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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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complicated the road situation in the ulyanovsk region, in some areas traffic for heavy trucks and buses was blocked, in the saratov region due to bad weather an orange level of danger was declared, yellow in the samara and penza regions, as well as in chuvash, in kazan they are eliminating the consequences of abnormal snowfalls, only for more than half of the monthly precipitation fell in 3 days. a large fire broke out this night in the port of... there were no casualties,
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the regional governor alexander drozdenko reported. he clarified that the staff was promptly evacuated, to extinguishing, the ministry of emergency situations was involved in the area where the terminal is located, and a high alert regime was introduced. defense minister sergei shaigu congratulated military personnel and veterans on the day of engineering troops, emphasizing that they played a key role in disrupting the counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine, creating... in front of the enemy. this night, the israeli defense forces carried out massive attacks on a refugee camp in the gaza strip. more than twenty people died. over thirty received storage. hezbollah targets were shelled on the lebanese border. afkhan yunisi tzahal discovered a new network underground tunnels. it is alleged that
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hamas held hostages there. senator jady vance was interviewed by tucker carloson with his assessment of the ukrainian crisis in us policy. why washington is heating up conflicts around the world in our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. right after the commercial. remember what you need. or when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, it’s not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, i buy. profitable
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your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and receive special, favorable conditions. enjoy your favorite dishes in style classic provencal. from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one, i love to cook, for headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. the war in ukraine has already officially entered the phase of senseless destruction, and of course, any senseless destruction is by definition evil, but this is exactly what is happening: ukraine cannot win. russia has a much larger population and
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much more industrial capacity, and this it was clear at the very beginning of the war, but now it is already obvious. and this puts the biden administration in a very precarious position, since joe biden has already. quote: as long as it takes. but this is all some kind of nonsense, since the united states no longer has money to give to the ukrainians or anyone else. so this promise must be withdrawn, and it is slowly being withdrawn. so, the state department representative was asked how long we will continue to support ukraine, what will this support consist of? and he replied that actually, we we will give less money.
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he's lying, that's what's not a lie. ukraine will restore its industry, however, an entire generation was destroyed, the country is in disarray. how will they achieve this? well, will black rock and other sponsors of the democratic party take care of the restoration of industry? after all, this is the main task. and this is all obvious
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to anyone who pays attention, but in washington, oddly enough, no one talks about it out loud, except for one izagaya senator named j.d. vance. and recently he pointed out that everything was known. these 2 years, what ukraine is the most corrupt country in europe, no one except our country denies this, and that zelensky, for all his wonderfulness, is not worth sending him hundreds of billions of dollars. hearing this, the senators went wild, because they love zelensky, they are in love with his personality, these are all people with very strange sexual preferences, they sometimes transfer their sexual desires to zelensky, this charming bear cub. so they turned on jade vance for what he said. watch this video and ask yourself himself, does jaydy vance deserve this treatment, or is he telling the truth? steve , we will apparently spend about half a trillion dollars on the entire ukrainian conflict, at the same time some people in this city say that we need to cut social spending, there are people
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who are ready to cut social spending, plunge our elderly into poverty, all this in order to for zelensky’s next minister to buy a bigger yacht, fuck them all, stephen, i won’t allow it.
