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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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they ask the neighbors: show us this stone girl? under the pressure of the crowd , the gate that led to this courtyard fell down. chugurov says: then, it means that my neighbor and i found two large boards and nailed up the gate, that is, crosswise, with large nails, but people still continued to climb through the gate. soon mounted police appeared on chkalovskaya. house 84 was placed under 24-hour security.
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nicholas the pleasant, the most revered and beloved saint in russia. many ordinary russian people had a strong feeling that that... its russian, it must be said that the miracles revealed through god, through st. nicholas, associated, among other things, with a number of appearances of his icons, which were then revered for a very long time in russia, they actually accompany almost all of russian history. nikolskaya tower of the moscow kremlin, it was here that an incredible event happened that made muscovites believe in victory in the most desperate days of the war with napoleon. leaving moscow in
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october 1812, the french blew up the nikolskaya tower. the shock wave blew out windows and doors in nearby houses. from the nearby arsenal building remains in ruins. the floor of the tower also collapsed, but the gate icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker remained unharmed. the lord, through saint nicholas, showed his participation in the life of the russian people of our fatherland precisely in such, well, difficult moments. difficult, when some tests were coming, when it could look either as a warning or as a strengthening, that is , such support, and spiritual support for the people. the news of the miraculous salvation of the image on the nikolskaya tower reached alexander i, and he personally came to the scene of events. shocked by what he saw, the emperor wrote down: not only the image itself, but also the very glass covering it, the lantern with the candle, remained unharmed. who is
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the great god like our god? the words of alexander i, who later defeated napoleon at the head of the russian army and reached paris, were engraved on a marble plaque and placed on the restored nikolskaya tower. events in the moscow kremlin on chkalovskaya street in kuibashev are separated by almost a century and a half. this was already a completely different country.
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religious rules, challenge public morality, to dance with an icon, to light a cigarette from a lamp, like many people did, and flaunted it when entering the church. unfortunately, in many ways atheistic propaganda achieved its goals, in many ways our people, let’s say, the goykuyu truth really retreated from god, indeed, there remained a faithful remnant, it was not very large, and those people who would never betray neither the church nor christ would stand to the end, and these people were in samaria and there were only two temples, they were... to strengthen their faithful, to show that he does not abandon them, but they need to gain strength, have deep faith in order to endure the trials. who was the main character of this story, and why did the lord decide to instruct her, along with her and others, through st. nicholas. the available data is extremely scarce, and secrets lie even in the name. translated from ancient greek it means
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life, and this is probably symbolic, but is that really her name? at the time of the start of the investigation of journalist valery erofeev at the beginning.
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orekhova, last name kornookhova irina lazarev i also heard it for the first time only in the nineties on television programs. however, the neighbor’s daughter, whom she last saw in the early seventies, could get married and change her last name. since irina lazareva moved from chkalovskaya street.
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he lived in this house, you see, yes, he lived for some time, then he left, and the bolonki settled there. claudia bolonkina bought the house in 1947; what events took place here earlier is unknown. after the war, church ministers and believers were not treated as harshly as in the twenties and thirties, but still with suspicion and distrust. it seemed that the terrible period of mass repressions, when the clergy were shot and churches were massively destroyed in the ussr, had passed, but the year 1956 again became a watershed of eras. khrushchov, who came to power after the death of stalin, was a fanatical communist, and he expressed his attitude towards religion quite unequivocally. khrushchev promised to show the last clergyman on tv; moreover, he named the date of the onset of communism in our country as 1970
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. until this date, excuse me, 25 years, here there are thousands of churches in the country, a huge number of believers. and the end of religion is not in sight, this process had to be pushed, and the persecution is very strong, in 2 years they will literally begin in the year fifty-eight. in january 1956, the country was in full swing preparing for the twentieth party congress. the behind-the-scenes struggle between supporters who wanted to raise the issue of stalin's personality cult and those who opposed it was gaining momentum. locally they were waiting with excitement to see how it would turn out there in moscow, suddenly...
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67. now samarsky is here state institute of culture, in the mid -fifties the kuibyshev regional committee of the cpsu was located. on january 20 , 1956, she opened it in this hall. 20, what exactly happened, which means no one knows when the conference began with the events
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at chkalovskaya, according to one version, about a week passed, according to another, a whole 20 days, and the girl still stood motionless, clutching the icon in her chest, and no one could take this icon from her. in his report, the secretary of the regional committee mentions that the commissioner for religious affairs even contacted the kuibyshev diocese with a request for help, until that time an unheard of thing, it is not for nothing that efremov emphasizes: some came up with a proposal to send popov there to eliminate this shameful phenomenon. regional committee indeed he contacted the diocese, however, not in order to help bring zoya to her senses, but for a completely different purpose.
