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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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on the forty-first, soviet archaeologists opened the grave of tamerlane and the war began, and stalin himself allegedly ordered the return of the great emperor’s grave to its place, on the eve of the battle for stalingrad. the land of great names, from here timur ruled his empire. ulukbek drew a map of the starry sky here, and avice wrote the canon of medicine, and even the main character of ancient oriental jokes was sent to these lands on a donkey journey. the monument to hajja in the middle was erected in the place where one of the most famous episodes of the film about the adventures of the great joker in bukhara. that is why he is holding a coin in his hand, with which he lured the stingy rich man out of the pond. this is how it should be, go ahead and go ahead.
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bukhara, the silk road seems to still flow through its ancient streets, past the bazaar, caravanserai and small workshops where the famous scissors, which cannot be found anywhere else, are forged to this day. we have scissors in the form of a stork, well, the craftsmen came up with it, with a hakhalk - this is for a man’s hand, and this is for a woman’s hand, such scissors, they even cut them out for us. and card, and material, and even these aluminum cans can even be cut into patterns. it was bukhara that at one time was allowed what was denied to everyone else, in soviet realities, to be the custodian of religious sciences. in 1945, the council of people's commissars decided to open a religious school in bukhara, within the walls of the ancient mir arab madrasah. and until
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1989, it was the only muslim educational institution in the ussr, where they studied not only religious subjects and the arabic language, but also soviet literature and even political economy. this is how the day begins madrassa miri arab in ancient bukhara. this ancient muslim school has existed for about 3 centuries. here now education is not limited to spiritual subjects , there is even physical education, in the last century the arab world became an exemplary religious school for the union, all foreign delegations were mandatory brought to bukhara so that guests of the country of the soviets could be convinced of the tolerance reigning in the ussr. muslims in the soviet country, like believers of all other religions, practice freely. they are from the same
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times as samarkand itself, the sounds of thor and doira at the walls of golden cities, pearls of the east, as if strung on threads that gave their name to the great path. pick up the thread here. cocoon was learned a little later than china; in the twentieth century, little margelan became the soviet silk capital, whose factory thundered throughout the country. at the mardeland silk mill in uzbekistan , the production of fabrics, new designs and colors is continuously increasing. over the last five years, the production of printed fabrics at the plant has increased 10 times. the heirs of that power even saved the factory machines, which from... the second
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turned into a canvas, white as snow, a miracle of this land. from one cocoon it gives 800 m , 800 thousand m of silk mitka gives, like this, from 3 kg of coptan gives 1 kg of sol, at the end there will be fabric, a technological chain for a hundred years that these drums wind the silk thread here. has not lost a single link, in order for the cocoon to share the silk, it is necessary to heat it in hot water, the temperature of which is about 100°. in general, a silk thread in cross-section is not round, but triangular, which is why light is refracted in it, the sun shines on the fabric. and brightest of all is the legendary khan-atlas. it can only be woven by hand on looms assembled according to old drawings, from threads, each of which is a separately dyed element of the fabric.
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who plays with flowers, like a rainbow , in khanatlas, the color will be the least than the lights will be, like a rainbow, because - seven times it will be... dyed, the most expensive fabric is dyed in boiling vats, where the nut shell gives all the shades of yellow , pink comes from pomegranate, and brown from ordinary onions, fire and water sometimes create miracles here that no chemistry can do capable, the famous samarkan paper is also born in boiling water, this is only the first...
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here now they try not to violate the ancient technology in a single element, they even pound mulberry bark in mortars using water mills, and, turned into white porridge, it is still collected by hand into a sheet using a regular sieve. samarkan paper was once considered standard, even in the old world, and was much more popular than chinese paper. it's all in the ingredient. mulberry fiber provides a guarantee of a thousand years. swedes, finns, i don’t like them, i love uzbeks, they they start well in winter, this advertisement was amusing
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in the nineties, but that was the beginning of the journey, today uzbekistan produces 350 thousand cars, at breakneck speed, changing the economy, which... not so long ago was supported only by cotton, household appliances under the uzbek brand are now assembled here , and the manufacturing industry is growing at such a pace that there is not enough electricity, a joint construction project with rosatom will probably solve the problem of a nuclear power plant, which is already on paper. the country is beginning to open up, and not only new ones are being built, but old connections are remembered, but our connections are centuries old, therefore, the growth of trade, commodity turnover, growth of investment, cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, and in all areas, in fact, yes, this is happening very quickly, there is a special emphasis on tourism,
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in the long term, it should bring the treasury five times more foreign currency than cotton. the creation of new infrastructure, a priority, logistical task... was decided by launching high-speed trains from tashkent to all the main cities of the country. the project was named afrosiap in honor of the ancient capital. constructively, afrosiyab it can accelerate to 250 km/h, but more often it flies 170-190, it’s still so much faster than by car that for 12 years now it’s been impossible to get tickets to samarkand every day. and yet , the symbol of the republic was and is cotton, although not six million tons a year, as under the ussr, but a million is enough for textile factories to appear here like mushrooms after rain. one boll of cotton
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weighs only 3 g. and how much human effort does this man-made mountain require. the workers of uzbekistan decided yes. in soviet times, uzbekistan and cotton are synonymous, except nothing grew here, 98% of the fertile land was given over to this crop, the harvest turned into a multi-day national cleanup, now everything is different, cotton is still the locomotive of the economy, but is no longer the curse of uzbekistan, cotton is a gift from heaven , a punishment, just 10 years ago it is from...