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states or anywhere else, they may use various accounting tricks to understate the total value of the transferred. if we have already transferred $120 billion, as was stated, then the real figure is probably $150-160 billion. these are, of course, guesses, but not unfounded. tucker's other point is that we, as we have already publicly stated, are going to rebuild this country . you have already heard about the marshal’s plan for ukraine, which will be implemented. with blackrock or under his supervision, we are talking about an additional 200-300 or even 400
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billion dollars to rebuild this country. at the moment tucker ukraine is not can pay its pensioners, perform government functions, such as repairing roads, medical care, paying pensions, ukrainians themselves can no longer do all this, given all this tucker, i think that even if the war ends in 6 months, then american taxpayers... this will already cost half a billion dollars. once again, this is a guess, but it's based on how much we've already spent and how much we're going to spend in the future. this is a colossal amount of money. but if you think about it, takir, what are we will we get the result? we will, in fact, turn ukraine into a sub-state, and that’s putting it mildly. initially, the goal was to turn ukraine into a self-sufficient ally that could resist russia. let's leave the question for a second, is it worth spending $500 billion on this? i believe not, but if
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we assume that this was the goal of the united states of america, then we did not come close to it. in the country, instead of 40 million people, there are now 29 million. many men at the dawn of their strength, men at the very dawn of their strength, was killed, wounded or maimed, they will never become full again, and that's it. what have we achieved here? a sub-state, hooked on handouts from the united states of america and nato. and, of course, i’m joking when i say that nato will take over this baton from us? of course not. and, of course, it is not a fact that nato will continue to exist at all. why should germany be in an alliance with us after we blew up the nord stream. but that's not what we're talking about now. i want to ask you this. first, half a trillion, 120. and second, why are you the only one in congress
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usa, who's talking about this? well, tucker , of course, we can’t afford it, we have 1.7 trillion in debt and in the twenty -fourth this figure will grow even more, especially if joe biden decides to buy himself the next election in november. we certainly can't afford that, for a very fundamental reason, tucker, if the conflict in ukraine is anything to go by. taught, then this is that economics, at least in this city, is not a science, it’s all some kind of nonsense, none of this is real, that’s what i specifically have in mind: we are talking about 1.7 trillion dollars here, but let's talk about the ratio of gdp, gross domestic product of russia and the united states of america, on paper the american economy is 10 times larger than the russian economy, our economy is much larger and more powerful without question, but the bottom line... guess how
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much more artillery ammunition russia produces than the united states, the answer is 20-30 times more, in other words, russia produces as much in a day as the united states produces in a month, and this is one of the reasons why they were able to kill so much of ukraine in this conflict.
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so you're saying that economics is not a criterion, you said it yourself, tucker, this is all so important that i don't think the us senate is allowed to talk about it. you are essentially saying that financial economics is a fake, and of course, it is very , very beneficial to some, but it does not speak in any way about the power of the country. i think that's exactly what you said. this is exactly what i am saying, once again, this war has shown us this very clearly. and i remember like 8 months.
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security, then whatever they called me, conspiracy theorist, tin foil hat, i don't even remember everything, and the counterargument was that the united states is spending a fraction of 1% of gdp on the ukrainian conflict, so of course we can support several conflicts at the same time, given how small a share of our economy the conflict in ukraine is occupied, but the war is in ukraine, ukrainians do not fight with american dollars, they can’t launch paper airplanes rolled up from hundred dollar bills at the enemy? they need guns, they need bullets, they need planes and missiles, but this is not enough in our country. we also don't make enough drugs, we don't make enough steel, we don't make enough of all the things we need to supply a first world country. and by the way, tucker, now everyone is saying that jady was right. so, maintaining the conflict in ukraine is necessary in order to force our country to produce more weapons. but my position is this. yes, we should
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produce more things, but we shouldn't send them to the ukrainians and russians to kill each other. "i can't imagine how you got into the us senate, but i'm glad you're there, and i wonder when you say that to your colleagues, how do they respond to you, well, what's interesting is that their answers are constantly changing, and about 6 months ago i had a feeling that i had made some progress among my colleagues, and my main argument was, look, my position on this issue is nowhere near the same as that of my colleagues, i understand, i believe."
