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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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if the offensive fails, expect ukraine to demand that western soldiers follow western weapons. do you really believe, gerbrant, that nato or the west will go so far and send their own to this war. “i don’t think so, but i suspect that there will be some politicians who will speak in this spirit, especially if the united states partially, partially refuses to participate in the affairs of ukraine, and which is quite obvious, if you send soldiers, you become.” participant
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in the war, that is, it would become a war between nato, and ukraine on the one hand, and russia on the other, no matter how actively the us gets involved, this is exactly what you want to avoid by acknowledging the problem, so i can't imagine it would go without... . consequences, but i still think that it will come to a discussion of such a possibility, and there will also be intensification, discussions about the supply of weapons, new quality, for example, missiles, taurus, this is what they are already saying,
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namely the number of dead and wounded military . ger kuet, in the mentioned interview you called the figure is 460 thousand. this was then discussed on the srednegersky radio podcast; the general invited to the broadcast said that these numbers were too high, and that the situation with losses was rather the opposite. now i’ll ask you a question: do you really think? that there is a real
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basis for asserting that in this war almost 500 thousand ukrainian military personnel were killed and wounded, this is the first thing, and i will also ask you this question: since you are a nato insider, do you think that if defeat were inevitable, nato or the western states would take such a step as sending its military, because this would become... we hear words that ukraine must win, it cannot lose, otherwise it will be a defeat not only for ukraine, but for the entire collective west. do you think the west will go so far as to send its troops there? to answer the first question with numbers, here's the thing. neither ukraine, nor russia, nor any of the parties disclose the number of their losses. how did you come up with these numbers? if we, and well, if we are talking about these numbers, we must yes...
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and we must understand that russia, the russian the military and ukrainian military conduct two different types of operations. the ukrainian armed forces are faced with the task of regaining lost territory, conquering square meter by square meter. and this is literally so, said zaluzhny, it is given to them at the cost of a lot of blood. strategic defense
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has expanded the network of defensive structures and is pursuing the goal of destroying the ukrainian armed forces. this is essentially the principle of karlof clausivitz: make the enemy defenseless, everything else will follow. this is exactly what the russians want. and now we see that the ukrainian armed forces, without even naming specific numbers, are so weakened that they are no longer capable of a concentrated offensive. in addition, for example, in bakhmut or now in avdievka.
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so, here is the situation, and if someone says that these figures are wrong, then he should say which figures are correct. if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the “know ours” competition for growing russian brands. know ours is a good chance to promote your brand. know ours - these are five nominations clear conditions, impressive effect of victory. the winning finalists will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted on the ideia.rf/brand platform. it's difficult to even
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say approximately, because... since there are no official sources, but let me ask again, how did you come up with the figure of 460. thousand, what sources do you rely on? i'm not citing any sources because i can't name them, so, but he has them, your words remind me of seymour hershe, he also says that he knows who blew up the nord stream, but he doesn’t want to put it in danger and i can, if, if i tell you the name now, what kind of trouble will i get this person into, but anyone who has any- then connections in america
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, also from american sources, but now i have become more careful in naming numbers, because this is basically, this, of course, you can say, this is not true, but then you also need to say how everything really is, if i know that this is not true, so i know how it really is.
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too did not supply more weapons with the necessary characteristics, of course , weapons are important, but one must assume that the ukrainian armed forces, numbering 4,000 people, were already
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significantly prepared by the beginning of the war, they even carried out joint maneuvers with nato countries, and were also equipped, so this too... and this is how he sees it, for example, i always refer to zaluzhny, because for me this is an honest person who can be trusted, that’s exactly it. completely unacceptable, since this will open
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pandora's box for a big war, which is quite obvious, but such ideas exist, some are even reflected in the media. we deliberately wrote that ukraine was approaching a situation where it would demand that western soldiers follow western weapons, we did not write, yes, you quoted everything correctly, we did not write that... we are approaching that a moment will come in ukraine when they will western troops are involved, so i see it the same way as herbrant, we would have to, we would be crazy if we did that, because then, then nato involvement, nato military involvement, would mean that in that right now this is a war between russia and nato, without a doubt. this is not, i don't think this needs to be explained, everyone understands this. you've
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touched on the debate in the mainstream media, which you feel is being conducted in a very risky and one-sided way. you, mr. couette, are, or at least in the past, were a popular, sought-after expert. i remember when you used to come. so i believe that we, although we truly
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live in a democratic, pluralistic state, we have a terrible past, in the last century our country went through a lot injustice, we need to be able to learn from this, have a complete picture before our eyes, what else is happening when only half of the truth can be seen, read and heard. this leads to the fact that those who have to make decisions also make them based on this information, and this leads to mistakes. i would like to give an example of the impact this has on ukraine on the course of the war, our self-proclaimed experts. what they say in our country in ukraine, listen,
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watch and read, and those people in ukraine, who are waging this defensive war feel inspired when great experts from germany say, this is what is needed, you need to give tanks, you need to give missiles, then everything will be fine, that is, we essentially encourage the idea that we need to wage this war and so on. .. in ukraine, but we are weakening one of the key opponents, yes, i can read
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it to you verbatim, if you want, it really is, you have the text in your hands, you are well prepared, this is a very revealing quote, by the way, mitch mchona has been gone for a long time gave an interview, this was his first interview for a long time, so he wanted to help ukraine get help and support.