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today, uzbekistan practically does not sell cotton in its raw form; it turned out that the trade in fabric is 15 times higher. more profitable than raw materials. from here, finished products go to 60 countries around the world, and leading textile brands are gradually moving their production from china to uzbek sites. now each new textile mill is built as a cluster with a closed production cycle, from field to clothing. the cluster itself grows cotton, processes it itself, makes yarn itself. plus we are preparing a ready-made tent
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and we will also produce finished products using seamstresses , the full cycle is underway here , there are already one and a half hundred such clusters in uzbekistan, most of the customers are from russia, europe is also catching up, in general there are already so many people who want to sew in uzbekistan that they will soon no longer have their own cotton will seriously, for the first time in a hundred years they are seriously talking about importing the main national symbol. almost all of this thread goes into products that are ordered to us from abroad, a lot of italians, turkish companies sew from us, even china has begun to do this, but most of all we send to russia. tashk hosts the national high fashion week for the fourth year in a row. woven into modern style is the trademark of uzbek designers, who increasingly
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stage shows in the natural settings of ancient cities. fashion for uzbek style, one day they will the whole country was already sick. in the thirties , the soviet union was covered with skullcaps; they were worn by stalin, gorky varoshilov, and pensioner pioneers. it was a time of cross-currents of peoples and cultures. from here, future students of the capital's universities brought the fashion for hats unprecedented in the european part. i am the sultan. these boys have parents who are also sultans. he is vasya, also a sultan. in a rare soviet film of those years, they did without skullcaps, hardly realizing that this was not just an original cap on the head. it can be read like a passport. three circles and two crosses. this means that this person had five children. what about skullcaps, a piece of tableware with
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a two-color ornament found its way into almost every soviet kitchen: pakhtogul, cotton flower. this design was invented by soviet artists specifically for a porcelain factory built in tashkent in 1953, which covered the entire place with bowls, teapots and leggings of recognizable colors. the union here is now churning out 1,500 bowls a day, although mainly for the local market; in the fall, during weddings, pakhtagul porcelain is not bored on the shelves. this drawing is already 70 years old years, it is exactly the same as it was invented on the day the factory opened, we are proud that we have preserved both this production and the ornament in the form of a cotton flower, a very important symbol for uzbekistan. fore, cotton, they recognized uzbekistan by those who had not been here, but
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truly, close and dear, he became on the day when trouble came, uzbek families accepted 2000 children who fled from the war as their own, the country was able to thank them through quarter of century. the new address is not only in tashkent, dozens of cities invited those left without a touch, thousands of families were taken to to yourself. suffering, the terrible earthquake of 1966 almost destroyed tashkent, leaving 300 thousand people homeless, but at that very moment the city became an all-union construction site, and the whole country began to restore the uzbek capital. all soviet peoples extended a helping hand to tashkent, they promised to urgently build a million square meters of housing in the city. this was all done from the heart, very sincerely, because... they just wanted to help, so that this disaster, well, how to forget,
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would build a new city. farukh zakirov, in sixty-six his legendary yala was still in there was no project, but as a soloist of the agid brigade he then traveled to all the komsomol construction sites in tashkent, singing for those who came to create a new city. we went, gave concerts, and we saw this is how they accept it, listen, it’s not a case where they are just doing their duty, no, it’s all very human from the heart, a city built anew in just 4 years. .. has become the asian showcase of the country, a real eastern star, 100 lights up. does high things, shine tashken, the star of the east, the capital of friendship and warmth, shine on tashke, shine on the point with
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novostok, rise up friendship idea. tashkent’s oriental fairy tale did not end there; 10 years after the tragedy, the city received a gift that seemed impossible in such a seismic zone: a metro. just as the entire country was reviving the capital of uzbekistan after the earthquake, so the tashken metro is being built by envoys from many union republics. it only took 20 seconds on the escalator from top to bottom, the first lines were laid very close to the surface so as not to touch the groundwater, it was actually a challenge to build a metro in a city that had just experienced an earthquake. to moreover, the number of residents in tashkent fell just short of the norm that gave the right to the metro. the head of the republic was able to convince brezhnev with one sentence: while construction is completed, we will have more children. the metro was opened on november 7 , 1977, just in time for the anniversary
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of the great october, and the first station, of course, received the name of vladimir ilvich. the excitement was such that they somehow managed to close the metro at 12 at night, with great difficulty, ushering the tashkken residents to the surface. metro workers were on duty and somehow had to push to say that the doors are closing, move away, here they are, we noticed that day that people reach one end and go back. the metro was very expensive, no marble, no border. yes, no money was spared, but now its stations are considered one of the most richly decorated in the world, and named after alisher navai, incomparable, where the architect managed to put 48 domes underground on columns. an invigorating whistle instead of a carefully