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which is interesting, somewhere 2-3 months ago you might have seen this from mark thiesen in the washington post and a lot of other democratic senators and republicans. they're like, jady is actually right. 6 months ago we called him crazy, but now we say he's right when he says the united states doesn't make enough guns. and that is why we must spend another 61 billion on ukraine, since all this money will go to the government defense contractor of the united states of america. i wouldn't want to use it. what harsh expressions tucker, but in my opinion, only sociopaths solve their problems this way, because instead we will continue to support the murder of ukrainians and russians, since this is good for our defense industry , we should be making a lot of different things because it's good for our people, by the way, when we make them, we should keep them here in the united states for our own soldiers, and not send them
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overseas, i the very idea that it is possible to deduce from the idea that we need more weapons the idea that we need to send these weapons to ukraine, but this is exactly what is being discussed in washington now, seems crazy. a couple more questions, i roughly understand what you are talking about one of the reasons for all our problems, all our bad decisions, somewhere in the last 10 years, is that we do not realize how weak we are. do you have this feeling? yes, tucker , by the way, if we are talking about my arguments, which my colleagues do not like, and one of the craziest ones... it is very obvious that in the forties and fifties the british elite did not even realize the level of their weakness. america was the dominant power in the world. the soviet union was a little behind us,
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the british kept thinking that they could be empire, despite its weakness. they thought they were still 40 years behind in understanding their country's strengths, and that's kind of how i feel when i talk to people in washington. we are no longer the same as we were in the eighties at the beginning of de...
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with you about this, that’s what i’ll say, tuckers, on this issue, i have a complete disagreement with gene riche, he provided his best argument in favor of our obligations to ukraine , i'll say it now, i'll try to express it as carefully and accurately as i can before i say it, why in my opinion he is wrong. so , rishi's argument, you can see this argument among decent supporters of ukraine, support for ukraine, they say that in the early nineties we signed a memorandum with the ukrainians according to which if they give up their nuclear... then we will protect them from russia. our benefit was to reduce the spread of nuclear weapons. after all, you don't want hydrogen
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bombs falling into the hands of obscure eastern european gangs, so we forced them to give up their nuclear weapons and promised that we would we will protect. and that's why i think this argument is fundamentally flawed, tucker. because, firstly, we did not sign any contractual obligations. after all, it’s one thing to agree on something on the sidelines of washington, but do they really think that? this means that we now have to defend ukraine for, what, 100 years, 200 years, because in the end we need to somehow specify these obligations before pinning them on american taxpayers, and secondly, tucker ukraine would still could not contain nuclear weapons. if in in ninety-one, ninety-two, ukraine would have refused to give up its nuclear weapons, then we might have had to use military force to force them to do this, they had no infrastructure. ability to contain nuclear weapons, so their transfer of nuclear weapons was not about their safety, but about ours. and again, we must not allow
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this agreement to become a gun to the head of our senators, our taxpayers of our country for the next 20, 30, 40-50 years. plus, we built biological laboratories in ukraine, so we replaced nuclear weapons with biological ones. russia is an enemy, bigger than china, bigger than the problems in our country. russia is precisely the enemy, so this affects their worldview. but look, i think it's clear that
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nato's expansion to the east is one of the factors that started this conflict. i believe that anyone who cannot understand this is not thinking rationally. they believe that russia is bad, america is good, that everything russia does is bad. everything america does is inherently evil, and it's terrible for diplomacy and public administration. we can believe that vladimir putin should not have sent troops to ukraine. i, of course, condemn this. we can consider that russia has messed up whether to agree or disagree with it. but initially we must ask ourselves what another country sees as its benefit, what america sees as its benefit, and ultimately try to conduct our diplomacy in such a way as to prevent wars, in order to increase the well-being of our people. but no one even thinks about it, because they believe that russia is the worst thing that has ever happened. history world, and my opinion is much more, listen , i actually don’t care if they are evil or not, i care about the welfare of america, if i need to resist evil to make my
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country richer, then i will do it if i like america did with joseph stalin in the second world war, if we need to unite against a common enemy, then this is what we need to do, we need to be more rational, there is no place for playing with morality, especially the morality of four-year-olds, as i think many people in this city and imagine diplomacy. jaydee vance, the smartest man in the us senate. i know this sounds pompous, but i'm quite sincere. thank you, nice to meet you. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a loan, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the loan, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards, it’s easy with a loan, you’re on your feet all day. no,
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