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the ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our main rivals. i find it hard to find anything wrong with this. i think it's great that they are defending themselves. in my opinion, it’s not entirely wonderful that such words sound. by the way, he already said this a couple of months ago in his email correspondence, something similar. but now, now. for the first time in an interview, it was said very straightforwardly, you need to look into the american media more often, as i already said, we are talking about geopolitical rivalry, that’s exactly what he says, so, if you allow me to return to hegel and the whole,
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we can just do it. the structure of the ukrainian nation, this is a story with roots deep in the past, and also spoke about intra-ukrainian differences between the west and center of the country on the one hand, and the south and east on the other. there are many processes going on now, but this is just something that we need
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to think about, we need to analyze in order to understand the fullness. paintings, because there is an internal ukrainian prehistory, which must also be taken into account. yes, gerkuet, allow me again appeal to you. you said in your now very popular interview about the policies of the federal government, this is not politics, this is fanaticism. yes, when the cus was criticized for it. this somehow influenced your opinion, i can formulate it differently, i can say this way, yes, would you like to take the opportunity and reconsider this statement now or do you continue to formulate differently when the german minister says, ukraine will become, will win, must win, no ,
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will win because it has to win, you can call it whatever you want, for me it’s spell.
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a reasonable end to the war, ultimately it is necessary to come to a balance of interests, i could also quote the words of augustine, raising the question.
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ukraine, a country where people are dying in the hundreds of thousands, a country that will be completely destroyed, what will remain of ukraine in the end, is this possible, can we be proud of having been involved in this, i think, herkuet, what would you like say? finally, you were born back in 1942, by the way, in the same year as the current american president, you lost your father in
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world war ii, he was a wehrmacht soldier, what do you think the biggest sources of conflict will be in 2024, what worries you most and how do you personally look at... “personally, i am optimistic, i believe in the rationality of people, that among those who clearly demonstrate an unwillingness to think, because everyone somewhere has at least a drop of sanity, i really hope so, especially in relation to the governments of countries, my, my problem that i see is that in this emerging new world ok. rival powers, we see that two blocs are now emerging, on the one hand china and russia with the brix countries, that is
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, brazil, russia, india, china and south africa. in august , six more states joined them, in particular such a heavyweight as saudi arabia, on the other hand, we see an antagonistic block of the united states trying. into this bloc and the bridge to this is nato. nato published a new strategic concept on june 29, 2022 and clearly outlined this very point. this, in my opinion, represents the biggest risk facing us in the next, in the coming years. and regional conflicts, all those two-sided conflicts that we see, have the potential to... that as great powers are involved or support one side or the other, they can all lead to a further escalation
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of this confrontation between the two blocs, here of course, the common ground is taiwan. the taiwan issue plays a role here. given the current situation, i believe that europe must try to assert itself, this is a key point. us need to. perhaps, if you allow me, i would, of course , supplement your conclusion with my last
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word, it is the taiwan issue that is especially interesting here, this issue arose 50 years ago, when the then us president nixon, through the mediation of the just deceased kissenger. held talks with maudzedong in beijing, in a sense the taiwan issue has remained unresolved since the end of the chinese civil war in the forties, the issue was postponed, it was never resolved, it was postponed, saying well, legally, legally there is only one china, and taiwan - this is part of china, but... we do not interfere with the actual state of affairs, in recent years it has been called into question from different sides, and this is
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very. especially now, when nato is already in the chinese sea, and as it is in the indo-pacific region, it is expanding its sphere of responsibility, although the alliance was not conceived for this, this is impossible according to the text of the treaties, formally it is impossible, but it is being implemented, we... and i i think that the wish, our common wish, will be the independence of europe and the establishment of europe not just as a factor strength, but as a civilizational model, where perhaps we can give something to the world. gerbrant, with these strong words i express
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my deep gratitude for you. and it will be a pleasure.
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in some areas, traffic for heavy trucks and buses is blocked; in the saratov region, due to bad weather, an orange level of danger has been declared; yellow in the samara and penza regions, as well as in chuvash; in kazan, the consequences of abnormal snowfalls are being eliminated. more than half of the monthly precipitation fell in just 3 days. large a fire broke out this night in the port of ustluga
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near st. petersburg, the terminal caught fire.


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