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the then secretary of the diocesan administration, andrei andreevich savin, recalled this unexpected call. the then commissioner for religious affairs called him and said: “now, do i understand correctly that the church condemns superstition, prejudices and false miracles." daga , this is indeed the case. well, you know , there are now certain , let's say, conditions so that the priest who was supposed to be entrusted with this matter
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could himself visit the place of what happened, so that his words, sounded outside the church , were not a lie. the authorities took time to think, at first it was about several hours, but a repeat call came only a few days later, and its content was brief and unambiguous: we do not need your services. it can be concluded that if there was nothing there, they would have been shown through, and the conversation itself would have disappeared. an official representative of the church was never allowed into zoya’s house, but there is a lot of evidence that a certain clergyman did come to her, and it was after his visit that the suffering of the petrified girl ended. people said that a handsome-looking old man approached the bolonkins’ house and asked the police officers on duty to let him in to see zoya. they refused. the next day he came again and was not allowed inside again, on the third they still let him in that day. the police heard
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how he affectionately asked the girl if she was tired of standing, after which she took away the icon and it thawed. when the icon was taken away, it, so to speak, came out of that state.
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it was not possible to find him; there are many different versions of who it was. the people spoke about saint nicholas himself, but there is another version. from the age of 4, i went with my dad to church, to the pokrovsky church in the city of samara, at that time we had two churches in the city of petropavlovsky pokrovsky, and in pokrovsky there was a rector father dmitry, he personally told me that it was father seraphim. for a long time it was believed that we were talking about
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archimandrite seraphim; during his lifetime he was revered as a holy elder. young monks. galina pirova works in a bookstore in the church of the kazan icon of the mother of god, not far from chkalovskaya street, today's chkalov.
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in 2006, she went on a pilgrimage tour , during which she visited b... we went in and stood on the side, his novice came up to me, it was me who came up to samara, i say, from samara, and you know that zoe’s standing you it was in samara, i say, well, of course, everyone knows, i say, in my opinion, in samara, he says who took the icon, can you imagine, he asks me a question, who took the icon, i say: well, what an elder seraphim well, i still say this vaguely, he says: now the gates will open and elder seraphim will come out, so he took her this icon. in the official biography of father seraphim zvyagin , there is no information that he was in kuibyshev in 1956. during this period, he served in a rural church in the kostorama region, and although he was still very young, only 26 years old, he was already
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was known among believers for his wise instructions and insight. how he got into zoya’s house is not known for certain, there is a version that he came to kuibyshev after he was twice commanded by the lord, the gates open, well, the altar services begin, the elder comes out, here is the harrier, here is the bright harrier, and we all became all the samara people are on their knees, we say, father, here we are from samara, oh how i love the samara people, but we say tank, can we now tell you what the condition is, what did you take? “it’s possible, now it’s possible.” parishioners and pilgrims, of course, asked the elder why he was only talking about this now, to which father seraphim replied that he had signed a non-disclosure agreement for 50 years. he was very worried, but he said: you should know this, so he told everything, he told everything, how the stand was, how he arrived there, how he
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took this icon, it immediately seemed to come to life, go limp, he said , he didn’t say how many days he was there, or what, but all he said was that they tortured me, but they let me go, they let me go with a receipt, and here i am from samara left, very far away , a non-disclosure agreement, of course, was taken from all participants, here you can... there is no doubt, the priests of the diocese were very careful in this situation and understood that there could be consequences for disclosure, even arrest , prohibitions on service, this could have happened easily, perhaps
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such a document was signed by the doctors who came to the call, the ambulance dispatcher anna kalashnikova... who, after duty , ran home with the news about zoya, and subsequently never spoke about this event told me. they were even forbidden to talk about all this, and anpalovna all her life, she seemed to try to avoid this topic, they were warned that if it spreads, it means that pensions and salaries will be cheap, and they will, as it were, be fired. people said that zoya stood for 128 days, was petrified during the nativity fast , and came to life at easter. in 1956, the holiday fell on april 15, but it is unlikely that it lasted that long, thanks to the recollections of the diocese secretary. standing dates can be determined more accurately. according to him, on january 19 the crowd at house number 84 there were up to a thousand people, and
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already on the twentieth, after efremov’s speech at the party conference, the patrols were lifted. apparently, zoya was taken out of the house on the evening of the 19th or the twentieth in the morning before the cordon was lifted. indirectly, this is confirmed by the memories of a resident of a neighboring house, vladimir chugurov, which the journalist valery managed to record during his lifetime. the police authorities ordered all police posts to be removed, let people do what they want, the main thing is that they don’t disturb the order, according to chigurov, this stopped, which means after about week, gradually the crowd began to dissolve, that is, people became convinced that there was nothing, nothing to look at. we approached the policeman and said, let
