website or check the details of the innn of this company, you can go to the website of the ministry of economic development of the russian federation
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, all registers are posted. if tour organizers can be held criminally liable in the event of the death of clients, then with private individuals everything is much more complicated. the law does not prohibit them from risking their lives even in the most extreme places. here the billionaires from st. petersburg and his friend, who died in the khibiny mountains, seem to have chased too much adrenaline from... duty department murmansk region. immediately after us, watch the investigation of eduard petrov, a film about the conier in tiger skin, which will continue to be broadcast legally on the russia 24 tv channel. even more news in the telegram channels of the duty department, an honest detective, bright fragments of our broadcasts and the best investigations on the watch platform. that's all we have, see you soon. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia has a clear and clear signal.
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surrounded me, she walked by and said one word, roll, roll, roll, now eduard petrov’s investigation is about why smugglers in... in the far east are destroying endangered species of animals, as well as how border guards and customs officers are fighting them.
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runners. and cuckolds are outlaws. primorye border guards and customs officers have put up a barrier to smugglers who are trying to bring exotic goods, parts of wild animals and plants from the red book out of russia. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. how many is the tiger worth it? the tiger is one of the few animals that cannot be legally purchased anywhere in the world. introduce yourself to them lyudmila vladimirovna, the total cost of this smuggling, which brought in over 20 million rubles. alternative medicine is much broader than just the use of parts of killed animals. everyone says that she traded in the paws of tigers and bears, she organized a whole criminal group, she generally transported, only transported.


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