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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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father and son within the crew, well, probably have some kind of special mutual understanding, well, you can say so, yes, they understand each other well right away, the father is probably respected in the team, very much, himself... as it were, he is very much respected i respect him, but there are people who respect him even more in our team, we have a huge, very great fellow, i’m really proud, i don’t know how to express it.
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every day , konstantin and alexander yavtushenko, father and son, go to positions in the donetsk direction to different points. both serve as drivers. in general, military logistics rightly called the circulatory system of the army. the younger yevtushenko, his call sign ronya, carries ammunition to the front. his father, call sign uncle kostya, delivers personnel, as well as food, medicine and much more. what is it like to serve with a father , so you grew up, relatively speaking, a father, a father raised me, there is no service either, no, it happens or not, well, anything can happen, damn it, there’s nothing you can do about it, in some places he raises me, in some places i give him i’m helping, our picture is a little different, i rose, as they say, to the rank of commander of the thrust department, now these brozdy handed over the reign to his son, he is now well and this is my pride, he has surpassed me in knowledge. he joined the militia, at that time
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he, like most of his colleagues, did not have any combat experience, i joined in the fourteenth year, when we basically didn’t have an army yet, there were checkpoints, from the fifteenth year i signed a contract to serve somewhere - then until the end... of the sixteenth year, then he retired, well, into civilian life, a year later in 2015 , yevtushenko sr. also went to fight, who immediately received a respectful call sign, uncle kostya. well, we are donetsk, when all this chaos in kiev began, i’m an old man of the soviet school, i couldn’t believe that this would happen, what’s happening now, my son is more mobile, he left almost at the very beginning, but i’m at home grown man son.
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your country, homeland, well, wait, literally a week later i received a call that you could arrive at the collection point, yes, in general, that’s it. uncle kostya himself, the son of a military man, was born in the donbass, as a child he lived for some time in the gdr, and then the family moved to the urals. i went to school i graduated in the city of sverdlovsk, school number 106, chkalovsky district, sverdlovsky, well, i studied a lot there, it’s nearby.
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well, like a normal man, that is, he went to defend his land. uncle kostya has been serving like this since that time without interruption. sasha retired from the dpr people’s militia at the end of 2016, after which he worked as a turner and driver, and returned to the troops in
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february twenty-two. i always maintained friendly relations with my father, and he served, for example, i sometimes came to their brigade to help with equipment. immediately after the start , they were transferred from their unit, in which father and son yavtushenko serve, to the volnovakha area. we started with the assault on volnovakha, and you know, this is what i
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would like to especially remember, it was remembered by all of us, when the equipment came in, these columns were coming, here we were standing with camouflaged vehicles, we were given a command. first move forward to open fire to replenish the ammunition, here we are, you know, this kind of picture could only be seen in the movies, well , like ozerov’s liberation, here in a rather limited space, here from we were a division of three batteries , gunners stood behind us, hurricanes stood in the distance, all this equipment, all this equipment, was firing at the same time, that’s when they saw this force, that’s when i also understand, then i understood everything. now, no matter how hard it is, now we will break through, in any case we will break through, it was such an exciting moment, then the unit carried out tasks in different sectors of the front, for almost 2 years of the north military district the soldiers got used to constant movements, now the traction department is again settling down on
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new place, well, this is our home, home the dining room, the headquarters, well, it’s like everything is in one , well, we’re trying to see... we are in cars, the drivers who are engaged in transporting ammunition and everything else to the position, like any other fighters, regularly come under fire, in this sense, both sasha and his uncle kostya has something to tell about his everyday life in combat, no,
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he managed to pass near me at a turn , hail flew into a residential building, literally within seconds, missed the hail, it’s not scary, i... it can be scary, it can be scary, of course, it’s just when you have to carry it to positions, well supplies, food
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, and so on. in the first army corps , three siblings serve in the rocket division at once, the eldest in the division is engaged in reconnaissance, the middle and youngest work directly on grad combat vehicles, brothers originally from donetsk have been serving since the age of eighteen, the eldest of the brothers is artillery. he is 24 years old, the middle and youngest, twins kirill and ilya, they are 23,
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guys originally from donetsk, the penkovs went to serve immediately after technical school in 2018, and one could say that they became artillerymen because of their place of residence. for artillerymen everything is simple, the closest part was near the house, it turned out to be a jet division, we went into it, all three of us, i went first, they went with me, so as not to be separated, so that we could all be together. they all wanted to be together and went to the same unit in the same battery, so the two of you immediately decided when he left that you would go too, or how does this all happen, yes, most likely yes, right away he went, well and we wanted, well, yes, yes, we studied at a technical school, yes, as soon as we turned 18, we immediately went for documents right after the relationship and to the same place where yura went to serve, come on, there are four children in the hemp family, except for brothers. there is also a younger sister, yura is older than the twins, only a year and a half older, but