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closed door probably sounds more convincing where rush and bustle are not on the list. parents here are much more valuable than another, hospitality, a dish that is never prepared for one or two; there are simply no such cauldrons, but rather for one or two hundred guests, when there is a river of oil, buckets of rice and vegetables, and a slotted spoon the size of a shovel. each uzbek region knows how to make its own, unique, varieties of rice, ingredients and the sequence of their frying, only the attitude towards what is considered a national treasure here is constant, fishing in uzbekistan
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is more than food, an object of worship is the force that unites people, uzbek is always with it . on a birthday, wedding or death - this is such an important part of the national culture that unesco included pilaf in the list of intangible heritage of the planet. the heritage recipe, of course, is not specified, there are too many variations, but there is something that is almost always close to the concept of pilaf. rashtan, the ceramic capital of uzbekistan. the most famous leganni, a dish without which it is difficult to imagine pilaf on the table, is made here. in...
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a white background so that our pattern can be seen beautifully. no matter how unique the rashtan clay was , the colors and colors brought fame to the masters of this town. sound, unique shine. natural colors and the voice of ceramics, it should sound only like this, we take the legant and hold it like this and we will knock, if such a sound is good, then it is whole
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and fresh, it is believed that the most delicious pilaf is prepared in namangan of the firgana valley, perhaps because here the best uzbek cauldrons are poured, and they need sand , which is not found in any other place, the sand is unique, it is mined only in one quarry under firgana, mixed with graphite, it gives an ideal, very durable shape that even hot metal does not destroy . there are no mechanized processes at all, everything is done manually, although about fifty molds are poured here every day, and you need to have time to get to each one with boiling cast iron before it cools down, for the whole procedure minutes, and after half an hour the cauldron will light up and remain. just heat it on fire so that the cottonseed oil saturates the metal, this creates an anti-corrosion coating for the cauldron, its features are thicker, and accordingly,
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the thicker it holds heat , the food will be delicious, the cauldrons are already working for trade turnover, only this workshop sends to russia at 50,000 a year, that ’s what they never have time to get there, winter melons, they ripen in huge storage facilities, hanging in clusters from the ceiling beams, here they call them refrigerators, although the temperature is above zero all year round, even when it’s -10 outside. when frost comes, we will close all the holes in the walls and ceiling, and once a week we will light a fire to maintain the temperature, so the melons will not spoil until spring. each storage facility overwinters at least 500 melons, and there are 20 to 25 melons, a profitable business, by winter their price will quadruple and will not drop to
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new harvest. the main rule of the refrigerator is that melons suspended in special wicker nets should not touch each other or the walls, so they can be stored from october to may; by spring the melon will only become tastier. land of white. a pile of golden cities, all the colors of the world are collected here as if on a satin canvas, it seems there is no room on it for so many miracles, but they fit. if you are a successful entrepreneur and want the whole country to know about your business, take part in the growing russian competition. these are five nominations, clear conditions, impressive the effect of victory. the winning finalists
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will receive support from the competition partners. the acceptance of applications has been extended until january 31. applications are accepted on the platform ideia.roskongress.rf/brand. we have historically defended our borders, our people and those who need our help. although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, to take away our freedom, but we always bravely resisted in battle, history remembers everything. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing victory closer, serve under a contract. major projects, modern
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technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch everything up to... 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition. muhammad marandi, professor
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at the university of tehran. the west is hostile to iran for many reasons. the first and most important thing is the revolution, which happened in iran. the united states does not accept a strong country that is not under its control. the americans are always trying to sabotage russia's efforts, wanting to either break it or weaken it. the same goes for iran. i read that the iranians have adapted, they are increasingly doing business and trading with countries of the global south, i hope that in the future, the difficulties that the iranian people and the good people of russia face today will lead to relief.
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we continue our review of news from the russian delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs affairs sergei lavrov flies to new york today, according to the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova. at russia's request , a meeting of the zon council for ukraine will be held. the main topic, as reported in the foreign ministry, will be the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on donetsk. this morning, ukrainian troops attacked the capital of the dpr, hitting the market in the kirov region. according to the latest data, 25 people were killed, at least 20 were injured. according to maria zakharova, in sovbe.


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