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the body be there, but it’s locked, well, let’s go and see that we went there, and there will be a broken lock, he opened the door for us, look, we didn’t go into the room there, so... they looked from the doorway, there’s a circle talking here, she’s standing here talking in a circle, and that’s all. it turns out that zoya’s standing lasted about a week, it’s hard to say whether it’s a lot or a little, the main thing is different, people from the street chkalov left, but they did not stop believing in miracles. what is zoe's miracle, is it a denunciation of blasphemy, godlessness, is an indication that when a person. loses faith, he can still come back, but when a person begins to blaspheme, he stands at the threshold of death, because blasphemy against the spirit of a saint never
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passes, this standing very much strengthened people in their faith about him, god, by his mercy, gave us this miracle , why he gave it to us, so that people would strengthen their faith, this is where the main miracle happened in the hearts of people, the whole country learned about this evil and dishonest, the whole country learned that... uh , you can’t insult god, you can’t insult nicholas the ugornik, the whole country learned that there are higher powers, they continue to care about us about our souls, we retreated from them, but they- then they didn’t retreat from us, you know, yes , in this sense, of course, the biggest miracle , only a few years will pass, new persecution of the church will begin in the ussr , dozens of monasteries and seminaries will close , the number of parishes will be halved, later they will talk about the standing of zooey like a miracle warning, similar to the one that... happened 40 years before these events in 1918 at the height of the civil war, when the country was constantly wondering: what will happen next? in
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may 1918, for the first time in our new fatherland, and for the first time under the new government, may 1 was also celebrated. on may 1 , 1918, this day fell on the 100th week, it was 100th wednesday, and... new celebrations of a socialist nature, let’s say, and the may day demonstration, for which this image of st. nicholas on nikolskaya was appointed the tower was hung with a red cloth, but with some kind of corresponding inscription, in my opinion, it celebrates the socialist international may day holiday, in the morning of this day it was noticed that the cloth had torn, st. nicholas became visible, became visible, and then later it completely seemed to crawl away yes and the saint revealed himself in full, so to speak. the news of what happened spread throughout moscow. thousands of pilgrims began to flock to the shrine. security had to shoot upward to disperse the crowd. immediately the cries of the dissatisfied were heard:
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"down with the commissars from the kremlin." armored cars entered in order to somehow calm the excitement; on may 3, lenin signed permission for easter services in the kremlin cathedrals. hundreds of people entered through the nikolskaya tower, thanking the holy saint.
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hello! i am boris akilov, and i am oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics.
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specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, would you give me a recipe , how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is russia ready to change? is evolution taking place in any structure?
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what happened to zoya later, what was her future fate? they said different things, either she went to a monastery, or she ended up in a psychiatric hospital. clinic. judging by the recollections of the diocese secretary andrei savin, most likely the second. savin mentions. in white coats, who were doing something in zoya’s house. most likely, after emerging from her stupor, the girl was taken to the only mental hospital in the city. the samara clinic is now located in the same place and even stores archives from almost seventy years ago. at your request , we studied the medical archive, specifically
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1956, so we... looked up all the medical histories that were preserved, we found the admissions log of 1956 and again, so to speak, it was analyzed, and there we found quite a lot of women with the name zoya, but none of them fell under the surname that we are talking about about the surname kornaukhov, since the resident of house 86 irina lazareva recalls a certain zoya orekhova, the daughter of her neighbor, who worked on a pipe...
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because in a number of cases in the archival documentation there is a folder, there is no history, but it says that the history was confiscated, this is usually done when the history is taken over by some law enforcement agencies, assume the possibility that the history was confiscated without any kind of registration, well, it’s quite difficult for me, during my lifetime this kind of thing, well, as if it never happened, there was one more version, the fact is that when... the patient is discharged from the clinic, and then he is hospitalized again, the card remains in the archive under the last year of circulation. it was not possible to check the documents for so many years, but it was possible to find the doctors who worked at the clinic in the years closest to the event. gennady nikolaevich nasachev, in the sixties he was an assistant at the department of psychiatry, then the dispensary and clinic of the department were located in in the same building, doctors often...


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