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looking at this small difference, somehow you took part in their upbringing, usually the elders do the upbringing anyway, but your difference is very small, i didn’t, i didn’t it worked out, he doesn’t listen, the leznets are usually always in twos, well, all their lives together, but you have a third brother, if the difference is small, so the three of you are what it turns out to be all your life and school years, and so on, but here there are three, yes and even the older one. my brother was sent to school a year later so that he would be in class with us, yes, we were six, and he was 7, that is, you are classmates, yes, the artillery brothers have very unusual call signs: yura zhivchik, kirill minion one, ilya minion-2. where do these call signs come from? why are you alive, why are they minion one and minion two? well, they are just very similar, the little ones are so nimble and azorous, like in the cartoon despicable i minions, there are such idiots. to be frank, but somehow i don’t know, it went away on its own, the person just somehow gave it to me
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call sign, and it stuck, that’s it, there’s nothing like that under any story, guys, where did you get such interesting call signs, who came up with them, which of you is minion one, which is minion two? well, i ’m one minion, because i don’t work on the first gun, and he’s a 2nd minion, because he works on the second gun, and they came up with such call signs, well, because we’re cheerful... that’s what everyone says, cheerful, very active, active , very, yes, we are straight and that’s because, probably, we’re twins, that’s why we’re so small here, and there was such a case, well, when we as soon as our unit arrived, they always confused us, so they thought that there was only one serving, there was such a case that they came and came to the dining room, but it seemed like he left there right away and another one came, but they thought that... it was all the same well, that is, and now about serious things,
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these cheerful and cheerful guys perform very difficult combat work, yura, as we said above, serves as a reconnaissance in the jet division, i am mainly involved in reconnaissance, observing targets. exits from the enemy side, i record them, report them to the point management, then they distribute there who, well, who will get this goal, they are my brothers. they go out for combat work and shoot directly from hail from a combat vehicle. please tell me, how long did it take you to master this profile? for a very long time, at first, when i was 18 years old, i was inexperienced and in general it was probably difficult to learn. and i studied this work for a very long time.
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and then i got involved and trained almost all the professions that are related to kratim. work quickly, leave quickly, yes, because that counter-battery warfare, yes, our task lies in accuracy, because artillery is an exact science, in fast work in coordinated fast work, the targets are different in general, for what purposes you are working, different, the targets are different and there were both infantry and
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some... then equipment, and just some warehouses. where the liar could be seen. kirill, call sign minion-1, at first svo also grew, both professionally and in position. in the twenty-second he was the commander of a combat vehicle, now he is the deputy platoon commander. he is subordinate to several calculations, including including his brother's crew. what are you teaching him now, explaining something? and i already told him everything. taught, that is, i showed him everything, that how to work, now he is also an expert, he works well, that is, i taught him everything, there are a lot of numbers, yes, the main thing is not to get confused in the numbers, well, if you already if you’ve been working for a long time, then you have to develop this until everything
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becomes automatic, and then everything will be quick and good for you, during filming a couple of kilometers from us. that's why barrel artillery, yes, yes, that's why we immediately started changing the deployment, yes, well thank god, everyone is alive, everyone is healthy , no one was wounded, they worked quickly, quickly left, there was a situation, we were standing in a firing position, and then the shelling began, so our
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windshield was pierced... right where i was supposed to sit, it’s good that i didn’t sit there, it might have killed me, so i flashed the car completely, there were such situations, the specificity of the combat work of artillerymen is such that they constantly have to move and change locations, at the front this is called the principle camp, now to arrange life in a new place, among the fighters leaving... literally a few days, here is the arstala, yes, yes, we are resting here , the rest room, one might say, after heavy fire or something else, well, all three of us are here, respectively, yes, yes, with three of us, how is life in general organized, where to go, where, where, where
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what, we’ll walk a little further, we also did it ourselves on our own. the dining room is closed so that you can eat in the warmth, there is a shower room, also a little further nearby, one might say, a shower room has been made with the dining room so that you can wash yourself after firing positions, after all work. during the svo, the gemini brothers also had their own families. the youngest ilya got married first and will have a son in april. kirill got married 9 months ago, of course, there were no celebrations, the situation was not conducive, and during his leave he and his wife quietly signed the marriage. the wives, of course, are worried, as is the mother, who has all three sons at the front. how did the parents, how did the relatives react to the fact that all three of them went to fight, well, i was worried.
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we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we watch, in application or website. let's return to the news review, the ukrainian armed forces' strike on donetsk will be one of the topics of tomorrow's meeting of the zones on ukraine with the participation of sergei lavrov. this morning, ukrainian troops attacked the capital of the dpr, hitting the market in the kirov region. according to the latest data , 25 people were killed and at least twenty were injured. in
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the russian media they called it. popular markets in donetsk there will be a large number of people, ukrainian militants could not help but know, they beat purposefully. in total , the ukrainian army released about 20 rounds of ammunition, we were adjusting the fire from the air, and here came the arrivals, and then more drones, i don’t know, there’s something in the air , it’s something full of people, especially since the weather was so cold, it was so cold, and now people have gathered, there’s no place for a girlfriend, but there was a direct hit, she generally sold a lot.
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i arrived, it was already covered, at the scene of the incident, employees of the russian investigative committee found fragments of ammunition, it was a nato caliber 155 mm. it is now known that ukrainian militants carried out targeted attacks on market located in the kirovsky district of donetsk. the shelling was allegedly carried out at 10:00 in the morning, when there were a large crowd of people in the market itself. they were attacked by militants with a position in the kurakhovka area. investigative authorities and special services continue.


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